Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 20, 1982, Page 4, Image 4

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Page 2 Portland Obaarvar, Octobar 20,1962
Brown keynotes college conference
by Lanita Duke
G rassrool News, N . H '.— This
weekend the Black C ollege C o m ­
mittee held its third annual confer­
ence, which overshadowed the two
previously held. W e ll over 250
bright-eyed students, teachers and
parents attended to gather resources
and inform ation about the histori­
cally black college. The conference
included workshops, representatives
from several black colleges and a
keynote address fro m n ationally
known host-producer, Tony Brown.
M ary A liv e A very, a member o f
the B .C .C . board o f directors, ex­
plains this year’s success. “ W e had
a lot o f support locally from organ­
izations and individuals who wanted
to see kids w ith inform ation on the
black college. This year the board
worked very hard along w ith insti­
tuting a Black A lu m n i o f Oregon,
who attended black colleges.
“ The Black College Committee is
an organization that is interested in
providing young people w ith more
information on black colleges, espe­
cially the youth who live in the Paci­
fic Northwest. They are isolated and
Dr. Dorothy Alexander of Northweet Lab and a students during
may not know where to get informa­
Tugaloo Collage Alumni, taikaa to collage bound Taking.
tion on black colleges. T he Black
College Com m ittee is a forum that
your energy will go into being black
provides that inform ation.”
in a white environment. That energy
One parent added, “ Y o u talk
drained away from your perform­
about black isolation— you are less
It has nothing to do with abili­
than one per cent o f the population.
ties. A black college will teach you
Black history and culture are not a
how to struggle and struggle is the
part o f the institutions here. A t a
way that you will survive.”
black college you have that history
his fin al statements Brown
and tradition in a supportive envi­
up” the audience w ith this
ronment because you are sur­
“ The only thing that
rounded by your ow n.”
matters in this world is G od’s work.
Kathy M a rtin , 17, says the basic
In order to do it you must have
interaction o f black on black a t­
You were put here to do
tracted her to a black college. “ I
would like to have the experience o f
going to an all-black college and
meeting the students there from all
over the world. I d o n ’t think I can
get that experience here.”
Thomas D ortch is the national
president o f the Council o f National
A lum ni Associations. “ Black stu­
dents who attend white colleges are
being used for a reason. W e go there
not because they want us there; sta­
tistically, when they have more o f us
the institution receives more money
from the federal governm ent. As
they continue to cut those dollars
you w ill fin d fewer o f us w ill be
wanted at white colleges. L e t’s say
you let all the black colleges close.
Tony Brown: " If every black
What do you think black people will
person in Portland who bought
become ten years from now? W e ’,1
The Oregonian would support the
have no access to higher education.
black prass, black people in
Our access to the fruits o f this coun­
Portland would have as much
try are p rohibited once that hap­
power as w hits people in Ore­
gon have."
“ There are no black colleges in
Portland. The Black Colleges Com ­
thing good for you mey call it a bad
mittee is doing a tremendous job in
name so you won’t want it .”
getting the story out about the black
He went on to address the wealth
college. The greatest asset a college
o f A fro-A m ericans. “ There are as
has is its alum ni; they are the end
many blacks in America as there are
products o f that institution.”
Poles in Poland. W e earn $157
In his keynote address Tony
billion dollars. We spend $120 b il­
Brown addressed the issue o f inte­
lion dollars on goods and services.
gration and civil rights. “ They have
I f you took blacks out o f America,
all this stuff about C ivil Rights and
W a ll Street would collapse last
bussing. W e ll, bussing is not civil
week. H o w in the world are we
rights. Education is a civil rig h t.
poor? You are poor in your mind.
There is nothing in this world that
As long as you believe you’re poor
says you have to get up in the middle
you will behave poorly. You spend
o f the night and get on a bus to take
your money 180 degrees away from
you way across town just so you can
you. We turn our money over in our
sit next to a w hite. These Negro
com m unity less than one per cent.
freaks say that if you can get next to
W hites, Jews and other ethnic
white folks their good white genes
groups spend their money 12 times
will jum p in your body and those in­
before it leaves their com m unity.
ferior black genes w ill ju m p out.
Our problem is we do not bless our­
Only then will you be able to read,
selves with our wealth. It boils down
write and count like white people.
to their ice water is colder than our
That is the most racist statement 1
have ever heard.Can any o f your tell
Tony Brown discussed his reason
me that you read better by sitting
for coming to Portland. “ Black col­
next to them in school?
leges have graduated over 80 per cent
“ I ’ll tell you what you do. When
o f all black professionals. Over 90
you go to parties you p arty w ith
per cent o f all black lawyers and
black folks. A black woman does
doctors. Black colleges grab you by
your hair and a black man cuts your
the c o llar and tell you that they
hair. It will be like that for the rest
mean business. Either you are going
o f your life . T h at is what A m erica
to learn or you are going to leave.
is. We live in d iffe re n t racial and
They know how it is to be black in
ethnic groups w ith respect and
A m erica. The only thing that will
pride. N o one else has problems
save you is being prepared. A ll that
with that except us. When we do it
other nonsense is rhetoric.
they call it call it segregation. A ny-
“ A t a white college so much o f
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