Portland Observer, October 27,1982 Section II Page 7 Trouble in the NFL VOTE Curt f lood in baseball, who can't be bought. He realizes there are very few black quarterbacks in the pro game, no black general managers, very few coaches or rado or T . V . announcers, etc. The N .F .L . must now face the fact o f racism th a t has ruled the game fro m its in c ep tio n . These words are never spoken but all fans really know. The black players real­ ize they must make their living now. Nothing is promised to them when •heir careers are over. M any o f the black players never achieve the same pay scale as white players. Remember the great Jimmy Brown getting $ 63,000 and W illie Joe Namath getting $410,000? Can you really see the difference? The players on special teams and the down linemen must love Oene U p ­ shaw and G arvey fo r h o ld in g the ground for their future and families. S o lid a rity has now reached the N .F .L . by A l McGllberry Professional football is in tro u ­ ble. The strike is almost six weeks old and there's no settlem ent in sight; fans all over the country are wondering why. The answer, folks, is money, lots o f it. Fans are so used to reading about the big stars who recieve big money — the Bradshaws, Swans, Dorsetts, etc., it has made the fans feel that all the players are overpaid and greedy. Well it's time the American public woke up. It's the owners who are greedy and want all the money for themselves. And why not? F o o tb a ll players fro m pee-wee leagues to the pros are conditioned and programmed to be robots. The coach is God and they do His w ill. The players start getting pennies in high school, dollars in college and when they get to the professional ranks they have forgotten what it is to think for themselves. The owners are like most corpor­ ate officers. The workers are only a means to an end, tolerated to get to the bank. A ll N .F .L . owners have vast interests other than fo o tb a ll. Some are in oil, lumber, real estate, and on many corpo rate boards across the contry. They run all their businesses for p rofit and big profit — and treat their help like property to be bought and sold at will. So this is the type o f mentality the N .F .L . players are up against. It is rem arkable that the leader­ ship o f the Association is sticking together. Owners have always been able to buy some players to keep the flo ck in line. They prom ise rad io and T .V . announcers jo b s, later coaching positions and the lik e . W h at do you think is holding the strike together this time? You know, it ’s the black players who are rocking the boat. Under the strong leadership o f Gene Upshaw the black players have a man, like The new television con tract is over in five years and then pay T .V . w ill pay the fre ig h t. T h e players must receive some o f that money. So it’s now or never for the players’ union. The owners might blow this sea­ son to prove their point but it's too late now. They could have given up more o f the profits years ago. The white players also realize that their plight is the same as the blacks. So the union w ill rem ain strong and Gene Upshaw and com pany look good to me. I like what is now happening in the world o f sport. Did M artin send his spirit in to Gene? Fans should write to the T .V . corporate offices tnd demand the end o f the strike. Then pressure w ill be put on the owners to negotiate in good faith . Now tell me, who are the good gys and who are the bad guys? L e t’ s play ball. TAKE A D A Y O F F F R O M S M O K IN G November 2nd TIRE RANCH EZEuJTires NEW USED b RECAPPED AS LITTLE AS $ 3 0 ° ° A PAIR lories MAG WHEELS - SROCKS a ô ÿ } UNION AVE N . E Portland, Oregon OPfN MON Then try the Union Avenue .. . © Calvin Paata has won four major tournamants on tha PGA Tour this year, tha first time that fast has baan accomplished by any golfsr. Paata has baan on the Tour only alx yaara. and did not .take up tha gams until tha aga of 23. Despite never having had a formal Isaaon. ha has baan tha Tour's most accurate player off tha tea for two years in a row. Above Peats is congratulated by Bruca Lietzke (right). 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