Page 10 Section II Portland Observer, O ctober 27, 1982 CLASSIFIED ADS HELP WANTED RESEARCH A S S IS T A N T with experience in field e c o lo g ic a l re s e a rc h , c o m p e ten t w ith word processor, m icrocom ­ puter com petence de­ sirable, reviewing and evaluating scientific in­ formation base for Na­ tional parks. Organiza­ tional and writing abil­ ity importnat. M .S . re­ quired in Ecology, For­ est Science or Botany. 12-m onth, fixed term , duration - 1 year. S al­ ary $14,000-$16,000/an- num. Closing date De­ cember 1, 1982. Posi­ tion available D e­ cember 15, 1982. Send resume and three le t­ ters of reference and transcripts to Dr. John C. Gordon, Head, D e­ partment of Forest Sci­ ence, School of For­ estry, Oregon State U niversity, Corvallis, OR 97331. Oregon S ta te U niversity is an A f f ir m a t iv e A c tio n Equal Opportunity Em­ ployer and com plies with Section 504 of the R ehabilitation A ct of 1973." RESEARCH A S S IS T A N T UNCLASSIFIED There’s only one place to advertise A h alf-tim e appoint­ m ent for 3 years. Be­ ginning salary $6,500- HELP W A N T E D 7,500. Applicant must M anager for small (20 have M .S . in Entomol­ units) apartm ent com ­ ogy. A strong interest plex in S .E . P ortland. and background in in­ sect feeding behavior/ Previous a p a rtm e n t ecology, tree identifica­ m a n a g e m e n t e x p e ri­ tio n . and statistics is ence desired. M ust be desirable. Deadline for capable of performing light repairs. Must have receipt of application (resume, statem ent of car and valid driver's li­ cense. M ust be q u ali­ interest and 2 reference fied to obtain telephone letters) is October 25, service. Must be able to 1982. Send to Dr. J e f­ read instructions and frey Miller, Department write reports. M ust be of Entomology, Oregon eligible for lo w -re n t S tate U niversity, Cor­ public housing (m axi­ vallis, OR 97331. OSU mum incom e of is and affirm ative ac­ $15,300 per year). Sal­ tion equal opportunity ary: $100 per unit. A p ­ employer and complies ply: Housing Authority with section 504 of the of Portland (249-5570), Rehab. Act of 1973. 1734 S.E. Tenino. Posi­ tion open until filled. A n Equal Opportunity Employer. -L u .'.!? .I . ' . I / . I [ , t . I T REAL ESTATE Advertisement For Bids JOB FINOER H OUSEKEEPER Applications will be ac­ cepted Oct. 25, 26 to fill future housekeeper va cancies at Fairview Training Center. Must have 2 yrs. janitorial ex- p e r ie n c e in c lu d in g know ledge o f m a te ri­ als, equ ip m en t and techniques used in in­ stitution, including dis­ infecting and isolation te c h n iq u e s , s u rg e ry and central supply areas. M onthly salary. M ust be 18 years or older, good physical condition. Apply Fair- view Personnel, 2250 Strong Rd. S.E., Sale, OR 97310, 378-5369. A n Equal Opportunity Employer T h e O re g o n D e p e r t- m e n t o f E nergy is re­ cruiting for an Accoun­ ta n t I. Salary $1330- $ 1 6 8 2 /m o n th . T h e position is lo cated in Salem . Interested ap­ plicants may apply by calling Jean Knepper at O DO E 378 -4 91 2 or 1 -8 0 0 -4 5 2 -7 8 1 3 e x t. 8-4040 and must take a w ritte n exam . The exam is offered in var­ ious locations in Ore- on. The deadline for this announcem ent is N ovem ber 15, 1982. Minorities, women and handicapped are e n ­ couraged to apply. Invitation to Bid Classified with DEE 283 0090 EDUCATION Pre-Vocational & Work Experience Specialist. Assist in vocational training, development of entry level work skills, job placement Et m ain ten an ce for non- English speaking stu ­ dents. Valid Oregon Personnel Service certificate with C o u n s e lo r e n d o rs e ­ m ent; em otional and physical stamina to per­ form duties as required by the designated