Page 2 Section II Portland Observer. October 27. 1982 ■ Plan e c o n o m y w ith casseroles W hen you are lo o k in g fo r an “ econo-meal” you often settle on a casserole. Casseroles are given some d e lig h tfu l names these days to help give them the creative re p u ta tio n they deserve. O ne-P ot Pleasers, one-D ish M eals, C overed D ish , M eal in a Dish, Dinner Dish—it all adds up to one thing—a meal that saves m on­ ey, time and energy. The way you save money is to add a "s tre tc h e r” to make the meat go farther. These stretchers are usually carbohydrates. Things like pastas, rice and bread arc all inexpensive ingredients that make hearty and fla v o rfu l dishes. T o o fa tte n in g , you say! N o t re a lly . M o s t o f these in gredien ts have fewer calories than having that extra large piece o f meat to f ill you up- I f c alories are a co ncern, cut down on preparation methods that use fat rather than cutting down on these economical stretchers. Pastas are great fun. They come in a ll shapes and sizes. I f your cas­ seroles are getting kind o f ho-hum , try varying the pasta you choose or even consider m a k in g hom em ade noodles. Compare costs on rice. One rea­ son people buy in s ta n t rice is to avoid failure in cooking the regular k in d . In s ta n t rice, how ever, costs more than tw ice as m uch and fla ­ vored rices can cost three o r fo u r times the price o f plain rice. D on’ t feel insecure about cooking plain rice. I t ’ s ju s t as fo o lp ro o f as the in s ta n t k in d and o n ly takes about 9 minutes longer. Just follow the d ire ctio n s on the package and use a pan w ith a tig h t f ittin g lid . Don’ t peek and do use a timer. Bread may be one o f the most ver­ satile stretchers. Remember, all the d iffe re n t kinds G randm a made? D um plings, biscuits on top, bread m ixed in w ith g ro u n d meat fo r meatballs or m eatloaf. Oatmeal fo r toppings or in the meat. Corn meal mush as a to p p in g layer re a lly makes that tamale pie special. One d e lig h tfu l casserole is a strata, a souflee-like casserole that uses bread (even stale bread), eggs, m ilk and some type o f meat or cheese and then is baked in the oven. I t ’ s great to make early in the day or the night before. Casserole recipes can be real w in­ ners—great combinations o f flavor­ fu l ingredients that help you in the budget battle. Start being creative as you com ­ bine ingredients and seasonings to make great fam ily planners. You can use your stale bread in this recipe. Make up and refrigerate at least two hours early. 12 slices bread 6 slices cheese or 2 cups shredded cheese 2 39 cups m ilk 4 eggs 14 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon D ijon mustard B u tte r bread lig h tly . A rrange 6 slices in b o tto m o f 9 x 1 3 inch greased b a kin g d ish . C over w ith cheese. Top w ith rem aining bread. Beat together m ilk , eggs, salt and m ustard and p o u r over. Bake at 350° fo r 45 minutes or until puffed and golden. Serves 6. O p tio n : A d d a layer o f sauteed vegetables (o n io n , green pepper, mushrooms) or leftover cooked veg­ etables ju s t b e fo re cheese. You could also add leftover meat such as Combine sugar, flo u r, cocoa, baking powder and salt in large mixer bowl; add eggs, butter or margarine and 'm ilk. Beat on low speed o f mixer 30 seconds until all ingredients are moistened; beat on high speed 30 seconds longer. Stir in nuts. Spread batter evenly in a fo il- lined 9-inch square baking pan; bake at 350° for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool completely in pan; chill about 2 hours. Remove fo il and cut into I'/i-in c h squares. D ip top o f each square in glaze; garnish w ith ros­ ettes o f whipped cream or decorator icings. Glaze: Completely melt I cup chocolate chips and 1 tablespoon plus I teaspoon shortening in top o f double boiler over hot, not boiling, water. Cool, stirring occasionally, until glaze is lukewarm and slightly thickened. Dip chilled brownie squares into glaze. Garnish as de­ sired. Makes about 1 cup glaze. Brownie recipe makes 36 pieces. A R R O 2C O N PO LLO 239 to 3 pound fryer chicken Vi cup fat or oil I cup uncooked rice 1 or 2 cloves garlic I medium onion, chopped 316 to 4 cups canned tomatoes 1 teaspoon salt Cut chicken into serving pieces, i f not cut up. D ip in flo u r seasoned with salt, pepper and paprika. Cook in hot oil until a delicate brown. Re­ move from pan. P our uncooked rice in to d r ip ­ pings. C ook and s tir about 5 minutes. Add onion and garlic and continue to cook a bout 5 m inutes u n til golden. A d d tom atoes and salt. Stir to combine. Replace chicken on to p o f rice. Cover tig h tly and sim m er 45 m in ­ utes. F o r c o lo r you can also add chopped bell pepper or green peas at the time you add the tomatoes. fi TM< C oTTo n ©ATCH » (.so. n greeuex /P ortland 8 tv& Holiday Craft Workshops bagin Nov. 4 285 JV2*f Sales Limited To Retail Quantities SAFEWAY SUPER SAVER SUPER SAVER Ground Regular Approximately 5 Lb. Pack Limit One 5 Lb. Pack 23% Fat Content Not To Exceed Large Chunk Bologna Turkey „49* Perch Filletss$199 Chuck Steak^’ 109 Pork R o a s te J I29 Meat Pies » $120 FryerPartsM aST$129 Hormel Corned Beef Use For Sandwiches Or Dinner 12-0z. Can Truly Fine Facial Tissue Assorted Colors 200 Count Box 99c 2 99e Macaroni & Cheese Dinner Town House Quick & Easy 7.25 Oz. Maruchan Noodles Brownie Petit Fours 1 cup sugar Vi cup unsifted all-purpose flo u r */j cup cocoa Vi teaspoon baking powder !4 teaspoon salt 2 eggs '/j cup butter or margarine, softened !4 cup m ilk Vi cup chopped walnuts Glaze (recipe below) chicken, turkey or pork. Assorted Varieties 3 Ounce Package For Aunt Jemina Pancake Mix Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle Mix 3.25 Lb. 99c Orange Juice Fish Fillet M argarine frozen Bel air 16 Oz Can High Liner Asst frozen 14 0z Saftoia 1 Pound Pack 99« 99« 79« Bulk Candy Tom ato Soup 8-Pack Coke Brach's Asst Varieties Bananas Onions Number 1 fancy Yellow No 1 Sweet Spanish « Tab Or Sprite 16 0 / Btl 99« $1 I 99 Plus Dep Toothpaste 6.4 Oz. Size S|19 U S. Number 2, All Purpose 99* — 7&99« •Lbs. Town House 10 75 0 / $-J 19 c 99 Apple Cider Tiny Shrimp MJB Coffee Lucerne Or Apple Juice Gal Jug Sunny Sea 4 5 0 / Can ■ Instant 10 0z Jar $-) 99 99« $369 Aqua 9 Light 9 Hot Air Fresh Bulbs Popper Oregon Grown Russet POTATOES 15-Ib.7 n e f Bag f 9 A For Bulb 25- on Label SAFEWAY J General Electric Soft White, 60W , 75W Or 100W Prtcaa Effactlva 10/27 Thru 1 1 / 2 / « At Safaway In Tha Portland Araa 4 Pc $189 ■ M " ■ Save Hamilton Beach For Popcorn Enjoyment Model #511 E as1494 Photo Album Batteries Asst 10 Page Eveready "C" 0t "0 2 Pad 99« 69«