Page 4 Section II Portland Observer, October 27,1982 Professional Pest Control Supplies Bits and Pieces by Ruth Spencer JAMES DePRIEST Mr. and Mrs. James DePnest and Mr. and Mrs. John Toran are host­ ing a Wine and Cheese Taster f o r the Black Educational Center, No­ vember 6th, 7-10 p.m. at 4008 NE 30th. Please call the Black Educational Center for ticket information. • According to E m ploym ent Re­ search Associates o f Lansing, Mich., every J/ billion o f tax money the Pentagon spends on m ilita ry purchases causes a loss o f 18,000 jo b s in the nation. O nly 29 o f the 136 bureau-labeled industries studied gained jobs as a result o f the Pentagon’s military spending. The study by Em ploym ent Re­ search Associates is one o f a series analyzing the im pact o f m ilita ry spending on the U.S. economy. • Dehner Franks 19-year-old senior at Franklin High School, was one o f 60 young gifted high school students to win a medal at the N A A C P ’s F ifth A nnual ACT-SO (A fro -A ca ­ demic C ultural Technological and S cie ntific O lym pics) during the N AAC P 73rd Annual Convention in Boston. Cash awards accompanying the Olympics medals were $1,000 fo r gold, $730 fo r silver and $300 fo r bronze. Dehner Frank won a bronze med­ a l in the music instrum ental cate­ gory. Nearly $43,000 were given in awards in twenty categories at the Olympics. • Ira Hutchinson, deputy director and highest-ranked black officer in the National Park Service, was over­ ruled by Inte rio r Secretary James W att when he opposed legislation designating the Washington, D.C ., home o f D r. M ary McLeod Be­ thune a national historic site. Hutchinson opposed the legislation on the grounds that the federal gov­ ernment already had designated the Bethune home on the Daytona Beach, Fla., campus at Bethune Cookman College as a national shrine. W att and the N ational Council o f Negro Women support­ ed the legislation designating the Washington D.C. home as a nation­ al historic site. • Social scientists say each time the jobless rate rises one percent in the U.S. three hundred young men, up to age 34, commit suicide. • Dr. Matthew W. Prophet, Super­ intendent o f P o rtla n d P ub lic Schools, told educators attending an annual conference sponsored by the State Personnel Management A dvi­ sory Committee that team work, guided by ethical relationships, is vi­ tal in the management o f public ed­ ucation. “ The ethical relationship within an organization must be care­ fully spelled out and must be based on mutual trust and support,” he said. " A s I ’ ve observed effective teachers o f children, what stands out most prominently is the quality o f relationship between the teacher and the student,” Dr. Prophet said. Street Beat by Lanita Duke and Richard Brown For Do-it-yourself Hom eowners Flloyd M cKissick, founder o f Soul City, N.C., and activist during the sixties, was arrested by N orth Carolina state troopers during a sit- down strike to block the dumping o f toxic wastes in a la n d fill near Ash­ ton, N.C. McKessick and other pro­ testers charged th a t the state was dumping toxic waste there because it is inhabited by poor blacks. a FLOYD McKESSICK The Reverend Dr. W illia m D. Watley, dynam ic revivalist fro m Princeton, New Jersey, is ending a Revival Session at Bethel A frica n Methodist Episcopal Church, F ri­ day, October29, 7:00 p.m. The Revercned Dr. W illia m D. Watley is the son o f the Reverend M A . W atley, pastor at Bethel Church. The Delta M o th e r’s Club is hav­ ing its A n n u a l W affle Breakfast, Saturday, Nov. 13, 1982, 9 a .m .