task except for tem porary d is a b ility . S T A R T S : A S A P . Request add i­ tio n al info rm atio n Et employers' application form from P E R S O N ­ NEL, PO Box 16657, Portlan d, OR 97216. Employers Application form must be received by 5 p.m ., 1 0 /2 2 /8 2 to be considered. A n Equal Opportunity Employer R ESEARCH A S S O C IA T E (P o st-D o cto ral) half-time at the Marine Science Center, N e w ­ port, Oregon. Ph.D . in biological sciences re­ quired; em phasis in m arine biology p re ­ ferred. Will examine di­ gestive tracts, identify and analyze contents of planktonic juvenile ma­ rine fishes, analyzing results and presenting data in written and tab­ ular form. Demonstrat­ ed experience in fe e d ­ ing ecology of p la n k ­ tonic larval and juvenile fishes necessary. One year appointment, half tim e, salary: $9200. Send resume and nam es o f three re fe r­ ences by 20 November 1982 to: W illiam Pear- cy. School of Oceanog­ raphy, Oregon S ta te U niversity, C orvallis, OR 97331. O S U is an A A / EE O e m p lo y e r com plying w ith S e ct. 504 Rehab. Act. 1973. >354 56 P & l 1st yr. FHA 245 GPM Program plus Est. taxes Et ins. $ 44 ,00 0 , $950 D o w n , $ 43 ,05 0 M tg . A m t. $1500 move-in, $100 to V e teran s. Solar or Ranch to $ 6 4 ,5 0 0 - 2 , 3, 4 Bedrooms available similar term s. Equal H o usin g O p p o rtu n ity M em ber. Call anytime. Hermitage Realty, Inc. (206) 694-8577 in V a n ­ c o u v e r — a c ro s s th e s o o n -to -b e -o p e n e d I- 206 Bridge. VACANT LOT PARK TOWER APTS FOR SENSORS A L L N E W -C O M FO R TA B LE -S E C U R E Applications are now being taken for this sen ior HFA Section 8 Project. Q ualified appli­ cants are eligible for federel rent subsidy un­ der Section 8 Program. Park Tower is an 11- story apartm ent residence conveniently lo­ cated in downtown Portland and offering 22 comfortable 1-bedroom apartments for cou­ ples and 140 charming studio apartments for singles, plus a warm, friendly staff. W e also o ffer recreational am enities and advanced safety systems. Park Tower is privately owned and operated. East of 842 NE Killings- worth. Loan for triplex, 40 x 110. $15,000 nego­ tia b le te r m s /s u b m it willing to trade or sell. Bev Willis, 283-0177 or 289-0763. 9 am-5 pm Applications are now being taken for this sen­ ior H FA Section 8 Project. Q ualified appli­ cants are eligible for federal rent subsidy un­ der Section 8 Program. The Lexington is a 5- story apartm ent residence conveniently lo­ cated next to the C entury Bank T o w er on S .W . 12th and close to shopping. W e offer 54 charming studio apartments, advanced safety and security systems, drapes, w all-to -w all carpets, balconies plus a warm, friendly staff. The Lexington is privately owned and operat­ ed. ZL» For information call: 227-3367 9 am-5 pm 5 B D R M H O U SE For rent or lease o p ­ tio n , 5532 N .E . H o l­ man. Call Delores Hall, 646-9649 or 225-0058. T arbell Realtors |9%% interest EZ term s! Ex-Lax helps restore your system’s own natural rhythm overnight Gently Dependably. Try it tonight You'll like the relief in the morning Chocolated or pills, Ex-Lax is _ "The Overnight Wonder" ' *g? R e a d la b e l a n d fo llo w direu t ions 281-9604 ■ > y-------- Tarbell All bidders shell be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. ’ • ; r i I i r i i Y l ? T IT ? T 'i-ri-l? T rrT T T T T T T T rr? T ? T 7 T S T T T rf-? T ';rT T ? T -? |-? TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT o ? > a< SU R PLU S JEEPS Cars, boats. Many sell for under $50. For bar­ gains like these call for the directo ry, (312) 931-1961, ext. 2141. W ANTED REFRIGS & FREEZERS Will pick up sq. cabinets only. Working or not. Refrigeration Specialties 244 6376 B.B. Automotive Service C o m p le te •rig».