Page J? Portland Obaerver, October 27, 1962 P O L L IN G P L A C E S MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON G E N E R A L E L E C T IO N , T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 2 , 1 9 8 2 POLLS OPEN 8:00 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M. N E W P O L L IN G P L A C E ? C H E C K B E FO R E YO U G O TO VO TE 1 1 6 4 - Residence 2 0 9 6 - Methodist Church 3762 S.W Council Crest Drive 5023 N Michigan Avenue 6 1165— St Thomas More School 2099— Baptist Church 3525 S W Patton Road 4735 N Commercial Avenue 8 1 170— Residence 2 1 0 0 - Presbyterian Church 2710 S W Old Orchard Road 2823 N Portland Blvd 1171— Residence 6 2 1 0 7 - Lutheran Church 3531 S W Dosch Road 2201 N Portland Blvd 8 1172— Presbyterian Church 2 1 0 9 - Lutheran Church 3228 S W Sunset Blvd 5658 N Denver Avenue 8 1 1 7 3 — Presbyterian Church 2 1 1 4 - Evangelical Church 3228 S W Sunset Blvd 2149 N Willamette Blvd 1177— Oregon Health Sciences University 6 2 1 1 5 - Beach School Library Lounge The following are the locations of the pollmg 1710 N Humboldt Street places m the precincts of Multnomah County 3181 S W Sam Jackson Park Road 2116— Baptist Church 1179— St Elizabeth Parish tor the general election to be held November 7412 N Mississippi Avenue 2 1982 4112 S W 6 Avenue 6 2 1 1 8 - Applegate School 6 1 1 8 2 — Fire Station 7650 N Commercial Avenue 5 8 X S W Kelly Avenue 2 1 2 3 - Peninsula Park Community Center 8 0 101— Elections Office 6 1 1 8 3 — S D A Tabernacle 6400 N Albina Avenue 1040 S E Morrison Street (Pathfinder Room) 2 1 3 5 - Fire Station 0102— Residence 26 S W Condor Way 4515 N Maryland Avenue 224 N W. Skyline Blvd 1184— Baptist Church 2 1 3 9 - Boise School 0122— Bridlemile School 125 S W Miles Street 620 N Fremont Street 4300 S W 47 Drive 6 1 1 8 6 — Fire Station 2 1 4 2 - Overlook Community Center 8 0 1 2 3 — Elections Office 1505 S W DeWitt Street 3839 N Melrose Drive 1040 S E Morrison Street 6 1189— Assembly of God Church 3 0 0 4 - Woodlawn School 8 0 140— Elections Office 5700 S W Dosch Road 7200 N E 11 Avenue 1040 S E Morrison Street 6 1 1 9 5 — Episcopal Church 6 3 0 0 8 - Faubion School 8 0 151— St Thomas More School 2201 S W Vermont Street 3525 S W . Patton Road 3039 N.E Portland Blvd ik 1200— Tnnity Community Center 6 X 1 4 - Lutheran Church 80 152— Elections Office 6437 S.W Virginia Avenue 1040 S E Morrison Street 6700 N E 29 Avenue (Entry on East side of Bldg I 8 0 1 5 6 — Stephenson School 6 X 1 6 - Methodist Church 6 1 2 0 5 — Community Church 2627 S W Stephenson Road 1425 N E Dekum Street 6948 S W Capitol Highway 8 0 163— Elections Office X 2 1 - Holy Redeemer School S 1206— Christian Church 1040 S.E Morrison Street 127 N Portland Blvd 3824 S W Troy Streel 0164— Residence 6 X 2 6 - Bethel A M E Church 1207— Masonic Temple 224 N W Skyline Blvd 5828 N E B Avenue 7675 S W Capitol Highway 6 X 2 7 - Fire Station 0165— Residence 6 1 210— Capitol Hill School 224 N W Skyline Blvd 1905 N E Killinasworth Street 8401 S W 17 Avenue 8 0 166— Elections Office 6 X 3 2 - Second United Church o l Christ 1211— Fulton Park Community Center 2941 N E Ainsworth Street 1040 S E Morrison Street X 3 4 - Adams High School Bldg 68 S W Miles Street 8 0 167— Pittock Mansion 6 1 2 1 3 — Lewis & Clark College 3229 N.W Pittock Drive 5700 N.E. 39 Avenue (Pamplin Sport Center) 3 0 3 9 - Presbyterian Church 0168— Residence 0615 S W Palatine HUI Road 224 N W. Skyline Blvd 5760 N.E Cleveland Avenue 6 1 215— St Clare s School (Hall) 5 3 0 4 0 - Christian Church 0169— Residence S W 17 and Freeman Streel 126 N E Alberta Street 224 N W Skyline Blvd 6 1216— Mary Rieke School 6 3 0 4 2 - St Andrews Community Center 8 0 171— OMSI 1406 S W Vermont Street (Enter at back of B ldg) 4015 S W Canyon Rd 8 1 2 2 0 — Fire Station 4940 N E 8 Avenue 8 0 3 X — Sumner School 8720 S W X Avenue 6 3052— Meek School 8678 N E. Sumner Street 1222— Collins View School 4039 N E Alberta Court 8 0407— Kirkland Union Manor 9806 S W Boones Ferry Road 3 0 5 8 - Oregon Stamp Society 3530 S E 84 Avenue 6 1 2 2 3 — Methodist Church 4828 N E 33 Avenue 8 0421— Grout School 2401 S W Taylors Ferry Road 6 3063 — Lutheran Church 3119 S.E Holgate Blvd 6 1224— Wilson High School 5431 N E 20 Avenue 8 0422— Lynch Wood School H 51 S W Vermont Street (Entry 0” N E '9 Avenue) 3615 S E 174th Ave X 7 1 - Methodist Church 1225— Bridlemile School 0503— Whitaker School 111 N E . Failing Street 4300 S W 47 Drive 5135 N.E. Columbia Blvd X 7 3 - Alien Temple C M E Churoh 1226— Bridlemile School 8 0510— Sitton School 4300 S W 47 Drive 9930 N Smith Street 4236 N E 8 Avenue 8 1229— Baptist Church 3080— Lutheran Church 8 0 512— Elections Office 4747 S W Cameron Road 4330 N.E. 37 Avenue 1040 S E . Morrison Street 3086 — Lutheran Church of the Deaf 6 1 2 X — Hayhurst School 80613— Sitton School 5037 S W lowa Street 4936 N.E Skidmore Street 9930 N Smith Street 3090— Methodist Church 6 1 2 3 2 — Maplewood School 8 0 514— Elections Office 7452 S W 52 Avenue 3917 N E Shaver Street 1040 S.E Morrison Street 3094 — Residence 8 1 2 3 3 — Lutheran Church 80515— Elections Office 6835 S W 46 Avenue 2609 N E Hamblet Street 1040 S.E Morrison Street 5 3 0 9 7 - Sabin School 6 1 2 X — Smith School 8 0 534— Lee School 8935 S W 52 Avenue 4013 N E 18 Avenue 2222 N.E. 92 Avenue 1237— Methodist Church 6 3 1 0 5 - Albina Branch Library 8 0535— Lee School 4729 S W Taylors Ferry Road 3605 N E 15 Avenue 2222 N E 92 Avenue 6 1 2 3 8 — Markham School 6 3 1 0 9 - Church of the Madeleine (Convent) 6 0 6 4 3 - Elections Office 10531 S W Capilol Highway 2330 N E Siskiyou Street 1040 S.E Morrison Street 61240— O M S I (Enter on N E 24 Avenue) 8 0544— Fairview City Hall 4015 S W Canyon Road 3113— Alameda School 300 Harrison Street 1243-- Collinsview E C N A. Church 2732 N E Fremont Street 0546— Wilkes School 318 S W Palatine Hill Road 3122— St Rose Church (Old Hall) 17020 N.E. Wilkes Rd 1244— Methodist Church 5309 N E Aiameda 8 0 5 5 1 — Elections Office 8 3 1 2 6 - Hollywood Senior Center 4729 S W Taylors Ferry Road 1040 S.E Morrison Street 1820 N E 40 Avenue 6 1 2 4 5 — Smith School 8 0 5 5 2 — Elections Office 3 1 2 8 - Beaumont School 8935 S W 52 Avenue 1040 S.E. Morrison Street 4043 N E Fremont Street 6 1246— Stephenson School 0555— Portnomah Park Apartments 3 1 3 2 - Grant High School 2627 S W Stephenson Road S.E. 117 and