Page 6 Portland Observer, October 13, 1982 W A N N A START SO M ETHIN? October song? by A t McCUberry Then try the Union Avenue . . . © BATTERY X-CHANGE M aris, M antle— go deep into base­ ball lore and history. It is unbelievable, after what Reg­ gie has done fo r the Yankees and baseball, that in the twilight o f his career he must be treated like yester­ day’s bad news. 1 can’ t say it is ra­ cial prejudice because the Yankees are as cold blooded as H itle r . They’ve discarded all their stars; so Reggie is no exception to their rule o f doing business. I only w onder why the fans always back the owner and never understand a p la ye r, trials and tribulations in the world o f sport. H ello Angels— good-bye Yankees. The great black athlete can only use his popularity while he is play­ ing. The day he retires, he becomes just ‘ ‘ M r . C itiz e n .” The endorse­ ments stop. They can't use him as a manager or coach. The front office Angels had an all-star team before Reggie but with his winning attitude he brought the missing ingredient needed for that team to become a winner. And wow! Did they come to see this team. The Angels set a rec­ ord in attendance for the American League. T ell me it wasn’t the pre­ sence o f Reggie that made the d if ­ ference. Reggie Jackson is known as M r. O ctober to the w o rld . H is heroics and feats with the O akland As and New Y o rk Yankees are legendary. The question in sport has always been, who performs under pressure? W ho can make the shot with 3 sec­ onds to play? W h o can make that hit w ith the game on the line? The putt in sudden death? These types are players— the guys that can do the im possible when i t ’ s needed. Yes, Superman in the flesh. Reggie Jackson is all o f that and more. His presence on any team means winning seasons and large houses; when he left the Yankees they lost 600,000 tickets. The C alifornia Angels in another region gained 600,000 tickets. The In New Y o rk he was supreme— the most w ritte n -a b o u t ath lete in that vast city. Whatever he did good or bad made news. G en tlem an George, the owner o f the Yankees, wants to be on the sport page every day h im self. The com petition fo r publicity was too much. Goodbye “ Reggie.” The New Y o rk Yankees are A m e ric a ’ s g la m o u r team . T h e ir players— Ruth, Gerhig, Dim aggio, positions as player, personnel direc­ tor, etc., are nil. The day has arrived for the a th ­ lete to get all he’s got coming now, because there is not later one. Reg­ gie u n d e rs ta n d s that m ore than most people. I know that he under­ stands the media and uses it to his advantage. The Angels lost to Milwaukee this week. Reggie forgot it was October. Has he run out o f gas? M r. Excite­ ment is tired— or is he just getting old? O n ly time and tom orrow w ill tell the story. In the meanwhile the series w ill be not as interesting w ith o u t the dram a o f Reggie, the modern day Casy. I t ’s October and the W o rld Seires T .V . watchers all over A m erica w ill fin d something else to do because o f the absense o f Reggie. How about that?!! • FREE Installation FROM • FREE Battery Test • FREE Electrical check i Luis M . D elis o f C uba dem on­ strated that he is still the w o rld ’ s leader in the discus by bettering the U .S .’s A rt Burns by 10 feet in the re­ cent Stuttgart meet as he whipped the disc 225-0'. The throw was short fo r D elis, who has four o f the year’s five best throws. His personal best is 231-7. In August he set a new Central A m ­ erican and Caribbean Games record o f 230-4. Delis, whose rise to international fam e has been ra p id , won the bronze medal at the 1980 O lym pic Games and was second in the 1981 World Cups. A t 24, Delis is studying to be an athletics in s tru c to r. H e is also a strong shotputter, winning the gold m edal at the C e n tra l A m erican games with a throw o f 61.95 feet. Delis w ill attem p t to break the discus W o rld Record o f 233.48 at the Panamerican Games to be held in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1983. C uba won the J u n io r Baseball world championship in Venezuela. Taiwan came in second. The 10th mens volleyball w orld championship is taking place in A r gentina. The 24 teams that began the tourney have now been shaken down to 12, w ith the U .S . among the losers. The tw o groups