«a o v w iia u 1 Qu«*«ty s erve** g u a ra n te e d C L A S S IF IE D RENT A C LO W N W a n t Ads Sell, R ent, Hire, Trade or Buy. Call Dee. Children's Parties D ia l 283 0090 JO LLY M O LLY 286 9864 B a llo o n B o u q u e t s M A N IN PR ISO N Age 30, without friends and family who cares, I w ould like to corres­ pond with anyone. I'm Z very lonely Michael Haidison, P.O. Box 208, Indian S p r in g s , N evada 89018,_____________ lo r g iv in g 2 4 1 - 2 2 Yp 4 4 M October 22, 1982 Contract No. 82 7014 Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation Dis trict of Oregon (T ri-M et) will receive sealed bids until 3:00 p .m .. Pacific Standard Time, on November 16, 1982, at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, in the Contracts Section, Third Floor, Portland, Oregon 97202, Attention: John R. Post, Director of Engineering and Contracts. Bids will be opened in Con­ ference Room " D " at that time for: you »merr Unloading and Storage of Track Materials for the Banfield Light Rail Transit Project, Contract No. 82 7014. • SIM Plf LIGHT AND EFUCXNT • A O e »5 O N BOTH < A Y Y W F SNOW OB ’ O W W fiD B » SNOW • ALSO GfilAJ r o e TBAJUBS RAT BOOTS COMMERCIAL OB INDuSTSIAL BUILDINGS s ta o c m » os wont » oscsr fob *14 a e * *7 so »OMAM M C M M C U « 'TOTAI *1745) TO TUSM0W» SO« 30S MOOlfSum CT 0S7SJ •ARACLf PBOOUCTS.INC TURNPtW DBTYF MIDOl F8UPY, CT 087 82 The bid consists of unloading, transporting, and storing rail and special trackwork, with an option by Tri-M et for the unloading, transporting, and storing of other track materials. The successful bidder shall be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. The Tri-County M etropolitan Transportation District of Oregon does not discriminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex, or national origin. PERS The Bid Documents may be obtained from John L. Groh, Contracts Sec tion. Tri M et, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202, on or after November 2, 1982. Phone (503) 239-6447, Telex: TRI MET PTL 151 724, upon payment of the nonrefundable purchase price of $ -0- per set of docu­ ments. Dr Betty Jty Iryert S«x Therapy M e n ta l • Par to n a l A Fam ily Therapy T h t ,4te r M o o d T h tr tp y 248 9083 Tha C a rria g e House 1331 5 » Aroadvay Mrta 200 . OF OREGON John R. Post, Director Engineering and Contracts Advertisement For Bids « œ • IW H C T TOB T H fNTIBt > AM «» a c c u w w a rj u m » One (1) Light Rail Vehicle Wheel Assembly Press The Bid Documents may be obtained from Beth Collins, Engineering and Contracts, at (503) 239-6466, Telex 151-724, Tri-Met PTL, upon payment of the non-refundabie purchase price of $35.00 per set of documents. • touts i a u » ktb jtqbag « SERVICES Bid No 82 8023 The Tri-County M etropolitan Transportation District of Oregon does not discriminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex, or national origin. • K A Y Y DUTY CONSTBUCTION ” TR I-C O U N TY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORT DISTRICT OF OREGON (TRI-M ET) BANFIELD LIGHT RAIL TR AN SIT PROJECT ONE (1) LIGHT RAIL VEHICLE WHEEL ASSEM BLY PRESS The successful bidder shall be required to comply with ail applicable Equal Opportunity and M BE/FBE laws and regulations. ‘Y rV -O /w r 4 r e o jy io n c r y ly irw v io> v w . r> v «*r>x*w>i « a , *ov don > rxar or m v o w Advertisement For Bids Call 646 9646 o r 225-0006. A s k fo r D e lores H a ll EXCITING CONCEPT FROM MIRACLE PRODUCTS >de mow away1 October 22, 1982 TRI COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON John R. Post, Director Engineering and Contracts Notice is hereby given that the Tri-C ounty M etropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) will