Portland Observer, Novem ber 17, 1982 Page 5 4 * Years Serving A m erica » C hildren Buying the vote OLBE IN S U R A N C E 8 E R V IC E S 4« by Herb Cawthorne Agent 6616 N .E . U n ion A v a . Portland, Oregon 97211 288-1718 For All Your Insurance Needs In 1957, running for the Virginia House o f Burgesses, George Wash­ ington dispensed the follow ing to 391 voters, all men o f course: 28 gal ­ lons o f ru m , 50 gallons o f rum punch, 34 gallons o f wine, 46 gal­ lons o f beer, and 2 gallons o f cider. A quart and a half o f booze per vot- erl Votes have always been p u r­ chased, and it’s not different today. But the nature o f the “ purchase” and the peculiar campaign spending laws create a situation much worse than loosening the folks up with a little booze before the speech. In 1974, Congress tried to change campaign laws. F irs t, they set a maximum contribution from an in­ dividual at $1,000 for the primary and the general election— $2,000 to­ tal. Second, the new election law created Political Action Committees (P A C s ), which can give $5,000 in the primary and $5,000 in the gener­ al election. Tw o other provisions in the 1974 law were struck down by the Supreme Court. The Court ruled that the $70,000 ceiling on House races was unconstitutional. In addi­ tion, the C ourt said it was against the First A m endm ent to lim it to $25,000 the amount an individual or his family can give to his own cam­ paign. This latter decision is a threat to even the possibility o f expanding participatory democracy. I f one is rich enough, he doesn’t have to wor­ ry about drumming up thousands o f $1,000 contributions, or begging the PACs for $5,000 contributions. He can simply write his own check. In the 1980 Congressional campaign, Texas Democrat W illia m Pattm an “ loaned” himself $496,593.15. The new cam paign laws, which were supposed to stop the “ under- the-table-dealings’ ’ o f W atergate, have created a situation that favors those w ith big personal fortunes. T he rich can “ lo a n ” money to themselves. But the m iddle class can d id ate— who may be the best person w ith a solid re p u ta tio n — must work like hell to raise up to $600,000 in small c o n trib u tio n s. They can’ t w rite a check to them ­ selves. That doesn’t sound like rep­ resentative democracy to me. More and more only one class o f people have the financial resources to be represented— the wealthy class. W hen the very w ealthy “ lo a n " their campaigns big sums o f money, they have a chance to gain it all back. You see, P o litic a l A ctio n Committees can give contributions re tro a c tiv e ly 1 . A can d id ate loans him self the money to win an elec­ tion. A fte r he wins, a la b o r, bus­ iness or some other special interest PAC can give up to $10,000 in retro­ active contributions to a campaign run years befo re. This is nothing more than a breeding ground fo r corruption. Robert Dole, the Republican Sen­ ator fro m Kansas, said, “ W hen these PACs give money they expect something in return other than good government.” In other words, they expect the right vote on the right is­ sue. What we have is a legal form of bribery. Congressmen with old cam­ paign debts exchange votes on key issues for co n trib u tio n s to cam ­ paigns run long ago. And the money goes straight into their own pockets — in the case o f those who pay o ff the loan they gave to themselves! The cost o f cam paigning is o b ­ scene. But the new election laws, a f­ ter the Supreme C o u rt threw out provisions that would have brought equity, are even more destructive. An election spending law was a bad- ly needed re fo rm . T h e Supreme Court chopped up the reform , and now we have money ruling national politics as openly and flagrantly as ever before. There are 3,149 P oliti­ cal A ctio n C om m ittees. T o C o n ­ gressional candidates alone, they gave $80 million in this last election. As Thom as D o w n ey, a dem ocrat from New Y o rk , said, “ You can’t buy a Congressman for $5,000. But you can buy his vote. It ’s done on a regular basis.” There will be little movement to­ ward progressive governm ent, tow ard including those who have been systematically left out o f the process at the national level, unless