-"CK Portland Observer, October 27,196 2 Section II Paga 3 Aaron Mitchell and Son Plumbing O B S E R V A T IO N S FROM THE SIDELINES * Experienced Plumber by Kathryn H all Bogle ★ Licensed and Bonded Established in business for 25 years Have lived in the Portland Area for 40 years I WE STAND BEHIND ALL JOBS 1703 N.E. Alberta 288-4040 T ’S M U S IC , music, music for Roland Harris all day, every day and most evenings, too. It ’s his life and he loves every minute of it. A regular soloist at Sunday ser­ vices at First Christian Church, Harris has taught music in the Port­ land public schools for many years. For the past nine years Harris has sung as a chorus member of the Portland Opera Association. "B a ­ sically," Harris says, " I ’ m doing what I've always wanted to do: I ’m singing and I ’m teaching others to sing." " I have been involved with some form of music since I was a child. I was born right here in Portland. I went to Boise elementary school and while I was still in grade school I be­ came the accompanist for the chil­ dren’s choir at M t. Olivet Baptist Church. "When I was a student at Jeffer­ son High School and had a spot in the a cappella choir, I learned I had a voice. A baritone worth training. The school choir director encour­ aged me to study music and I ’m still grateful to him for his interest and his advice." Harris went on to be graduated in music from the University o f Ore­ gon and earned his masters degree in music there as well. His voice is classed now as bass-baritone. The jazz scene absorbed Harris Roland Harris, bass-barltons, rehearses w ith Portland Opera Chorus for "Wuthering Heights.' during a stint in the U.S. Army at (Photo: Judith Slew art) dent at Lynch-Terrace Elementary Fort Ord and Fort M cA rthur. He Toran are entertaining that Satur­ IN E A N D cheese w ill be School. Between the two they play polished his syncopation at piano, day evening at the T o ran ’ s home. featured at a benefit taster five or six instruments and music in You need a ticket for this special added drums and piano-bass and for the Black Educational Center on became a member o f the A rm y ’s the Harris household goes 'round evening event but the hosts will be Novermber6. M r. and Mrs. James dance hand After the Army service and ’round. glad to see that you get one. Just DePriest and M r. and Mrs. John H arris, and four members o f the ask. enora morris , author of group, formed their own company The Ebony Princesses o f the under Dennis Thiel and entertained P o rtlan d Rose Festival, and her audiences on the west coast for sev­ book are to be featured at the "1982 eral years. Assembly of Black Artists and T al­ When the group broke up, Harris ent,” a presentation of the Portland (aught music in the elementary and Chapter of The Links, Inc. The set­ high school o f O regon’s coastal ting is to be at the newly renovated cities—Seaside, Cannon Beach and interstate Firehouse Cultural Cen­ Gearhart. ter. Sunday afternoon, November In the early ’70s a place opened 14th, is the date. Time is I p .m .-5 on Jefferson’s music teaching staff p.m. Many gifted artists and their and Harris joined (he faculty there. outstanding work will be a part of He also began with the Portland the exciting afternoon. Keep the School of the Opera about that time date open. The public is invited. and within two or three years Harris Free. was selected as a regular chorus member of the Portland Opera. O M E T H IN G d ifferent from This season Harris had a bit part the usual in teas may be expect­ in La Traviata. His voice will also be ed when members of Semper Fidelis heard in the off-stage chorus of C lub entertain guests at a H a l- Wuthering Heights in its world lowecen Tea on Sunday, October premiere in November. Since Harris 31. A little donation (or a big one) is understudy for the role of Joseph in Wuthering Heights, there is a w ill go towards swelling the p ro­ chance that H arris might also be ceeds of the tea which are to benefit the "G ive Us This Day, In c .,” an seen on stage for that opera in at adoption agency which specializes in least one of its performances. locating homes for hard-to-place Later in the opera season Harris children of all races. has a bit part in G irl o f the Golden G lo ria Fuller, tea chairm an, West. He will sing in (he chorus and promises that Virginia Phillips, a play the character, Happy. founder of the Newberg-based, non­ With the sound of music ever with profit organization, will be present him it is no wonder that Harris has to furnish details about "G iv e Us tried his hand at composition. He This Day.” Assisting Fuller with the has written both words and music for songs he has sung at First Chris­ arrangements are committee mem­ bers Frances Johns, M innie Belle tian Church. He also has sung with Johnson and Gustavia Bonner. local madrigal groups, the Oregon Other Semper Fidelis members Repertory Singers and as a member are Juanita Robinson, Celestine of the Portland Symphonic Choir. Austin, Quindella CAge, Amelia Harris and his wife, Delores, have Lanier, Viola Bonner and Dorothy a son, Barry, age IS, a student at M cDow ell. Ernestine Wiseman is Centennial High School, and a daughter, Carla, an 11-year-old stu- club president. It | W GRAND OPENING 7 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL The Best Savings Ever On Diamonds, Set in 14K Gold Diamond Earrings (4 pts J Reg $75 00 NOW S20 05 (10 pts I Reg $180 00 NOW SI5 00 (25 pts j Reg $350 00 NOW S145.00 (50 pts j Reg $895 00 NOW $425.00 Diamond Pendents (3 pts ) Reg $50 00 NOW S19.00 (10 pts ) Reg $130 00 NOW $85.00 Now til Christmas! FREE I4K Floating Heart with every purchase FREE 14K Heart with Diamond with $100 00 or more purchase THE KING'S RANSOM 24K Gold. Jade. Rubys 520 SW 5th Ave.. Portland 228-6448 L S “HOW CAN I HOLD MY PHONE BILL DOWN TELEPHONE RATES GO UP?” Providence honors Works W illie Works, a northeast Port­ land resident, was honored recently for 25 years of service to Providence Medical Center at the hospital's an­ nual employee awards ceremony on October 15. W illie is lead attendant in the housekeeping department. She is one of eight individuals honored for 25 to 35 years o f employment at Providence. Also cited for 10 to 20 years o f service were 78 men and women. PULSE u N N A ( The most efficient gasfurnace in the world Anctil Sheet M etal Co. Heating h Air Conditioning WILLIE WORKS k - t’s Talk. We kntxv you've heart atxxjt the clxuiges coming to I’anfic Northwest Hell. And we know yxxire pn 4xibly wondering what these changes will mean to you. Ihrticularly when it comes to nites. 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Widi measured senice, low .uxl medium users of telephone service d u ll haw to lk-.tr the same cost .is dk- lugh user, .is is dk- case w id i flat-rate sen re . I It xvewr. premium oix--|xirty flat-rate sc-nne will still be available in your home-. Anodk-r way to keep your plunk- hill dt M il is by |xiymg attention to wlk-n you Gill hiking atlv.ullage of out special low evening, night, weekend, .ukl Ikdklax rates can n-suk in substantial savings. Choosing the right s e rv ir ;ind calling at the- right times are dungs you can do to help keep your phone bill down On our part, we pn muse to do everything w can to keep rates affordable for everyone. We 11 be- talking with you .ihout rates, senk e, .uxl other matters of interest to you. In ; k I s like this, and on television. We kikxv you've got questions about changes happening at Bkific Northwest Ik-Il. .And « e want to make it easy fix you to get answers. So call us at 18tO-5¿x>5dtir from 8 a.tn to 11 pun. Monday-Friday. 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