receive sealed bids until 3:00 p.m ., POT, on November 23, 1982, at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue in the Contracts Sec’ ion, Third Floor, Portland, Oregon 97202, Attention: Anders Horberg, Contract Specialist. At that time, bids will be publicly opened in Conference Room " D " for: &"PUSH OVER" — All bidders shall be required to certify that they ere not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. A tte n tio n l First tim e hom e buyers. Have 3 a ffo rd ab le hom es In prim e area —a steal w ith low dow n p a y ­ m ent. Contract terms. 30 year fixed term s. $ 4 8 ,9 5 0 , $ 5 4 ,9 5 0 , $49,950. Revolutionary M e th o d for Rem oving Snowt New progressive beauty salon looking fo r vibrant, exciting operator to w ork in elegant surroundings. Salary based on co m m issio n s and o th e r co m p a n y b e n e fits . L o o k in g fo r someone w h o can do it all. Join the best cosm etology team in tow n. Call brandy today. The successful bidder shall be required to comply with all applicable Equel Opportunity and M BE/FBE laws and regulations. 257 0873 For constipation relief tomorrow reach for EX-L AXtonight. J Hair Stylist H O M E FOR SALE $40,000 | 2 Bedroom , fireplace. Cape Cod style. Full lot located at 6107 N .E . 15th, by ap p o in tm en t only. Advertise in the Observer I s I as. Inc . IW2 jl . i J Pre-Fabricated Grade Crossing Panels for the Benfield Light Rail Transit Project, Contract No. 82-7005. The Bid Documents may be obtained from Beth Collins, Engineering and Contracts, at (503) 239 6486, Telex 151-724, Tri-Met PTL, upon payment of the non-refundable purchase price of $35.00 per set of documents. 227-3367 FOR SENIORS Hard hitting salesman w anted for newspaper advertising. W illing to learn and earn a good living wage. Self-start­ er, enthusiastic, call to­ day 283-0090. Ask for Al Williams. Notice is hereby given that the Tri County Metropolitan Transportation Dis­ trict of Oregon (Tri-Met) will receive sealed bids until 3:00 p.m ., on Decem­ ber 1, 1982. at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue in the Contracts Section, Third Floor, Portland, Oregon 97202, Attention: John R. Post, Director, Engineering and Contracts. At that time, bids will be publicly opened in Conference Room " D ” for: For information call A LL NEW -COMFORTABLE-SECURE SALESMAN WANTED Bid No. 82 7006 The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon does not discriminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex, or national origin. LEXINGTON APTS. L=J TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON (TRI MET) BANFIELD LIGHT RAIL TR AN SIT PROJECT PROCUREMENT OF PRE FABRICATED GRADE CROSSING PANELS .Tim ’ i October 26, 1982 TRI COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON John R. Post, Director Engineering and Contracts ’gaas».,?'»1 w ith 'e e a o n e b te '« te » CENTURY NOO-A-WAY CRIB & CRADLE Your Baby Store E v e r y th in g fo r j o u r b a b y s t p r ir e n y o u r a n a f f o r d r i i , i . i . i s l o r \ i : w pho D I c r - A Q l A I.IT Y P .E C O V D IH O M .D m .M S Carburetors Rebuilt ISS P a r ts a re in c lu d e d Tune up lor 8 6 b 4 cyl »40«8 cyl »38« 4 cyl *38 Professional Astrologer K I D D I E K O S Y K H PO M T H E T O IJ i W H I L E M O M D A D A G R A N D M A SHOP B eyl P lu g s a n d p o i n t s in c l u d e d Brake job. 4 wheels 575 a n d u p s h o e s p a d s in c l 5512 N.E. 16th Portland, Oregon 281 8120 &CAR TELEPHONES BUY SEI-lr TRADE •M l SE r o s i ER MD PORTLAND. OMEIXIS 771-0542 OPEN 7 DAYS A W EEK STRO LEE S iM M O N S C H IL D C R A F T THE BEEPER PEOPLE. 713 S.W. 12th Street Call 224-BEEP for a free demonstration. 2650 N.W. Upshur Portland, OR 97210 225-0058