Flavel Street 2245 N E 36 Avenue 6 1 2 4 8 — Methodist Church 0656— Residence 6 3 1 3 5 - Hollyrood School 2401 S.W Taylors Ferry Road 14062 S.E Foster Road 3560 N E Hollyrood Court 6 1 2 5 0 — Jackson Baptist Temple 8 0559— Fire Station 5 3 1 3 8 - Baptist Church 10558 S W 35 Avenue 13310 S E Foster Road 1251— Lutheran Church 2728 N E 34 Avenue 8 0 5 6 0 — Fire Station 3143— Church of God 3405 S W Alice Street 13310 S.E. Foster Road 2120 N E Tillamook Street 6 1252— Evangelical Free Church 8 0 5 6 1 — Fire Station (Enter from 21 Avenue Parking Lot) 12647 S W 62 Avenue 13310 S E Foster Road 6 1305— Central Library 3 1 4 4 - Lutheran Church 8 0563— N Gresham Grade School 801 S W 10 Avenue N.E. 15 and Knoll Street 1001 S E. 217 Avenue 6 1306— Multnomah County Courthouse 3151— Congregational Church 5 0 5 8 4 - Elections Office 636 N E Stanton Street 1021 S W 4 Avenue 1040 S.E Morrison Street 6 1313— lone Piaza Apartments 6 3 1 5 5 — Matt Dishman Memorial Center 5 0 585— N Gresham Grade School 1717 S W Park Avenue 77 N .E Knott Street 1001 S.E 217 Avenue 6 1 3 1 5 — American Plaza 8 3 1 5 8 — Scoff School 8 0586— Fairview City Hall 2321 S W 1 Avenue 6700 N E Prescott Street 300 Harrison Street 6 1320— Portland Slate University 8 3 1 8 0 - Gregory Heights Branch Library 8 0 587— N Gresham Grade School Neuberger Hall (Lobby) 7921 N.E Sandy Blvd 1001 S.E 217 Avenue 724 S W Harrison Street 3163— Presbyterian Church 8 0588— Pleasant Valley School 6 1400— Eagle Q e s t Condominiums 8245 N E Fremont Street 17625 S E Foster Road 45 Cagle Crest Drive 3185— Presbyterian Church 8 0589— E Gresham Grade School 1500— Bonny Slope School 3516 N E 71 Avenue 900 S.E 5 Street 10351 N W Thompson Road 3170— 1001— Fire Station Residence 1503— Skyline School 11212 N W St Helens Road 2903 N.E. 52 Avenue N.W. Skyline Blvd 3174— Lutheran Church 1002— Fire Station 6 1504— Community Church 6140 N E Stanton Street 4465 N W Yeon Avenue Morgan Road 8 3 1 7 7 - Madison High School 1012— Roxey Court Apartments 6 1505— Sauvie Island School 2735 N E 82 Avenue 2336 N W Pettygrove Street Reeder Road 8 3 1 8 6 — Lee School 1013— Friendly House 1507— Residence 2222 N E 92 Avenue 2617 N W Savier Street 224 N W Skyline Blvd 6 3185— Madison High School 8 1 014— Chapman School 1512— Residence 2735 N E 82 Avenue 1445 N W 26 Avenue 3644 S W 48 Place 3 1 9 3 - St Rose Church (Old Hell) 8 1017— Residence 6 1515— Baptist Church 5309 N E Alameda 3639 N W Thurman Street 5656 S W Humphrey Blvd 8 3196— Hollywood East Apartments 1019— Hillside Center 6 1 5 3 3 — Riverdale School 4400 N.E Broadway 653 N W Culpepper Terrace 11733 S W Breyman Avenue 6 3199— Normandale School 8 1025— Marshall Union Manor 6 1 5 4 6 — Riverdale School 909 N E 52 Avenue 2020 N W Northrup Street 11733 S W Breyman Avenue 3 2 0 3 - Rose City Park School 1028— Lutheran Church 6 2 0 0 2 — Sitton School 2334 N X 57 Avenue 1816 N W Irving Street 9 9 X N Smith Street 6 3206— Normandale School 8 1 0 3 1 - Episcopal Church 2003— Baptist Church 909 N E 52 Avenue 1025 N W 21 Avenue 7807 N Fessenden Street 8 3 2 1 2 - Rice School 8 1034— Fruit 1 Flower Day Nursery 6 2 0 0 5 — George School 6433 N E Tillamook Street 