o f six currently in competition are: Group I: the U .S .S .R ., B ra z il, P o la n d , C zechoslovakia, B ulgaria and C uba; G ro u p I I : C h in a , C an a d a, Japan, A rg e n tin a , South K o rea, German Democratic Republic (East Germany). The U .S .S .R ., current champion and a five-time winner, and China, are favorites. f L U IS M . D ELIS Professional Astrologer DELORES H A LL 2650 N.W. Upshur Portland, OR 97210 225-0058 A's Auto Trim Upholstery Specializing In A ll Your Upholstery Needs • Complete Auto Interiors • Seat Covers •T o p s • Carpets • Original Fabrics •Top Q uality Materials SEAT COVERS INSTALLED WHILE 9-5 Mon-Sat 04 N.E. Thompson YOU WAIT... Contact Adolph Spears 287-8223 * m -r -rr * I ♦19.95 ------J Oct. 15th at 8 a.m ., to raise funds to help 4 -y e a r-o ld O regonian M a tt Vangeest fight Gaucher Disease, a rare genetic blood disorder. Eight inm ates have been in train in g at OSP for the past several months to participate and to show their con­ cern fo r raising medical expenses state w ide fo r M a tt. The 26-m iie marathon will be run entirely inside the walls o f the prison and has a t­ tracted several dignitaries and cele­ brities to p a rtic ip a te , including A lb erto Salazar, M arath o n record holder, Jim H ill, the nation’s third top m ile r, and T o m Bvers. m iler from the University o f Oregon. A ll contributions and donations are to be sent to M a tt Vangeest Trust Fund, Western Security Bank, Can- dalaria Branch, P .O . Box 2246, Sa­ lem, OR 97308. For more inform a­ tion, contact Bud Chappelle, O SP, 2605 State Street, Salem, OR 97310, (phone; 378-6450). Exchange 249-0101 W E'RE HERETO HELP YOU! Expert consultation on your transportation needs on both new and used cars. W ENDELL B R O W N Satn R rp rr y n tn ttv t RON IONHIN The inmates at Oregon State Pen­ itentiary are sponsoring the " M a tt Vangeest M a ra th o n ,” on F rid ay, Workshop discusses death penalty W ilt C ham berlain poaaa w ith m am bara of his 60-m am b ar track team , "Wilt's A th le tic C lu b .” C ham berlain said ha idolized Jaaaa Owens and track has always bean his favorite aport. KCHANGl 3007 N.E. Union Ave. With the amateurs Nicholai Zaharov o f the U .S.S.R. has broken the world record in the 60 kilo snatch set by Daniel Nunoz o f Cuba on August 16th. Zaharov lifted 136.3 kilograms, V5 kilogram more than N unoz. N u no z, who is the 1980 O lym pic gold medal w in­ ner, had broken the world record of B ulgarian Boleslav M a n o lo v , this year’s world champion. BATTE«* | The A C L U Foundation o f Oregon will sponsor a Symposium or. Capi­ tal Punishm ent on O cto b er 15th and 16th at Portland State U niver­ sity. The event, which will be free to the public, is being co-sponsored by the Portland State University P h il­ osophy D ep a rtm en t and un d er­ w ritten by the Oregon C om m ittee for the Hum anities. Both pro- and a n ti-C ap ital Punishment speakers will be features, to inform the public o f the issues on this controversial to p ic. T h e speakers* talks w ill be taped by KBOO F M and offered na­ tionally to public radio stations over the N P R satellite system. The event will begin Friday even­ ing, October 15th, with a free show­ ing o f the 1958 film , " I W an t To Live” at the First Unitarian Church, 1011 SW 12th. T he symposium its e lf w ill take place on the Portland State Campus from 9 am to 5:30 pm on Saturday, O ctober 16th. Speakers opposing the death penalty will be D r. Hugo Bedau, a T u fts U n ive rs ity p h il­ osophy professor, and H en ry Schw arzschild, d ire cto r o f the N a tio n a l A C L U C a p ita l Punish­ ment P ro je c t. Speakers favo rin g capital punishment will be D r. Ernst Van Dan Haag, a Fordham Univer­ sity Law Professor, and State Rep­ resentative Norman Smith, sponsor o f capital punishment legislation in the 1980 Oregon session and o f the initiative which attempted to put the question on this November’s ballot. Ramsey C la rk , form er U .S . A t­ torney General, will be the luncheon speaker. C lark will discuss interna­ tional perspectives on capital pun­ ishm ent. Th ere w ill be a $5.75 charge fo r the lunch and tickets must be purchased in advance from the American Civil Liberties Union, 534 SW T h ird , R oom 6 01 , P o rt­ land, OR 97204. 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