Portland Observer, November 3, 1982 Page 7 JXalpij’« ¿HoHçfciooô OBSERVATIONS fflofoers tfram ¿Holluinooì) FROM THE SIDELINES by Kathryn Hall Bogle I n YAW S R estaurant H M t. Olivet Baptist Church on Satur­ day, November 13, from 9 a.m. to 1 p .m . The club uses a secret recipe for their w affles, a recipe that be­ came a legacy from the files o f Ola Reed, an inactive member o f the club. Along with the waffles come ham, juice and coffee— plus plenty of syrup. The D elta Mothers are boosters o f the program and activities o f the D elta Sigma T h eta s o ro rity . Last year they used 100 pounds o f ham :n serving around $00 breakfasts to pa­ trons who return year after year for the feast. The 3$ members o f the or­ ganization are headed by Evelyn Torrence as president. Proceeds o f these legendary breakfasts are used toward scholarship funds. E R E IN T H E United State» to tell o f the Episcopal Church in A fric a and especially in U g an d a, the R ight Rev. Yoram u B am unoboa, Bishop o f W estern Ankole in Uganda, is making a 12- day tour o f the diocese o f Oregon int he company o f Episcopal priests, lay persons and the Right Rev. M at­ thew B ig liard i, Bishop o f the d io ­ cese. He w ill be speaker at several churches in C e n tra l and Eastern Oregon before the scheduled even­ ing services he w ill conduct at St. Philp’s Church in Portland on Wed­ nesday, November 3. The Rev. M . Ramsey S chadew itz, vicar at St. Philp, and the congregation o f St. Philip, will be hosts at an inform al pot luck supper in the parish hall following the worship service. A teacher before he entered the m inistry in U g an d a, the R t. Rev. Bamunoba retains his interest in ed­ ucation. The standards o f education in Uganda, the Bishop said, were BISHOP BAMUNOBOA formerly o f the best in Africa. That was, he pointed o u t, before Id i advisory persons fo r developing A m in ravaged the c o u n try ’s re­ handcraft industries such as drum sources and institutions. cnstruction, bead work, and the tie- "P eop le walk w ithout fear now and-dye processing, w ould all be that President Obote is there. He is welcomed in his country, Biship Ba­ w orking hard to re-establish the munoba said. government and the agencies in a Mail can be sent to: The Rt. Rev. system o f a working governm ent," Yoram u B am unoba, Bishop O f said Bishop Bamunoba. "Progress Western Ankole, Uganda, c /o The is steady but the country needs help Episcopal Church Center, 81$ Sec­ from the outside. The church has al­ ond Ave.; New York, N .Y . 10017. ways been active in establishing schools in U g an d a. E d u catio n in O W N A T Cannon Beach, in Uganda is open to any child whose parents can contribute sufficiently fam iliar Oregon country, Al to the support o f the schools.” Goldsby, Portland metal sculpturist, Since 1877 the C h urch o f E n ­ is showing some o f his latest work. gland, working with the 22 bishops One outstanding work in the exhibit and diocese in Uganda, has been a is o f metal fish, salmon, no doubt, sponsor o f education, medical ser­ swimming against the stream and up vices and ru ra l developm ent in and over a fish ladder. M otion is ex­ Uganda. Bishop Bamunoba sees a citingly real. He will be in Cannon continuing need for help in upgrad­ Beach, at the Sandpiper G a lle ry , ing farm in g techniques, develop­ through Novem ber 7. I f you miss ment o f water wells and o f improv­ seeing the Goldsby sculpture at the ing community health programs. coast, you can sec his works at the The Episcopal C h urch o f the Assembly o f Black A rtists at The United States, through its mission Links, Inc., show on the afternoon programs, has been active in Ugan­ o f Nov. 14 at the Firehouse Inter- da since 1962, Bishop Bam unoba cultural Center. said. This expansion is hoped to bring about more contacts within ooking for a g ift, not too A m erica and the religions o f the expensive, for a little girl? Try world, he said. " A n aftern o o n w ith M a h ji,” B am unoba, educated w ith in brought to you by the Talking Drum Uganda, trained for teaching and Bookstore for the early Saturday a f­ taught for fo u r years before en­ ternoon o f November 6. M ah ji is a tering Buwualoasi Theology C o l­ real live little five-year-old girl, the lege. He took a B.A. degree in 1966, daughter o f Laverne H all, a former taught for another year before he Portlander who lives in Bellevue, was ordained to the m in is try. In Wash. H a ll has perfected a paper 1969 B am unoba earned an a d ­ doll (with her own wardrobe) in the vanced degree in A fric a n studies. likeness o f daughter M a h ju . Sh* He became an expert on the cult o f promises (hat she can fashion a spirits and the worship o f ancestral paper doll who looks like your little spirits to better understand the feel­ daughter for a price around $10. ings and concepts Uganda's people H o w ’ s that fo r an " o r ig in a l’ ’ o f might have regarding C hristianity your own precious child? and its practices. T he C ath o lic C hurch is active in U g an d a, the bishop observed, but so are the H E B LA C K Educational Cen­ Moslems and Seventh Day Adven­ tists. ter Evening School o f K now ­ Bamunoba is C h airm an o f P ro ­ ledge presents a series o f interesting vincial Planning, Development and evenings on each Wednesday R e h a b ilita tio n P rog ram o f the through November. Coming up next Church o f Uganda. He is also chair­ on the BEC agenda is a lecture on man o f the T h eo lo g ic al T ra in in g "H ealth and Black Survival," to be Scholarships. given by Jerry W h igh am , a c h iro ­ Uganda raises coffee, tea, cotton, practor new to the Portland scene. sugar cane, and soybeans. Tropical The forums arc free o f charge and fruits, yams and maize are in abun­ w ill be held at (he T a lk in g D rum dance. They have cement and Bookstore on N .E . Alberta St. Call copper, but need farming chemicals, 282-946$ for particulars. barbed wire and veterinary medi t'S T IM E for the Delta Mothers’ line. Bicycles and motorcycles art ilso needed. Club to whip up a B IG batch of C o m m u n ic a t io n a s s is ta n c e , waffles for their 18th annual W affle teachers, export organizations and Breakfast. They are entertaining at P E A K IN G O F Kenya in A fr i­ S ca, as we were, Bill Deiz is still unwinding from a recent trip there on a camera s afari, sponsored by P o rtla n d ’ s W a rre n Illif e o f the W ashington P ark Z o o . The zoo party o f 16 persons flew Pan Am by way o f New Y o rk to M o n ro v ia down to Lagos, Nigeria, and thence to Nairobi. Local zoo people are thinking o f establishing an " A fric a display" o f animals and they went to N airo b i and the Amboseli area, originators of such an A frican animal display, for workable ideas. Deiz promises this observer that he will release for publication at least two or three pic­ tures out o f the hundreds that he took. 2005 N.E. 40th Portland. OR 97212 249-1888 W e Deliver Anywhere TAKE A DAY OFF FROM SMOKING NOVEMBER 18,1982 For a change of pace, relax In soft velour separatee, the top in magenta/black, teal/black or white/black with ragian sleeves, the pullon-styte pants in black only; S to L, cot­ ton-polyester, each 46.00, in Perspectives, Portland area stores LIZ CLAIBORNE D L T I MAKE A NEW HOME AT THE OLD ADDRESS WITH A NEIGHBORHOOD PROFESSIONAL Wm. D. Herboth Remodeling CALL: 289-1600 in te rio r • E x terio r A d d itio n » • W e a th e riza tio n » meierUTfrank O R E G O N 'S O W N S T O R E