Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 27, 1982, Page 19, Image 19

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    Portland Observer, October 27,1962 Section II Pace 11
Community Calendar
proposals will be received in Room 412, City HsH, Portland, Orsgor
97204 for items detailed herein until 2:00 P.M . on the dates indicated.
Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address. For addi­
tional information telephone buyer at number listed.
When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified
check, cashier's check or a bk> bond, payable to the City of Portland for an
amount notless than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the bid
as guaranty that the bid shall be irrevocable for the period specified in the
proposal. So id bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should
the bidder seek to revoke his offer for any reason not authorized by la w . a
not consented to by City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refiae
to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful perfom-
ance of the contract, in the event the said contract is awarded to him.
NON DISCRIM INATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless tf
bidder is certified as an Efeo Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed b
Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently
certified should file the required documentation with the Contract Compli­
ance Division, Room 209, City Hall, 1220 S W Fifth Avenue,* Portland, Ore­
gon 97204, 248 4696. at least five (6) days prior to the Bid Opening. Failure
to achieve certification by the Bid Opening Date aqd Time shall result in the
return of your Bid Unopened.
21 A
Furnish Concrete Sewer Pipe for 1983. For informa­
tion call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248-4003. 10% Bid
Surety Required.
Furnish 1 Forty Foot Aluminum Fire Boat. For infor­
mation call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248-4486. 10%
Bid Surety Required.........................................................
"E v e ry d a y life In S o v ie t R u s s ia ,” talk by Harrison Salisbury, retired
A/ew York T im a correspondent, M a rrio tt Hotel, 1401 S.W . Front, Noon,
lunch; prepaid reservations required by Oct. 29, 229-3049. 12:30 p.m ., Free
Lecture. N o reservations taken. N o v e m b e r 2 at the M arriott.
"V o ic e s fro m th e b leckn eee d e e p ," presented by the Sojourner Truth
Theater & Dance Troupe, directed by Nyewusi Askari, October 29, 30, 31,
Portland Community College A uditorium (Cascade Campus), 705 N. K il­
lings worth. Special guest: Rev. Ira D . M um ford, performing James Weldon
Johnson’s classic, “ The C reation.” For ticket inform ation and times, call
289-9278 or 288-6708.
P res ch o o l s to ry tim e s , branch libraries, ages 3-5. A lbina (3605 N .E .
15th, 287-7147), Tues., Nov. 2, 10:30 a.m. North Portland (512 N. Killings-
wort'h, 284-5622), F ri., Nov. 5, 10:30 a.m.
W e s tm in s te r P resbyterian C h urch observes 80th anniversary, Sun­
day. Oct. 31, 10 a.m. The occasion will be marked by special music by the
60 voice choir and orchestra, bell choirs, and three children s choirs. The
church is located at N .E . 16th and Schuyler.
" J u ic y Insights on th e W a s h in g to n s c e n e - t h e lig h te r s id e .” speech
by Congressman Ron Wyden, at the regular monthly meeting o f the East-
side Democratic C lub, Tuesday, Nov. 2, noon, at the Dahlke M anor, 915
N .E . Schuyler— a brown bag luncheon, with coffee and dessert furnished.
N atio n al O rg a n izatio n fo r W o m e n joint meeting o f all three metropol­
itan chapters. Thursday, Oct. 28, at 7:30 pm at Old Wives Tales (1300 E.
Burnside). The public is invited to share in this free event which will feature
Magic Raine’s presentation o f ‘A Black Woman Speaks’ , readings from the
works o f Beah Richards. Maya Angelou, and Paul Laurence Dunbar. Free
child care is available and the facility is wheelchair accessible.
U fa In th e Fast Lana, a community education workshop to help parents
belter cope with active and hyperactive children, Wednesday, N ov. 3, 7-
8:30 p .m ., in the Nursing Education Building auditorium af 2255 N .W .
Northrup. Free. Call 229-7220 for more information.
Irv in g to n C o m m u n ity A a a o c la tlo n , Thursday, Oct. 28, 7:30 p.m , at
Irvington School, 1320 N .E . Brazee.
B la c k U n ite d F ro n t. T h u n ., O ct. 28. 7:30 p .m .. King Neighborhood
Advertisement For Bids
A 1 NOTICE TO C ONTRACTORS: N orth/N ortheast Community Mental
Health Center, Inc. will accept sealed bids on form furnished, at 310 N.E.
Oregon St., Portland, OR 97232, until 5 p.m ., prevailing local time on Tues­
day, November 2. 1982 Immediately thereafter, bids will be opened and
publicly read.
Owner reserves right to accept or reject any or all bids.