2378 N.W Irving Street 10000 N Bum Avenue 8 3217— Glenheven School 8 1040— Northwes’ Service Center 2015— Christian Church 8020 N E Tillamook Street 319 N W 18 Avenue 8044 N Richmond Avenue 8 3219— Lee School 1043— Congregation Beth Israel 8 2018— Roosevelt High School 2222 N E 92 Avenue (Harris Halil 6941 N Central Street 3223— Multnomah County Juvenile Home Entry on N W 20 between 6 2021— James John School 1401 N.E 68 Avenue Flanders 4 Glisar 7439 N Charleston Avenue 8 3228— Wilcox School 6 1 045— Pittock Mansion 6 2023— Schrunk Riverview Tower 833 N.E 74 Avenue 3229 N W Pittock Drive 8832 N Syracuse Street 8 3 2 3 3 - Baptist Manor 6 1047— Residence 2025— Columbia Villa 900 N E 81 Avenue 18 N W 22 Place 8920 N Woolsey Avenue 6 3 2 3 4 — Central Bible Church 6 1049— Williams Plaza Apartments 2026— Bail School 8815 N E Glisan Street 2041 N W Everett Street 4221 N Willis Blvd 8 3237— Presbyterian Church 8 1 0 5 3 - N W Natural Gas Co 6 2 0 2 7 — Peninsula School 450 N E 78 Avenue 123 N W Flanders 8125 N Emerald Avenue 8 3240 — Fire Station (enter on N W 2 Ave ) 6 2028— Peninsula Open Bible Church 7301 E Burnside 8 1 1 0 1 — Residence 8221 N Peninsular Avenue 8 3245— Mt Tabor School 157 S W Kingston Avenue 6 2029— Kenton Firehouse 5800 S E Ash Street 6 1 1 0 3 — Panorama Apartments 8105 N Brandon 6 3248— Reorg Church of Latter Day Saints 735 S W St Clair Avenue 2034— Presbyterian Church 4837 N E Couch Street 8 1 1 0 7 — Portland Towers 2115 N Lombard Streel (Entry on N E 50 end Couch Streeti 950 S W 21 Avenue 6 2043— Clarendon School 8 3249— Williams Temple 8 1 1 1 7 — Vista St Clair Apartments 9326 N Van Houten Avenue 241 N E Hancock Street 1000 S W Vista Avenue 2046— Covenant Church 8 3 2 5 3 - Grace Peck Terrace 8 1 1 1 8 — Lincoln High School 6265 N Columbia Way 1839 N E 14 Avenue 1600 S W Salmon Street 6 2049— Church of Jesus Christ of 6 3258— Fernwood School 8 1 133— Melhodist Church Latter Day Saints (Mormoni 3255 N E Hancock Street 1838 S W Jefferson Street 5620 N Bow dot n Street 6 3259— Holladay Park Plaza 8 1143— St Thomas More School (Use Parking Lot Entrance) 1300 N E 16 Avenue 3525 S W Patton Road 6 2050— Methodist Church 6 3263— Lutheran Church 1155— International Union o, Operating 4791 N Lombard Street 2104 N E Hancock Street Engineers Local 701 3 2 6 8 - i Baptist Church 2051 — Lutheran Church 1525 S W 12 Avenue 4227 N Lombard Street 620 N E Cfackamaa Street 8 1156— Ainsworth School 6 2061— Chief Joseph School 2425 S W Vista Avenue 2409 N Saratoga Street 8 3 2 7 3 - Benson High School 1158— Ascension Chapel, Episcopal 6 2074— Astor School 546 N E 12 Avenue 1823 S W Spring Street 5601 N Yale Street 3274- ist Church 8 1160— Terwilliger Plaza 2077— Lutheran Church N E Flanders Street 2545 S W Terwilliger Blvd 7119 N Portsmouth Avenue 8 3 2 8 3 - Stone Tower S D A Church 1162— Residence 2083— Fire Station 3010 N E Holladay Street 3734 S W Corbett Avenue 7134 N Maryland Avenue 8 3 2 8 4 - Lutheran Church 1163— Indochinese Center 2086— Residence 3924 N E Senate Street (Old Neighborhood House) 7023 N Albina Avenue 8 3 2 8 6 - All Saints Church 3030 S W 2 Avenue 540 N E Leddmgton Court 6 This physically handicapped