FOOD SECTION October 27, 1982 Volume XIII, Number 3 Section II Rally fans for football fun Give yourself a victory with pre-game touchdown F o o tb a ll is the tra d itio n a l fa ll sport. But in recent years, two other fall sports— soccer and cross-coun­ try run n in g — have enjoyed explo­ sive grow th. In some areas o f the cou n try, more people are playing soccer than fo o tb a ll. M ean w h ile, the running boom has attracted thousands to cross-country team. Each o f the three activities places great demands on the participants. A fte r a hard practice or com peti­ tio n , athletes w ill enjoy special drinks designed to quench thirst and help satisfy hunger pangs. These recipes featu re plenty o f fru it flavo rs in the form o f fru it punch, fru it juices and fresh fru it. These fru it tastes are blended with ice cream, soda and other ingredi­ ents to produce rich , satisfying drinks. The Soccer Sipper, Cross-Coun­ try Cooler and Football Float are al­ so excellent for adult athletes, after a wcekent touch-football game, or five-mile jog. What better way to kick o ff a day of football festivities than with a tail gate p arty! Fans are sure to cheer Tail Gate Sausage Broil featuring a winning team o f gourmet sausages. W ith bratw urst, Polish sausage and knackwurst in the starting line­ up, you can be c o n fid en t that no one will be on the sidelines when the feasting begins. W h ile these high- quality sausages are delicious simply broiled, you’ll score extra points by flavoring them with a spirited beer marinade accented with garlic, on­ ion and red pepper. This on-the-go entree will fit con­ veniently into any game plan for the sausages can be placed in the easy- to-make m arinade well in advance and toted to the game in a cooler. Because the sausages are fu lly cooked, they can be b ro iled on a po rtab le g rill or hibachi in ju st a matter o f minutes. T h rough a little scouting in the superm arket, you ’ll discover that these flavorsome sausages are mem­ bers o f an entire league o f presti­ gious meats you can serve with con­ fidence. Sausage is made with nutri­ tious, wholesome p o rk , b eef and veal and therefore contains the same nutrients fou n d in fresh m e a t - C R O S S C O U N T R Y C O O LER 8 oz. fruit punch (cherry), chilled 4 o z. ginger ale */] medium banana I oz. coconut cream or syrup Ice cubes or crushed ice Com bine ingredients, except ice cubes, in blender. Cover and run on high until smooth and well-blended. Serve over ice cubes or crushed ice. Yields 2 servings (8 oz. each). V a ria tio n : Substitute orange punch for cherry. 4 (No. 12) scoops vanilla ice cream 8 oz. grape fruit punch, chilled I oz. grenadine syrup FO OTBALL F LO A T 8 oz. orange fruit punch, chilled Croat Country Cooler T A IL GA TE SA U SA G E B R O IL 4 ’ fully-cooked’ bratwurst 4 ’fully-cooked’ Polish sausage 4 ’fully-cooked’ knackwurst 2 medium onions, thinly sliced 2 12-oz. cans beer 2 cloves garlic, halved 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper Place !4 the onions on bottom of large flat container with tight fitting lid. Arrange bratwurst, Polish and knackwurst sausages on top. C o m ­ bine beer, g arlic and red pepper; p our over sausages. T o p w ith re ­ maining onion slices. Cover tightly and refrigerate 6 hours or overnight. T ra n s p o rt con tainer in coo ler. When ready to serve, place sausages on g rill over ash-covered coals so surface o f meat is 3 to 4 inches from heat. Broil 12 to 13 minutes, turning occasionally. 