A 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In general, the project consists of all labor,
material and equipment to make the necessary remodeling end renovations
to existing buildings at 310 N.E. Oregon S t., Portland, Oregon, as shown
on Drawings and Specifications as prepared by Unthank Seder Poticha, Ar­
chitects, P.C.
Facility, 4815 N .E . 7th.
N o rth P o rtla n d C ltlz a n s C o m m ltta a , W e d ., N o v. 3rd, 7:30 p .m .,
Neighbors North, 7508 N. Hereford.
M ara invadas S clanca C an tarl at O M S I’s Volcano Room, Friday, Oc­
tober 29 to Sunday October 31st. Oct. 29. noon-4 pm, at O M S I. Call 222-
2828 for more information.
Bill M o n ro a . " fa th a r o f b luagrasa" In con cart, Friday, November 5,
7:30 p.m ., in Grant High School Auditorium . 2245 N .E . 36th. Opening the
show will be Beverly Cotton, a nationally recognized dogger who frails the
banjo, dances, and sings all at the same time. Also performing will be Sun­
ny Soiuth and The Sawtooth Mountain Boys.
Tickets are $7.00 in advance, $7.50 at the door. Ticket outlets are G .I.
Joe’s Pioneer Music, Green Grass Pickin’ Coop, and Everybody’s Records.
A m b a s s a d o r J o h n P a ta r M b o q u a from the Republic o f Kenya will
speak to the W o rld A ffa irs C ouncil o f Oregon at a noon luncheon on
Th u rsd ay, N ovem ber 4 at the H ilto n H o te l. Am bassador N boqua was
worked for his government ad director o f socials services and in the private
sector for Kenya Canners Ltd., a subsidiary o f Del Monte Corp. 229-3049.
S c o tt R. La Du a t th a d o w n to w n Zalee atora.
(Photo: R ichard B ro w n )
La Ru moves downtown
Scott R . L a D u is m anager o f
Zales. Single at 25, La Du was born
in Seattle and raised in Portland.
“ As the new m anager o f d o w n ­
town Zales, I would like to take the
opportunity to invite you to come
and see the selection and experience
the service that has made Zales the
world’s largest jeweler,” he said.
La D u , who u n til recently m an­
aged the Eastport Plaza store, is en­
thused about going d o w n to w n .
" W e ’re excited about this H oliday
Season and all the events that will be
happening dow ntow n such as our
d iam o nd rem ount show and the
“ For Men O nly” event. A ll o f these
events are geared toward purchasing
gifts that are affordable but have a
champagne fla ir.”
Zales has just celebrated its First
Anniversary at the new location.
La Du enjoys skiing, soccer, fish­
in g , good fo o d and w in e, a n d —
most o f all— people.
A 3. TYPED OF BIDS: Stipulated Sum/Alternates.
A 4 C O N STR U C TIO N DOC U M ENTS: Specifications, including bid and
agreement documents, and Drawings may be obtained and examined at
North/Northeast Community Mental Health Center, Inc., 310 N.E. Oregon
St., Portland OR 97232 $25 00 deposit is required.
A 5 EQUAL EM PLO YM EN T O PPO R TU NITY: The Contractor shall con­
form to Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Requirements, and
shall be a certified minority business enterprise (M .B .E .).
Paper R ecycling
Proposals due: November 23, 1982 at 2:00 p.m.
Proposal No. 862 700 8227
Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Director of Purchasing,
2505 S.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon for:
a Paper Recycling Program for
various Multnomah County facilities
as per specifications on file with the Purchasing Director. No proposal will
be received or considered unless the proposal contains a statement by the
bidder as part of his bid that the requirements of ORS 279.350 shall be
in cluded. M ultn o m ah C ounty reserves the right to reject any or all
Specifications may be obtained at
Purchasing Division
2505 S.E. 11th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97202
Published October 27, 1982
N E W a II P u rp ose MIRACLE
Patent Pending
Attaches To Your Electric Drill!
This clover little air pump
tits your W or Mi" electric
d rill D evelops 90 psi
t rxiugh pressuro to pump
up auto tires, bicycle tires,
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etc Makes a great gift1 AH
metal construction One
year guarantee
Send check or money
order lor $15 95 ♦ $? 00
p o sta g e end h a n d lin g
(total $17 95) to Miracle
Pum p. P O Box 3 08.
Middlebury. CT 06762
■mam FwnimM
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Cl 0 8 » ;
you make your best hit with us
Make a grand slam in sales through newspaper advertising I VZe’re
your best bet as far as readership (the bigger our circulation,
the larger your audience!), economics (L's the most economical
way to promote business), and effectiveness (you’ll get results
you can bank on!). Let’s discuss your advertising future soonl