-l p.m ., at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, 1st and Schuyler. Greek Letter members relatives and friends are invited. • Miss M onette A very and M r. Jerry Payne will wed Saturday, Oct. 30, 1982 at 2:00 p.m. at Maranatha Church. (P aid f o r by A m erican State Bank, Venerable F. Booker, Presi­ dent.) Call: 286-6252 • Licensed Consultants • Eliminate your pest problems like the pros Ffe can tell you what to use and how to use it. ★ KEMI-KIL P R O D U C T S * 2030 N. Willis Blvd. (in Kenton) Mon-Fri: 9-6 Sat 9-2 pm Ants, roaches, silverfish, moles, gophers, rats, mice — just about anything! ¿tbdpfj’« ¿Mollgfmwb ^lorret (HFIoforrs J f r n m ¿Hnllufaooò I n YAW S R estaurant Commanders choose Vann The Commanders o f the Rite, Thirty-third Degree Prince Hall Ma­ sons, elected officers fo r 1982-83. C. Don Vann was elected President. M r. Vann, his wife Roberta and son Don, Jr., are well-known m orti­ cians in the community. Mr. Vann is a graduate o f St. Louis College o f M ortuary Science with further stu­ dies at Michigan State and Portland State Universities, Northwest C ol­ lege o f Law, University o f Oregon and Portland Community College. He is a past president o f the Urban League o f Portland and is a member o f Acacia Lodge No. 6, Willamette Consistory No. 23, M ina Shrine Temple No. 68, Oregon Funeral D i­ rectors A ssociation and the N a­ tional Funeral Directors Associa­ tion. The election was held by Deputy William B. Odom, Jr., who has Jur- Curtis Sliwa, founder o f the Guardian Angels, was in Portland to organize an Angels chapter. The Street Beat team went into the streets with: “ Do you feel Portland needs an organization like the Guardian Angels patrolling our streets?” 2005 N.E. 40th P o rtla n d , OR 97212 249-1888 W e D eliver A n y w h e re C. DON VANN isdiction in the State o f Oregon over all Thirty-second and T h irty -th ird Degree Masons and the ladies’ aux­ iliary, Willamette Assembly No. 37, Order o f the Golden Circle. Other T h irty -th ird Degree o ffice rs are: L .C . E lliso n , Secretary; Joe R. Person. Treasurer; Vernon Butler, Past Deputy; Eugene Gonner, Char­ ity; Clark Dean, Chaplain; Robert Dillard, Budget and Finance; Elijah Graham, Masonic Research; Joseph Henderson, Education and Scholar­ ship; Thomas Vickers, Publicity and Public Relations, and Buerett Was­ son, Hospitality. Thomas J. Brown, Most W orshipful Grand Master o f Prince Hall Grand Lodge o f Oregon and Its Jurisdiction. The world's population grows by about 90 million per year. Saber-toothed tigers once prowled all continents ex­ cept Australia. North Carolina was the first colony for independence from England. A rainfall of one inch over one acre is about 27,000 gallons of water. We d o jo n lo business with South Africa. American State Bank AN INDEPENDENT BANK Head Office 2737 N. E. Union Portland, Oregon 97212 Vance Thiede Painter Mrs. T.C. Baker Housewife " I like the idea. And I ’ m for anything that w ill help us. 1 be­ lieve that it could reduce crime. I ’ ve had my home broken into twice and crime is all around. I'm tired o f it. I w ill support people helping people.” “ I see a need here in P o rt­ land. The police have enough on their hands already. We seemed to have gotten away from neighborhood awareness and I ’m glad that we are coming back to that. I see a lot o f bene­ fit for Portland with the Guar­ dian Angels.” David Roberts Respiratory Therapist " I would not support the use of a vigilante group. But as long as they aren’t armed I guess it ’s al­ right. A shallow bath or a shower will get you just as clean as a deep hot bath and won’t sink your budget. b k » Change a habit. ( or is erve you r cu rren t Brenda Varner Unemployed Nancy Antoine Salesperson “ I think i t ’ s a great idea. We’ ve had our home broken into and that h u rt. We need people around us that will care. 1 support the G uardian A n ­ gels.” and your currency. “ I think we need it. People are under pressure, upset and frstrated. There’s a lot o f black- on-black crime. I think it will be helpful to the community. Peo­ ple are so caught up now the only thing on their minds is get­ ting over.” ' ■ ■ ".'.'.'.'.'.' J..?! 1 FG Keith Green Janitor “ I really d o n ’ t th in k it is a good idea. It doesn’ t seem like there is a lot o f crime in P ort­ land. This is not New York. 1 d o n ’ t th in k G uardian Angels are necessary.” /« \ \tn in sn il nuikrs the liest in difim/inds tiffintltihli’1 f