Portland Observer, December 1 , 19H2 Page 11 Lowly bean best cheap protein source ” • 1. , ' hy Monine Strode (ISU Extension Service W h a t's the most econom ical source o f protein? The dry bean. I sturted to w rite the low ly dry bean but it ’s (rally held in high esteem by Idts o f people. One serving o f meat or meat alter­ nate is expected to give you about 20 grams o f p ro te in —so one way to com pare the cost o f p ro te in is to look at the cost of 20 grains o f pro­ tein from various types o f meat, fish and meat alternates. I he follow ing list shows the 1981 cost in cents o f 20 grams o f protein from 12 different foods: dry beans, 13; peanut butter, 14; beef liver, 26, A m erican cheese, 51; eggs, 22; chicken, whole, 30; hamburger, 43; turkey, whole, 10; tuna, canned, 37; ocean perch, 56; beef rum p roast, *>4; pork chops, 77. As you can see, dry beans are con­ siderably less expensive than any o f the other typical protein sources. So, if you’re thinking you need to cut back on costs but don’ t want to short your fam ily on nutrition start fix in g some dry beans. And while y o u 're th in k in g dry beans, you might also include their close cou­ sins, dry peas and lentils. I o make these economical foods is nutritious as possible, it’ s helpful to com bine them w ith a sm all amount o f meat, some kind o f milk product», or eggs. This is an easy way to make them a complete p ro ­ tein So, even serving beans w ith a little ham added or with a glass o f milk or hunk o f cheese is great. A n o th e r way to make beans a complete protein is to serve them in the rig h t com binations w ith other vegetable p ro te in sources such as beans and cornbread , beans and whole wheat bread, or beans and rice. Beans are cheapest i f you start fro m scratch. It does take a little planning and a little lime but is real­ ly very easy. Very little pot watch­ ing, too. so even if the cook works all day, beans cun be on the menu w ith the help o f a c ro c k p o t o r a timed oven and a lit le extra gtgO^ I or 2 hamhocks per, ham hocks and chunks o f ham. Bring back to a boil and simmer one hour or until beans are tender. More water may be added. I cup catsup 2'A tablespoons vinegar '/i cup brown sugar (less if desired) I tablespoon Worcestershire sauce I '/i teaspoons dry mustard Soak beans o ve rn ig h t or w ith quick soak method. Drain into col­ ander and rinse under cold water. Put in large pan. Add 3 cups water, and b o il fo r about one-half hour. Then add onion, bay leaf, salt, pep- Remove ham bone and bay leaf. Drain beans reserving liquid. Com ­ bine catsup, vinegar, brown sugar, worchestershire sauce and mustard. Add to beans using enough reserved bean liq u id to cover beans. Bake covered at 325° fo r 3 hours, adding liquid if necessary. ,1. 4/1 ■ , , f i This is a simple combination that is attractive and is a complete p ro ­ tein. My family was skeptical when I firs t fixed them. Now they ask fo r 2 tablespoons margarine or butter 2 cups cooked kidney beans or red The most efficient fas furnace in the world Anctil Sheet Metal Co. beans 2 cups cooked rice I tablespoon chopped parsley '/• teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper them. You can use the canned beans fo r convenience, or soak and cook your own beans for economy.' ’ Healing f , Air Conditioning 281-0762 4312N WMtyn» Ave , Portland Cook onion, celery and garlic in fat until tender. Remove garlic. Add rem aining ingredients. Simmer to ­ gether for five minutes to blend fla­ vors. RED BE A NS A N D RICE 'A cup chopped'dnidn cup chopped celery I clove garlic */ j If y o u r rugs curl, stick a t r i­ angle o f lino leum under each corner w ith fabric adhesive. ONE STOP SHOPPING JCENTER ARMOUR R ound A rm our W ieners U.S.D.A. Choica Beef Round Full Cut - Bone-in Reg. $2.78 lb. • • * * ning. You need to wash beans, peas or lentils first I he cheaper brands o f the generic beans, especially, need to be washed and picked over for lit­ tle rocks. The firs t tim e I fixed them as a young b ride, someone to ld me to look for stones -this really puzzled me until one time I came across a lit­ tle rock It was like a great revela­ tion the rocks are the same size as the beans and even w ith to d a y ’ s sophisticated packaging methods they can’t always be screened out. Dry beans and whole peas should be soaked before cooking to reduce the time needed to cook them. Split peas fo r soup and le n tils can be cooked w ith o u t soaking. I f you want the s plit peas to hold th e ir shape, you can soak them for a half- hour before cooking. Always remember to allow for ex­ pansion o f beans, peas and lentils when cooking The regular method for cooking beans is to pul I lb. dry beans in about 6 cups cold water. 1 et stand in a cool place overnight or several hours. A quick soak can be done by adding I lb. beans to 6 to 8 cups hot water, heat to a boil, boil 2 m inutes, cover and set aside fo r one hour. I hen cook as usual. You can either discard the soaking water or use it for cooking. It helps to boil them gently until slightly tneder and then flavor them with salt, onion, herbs and meat. I f foaming is a problem, add a little oil or margarine. Salt or acid products like tom ato sauce can toughen the skins if added too early. Cooked beans can be refrigerated fo i a couple o f days or frozen, so you can do a batch and store in meal size packages. You may need to add a little water when reheating. I he Oregon State University Ex­ tension Service office near you has a variety o f brochures w ith specific food buying in fo rm a tio n and ideas fo r g e tting more fo r your fo o d dollar. These are delightfu l baked beans that bring raves from everyone. S/t N D Y S BA RED BE A NS I lb. (2 cups) small white navy beans I onion, chopped I bay leaf '/j teaspoon salt X teaspoon pepper > - P illsb u ry Flour my - te - fine Eggs Chicken Turkey Salisbury Steak Menean M orton D inners Frozen 11 oz pkg AA Large Dozen Reg $1.09 49 First two - Additional at regular price each First i m ny Boy B read z i / W hile or Wheat 2 2 'i oz loal 5 lb bag • Reg $ ^ 9 5 MY-TE-FINE * D onuts 8 varieties • to o z box Reg $ 1 1 9 s » «. each First three - Additional at regular price First one - Additional at regular price ■" ■■ ’ » Fresh Broccoli Orange Juice Dark green bunches serve with your favorite sauce Tropicana - 100's pure Florida juice from concentrate Oranges Choice California Navala Sweet and Juicy •9 * Q u a rt * 49* P in t Fred M eyer B leach Gallon