Portland Observer, November 17, 1962 Section II Page 5 Pumpkin signals fail season great a lte rn ativ e to tra d itio n a l pumpkin pie. Enjoyl P E A N U T C R U N C H S A N D W IC H 'A cup crunchy peanut butter 4 tbs. margarine 4 tbs. mayonnaise 'A cup raw pumpkin, shredded and chopped Bacon bits to garnish T ra d itio n a lly , the pum pkin roundup signals the end o f summer harvest and the beginning o f the frosty season. The bright orange forms become carved faces, painted heads, ghouls and ghosts and for H allow een the Jack O ’ L antern m aintains vigil over homes and apartments. W hat about pumpkin for eating? It ’s no, jus, for pies, you know. Pumpkin is good in all sorts o f ways including dips and appeti­ zers, sandwiches and soups and en­ trees and desserts. To celebrate the harvest w ith p u m p kin , make a crunchy sandwich filling, adding vi­ tamins and several minerals to the protein rich peanut butter, a W ok- Cooked Pumpkin and Chicken, that is also good made with pork, or a Harvest Pum pkin Cheesecake— a D IE T E R ’S D IP 1 'A cup grated raw pumpkin 'A cup plain yogurt 'A tsp. seasoned salt 'A tsp. garlic powder 2 tsp. chopped green onions Paprika to garnish M ix well first fou r ingredients. Spread on wheat bread and garnish with bacon bits. Drain pumpkin in colander. Press between towels to drain o ff more liquid. Combine with yogurt, sea­ sonings and green onions. Garnish w ith a sprinkle o f p a p rik a . C h ill well. Serve with crackers or dipping chips. S T IR F R IE D P U M P K IN A N D C H IC K E N H A R VEST P U M P K IN CHEESECAKE 4 tbs. oil (or rendered chicken fat) 2 cups pumpkin, peeled and shredded I tbs. onio», finely minced 'A tsp. seasoning salt 1 tsp. sugar I tsp. soy sauce */i cup chicken stock I 'A cup chopped cooked chicken Heat wok over medium high heat. Add oil and a fte r 30 seconds add onion and p u m p kin . S tir-fry for only three minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients and lower to simmer for 10 minutes. Add cooked meat and serve as soon as heated through. Serves 6. (Chopped cooked pork may be used instead o f chicken). 1 cup gingersnap crumbs 'A cup finely chopped pecans 3 tbs. margarine, melted 1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese ■/« cup sugar A tsp. vanilla 1 egg 1 16-oz. can pumpkin Vi cup (5 '/ j - o z . can) evaporated milk Vt cup sugar 2 eggs I tsp. cinnamon Vt tsp. ginger mixing on electric mixer until well blended. Blend in egg; pour over crust. Combine remaining ingredients; mix well. Carefully pour over cream cheese m ixture. Bake at 325 °F . 1 hour and 30 to 35 minutes or until set. Loosen cake from rim o f pan. Cpol- remove rim. Chill. 0 s U N IO N AVENUE GLASS latertec* Clsiim lent»* M • • • • AUTO GLASS STORE FRONTS WINDOW GLASS PLATE GLASS GLASS • • • • STORM DOORS & WINDOWS SCREEN REPAIRS MIRRORS PLEXIGLASS 289-8887 *1 0 9 N .l. U N IO N AV. Brandel's K illingsw orth Foods 1616 N.E. Killingsworth 'T o r all your holiday food needs" Mustard Greens.. '.'t“.“. .......... 4,„.$1.00 Combine crumbs, nuts and m ar­ garine; press onto bottom o f 9-inch Springform pan. Combine softened cream cheese, sugar and v a n illa . Nutritious peanut snacks Fun to make and eat Peanut* and peanut treats are ureal items to have on hand to guide your family toward nutritional snacking habits. Peanuts are power packed with protein, B vitamins and minerals, in addition to good taste. (Jet the family involved in the making. The easy preparation guarantees sue cess to almost any cook For Sugared Peanuts, raw peanuts with the red skins on are added to a simple sugar solution, cooked until coated and then roasted in the oven. The addition of cinnamon, cloves and nut meg produces irresistahle Spiced Peanuts, Chocolate Covered Pea nuts is a combination everybody loves. You need peanuts with the skins on to hold the chocolate. Try french frying or oven roasting