Adult reading program opens Statistics show that 1 in 5 or 23 m illion adults in the U nited States are unable to read. Results o f as re­ cent survey in Portland report that I in 3 high school graduates are un­ able to adequately complete applica­ tion form s. A n d the P o rtla n d Community College/Cascade Cam ­ pus paper, the Bridge, reports S3 per cent o f the a d u lt p o p u latio n sur­ rounding the campus has poor read­ ing skills. In order to address the problem o f illeteracy in our area, R E A D !, the N o rth /N o rth e a s t Reading Council o f Oregon Literacy, In c ., has been established. Oregon Liter­ acy, In c ., was organized in 1966, with the primary objective o f teach­ ing adult non-readers in Oregon and Clark County Washington to read. Shirley Randles, Executive Director of Oregon Literacy, who is working with N o rth /N o rth e a s t residents in organizing R E A D ! explains that lit­ eracy groups have been organized throughout the state and, “ in this area we have about 30 tutors already teaching, with a backlog o f approxi­ mately 50 non-readers awaiting tu­ tors.” Chairperson and a coordinator for R E A D !, M aggie R aine, ex­ plained that several areas o f assist­ ance w ill be provided through its council. The main area w ill be the training o f tutors to teach the Laubach Method to adult non-read­ ers. The Laubach M ethod was devel­ oped by D r. Frank Laubach and is based on a proven method. The tu­ tor starts with the spoken words, the known and moves to the w ritten w o rd , the u n kn o w n , through a series o f easy steps. A fam iliar vo­ cabulary is introduced. Each word is repeated several times and the word is sounded out and then frequently repeated u n til it is recognized by sight. There is also a repetition o f sentence patterns. Other areas o f assistance include: C oordination and matching o f the non-reader with tutor; provision o f facilities where student and tutor have private, w eekly, one-on-one reading sessions, m orning, a fte r­ noon and evening; childcare during lessons; continuous outreach fo r ad u lt non-readers; ongoing o u t­ reach for volunteer tutots. Presently headquartered at the Northeast Y W C A , one o f its major sponsors, (126 Northeast Alberta, in the M a llo ry A venue C h ris tia n Church), R E A D ! will provide tutor­ ing services between the hours o f 10:00 a.m . and 3:00 p.m . on Tues­ day, W ednesday, and T h u rsd ay. Other sponsors and supporters are: The Portland U rban League, P ort­ land Opportunities Industrialization C enter (P O IC ) , the P o rtla n d O b ­ server, The S k an n e r, M t. O liv e t B aptist C h u rch , M a llo r y A venue C h ristian C h urch , Accuracy Plus A nsw ering Service, R aine Asso­ ciates, M .J . M u rd o c k C h a rita b le Trust, and the United W ay. A grant fro m the H e rb e rt A . Templeton Foundation will provide tutor training materials for all vol­ unteers who make a commitment to teach in N /N E Portland. R E A D ! council members have planned a reception to celebrate its establishment for Friday, November 19, 1982, fro m 3:00 p .m . to 6:00 p.m. at 126 N .E . Alberta. The com­ m unity is invited to atten d . A d d i­ tionally, a campaign to gain the sup­ port o f additional N orth/N ortheast businesses and public service organi­ zations will be launched at the kick­ o ff reception. R E A D ! has also scheduled its firs t tu to r tra in in g w orksh o p fo r January, 1983. For additional infor­ mation, to volunteer your services, or to register a non-reading adult— contact R E A D ! on its 24-hour H o t­ line: 295-3465. Bringing «kills back to the community: Camau Herndon, 12. and Serena Brown. 13, could have spent Friday, a State Ineervlce For Teachers Day, watching cartoons, playing video games, playing in a park or just "bangin' out." Instead, the former student of the Black Educational Canter spent an enjoyable day assisting the teachers at the B.E.C.. which was having classes. (Photo: Richard Brown) HOWTO TAKE THE SURPRISE OUT O F THIS WINTER’S ELECTRIC BILLS ' r F V* , ’ A * V» . t * Maggie Raine, Chairperson, and Marian Jacobs. AKA. co-chair­ man plan for Laubach literacy campaign. Commissioner Jordan •Established refugee office to as­ sist refugees to become s e lf-s u ffi­ cient and participate in the commu­ nity. •Obtained grant to develop Inter­ state Firehouse Cultural Center. •O rdinances to regulate adult bookstores, movies, massage p ar­ lors and amusement businesses. Dialogue among the various seg­ ments o f the com m unity is an im ­ portant part o f J ordan ’s mode o f operation. “ M y door is open. M y being here gives an access to govern­ ment that d id n ’ t exist befo re. I don’t jum p into every issue— since people say I do not speak strongly on enough issues. But i f I feel strongly about something, I fig h t for it.” Jordan’s political plans are indef­ inite at this time. He has been eyeing the mayoral position but will seek it only if he feels he can be o f greater influence there. “ I ’m still thinking about that.” Opening cancellation The Grand Opening of the N /N E Community Mental Health Center’s A d u lt D ay H e a lth P rogram has been postponed. Problem s related to remodeling have made it necessary to push the opening date back until the first o f 1983. 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