symbol in­ dicates those polling places which have an entrance accessible to voters using wheel chairs All voters, including the handicapped, may not vote at polling places other than their own We regret that all polling places cannot be accessible II you are handicapped and your polling place is not accessible to voters in wheel chairs or on crutches, please call 248-3720 tor advice on other methods ol voting I I I I i I i 3290 — First Covenant Church 6 4259— Union Manor 4433 E Burnside 5404 S E 23 Avenue 6 3292— Laurelhurst School 4283— Llewellyn School 840 N E 41 Avenue 6 X 1 S E 14 Avenue 8 3297— St Charles School 4 2 6 4 - Masonic Temple N E Emerson Street near 42 Avenue 7126 S E Milwaukie Avenue 5 3299 — Columbia School 4285— Presbyterian Church 716 N E Marine Drive 1814 S E By bee Blvd 6 3 3 0 0 - Portland Mobile Home Court 6 4268— Episcopal Church 4633 S E Woodstock Blvd 9000 N E Union Avenue 3 3 0 2 - Whitaker School 4271— Holy Family Parish 5135 N E Columbia Blvd 7425 S E 39 Avenue 6 4 0 0 5 - Archdiocese of Portland 6 4278— Church of Chris! 2838 E Burnside 4514 S E Flavel Drive 4 0 0 9 - Fire Station 6 4279— Lewis School 900 S E 35 Avenue 4401 S E Evergreen Street 6 4 0 2 0 - Buckman School 4282— Duniway School 320 S E 16 Avenue 7700 S E Reed College Piece 6 4 022— Volunteers ol America 4284— Residence Bumie Memoria! Center 7641 S E 28 Avenue 537 S E Alder St 4285— Church ol the Nazarene 4025 — Baptist Church S E Milwaukie 4 Lambert Street 1 1 j7 S E 20 Avenue 4294- * Baptist Church 4026— Dept of Environmental 11Ó4 S ! E Spokane Street Services Bldg 6 4295— Sellwood School 2115 S E Morrison Street 8300 S E 15 Avenue 4027 — Odd Fellows Hall 4 3 0 2 - Residence 2514 S E Madison Street 3325 S E Johnson Creek Blvd 6 4 0 X - St Josephs Home 8 4 3 0 7 - Residence 530 S E 30 Avenue 9321 S E. Tenino Court 6 4033 — Sunnyside School 4309 — Residence 3421 S E Salmon Street 14062 S E Foster Road 4038— Masonic Lodge 4 3 1 3 - Portnomah Park Apartments 3862 S.E Hawthorne Blvd S E 117 4 Flavel Street .6 4041 — Edwards School 6 4 3 1 4 - Sellwood Center 1715 S E 32 Piece 1724 S E Tenino Street 6 4 0 4 4 - Presbyterian Church 6 5 0 0 9 - Lutheran Church 2828 S E Stephens Street 5520 N E Killmgsworth Street 6 4048 - St Philip Neri Church 5010— Baptist Church (Cervtm Hall) 5841 N E 60 Avenue 2411 S E Tamarack Avenue 8 5 0 1 6 - Rigier School (Entry on S E 18 4 Hickory Street) 5401 N E Prescott Street 4049 — Abernathy School 8 5 0 1 6 — Fire Station 2421 S E Orange Avenue 5916 N E Going Street 64052 — Ford Building 5021 — Presbylenen Church 2505 S E 11 Avenue 6025 N E Prescott Street 6 4056— Hoslord Deal School 8 5024— Luther Memorial Church 2816 S E Grant Street 4800 N E 72 Avenue 4064 — Lutheran Church 6 5 0 2 6 - Sumner School 3880 S E Brooklyn Street 8678 N E Sumner Street 4065— Congregational Church 6 5028— Masonic Lodge 3300 S E Woodward Street 4812 ' N E 102 Avenue 4087 — Cleveland High School 6 5029— Mount Hood College Center 3400 S E 26 Avenue 10100 N E Prescott Street 4068 — Cleveland High School 6 5 0 3 2 - Baptist Church 3400 S E 26 Avenue 8311 N E Prescott Street 6 4 0 8 0 — Lutheran Church 8 5 0 4 0 - Parkrose Middle School 