Portland Observer, November 24, 1982 Page 7 OBSERVATIONS FROM THE SIDELINES by Kathryn H all Boyle I T W A S an extiavagan/a ol art. Il was an autograph parly for a Portland author. Il was a proud dis­ play of those in the performing arts. It was the celebration o f the 25th an­ niversary o f the fou n d in g o f the Portland Chapter of The Links, Inc. It took place on November 14, at the In terstate Firehouse C u ltu ra l Center, a perfectly planned setting for the gems of art set before the ad miring 400 or 500 persons who a t­ tended. O pening the a ffa ir were C ity Commissioner Charles Jordan and Al Jamison, assistant to the com ­ missioner, who achieved the site and building project for such cultural events. Johnnie Stokes, president of The Links, welcomed the guests to the afternoon, a Links service and gift to the community. Lenora C . M o rris , author ol •‘The Ebony Princesses of The Port­ land Rose Festival," was featured al an autograph party near the book display table o f The t alking Drum Bookstore of the Black Educational Center. Books were all by black au (hors. Ms. Morris was attended by sev­ eral members o f the Royal Rosari- ans. Her presentation was heralded by trumpet fanfares by Ricky O lli- son o f Jazmin. The visual arts exhibit encom ­ passed wood, ice. was and metal sculpture, paintings in oils, pastels, drawings in pen, pencil, charcoal. There were works by photograph­ ers, architects and graphic d e­ signers. Original art from West A f ­ rica formed a stage setting for the perform ing arts. C o n trib u to rs o f African art were Dr. W illiam Little o f P o rtla n d Stale U n ive rs ity and Gloria M cM urtry of (he Transatlan­ tic Trading Co. Floral designs were by Rot hey Manus. Visual artists were Bernard A n ­ derson, Richard Brown, Quiltm an Caddcll, J r., Edna G olden, Janice B arrell, Al Goldsby, Stanford Kil- lingsw orth, Glenda Payne, C aro l Probasco and Phil Reid. Other visual artists were: Michael T a y lo r, W ilson S m ith , D c N o rv a l U n lh a n k , A . I . A . , Thom as U n ­ than k, Lois Lewis, Shedrick W il­ liams, and William Rutherford. A program o f the performing arts ran continuously in the build in g ’s auditorium with guests taking in as much as they had lime for in the a f­ ternoon. Each performance was of stellar attraction. Included were: D r. W illia m Scales, pianist, Nycwusi Askari and his Sojourner Truth Troupe, Russell Graham , violinist, accompanied by Alvin Graham, M .D ., and Dr. Sam­ uel T . C am eron, baritone soloist. H erb C aw th o rn e, n a rra to r-h is ­ to ria n , was in fine form as were "Th e Joyful Sound,” a choir under the direction o f M argaret C arte r. The Benny Bell Dancers were billed. The Osborne Brothers were also billed. Obo Addy, the master drum ­ mer fro m West A fr ic a , a crowd pleaser, thrilled his listeners. Twenty-five years o f local Links history was a rtfu lly arranged in a separate display room o f the building Refreshments were served here as well. Designer and coordinator o f vis­ ual arts was W illia m R u th erfo rd ; Jewel Johns was chairperson for the perform ing arts; Clem entyne Guy arranged the Ebony Fashion Fair exhibit; M ildred Reynolds, Fannie Chatman and Bernadette Plummer were responsible for the anniversary exh ib it; Jackie W ashington and Kathryn Bogle assembled the visual artists. A $200 I.inks Art scholarship was awarded to Julianne Johnson, a senior dram a student at P ortland University. June Brown was general chairper­ son for the event. saxophonist and instrumental music teacher at W ilson, presented W il­ son’ s stage band o f 22 members (one of four bands at Wilson), sing­ T. ANDREW S C ath o lic ers G a b rie l W idm an and Tracey Clay, and Gloria Dempsey, in a dra­ Church parish hall played host to 300 persons on F rid a y evening matic skit. Arrangements for the affair were who are parents and teachers o f children attending W ilson H igh completed by Leon McKenzie, fo r­ School. merly o f Jackson High School, and John Mays. Both men are integra­ Styled as a “ Cross O ver The tion coordinators at Wilson. Bridge” annual pot luck supper, the Gail Washington, parent-activity a ffa ir, started three years ago al manager, served as mistress of cere­ Jackson H igh School, was picked monies. up this year as a “ good thing” by For Sunday, N ovem ber 28, the Wilson High School P T A to bridge National Council of Negro Women, the gap between the Southwest and Inc., in its Portland section, is invit­ the Northeast neighborhoods. ing interested persons to an annual A panel drawn from Wilson’s fac­ founder's day program to be pre­ ulty answered parents’ questions re­ sented at Bethel A .M .E . Church. A garding school regulations, student musical program of old Negro Spiri­ perform ances, etc. O n the social tuals featuring Lissie W illiam s, so­ side, a student program entertained the supper crowd. Gregg McKclzey, prano and E arl W inchester, b a ri­ S J e w e lry J e w e lry /W a tc h e s /D ia m o n d s D iam o n d Setting ? Your Jewelry checked, . cleaned end polished. y ! W e d d i r i g S ets C harm s Pearls PATON JEWELERS 4616 N .l. Sandy Blvd. 281-8801 S siah Nunn, Chairman of P O IC executive board, and several family members o f Rosemary Anderson, executive at P O IC , gathered in A n ­ derson’s office on Friday afternoon. W hen Anderson returned fro m lunch she walked right into a sur­ prise birthday party, cake and all. N o, she d id n ’ t walk into the cake, but she can walk around in one o f her g ifts — a lovely red wool suit. Perfume and flowers were other lux­ ury gifts. IT'S CALVIN KLEIN! M ade Free T A F F members at P O IC , Jo­ Fleece active wear— because your sense of style shows on weekends, too, now 25% off. Hooded sweatshirt reg. 42.00, now 29.99 drawstring-pants with ribbed cuffs reg. 40.00, now 29.99; cotton-polyester, from Perspectives, Downtown, Lloyd’s and Washington Square AL G O LD SB Y P e rs o n a liz e d & C ustom tone, will be in honor o f Dr. M ary M cL eod Bethune, founder o f N C N W . Accompanist is to be Cyn­ thia Rampone. Anniversary Tea hours are set for 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. according to Beulah C am pbell, chairperson for the event and Lenora C . M o rris , president. mœ riïrai lk ORI GON'S OWN STORE