Page 6 Section II Portland Observer, October 27, 1982 R am sey discu sses Blazer p ro s p e c ts by J e t While The Portland Trailblazers played at times last season like a boat with leaks Holes kept popping up and the team had to work at patching many holes to prevent the vessel from cap­ sizing. W ell, changes were made. Gone are K elvin Ransey and B illy Ray Bates. In Ransey's place will be sec­ ond year man Darnell Valentine w ith number one d ra ft choice La- feyette “ Fat” Lever as his backup. The a dd itio n o f rebounders Kenny Carr and Wayne Cooper has shorn up the physical aspect o f the team. Old dependable Jim Paxson, Mychal Thompson and Calvin Natt are all coming o ff good seasons. W ith a ll these tangibles, head coach Jack Ramsay is ready to take the ship to sea again and battle. “ I think we’ re going to have a better team than last year," Ramsay said. “ We’ ll be a stronger team, a better rebounding team, a better defensive team.” Rebounding was one o f those leaks last year. It may have been the largest one. The early season retire­ ment o f Kermit Washington left the team w ith o u t the physical power forw a rd . Kenny C arr has solved that problem and adds a dimension that W ashington d id n ’ t —an o f­ fensive threat. Ramsay said, “ Kenny has a lot o f dimensions to his game at big forward. Kenny has a lot o f spread to his game o ffe n ­ sive ly.” Ramsay explained that Washington was, “ a good*defender and rebounder but his offensive game was limited.” Cooper w ill play alongside o f Thompson at times but is mainly the backup center. The addition o f both Carr and Cooper pleases Ramsay. “ They’ ve both done very well for us,” Ramsay said. Both are good rebounders, both are physical. That’s a quality we lacked very bad­ ly last year.” The Blazers chalked up 42 wins last season but hope that the im ­ proved defense w ill bring more. Thompson said his first team goal was to win 50 games and “ progress significantly in the playoffs.” Ram­ say said, “ I think we will score near­ ly as much but our opponents should score sig n ifica n tly less— and that 1 think w ill bring us more victgories.” How many victories? Ramsay is unsure becaue, “ I t ’ s too early. W e’ re too young w ith many new players. It depends on how well the team develops, if we can win on the road.” Six new players w ill open the 1982-83 season in Blazer uniforms. O f the three rookies. Lever and Au- die Norris are “ going to play some significant minutes for us,” Ramsay said. The other rookie is L in to n Townes and he’ ll be situated at small forward alongside J e ff Jud­ kins and behind Natt. The shooting a b ility o f Towners and Judkins is what eventually led to the release o f M ichael H arper. Ramsay called Towners and Judkins “ great shooters” and said. “ We opted for the shooting quality.” New players worry Ramsay some­ what but the bench strength doesn’ t. “ The bench w ill be better. We have good depth on this team,” he said. “ The biggest concern that 1 have is that we have so many new players and so many young players.” “ W inning a lo t o f games,” is what Carr expects to do. He said. “ I ’ m going to go out and p la y .” The main fu n ctio n o f his play he agrees is rebounding and “ T h a t’ s what 1 plan on doing,” he said. Thom pson wants to set a ll the way to the semifinals o f the play­ offs. “ We can beat teams like Seat­ tle and the Lakers,” he said. “ I t ’s tough thinking about getting out of the Western C onference.” I f the JACK RAMSAY Blazers do get out o f the Pacific D i­ vision, Thom pson would like to “ get to the semifinals and go from there.” Valentine w ill pester opposing guards all season long with his de­ fense. Ramsay said, “ Darnell is a good player. He goes at it 100 per cent all the time. He’ s an excellent defender." Ramsay said Valentine is a “ much more capable defender than Kelvin Ransey was,” and gives Ransey an overall edge in perimeter shooting only. “ I ’m not sure how positive a fac­ to r that is fo r your ball handling guard,” Ramsay said. “ Your play­ making guard should get the ball to ? the National Highway T raffic Safe­ ty Adm inistration feels w ill have a dramatic impact on American driv­ ing habits. J 1 FORD FOR SALES • SERVICE PARTS • REPAIRS Our New Modem Building Northeetl Broedwey el F in i L Y N N K IR B Y F O R D mn for the BEST N e w m a n p u s h e s a u to s a fe ty CARSON, C A L IF — Actor Paul Newman is making rare appear­ ances on television and radio this fall to carry a safety message that on the flo or and makes (he simple pass.” Valentine is s till the lead guard but his understudy will play in every game according to Ramsay, aver­ aging between 15 and 20 minutes a contest. As far as the race in the Pacific Division goes, Ramsay sees the Bla­ zers right in the middle o f it. “ We’re in the thick. We’ re in the fig h t. I d o n 't know ju st where but we're competitive with everybody.” Hopefully the momentum picked up during a 6-2 pre-season cam­ paign will carry into the regular sea­ son. other people then shoot it.” Many people in the Portland and Corvallis area were upset when the Blazers drafted Lever instead o f Lester Conner o f Oregon State. Lever could change some minds with his ball handling. His assist to turnover ratio during preseason was 5 to I while Valentine’s was 2 to 1. Ramsay said, “ Fat sees the flo o r better (than Valentine)." He called Lever’s ratio, "probably the best ra­ tion that anybody is going to have in the league." Ramsaydoesn’ t see Lever slacking o ff either. About Lever, Ramsay said, “ He has great instincts for finding the open people CAR Newman has lent his support to the National Safety Belt Education Campaign in combating the declin­ ing use o f belts by emphasizing his “ second career” as a successful pro­ fessional automobile racing driver. The theme o f the 30-second televi­ sion and 60-second radio messages is “ Belt Yourself," as developed by- Nissan U.S.A., which is sponsoring the safety program along with local Datsun dealers, including Jim Fish­ er Datsun in Portland. Newman, a tw o-tim e national sports car racing champion who cur­ rently drives a turbocharged Datsun 28OZX in competition, declares that race-car d rivin g is actually safer than driving on the street “ because the drivers are professionals and you know what to expect.” ‘•Still 1 wouldn’ t dream o f taking a lap without belting m yself,” he says. “ And, when it comes to the real tricky part—the drive home— the very first thing I do is buckle- up.” The NHTSA estimates that only 11 per cent o f the driving public uses safety belts. “ There is evidence that, if worn, belts could save as many as 15,000 lives each year,” said Tetsuo Araka- wa, president o f Nissan U.S.A. 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