Portland Observer, November 10, 1982 Page 15 Real Estate Invitation to Bid NOTICE TO ALL REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC Date of Publication Nov. 10, 1982 l i l ¡¡¡¡¿SI? EQUAL housing OPPORTUNITY 22.NrSJkTo I ES A COMPLETE LIST OF ACQUIRED PROPERTIES The PO RTLAND DEVELOPMENT CO M M ISSIO N will receive sealed Bids for: MAHON HFl *A S F * BLE F° R SA LE * N ° SEH VES AS O U R O F E lC lA l PUBLIC INFOR Single-Family Rehabilitations - 5 houses T H E F O L L O W IN G P R O P E R ­ T IE S A R E A V A IL A B L E F O R S A L E U N D E R C O M P E T IT IV E B ID D IN G FOR A 10 C A L E N D A R D A Y P E R IO D . 10 C A L E N D A R D A Y P E R IO D E N D S : N O V E M ­ B ER 17, 1982 4 :3 0 . B ID O P E N ­ IN G : N O V 18. 1 98 2 11A M FOR INSURED S A IF S BID OFFERS MAY BE SUBMITTED BY BOTH PRO',I I I U V I OWN TR OCCUPANT AND INVESTOR PURCHAS I RS PRIORITY IN ACCEPTANCE W IIL BE AC CORDED TO PURCHASE OFFERS SUBMITTED BY PROSPECTIVE OWNER.OCCUPANTS GROUP 1 . The following proper lie . ere eligible lor HUD Purchase Money Mortgage Financing The moolhly payment o< principal and interest will lie scliadulrvt on a 30 year mortgage with an annual percenlaga fata ot IO' y V. with a 7 year mortgage term The minimum down payment is IOX ot the nid amount These proper tie . are nlso available under HDD 703b financing PROPERTY MINIMUM PRICE 6604 N E 140th Ave Vancouver. WA 3B R . I 5 Bath. 1776 Sq Ft $46 000 ( 14 SF l3 0 lh r i . Vancouver. WA ? BR IS Rath 1736 3 4 Ft $4 ■ 600 '06 6 N Alt,ma Av- Portland OR 3 HR 1 , Bain». 1654 Sq Ft $34 b5h 590'. N Gay Portland OR 4 BR 1 Bath 1616 Appro. Sq FI $4? 500 46 TO N F 118th Ave , Portland OR 3 RR. 7 Hath t704 Appro. Sq FI $63 000 Group 7 Tt Sub-Bids Requested Chemawa Interchange Station Pacific Highway Bid Date: November 18,1982 9:00 A.M . Donald M. Drake Company 1740 N .W . Flanders Portland, OR 97209 (503) 226 3991 Saturday, Nov. 13, 7 p.m . 5828 N.E. 8th For tic k e ts /in fo rm a tio n /re s e rv a tio n s call 643 2588 Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address. For addi­ tional information telephone buyer at number listed. 28-A Notice To Bidders by George Trower-Subira C o m e and hear M r. Subira at B ethel A .M .E ., Seeled proposals will be received in Room 412, City Heil, Portland, Oregon, 97204, for items detailed herein until 2:00 P.M . on the dates indicated. The Bidder shall agree to complete Minority Business Enterprise Utilization and Female Business Enterprise Utilization forms and include them in the bid packet. 2ô5O N.W. Upshur Black Folks Guide To M aking Big M oney In Am erica CITY OF PORTLAND INVITATION TO BID Invitation For Bids An 1824 »trike of weavers in Pawtucket, R l, is the first recorded »trike by women. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women and minority business enterprises. • 1