Pago 6 Portland Observer, October 27, 1982 A Perilous Choice f t by Herb L. Cawthorne You are d riving on a crowded expected o f a Republican who, in freeway. The car in fro n t o f you the process o f keeping state agencies brakes suddenly. You have to react together, had to keep a conservative to save your life. But what reaction? constituency intact as well. Given I f you turn right, you’ ll smash into his constituency and his o rig in al the restraining wall. I f you turn left, love a ffa ir with Reaganomics, he you’ll be clobbered by the oncoming could have done much more dam­ cars in the next lane. I f you keep go­ age, lasting damage. ing forward, you ram into the guy in Atiyeh did not destroy schools, machine. In this campaign, front. although Basic School Support Kulonoski is right when he argues This is the situation as we ap­ could have been greatly hampered. that the expansion o f the Oregon proach the decision on the Gover­ He made sure at least minimal fund­ economy is best achieved through nor’s race this November. We know ing remained for essential programs small business opportunities fo r we are in trouble. We have to react. for the elderly, the disabled, and de­ everyone. But what reaction? Straight ahead pendent children. His a ffirm a tive Kulongoski is a traditional Demo­ means a sure collision. A turn to the action program was developed by a crat. And tha t's not necessarily left means being taken for granted. strong and able black man, with im­ good for people o f color. Our poli­ A turn to the right means abdication peccable credentials. And Atiyeh ticians are Democratic. Our papers , —not going to the polls, closing our supported the program, expressed endorse Democratic. We vote Dem­ eyes and wishing for the best. In this his commitment for it, although bad ocratic. I t ’ s guaranteed. So why situation, dangerous as it is, we have times have not allowed improved bother cultivating political relation­ to do something. percentages. The Racial Harassment ships, alliances, and mutual visions The mind moves fast under pres­ Bill, though imperfect, made an im­ for better government? “ We have sure. A thousand thoughts can fly portant statement to a number o f them in our hip pockets,” the Dem­ by in less than a second. So while we people in the community. ocrats say p riva tely, “ and they do not have much time to react, and A tiy e h ’ s management o f state don’t even holler when we sit down the choices are perilous, let’s quick­ government has been during hard on the jo b !” ly analyze the options. times. We have felt the sting o f bud­ D uring these times when state The incumbent, Victory Atiyeh, a get cuts and reduced support under government was facing its most scri- Republican, has been in office four his administration. Would he have ious challenge since the depression, years now. During this time, poor done better had times been better? with a governor who didn’ t seem to people have suffered immeasurably. Perhaps. His one redeeming quality know what to do, did you hear from The unemployment rate is high, is sincerity. Kulongoski? Where was he? Did he state programs have been cut, and there is low morale throughout the The challenger, Ted Kulongoski, organize his Democratic colleagues, system. Is Vic Atiyeh a bad man? a Democrat, has served in the Sen­ challenge Atiyeh on behalf o f the No! Is the situation a ll his fault? ate o f the Oregon Legislature fo r poor and depressed, and lead the No! Could he have managed it bet­ many years. He’s a typical Demo­ charge? He did not. Kulongoski has thought about the ter? Yes! c ra t-s tro n g fo r labor, liberal at sorrowful plight o f the unemployed In two and one h a lf years, the times, all for equality, providing, o f and unassisted in Oregon. But does State of Oregon has come up about course, that such equality does not $650 million short in revenue. One upset the Democratic power base. he have the knowledge, the p ro ­ would have to be a fuzzy-headed He is a hungry politician, which is grams, the managerial ability, and the vision to instill confidence and Monday m orning quarterback to not all bad. support? He has compassion. Does criticize relentlessly A tiyeh’ s man­ Kulongoski has a sound record as he have the skill? agement o f the problem. True, his a legislator. Most o f the labor bills The freeway to