election laws are changed. I f they are n ot, then progressive people, blacks, third parties, and other ra­ cial ethnic groups will have to work more closely together, devise unique means to gain recognition, organiz­ ing around carefully developed is­ sues and a smaller number o f candi­ dates. But most im p o rta n tly , in groups that cross cultural and ideo­ logical lines, held together by com­ mon issues, we will have to put forth the one thing which neutralizes m oney— leg w o rk , leg w o rk , and more leg work! Heard about the Cervical Cap? The Cervical Cap 6 used as a barrier method ot birth control It is a thimble shaped cap made out of rubber which fits tightly over the neck of the cervix, preventing sperm from entering the uterus The cap was used in this country years ago. but has not gained popularity until recently has been used for years success­ fully in Western Europe At this time the cervical cap is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration fFDA) Studies are being done to determine its current effectiveness and safety PORTLAND FEMINIST W O M E N 'S HEALTH CENTER 6510 SE FOSTER ROAD PORTLAND. O REGON 97206 5 0 3 /7 7 7 -7 0 4 4 ¿Hollçfnooô ^Flurret Bits and Pieces by Ruth Spencer “ I f we teach a child to read, yet develop not the taste for reading, all o f our leaching is for naught. We shall have produced a nation o f illiterate literates —Charlotte Huck The nationwide survey o f Am eri­ can school children made in 1980 by the National Assessment o f Educa­ tio n al Progress unearthed some th o u g h t-p ro vo kin g in fo rm a tio n . The good news is our students can read better now than those in the past. The bad news is that the ma­ jo rity do not enjoy reading. The older the students, the less they liked reading. H a lf the surveyed 17-ycar- olds chose reading as their least fa­ vorite leisure-tim e activity. These poor attitudes tow ard reading weren’t necessarily linked to poor reading ability. Many skilled readers don’t seem to value reading. W hat can parents do to inspire enthusiasm for reading? Help your child discover the real reasons for reading— its pleasures. Reading aloud to children is one way to open them up to all the magic and power of good books. • G eneral Roscoe R obinson, Jr. was appoiinled the first black four- star general in U .S . A rm y history. As one of only ten four-star generals in the A rm y, General Robinson is also the U .S . representative to the N A T O M ilitary Committee. W ith a B.S. in m ilitary engineer­ ing and a masters in in ternational affairs, Robinson’s personal philos­ ophy is a simple one: ” 1 do the best job I can.” He thinks o f himself as a good soldier who has been “ doing my jo b .” “ The promotion and the N A T O assignments arc natural ad­ vancements and deserved recogni­ tions that w ill serve to encourage young blacks in the m ilita ry for years to come," he said. • Americans arc living longer than ever, according to the National in ­ stitute for Health Statistics in Wash­ ington, D .C . In 1979, the last year for which figures are a va ila b le, the average American lived 73.7 years, up four- tenths o f a year from 1978. W h ite women have the longest life expectancy o f all at 78.2 years, followed by black women at 72.7. W hite men can expect to live 70.6 years, and black men 64 years. E ig h ty percent o f the children who enter school today will grow up to work in careers that have not yet been invented. A re your children learning how to observe, organize, discover, plan, solve problems and manage time or are they still mem­ orizing the average rainfall in Terre Haute? T h in k about it. The child who is taught to reason and think today may be the man in charge to­ morrow. • Joseph Davidson has been named M anaging Editor o f The N a tio n a l Leader, the weekly national news­ paper linking the black community nationwide. Davidson, who holds a B .A . from O akland U . at Roches­ ter, Mich, and a Masters from U. of M ich., has received several journal­ ism awards and an in v ita tio n to serve on the Pulitzer Prize Board in 1983. disobedience as a means of resisting the Vietnam W ar and the nuclear arms race. In 1971 Daniel Ellsberg released top secret documents about