them and then dunk into melted chocolate. Packaged in a pretty container and stored within easy reach, these nutrition packed peanut treats will be a hit with the whole family (and company, too). SPICED P E A N U TS 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup water 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 1 pound roasted peanuts (blanched or red skins on) Boil sugar, water and spices until syrup threads from spoon. Drop one pound of peanuts into syrup. Stir until nuts are dry looking. Pour out on waxed paper and let stand until cool and dry. CHOCOLATE C O VERED PEA N U TS 1 pkg. (6 os.) semi-sweet chocolate bits 2-1/2 cups roasted peanuts (with red skins on) Chocolate Coated, Sugared and Spiced Peanuts are nutri­ tious snacks that give lots o, go power along w ith good taste. Dissolve sugar in water in syrup left). Pour and spread saucepan over medium heat. over ungreased cookie sheet S U G A R E D P EA N U TS Add peanuts and continue and bake at 300 F. for 1 cup granulated sugar to cook over medium heat, approximately 30 minutes, stirring frequently. Cook stir occasionally for even 1/2 cup water 2 cups raw shelled peanuts, until peanut is completely roasting. skins on sugared (covered and no Melt chocolate pieces in top of double boiler over hot (not boiling) water. Add peanuts to melted chocolate and stir to coat. Turn out on waxed paper spreading so that peanuts are sepa­ rated as much as possible. Allow to cool. Yams .. .-rf ?......................... 5— $1.00 Jimmy Dean Sausage. $1.49 Pie Crust.. 69$ Oysters... .Frh .”.“.m r‘..................^ «»$1.49 12 oz. pack Mr». Sm ith s Frozen . . . ................................................................ 1 litre + 28 oz. 7-Up, R.C., Squirt, A & W 4/$1.00 -f-Dep. "A ls o c o m e visit our n e w Deli a t B randel's A la m e d a Foods & Deli a t 2416 N .E. F re m o n t" "W e also have Baking Hens, Ducks, Geese, Capons, and Fresh Turkeys" OPEN Every Day including Thanksgiving Day Ad effective thru 11-25 Member United Grocers Share your food Saturday is ’ ’Supermarket Satur­ day.’’ Pacific Northwest Bell volun­ teers w ill be at 60 Safeway stores throughout Oregon for a one-day food drive they hope w ill bring in more than 5,000 bags o f food for Oregon’s hungry. According to Corky Stewart, Pa­ cific Northwest Bell’s staff manager o f Community Relations, the event is being sponsored by the company’s 23 Community Relations Teams in Oregon in cooperation with the Safeway stores. Food w ill be dis­ tributed to local food banks through Oregon Food Share. Shoppers also can make cash con­ tributions. All donations are tax de­ ductible. PNB will use shareowner funds to match the cash value of the donated items up to $20,000. The matching money will be given to Oregon Food Share to purchase and distribute the food. PNB kicked o ff the event last m onth with a $6,000 contribution from shareholder funds. Oregon Food Share, a state-wide food d istribu tio n n etw o rk, says there has been a 60 percent increase in the number o f requests for emer­ gency food assistance this year com­ pared with 19 8 1. Northeast Portland agencies that benefit from Oregon Food Share are; A lpha House, Baloney Joe’s, Com m unity C are, C om puter Fac­ tors, H a rr y ’ s M o th e r, House o f Exodus, Parent C hild Services, St. Vincent D ePaul Rehab, Irvington Day Care, Life Center, M aria M aul Foster H om e. M ennonite C o m ­ m unity Service, M u ltn o m a h C o. Day C are, One H eart C hristian M in istry , St. Vincent DePaul Day Care, The Crib. Y our P ortland T ra fic Safety Commission reminds you that post­ ed speeds are not always safe speeds. Be on the safe s id e.. . adjust your driving to weather, road and traffic conditions. Sherbet hat a high lev el of sugar—about twice as much at ice cream. It m utt contain one to tw o percent m ilkfat to q u a li f y a t " th a r b a t.” I I 1