the voting booth is forecasting was bad and politically in the last several years have been motivated. True, he lacked vision composed by Kulongoski, particu­ crowded with claims and counter­ and courage to take on the problem larly as related to migrant labor. He claims. There’ s trouble straight with innovation and reorganization. tried to get Atiyeh to agree to a ffir­ ahead. There’s trouble to the right True, he chipped here, chipped mative action as a criteria fo r ap­ and to the left. Past experience helps there, chipped a little b it from pointments to Boards and Commis­ a little, so long as the circumstances everywhere to balance the budget. sions, and he wanted managers o f are not too different. Courage and a The “ chip away’ ’ philosophy is state agencies to be evaluated, as vision for change helps too, so long managerially unsound in my one factor, on their achievement o f as they are not blind. Good luck! opinion. So, true, Atiyeh is not at a ffirm a tive action fo r m inorities all perfect. and women. On the latter Atiyeh ag­ Herb Cawthorne, a member o f To his credit, however, Atiyeh did reed. Kulongoski also supported the the Portland Board o f Education, is attempt to protect state govern­ disvestment o f American corpora­ director o f the Office o f Special Ser­ ment. He did the best that could be tions in the South African genocide vices at Portland State University. I urge you to vote YES on Measure 51. A z Commissioner Charles Jordan Paid for by Portland Police Citizens Committee Phil Bogue. Trees B om 766 Portland. Oregon GARY ROBERTS District Court Judge, Dept. 14 Endorsed by Portland Observer, Oct. 20, 1982. »Endorsed by City Commissioner Charles Jordan • Member of Storrs Committee, which wrote the ordinance providing for citizen review of police abuse complaints [ Gary Roberta for Diatrict Court Judge Committee A lifelong resident o f N. E. Portland, A nne is the daughter o f local businessman Neil Kelly, welt known fo r his commitment to our community. Fifteen years o f administrative experience in government, education and business qualifies her to evaluate county budgeting, planning and programming. Elect .♦ C i M ultnom ah C ounty Auditor Anne Kelly Feeney says: "County government must squeeze more services out of your tax dollars. I'll make sure it does." • Fifteen years of administrative experience in government, education and business. • Graduate training in data analysis, computers, budgeting, management and Public Administration. • Member of Multnomah County Planning Commission. • Past Member of Multnomah County Budget Advisory Committee. • Achieved needed reforms in Oregon Legislature in estate taxation and local government financing and bonding authority. Feeney tor Auditor Committee. Dick Rocci. Treasurer, 2806 NE Alameda Portland. OR 97212. 287 2842 Her keen insight into the workings of government leave little doubt about her ability . .the Journal recommends Anne Kelly Feeney for Auditor.'' The Oregon Journal. A p ril 27,1962 0* CHAD DEBNAM FOR House District 18 THE CHOICE IS CLEAR DENNIS BUCHANAN FOR COUNTY EXECUTIVE Endorsed by: Chad Debnam and Rev. John Garlington discuss need for jobs and development. Working together fo r the community. . . I f elected I will hold Town H all meetings twice a month during the session and once a month during interim to share ideas and information. I will make every attempt to include the people of District 18 in the legislative process. • • • • • • • Increase home ownership in District 18 Jobs for the unemployed Business incentives to create jobs Community reinvestment program Development of Union Avenue Corridor Responsible senior citizen program High tech education at PCC/Cascade and Jefferson High School • Responsible tax reform Com mittee to Elect Chad Detonem. Hermen L. Brame, Tree« 5B46 NE 23rd Ave , Portland, Oregon 9721, Amalgamated Transit Union #757 Multnomah County Democratic Central Committee Multnomah County Labor Council Oregon Education Association Oregon Journal Oregon Womens Political Caucus Oregonian Portland Association of Teachers Willamette Democratic Society Willamette Week Portland Observer Also endorsed by: Rev John Jackson Bishop U.V. Peterson Rev. Matthew Watley CHOOSE DENNIS BUCHANAN. WE DID. Paid lor by ih r Dennis Hut banali ( .impiligli P <>. Ho» 411, Portland, OR 97207 Phone 226 ,<*>7