12 sausages. Potato salad requires special care SO CCER SIPPE R C o m b in e ingredients in blender. Cover and run on high until smooth and well blended. Serve garnished with maraschino cherry, if desired. Yields 2 servings. Variation: Substitute cherry fruit punch for grape. high-quality pro tein , B -vitam ins, iro n and zinc. Check the label to answer any question about what is in sausage for all ingredients must be listed in order o f their predomin­ ance o f weight. Soccer Sipper 4 oz. pineapple juice, chilled I (No. 20) scoop orange sherbet Lemon-lime soda Pour juices in to glass. T o w ith orange sherbert. F ill glass w ith soda. Garnish w ith starw , orange slice and maraschino cherry. Yields I float (14 to 16 oz.) D o n't boil or bake potatoes and then leave them at room tem pera­ ture until you get around to making potato soup or potato salad, warns M arg a ret H a m ilto n , M u ltn o m a h County Extension Agent. Keep the potatoes ot (140 or above) or cold (45 °F. or below) until you’re ready to use them, or run the risk o f botu­ lism. “ Potato salad has been implicat­ ed in three o u tb reaks, which re­ sulted in 47 cases o f type A botulism in the U n ited States since 1 96 7,” Ms. Hamilton says. Analysis o f one o f these outbreaks by the Food and Drug A dm inistration revealed type A and type B Clostridium botulism spores in samples o f raw potatoes. Those potatoes came from the stock o f a restaurant involved in one o f cated in cases o f staph food-poison­ ing, says Lewis. In this case, it is not the mayonnaise that spoils readily but the potato and the egg. W ithin a few hours, depending on room tem­ perature, the cooked potatoes or the salad may become unsafe to eat. tne outbreaks. “ This finding caused researchers to conduct laboratory studies to de­ termine how potato salad could be­ come a vehicle for botulism,” notes Margaret Lewis, Oregon State U ni­ versity Extension nutrition special­ ist. “ Potatoes that had been inocu­ lated with C. botulinum spores were found to contain toxin when held at room temperature for some time a f­ ter baking.” Potato salad has also been impli- That popular and dalicioui melon, the cantaloupe, gats its name from the village of Cantalupo, Italy, where it was first grown in Europe. Gold« Diamonds« Silver OLBE INSURANCE SERVICES A it In d t p f n d n t l A g r it i Cash also paid for: Camaras • TVs • Staraoa • • Flraarms • Anything of valus RED DOOR ■t-V M1S N.E. Union Ava. »008 S. E. Foe tor Mon S a t»-« 77»-7»11\ 4 Portland. Oregon »7211 289-171» For All Your Insurance Needs MAKE A NEW HOME ATTHE OLD ADDRESS W ITH A NEIGHBORHOOD PROFESSIONAL W m . D. Herboth Remodeling Short Ribs 4 pounds beef short ribs 2 tablespoon* oil 1 coarsely chopped onion 1 1 /3 cups (12-ounce can) Contadina Italian Paste 2 2/3 cups (2 cans) water 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 2 cup* (1-inch pieces)carrot* Brown «hurt rib» in oil in large Dutch oven. Add unions; brown slightly. Combine Italian Pasta, water, salt and pepper. Add to Dutch oven. Cover; boil gently 1 1/2 hours, or until ribs are tender. Add carrots; boil gently an additional 30 minutes. Serve with noodles or other pasta. FANCY QUALITY POUND C ALL: 289-1600 •n terio r • E xterio r A d d itio n s • W a a th e riz a tio n s > Rose City's annual marked prices on pre-owned machines. Many brand* and modal* New machines 20-50% o « 25% o ff all New & Used y2 OFF Singer, Viking, New Home, Bernina, Pfaff, Etna, White, B rother... Vacuum Cleaners lENOW 'S FOR B R A N O » you know V A R I I T I I S Vo u lik e » IZ E » • 041 I I I also - ’A off Repair with this ad. Rose City Sewing Machine Center 59th and NE Sandy Blvd. 249-2994 E SHOP EUREKA ELECTRIC CO. 140 W.E. Broadw ay»287-9420 I you w ant M llw a w k « • lit» 4 * 1 • Itfk 4 IPs’ Bwrnt.a« « JJrN I M I »*«fW4» • * M U I» A l o s a a o le 4 > • *ri"4 •* i i o<*<»*«*« • Rir»e • (>•» O'm* a W « « « B w ro salrf« O iw a g a «O i 4 ,