g y ii .W.WWW ip.ff.1 1 .WWA I KU --------- ¡¡¡¡¡sasiai .‘.‘.’.•.y.;.y.v/?.\‘'.\','.’\\•K Portland's newest beauty salon Elegantly and tastefully decorated fo r you who appreciate the finer things in life. H aircut.............................. *9.00 Shampoo & Style.............. *9.00 Perms, Z o to s .................... *25.00 Apple pectin...................... *40.00 Protein bath II.................... *35.00 Relaxers............................ *25.00 Hair C olor.......................... *16.00 Curl.....................................*45.00 ear piercing, *10.00 including earrings Long hair slightly more MONIQUE’S Exclusively Expert Hair Styling For M en & Women WARNING Follow d*rect»on5 carefully to avo»d $fc»n and scalp irrita tio n hair breakage and eye m iury The first no-lye relaxer system with double conditioning and exclusive color indicator F a b u l a x e r m a k e s th e fa b u lo u s d if f e r e n t e ' I t ’s th e n o ly e h a ir re la x e r th a t c o n d it io n s y o u r ha. e v e ry s te p o f th e w a y n o t o n ly a fte r r e la x in g b u t d u r in g th e a c ( u a l r e la x in g p r o c e s s Y o u g e t you d o is m ix th is nr tiv a to r ArifH th e re la x e r r re rtie til it tu rn s a lo ve ly pear t»y s h a d e ’ h a t fe ll'. you it s rea