the V ietn am W a r, known as the Pentagon Papers. Charges against him were later dropped when it was learned that his psychiatrist’s office had been broken into by Watergate Professional Pest Control Supplies For Do-it-yourself Hom eowners __ _C all: 286-6252 _ • Licensed Consultants • Eliminate your pest problems like the pros We can tell you what to use and __________ how to use it. * KEMI-KIL PRODUCTS ★ 2030 N. Willis Blvd. (in Kenton) ______ Mon- Fri: 9-6 Sat 9-2 pm A n ts, roaches, silverflsh, m oles, gophers, rets, m ice — burglars Liddy and H u n t. In N o ­ vember o f 1978 Ellsberg was con­ victed of trespass for blocking trains bound for the Rocky Flats nuclear arms plant near Denver, Colorado. Daniel Berrigan, along w ith his brother P h ilip B errigan, S.J. was one o f the CAtonsville Nine, who, in 1970-71, served 18 months in Danbury Prison for burning draft files w ith homem ade napalm . In 1981, as a member o f the P lo w ­ shares E igh t, he was convicted of b u rg lary, c rim in a l m ischief and crim in al conspiracy fo r breaking into a General Electric plan, near Norristown, Pennslyvania, and try­ ing to beat two nuclear nose cones into plowshares w ith hammers. D aniel Berrigan is an aw ard -w in ­ ning poet and author o f more than a dozen books, including The D ark N ig h t o f Resistance and the play The Trial o f the Catonsville Nine. For more in fo rm a tio n contact Johnny Stallings at 233-1887. G o ld *D ia m o n d s *S ilv e r I Cash also paid for: Cam aras • TVs • Staraos • • F irearm s* A n yth in g o f value RED D O O R Six new members have joined the Senior A d u lt D is trict A dvisory C o m m ittee: The R everend Ir a M u m fo rd , M rs. Sara M a y fie ld , Mrs. Irene Sage, Mrs. C arrie Can­ non, M rs. Precious Wasson, and Ms. Karen Lee Rice. (Sponsored by A m erica n State Bank, B.F. Booker, President.) THE BEEPER PEOPLE. 713 S.W. 12th Street Call 224-BEEP for a free demonstration. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Ellsberg, Berrigan visit here Anti-war activists Daniel Ellsberg and Daniel Berrigan will talk about ending the nuclear arms race on Sunday, November 21, at the First Congregational Church, II2 6 S .W . P a rk , at 12:30 p .m . Admission is free. Daniel Ellsberg and Father Daniel Berrigan, S .J., have practiced civil Jackie Robinson is the first base­ ball player o f any color in the 206- year history o f the United States to appear on the postage stam p. He joins thirteen other distinguished black Americans— Booker T. Wash­ ington, George Washington Carver, B enjam in Barneker, D r. R alph J. Bunche, D r. M a rtin L u th e r King, Jr.. Whitney M . Young, Jr., Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas, Peter Salem, W .C . H an d y, H e n ry Tan­ ner, P au ! Laurence D u n b a r, and Dr. Charles Drew. • For many years Amnesty Interna­ tional has lobbied for the abolition o f the death penalty. Bu, the organi­ zation reported from London there was a sharp increase las, year in the num ber o f prisoners executed around the world. Amnesty Interna­ tional reported 924 persons on death row in this country; but in August, Associated Press reported that there were 1019 people on death row in the U.S. • ¿K 6008 S.E Foster M o n -S a t 8-6 776-781V Serving your neighborhood since 1B69. Clothing, furniture, appliances f o r the entire fam ily 2740 S.E. Powell Blvd. 234 0698 740 N. Killingsworth 285 0796 1016 S.W . 3rd 222-4884 S.E. 3rd & S.E. Harrison Milwaukie 664-5220 700 Molalla Oregon City 6666927 646 S.W . Oak. Hillsboro Since rice grow s in great abundance, guests at w e d ­ dings long ago th re w great handfuls at the bride and groom to make certain they w ould have many children and m uch food. 648 5097 • 2139 S.E. Stark. The record for most goals scored in a soccer career is held by the Brazilian soccer star, Pele. He scored 1,2811 Gresham 666-3310 231 S. 1st, St. Helens 397 4440 As Is Store 3600 S.E. 28th 1 The first A m erican w ar suDmarine w as constructed in 1776. It was called the "tu rtle " and carried a crew of one. 234-3130 W e d o p o t do business w ith South A frica American State Bank AN INDEPENDENT BANK Head Office 2737 N. E. Union Portland, Oregon 97212 A fust about anything! I