Portland Observer, October 20,1982 Page 13 Sandwiches: fast, easy menu School Menu Do thing» get really hectic at youi h o m e ju it at dinner time? T h a t’ » typ ic al fo r a busy h o u ieh o ld . I f thing» get too hectic, you often chooae to take the easy way out by going out to eat. Eating meals in restaurant» adds a great deal to the cost o f feeding your fa m ily . It is fun sometimes fo r a change or if you consider it enter­ tainment, but food is much cheaper when prepared at home. I f you 're interested in changing your hectic schedule, you may want to plan ahead. There are also some creative ways to fix a meal in just a few minutes when that hectic sche­ dule can’t be avoided. Another im portant thing to con­ sider is that there are other members o f the fam ily who may be w illin g and able to come to your rescue. T ry analyzing what causes the feeling o f frustration that leads you to say— " L e t’s just grab a hambur­ ger.” I f the problem o f a hectic dinner time is created by finding you’re out o f important items and you have to change your menu or dash to the store, you might consider keeping track o f items that you run out o f as you go along. Especially when you have teen­ agers eating everything in sight, you can enlist their help in writing down items that they use up. Is the problem caused by not even giving dinner a thought until every- ong starts saying, " I ’m hungry?" A few minutes o f planning in the early morning can take the frantic out o f 5 p.m. Just planning a menu and setting the meat out o f the freezer or picking up the one item from the store or on your way home could make a big difference. A n oth er way that planning can help is to think ahead. For example, it ’s sometimes helpful to choose a casserole that w ill make a large amount so that you can just warm up the leftovers on the next day when you know things will be hec­ tic. Even though we've talked about convenience costing money* it can save you money i f you use a com­ mercially prepared main dish rather than eating out. It can be helpful to use the frozen fried chicken or casserole that only takes 30 minutes in the oven. In that 30 minutes, you can put the rest o f the elements o f a good dinner to ­ gether without feeling pushed. There are lots o f foods that cook in a short tim e. H am b u rg er is a great example o f a quick cooking meat th a t’s very versatile. T h a t ’ s probably why it ’s so popular. Even at today's prices, though, it’s cheap­ er to cook hamburger at home than to eat out. Other things that are quick to fix are sandwiches, broiled foods and very tender cuts o f meat or meats that only need to be warmed, such as ham or canned meats. Don’t for­ get eggs and cheese for a quick way to feed the family. Some o f these quick-to-fix items are just ideal to turn over to the other members o f your household to fix. It can really give prestige to that eight-year-old to have fixed supper. T h ere are several outstanding children’s cookbooks that will help you choose recipes even very young children can soon learn to do alone. Eating out can be fun and also re­ lease the pressure when things get hectic, but it does cost more to feed your fa m ily . Substitute creativity and better planning and you can save that extra cost. The Oregon State University Ex­ tension Service office near you has a variety o f brochures with specific food buying in fo rm a tio n to help you get more for your food dollar. Sandwiches are sometimes the answer for a quick meal. Here are some hot sandwiches that are easy to fix and very tasty. w ic h -n ic e enough for a party lun­ cheon or easy family dinner. S L O P P Y JOES 6 sliced hamburger buns 1 pound ground beef 1 can (1014 oz.) tomato soup 1 tablespoon prepared mustard 14 teaspoon salt Take a hamburger bun, an english muffin or a slice o f bread toasted on one side. Put catsup on the untosut- ed side. Sprinkle the cold fried ham­ burger or refried beans or both over the catsup. Dot with tomatoes and cover w ith cheese. Then b ro il fo r about 4 minutes until cheese is melt­ ed and sandwich is hot. October 23: Mexican taco, shred­ ded lettuce and tom ato, whole ker­ nel com, orange half, milk. halves, milk. October 28: Fish ’n* chips, tossed salad w /Thousand Island dressing, apple wedges, French bread, milk. O c to b e r 26: H am b u rg e r gravy, whipped potatoes, maple bar, pine­ apple chunks, milk. October 29: Chicken salad sand­ w ich, tater tria n g le , vegetable chunks w /d ip , sliced peaches, jack- olantern cookie, milk. October 27: Beefy tom ato pizza, vegetable chunks w /d ip , pear Chuck Roast Pork Chops p m A . '¡¿jig* 5 Safeway ' supeb \ 0;,,:I"! v SAVER} $158 $168 I Lb. Lb. ■ End I And ■' CenterJ Cuts .SUPER SAVER i aL I § Cornish >5 Sliced Game Hens Beef Liver $128 Patti Jean 22-0unce Shinned & Deveined W F^^Lb. Ea. L " J 1 ', Z V * H Fresh Red Snapper From C lR ft Oregon & M I vIO Washington I Lb. Silver Salmon Frozen, 2 To 4-Lb. From Alaska r / Fresh Oysters CAAO M 7 ^ 0 Oregon Med. Sized 10-0z. Jr. £ ■ Lb. C l 7ft V | I O / super Frozen Potatoes c Tater Boy, Shoestring _ ^ 0 20 Oz. P k q W R SAVER Bath Tissue c Ea. 79 Truly Fine Yellow Or White" 4 Roll -. Pak 8-Pack Coke Fresh Bread Smucker’s Preserves Corn Or Peas Two Half Gallon 2-Lb. Loaf >•< X A ' * i / ' , * * \ \ y r Sales Lim ited To Retail Q uantities] 12-0z. Can URed Delicious / " " S , V SUPER’ saver ; $ |4 9 360 Count Family Pak. 1 Ply Lucerne Pint Container Juices) 79c 4 foi $1 6 Pack u No. 1 Carrots Mushrooms Bell Peppers I Senecca, Frozen Reg. Or Natural, Gerber's Strained Asst. Flavors. 4.5 Oz. (Except \ v ■ Zee Napkins 99c Sour Cream $179 Baby Food 79e Glow Firelogs $ |9 9 Raspberry Or S traw b erry, 1 8 Oz. Flav R Pac, 20 Oz. Poly Bag •u ?3,s Limit Medium Cheddar Russian Village 24 Ounce y Tillamook Cheese Assorted Flavors Or Tab or Sprite 16 Ounce Bottles 8 slices bread 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese 1 414 oz. can shrimp, drained Vt cup mayonnaise 2 teaspoons lemon juice 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 'A teaspoon curry powder paprika i SAFEW AY Tacos are our fa m ily ’s favo rite meal. We serve all the fixin’s and let everyone make their own. But what do you do with the leftovers? O u r daughter invented this one. |T ~ J G O L D E N D E L IG H T Toast bread. Combine remaining ingredients except paprkia. Spread m ixture on each slice o f bread; sprinkle with paprika. Slices can be left whole or cut in half. Broil until cheese bubbles, about 3-4 minutes. Serve immediately. An elegant sand­ TA C O F IX I N ‘ SA N D W IC H E S Put buns in a covered pan and c place in 300°F. oven. Brown ham­ burger in a skillet. Then add remain­ ing ingredients. Sim m er about 10 m inutes. Spoon on to w arm buns and serve immediately. Kids and grownups love these. Kids can fix supper for the fam ily with this easy recipe. tí* c API 17-Lb. Box s379 Lb. Sweet. Crisp Fresh. Fancy Dole. Bulk | Large Size Green AuFlsK o \ Panty Johnson’s Huggies Hose Baby Oil Diapers Any Safeway Brand 10-0z. Bottle Asst. Sizes 20% OFF $969 - $999 W here you get a little bit more. SAFEWAY Prices Effective 10/20 Thru 10/26/82 at Safeway In The Portland Area. t