11800 N E Shaver Street 4710 SE O i k Smear 6 4065 — Methodist Church 5042— Prescott School 6161 S E Stark Street 10410 N E Prescott Street (Entry on S E 61 Avenue) 6 5043— Methodist Church 4092 — Lutheran Church 11281 N E Knott Street 5044— Woodland Park. Chapel 8705 E Burnside 4106— Sunnyside S D A Church 1914 N E 102 Avenue (Fellowship Center) 8 5050— Knott School 4254 S E Washington Street 11456 N E Knoll Streel 4107— Baptist Church 6 5063 — Russell School 4511 S E Mam Street 2700 N E 127 Avenue (Entry on S E 45 Avenue) 6 5 0 5 6 — Thompson School 64111 — Presbylenen Church 14020 N E Thompson Street 5441 S E Belmont Street 6 5 0 6 0 - Fire Station 4114— Fellowship House 13303 N E San Ralaei Street 5914 S E Yamhill Street 8 5 0 8 3 - Sacramento School 6 4 117— Bridger School 11400 N E Sacramento Streel 7910 S E Market Street 8 5 0 6 6 - Far West Federal Savings 4 6 4 1 1 8 — Ascension Church Loan Bldg 823 S E 76 Avenue 1205 N E 102 Avanua 6 4 1 2 3 — Baptiet Church 5 0 6 9 - Baptist Church 9204 S I E Hewthome Blvd 11375 N E Halsey Street 6 4 1 2 5 — Clark School 8 5 0 7 3 — Presbyterian Church 1231 S E 92 Avenue 12505 N E Halsay Straal 6 4 1 2 8 — Bmnsmead School 5078— Menlo Perk School 2225 S E 87 Avenue 12900 N E Qlisan Street 8 4 130— Bndger School 6 5 0 7 7 - Hensen Bldg 7910 S E Market Street 12240 N E Glisan Street 64131 — Atkinson School 6 5 0 7 8 — Baptist Church 5800 S E Division Street 10401 N E Glisan Street 4132— Methodist Church 6 5080— Multnomah County E S 0 5145 S E Lincoln Street 220 S E 102 Avenue 4143— Christian Church 65081 — Shaver School 1844 S E 39 Avenue 3701 N E 131 Place 6 4 144— Richmond School S 5 0 8 2 - Shaver School 2276 S E 41 Avenue 3701 N E 131 Place 8 4 1 4 7 — Peacefui Villa iRecreatlon Bidg ) 6 5083 — Hayden Island Mobile Park 4626 S E Clinton Street 1503 N Hayden Island Drive at 2835 S E 47 Avenue) 5 0 8 4 - Rivercreet Community Church 8 4 1 5 2 - Trinity Baptist Church 3201 N E 148 Avenue 2700 S E 67 Avenue 5066— Fire Station 84155— Youngeon School 12070 N Jantzen Drive 2704 S E 71 Avenue 5088— Rivercreet Community Church 6 4 156— SI Anthony's Pariah Hall 3201 N E 146 Avenue 3800 S E 79 Avenue 6 5 0 8 9 — Shaver School 4156— Kellogg School 3701 N E 131 Piece 6 5 4 0 1 - Presbylenen Church 6909 S E Powell Blvd 4180— Gahiee Bapt'St Church 2420 N E Fairview Avenue 3132 S E 67 Avenue 6 5 4 0 3 - Margaret Scott School 8 4 1 8 2 — Franklin High School 14700 N E Sacramento Streel 5405 S E Woodward Street 5405 — Evangelical Church 6 4 1 6 # - Catholic Church (Dillon Hall) 50 N E 143 Avenue 3330 S.E 43 Avenue 65408 - Hauton B Lee School 4176— Christian Church 1121 N E 172 Avenue 6828 S E Holgate Blvd 6 5 4 0 9 - Hauton B Lee School 1121 N E 172 Avenue 4178— First Science of Mind Center 4224 S.E 62 Avenue 6 5 4 1 0 - Hartley School 4181 — 701 N E 185 Piece 8 5 4 1 2 - Reynolds High School 6017 S E Gladstone Street 4182— Residence 1200 N E 201 Avenue 5411 S E Raymond Street 8 5418— Glenfalr School 4185— Arieta School 15300 N E Glisan Street 5109 S E 66 Avenue 6 5 4 2 0 — Wood Village Q ty Hell 2055 N E 238 Drive 4188— Marysville School 7733 S E Raymond Street 6 5 4 2 2 - Sweetboar School 4190— Lutheran Church 501 S E Sweelbrler Lane 4244 S E 91 Avenue 5424— Springdale Community Bible Church 6 4191 — Lent School 125 N E . Luces Road 5105 S E 97 Avenue 5425— Corbel! Fire Station 4198— Si Peters Parish (Gymnasium) Corbett S E 86 Avenue 4 Ramons Street 5427— Auditorium 6 4 2 0 2 - Our Lady of Sorrows School Bonneville, Oregon 5239 S E Woodstock Blvd 6 5428— Episcopal Church 8 4203— Our Lady of Sorrows School 17405 N E Glisan Street 5239 S E Woodstock Blvd 6 5429 — Albertina Kerr Center 8 4208— Mt Scott Community Canter 722 N E 162 Avenue 5530 S E 72 Avenue 6 5 4 3 0 - Davis School 19501 N E Davis Straal 6 4208 — Ml Scoff Community Center 5530 S E 72 Avenue 6 5431 — Episcopal Church 17405 N E Glisan Straal 4211 — St Peters Parish (Gymnasium) S E 86 Avenue 4 Ramona Street 6 5432— Reynolds High School 1200 N E 201 Avenue 6 4216— Kelly School 9030 S E Cooper Street 8 5433— Wood Village City Hell I Drive ------ N E 238 T 2055 8 4 2 1 8 - Woodmere School 5 4 3 4 - Springdale Community Bible Church 6540 S E 78 Avenue 125 N E Lucas Road 4221— Tremont E C N A Church 7119 S E Knight Street 5 4 3 5 - Wilkes School 8 4223— Residence 17020 N E Wilkes Road 3117 S E 8 Avenue 8 5436— Baptist Church 830 N E 192 Avenue 4228— Presbyterian Church 4028 S E 34 Avenue 6 5439— Troutdale City Hell 6 4 2 3 1 — Creston School 104 Klbllng Street 85441 — Sweetbnar School 4701 S E Bush Street 501 S E Sweet briar Lane 8 4236— Grout School 8 5442— Columbia High School 3119 SE Holgate Blvd 1898 S W Cherry Perk Road 4240— Brooklyn School 6 5443— Fairview City Hell 3830 S E 14 Avenue 4242— Cambridge Square 300 Harrison Street 4616 S E Milwaukie Avenue 5505— Evangelical Church 4 2 4 3 - Friendship Health Center 50 N E 143 Avenue 6 5 5 0 7 - David Douglas High School 3320 S E Holgate Blvd 8 4244— Holgate House Junior Bldg 4601 S E 39 Avenue 1001 S E 135 Avenue Ventura Park School 6 4246— Holgate House 5509 145 S E 117 Avenue 4601 S E 39 Avenue 8 4248 — Fire Station 65511 — New Life Community Church 11121 S E Market Street 5211 S E Mall Street 8 4 2 5 0 - Chinese Presbyterian Church 8 5 5 1 2 — Lutheran Church 11580 SE Market Street 4937 S E Woodstock Blvd 4 2 5 1 - Woodstock Community Center 6 5513— David Douglas High School 1500 S E 130 Avenue 5905 S E 43 Avenue 6 4 2 5 4 - Reed College 8 5516— Presbyterian Church 1740 S E 139 Avenue Vollum Lounge 3203 S E Woodstock Blvd 6 5 5 1 8 - Presbyterian Church 1740 5 E 139 Avenue 4 2 5 8 - Friends Church 5 5 1 9 - Lincoln Park School 2901 SE Steele Street 13200S E Lincoln Street I I 5524 — Mill Park School (900 S E 117 Avenue 6 5 5 2 5 - Methodist Church 1736 SE 108 Avenue 5 5 2 6 - Cherry Perk School 1930 S E 104 Avenue 6 5528— Binnsmeed School 2225 S E 87 Avenue 5531 — Veterans of Foreign Wars 3405 S E 87 Avenue 6 5535 — Assembly of God Church 10224 S E Division Street 5537 — W Powellhurst School 2921 S E 118 Avenue 5538 — Oavid Douglas Administrative Office 2900 SE 122 Avenue 6 5 5 4 0 - Lynch Perk School 14750 S E Clinton Streel 6 5 5 4 1 - Kirkland Union Manor 3530 S E 84 Avenue 6 5545— Trinity Community Church 10840 S E Powell Blvd 6 5 5 4 6 — Trmlly Community Church 10840 S E Powell Blvd 5 5 4 9 - Gilbert Heights School 12839 SE Holgate Blvd 5 5 5 0 - Gilbert Heights School 12839 S E Holgate Blvd 5 5 5 1 - Gilbert Perk School 13132 S E Ramona Street 5 5 5 2 - Lutheran Church 14500 SE Powell Blvd 8 5 5 5 8 - Holgate Blvd Church o l God 10505 i f S E Holgate Blvd 6 5558 - Residence 10313 S E Reedway Street 5 5 8 1 - Alice Ott Middle School 12500 S E Ramona Street 6 5 5 8 2 - Fire Station 13310 S E Foster Road 8 5567— Woodmore School 6540 S E 78 Avenue 5571— Church ol the Nazarene 6520 S E Duke Street 6 5674— Fire Station 5125 S E Ogden Street 8 5579— Methodist Church 7414 SE 52 Avenue 6 5 5 8 0 - Baptist Church 7950 S ! E 62 Avenue 4 5 5 6 4 - Whitman School 7328 S E Flavel Street 5587— Herold Oliver Middle School 15640 S E Taylor Street Lynch Plaza School 8 5588 15811 S E Main Straal 6 5590 - Good Naws Church 21 15S E ’ 48 Avenue 6 5 5 9 1 - Lynch Park School 14750 SE Qm ton Street 6 5 6 9 3 — Lutheran High School 18301 S E Division Street 6 5 6 9 6 — Christian Reformed Church 16001 S E Mam Straal 65601 — Alder School 17200 S E Alder Street 8 5802 — Lynch View School 1848 S E t89 Place 6 8 8 0 5 - Lutheran Church 1440 SE 182 Avenue 6 5 8 0 6 - Presbylenen Church 18830 S E Division Street 6 5 6 0 7 — Mobile Park Plaza 19850 S E Stark Street 6 5 6 0 9 — Lynch Terrace School 1765OS E Brooklyn 6treet 6 5810— Lutheran High School 18X1 S E Division Si real 5612— Evangelical Church 2800 S E 170 Avenue 8 5614— Lynch Wood School 3815 SE 174 Avenue 5816— Lynch Meadows School 18009 S E Brooklyn Straal 6 5818— Pleasant Valley School 17628 S E Foster Road 6 8819— Suburban Mobrle Estales 21016 S E Stark Streel 6 5 8 2 0 - N Gresham Grade School 1001 S E 217 Avenue 6 5822 Powell Valley Grade School 27128 SE Powell Blvd 8 5 8 2 3 - East Hill Church 1525 N W Division Street 8 5 8 2 4 - Methodist Church 620 N W 8 at Normen Avenue 6 5825— Highland School 295 N E 24 Street 6 5828 -- E Gresham Grade School 900 S E 5 Street 5 8 2 9 - Gresham s Old Q ty Hell 150 W Powell Blvd 6 5 8 X - Oexler McCarty Middle School 1400 S E 5 Straal 6 5834— West Orient School Old Loop Highway 5835— Baptist Church 32120 S E Dodge Park Blvd 6 5 8 » — Gresham Municipal Bldg 1333 N W Eastman 6 5640— Gordon Russell Middle School 3625 S E Powell Valley Road 5841— Baptist Church 32120 S E Dodge Park Blvd 6 5642— E Gresham Grade School 900 S E 5 Street 6 5 8 4 3 - East Hill Church 1525 N W Division Street 6 5845— Gresham Church of Christ 1217 S E 4 Street 6 5848— Covenant Church 1335 S E Troutdale Avenue 6 5 8 6 0 - Zion United Church of Christ 2025 N E 23 SI reel 6 5651— Fairlawn Towne Community Canter 1280 N E Kane Road 6 5853— Village Retirement Home 4501 W Powell Blvd 8 5 8 5 4 — Golf Q ub Recreation Bldg 2155 N E Division Street 6 5855— Fire Station 2 X 1 S W Pleasant View Drive 6 5857— Mount Hood Christian Center 3445 S E Hillyard Road 6 5858— Christian Church 1890 N E Cleveland Avanua 6 5859— Fairlawn Towne Community Canter 1280 N E Kane Road 6 5880— Hollydale School 505 S W Blrdsdele 5881— Episcopal Church 120 S W Towle Avenue 6 5 8 6 2 - Mount Hood Christian Center (Church Foyer) 3445 3 E Hillyard Road WILLIAM J. RADAKOVICH, Director Of Election* Multnomah County I