Portland Observer, October 6, 1982 Page 9 Community Calendar B a a u m o n t-W lls h ira N e ig h b o rh o o d A s s o c ., M o n d a y, O ct. 11th, A ll citizens concerned about the inner Northeast community are in­ vited to attend breakfast meetings held every Friday morning. The purpose o f the meetings is to promote business leadership, know­ ledge o f business, a positive com­ m unity image, and positive black male role models. Among the activi­ ties to be planned and sponsored are a job fair and improvements in news media communication. Beaumont School, 4043 N .E . Fremont. Speakers have included Alan Mann o f the State Economic Devel­ opment Commission; County Com­ missioner G ordon Shadburne and Dennis Buchanan; and candidates for the District 18 House seat. Governor Aliyeh will address the group on October 8th. The meeting will be held from 7 to 9 am at the Travel Lodge, Pacific Fir Room. A Greek dinner, benefit for Proposition 7, " N o Guns To El Salvador," will be held Friday, ( k t . 13th, at 6:30 pm at the Musicians Union H all, 323 NE 20th (20th and Sandy). Musical entertainment will be by Hector de la O, who will sing traditional and modern Latin American songs, and songs of protest from the "N ew Song M ovem ent" o f Latin America. Tickets are $10, advanced tickets available, call 233-9388 or 284-3432. C o m m u n ity recep tio n , by the M artin Luther King Elementary School Parents, for new principal, Samuel Cameron, 7-8:30 pm, Thursday, Oct. 7th, King School Cafetorium. The reception is to introduce M r. Cameron to the community as well as to explain the type of community King School par­ ents are seeking. Fund ra ia e r/b e n e fit for M e tt D iahm en Community Center, Saturday, Oct. 16th, from noon-3 pm, at the Matt Dishman Center, 77 N .E . Knott. "Jam m in and jazzin '82" will feature such artists as the Ron Steen Trio, I ig h ls Out, The Charles Hall Band with surprise guest appearances. Tickets are $3 and will be sold at the door. Call 224-0401 for more informarion. A l­ so: Kukrudu with Obo Addy will be a featured guest. Firat Portland C o m m u n ity Congreaa, Saturday, October 9, 1819 NW Everett, 8:30 atn-5 pm. Neighborhood organizing, crime, discrimination, housing, and disarmament are among two dozen mini-forums happening at the First Portland Community Congress. Michael Rotkin, socialist mayor of Santa Cruz, California, is the featured speaker. Cost is from $3 to $10 on a sliding scale: "pay what you can affo rd .” For more information call the Alliance for Social Change, 222-4479. A ffirm a tiv e A ctio n A w ir e n n s W eak w orkshops: Keynote speaker, Ester Huey, o f Washington M utual Savings. Topics include: Historical background: laws and regulations; Sexual harassment and discrimination; Handicapped Services; PSU & A ffirm ative Action; Current Environment. Oct 1114, I I :30 am-2 pm, 338 Smith Center at Portland State University. Free, open to the public. Call 229-4417 for more info. Irv in g to n C o m m u n ity A s s o c ia tio n , Thursday, O ct. 7th, 7:43 pm, 2710 NE 14th. Street Beat by Lenita D u ke and R ichard B row n U S D A Child Care Food Program : Meals will be made available to en­ ro lle d children at no separate charge without regard to race, color, or na­ tio n al orig in . Sponsored by the G race C ollins M e m o ria l C o m m u n ity Center, call 281-6930 for more information. Fall c o n feren ce fo r ed u c ato rs and parants o f ta la n te d and g ifted students, Friday, Oct. 8th, 1982, 8:30 am-4 pm. Sponsored by the Oregon Association for the Talented and Gifted, the conference will be held at the Portland Airport Holiday Inn. Registration begins at 7:30 am. O re g o n S ta te P e n ite n tia ry " M a t t V a n g e e s t M arathon," Friday, Oct. 15th, 8 am. Sponsored by the inmates at OSP to raise funds to help 4- year-old Oregonian M att Vangeest fight Gaucher Disease, a rare genetic blood disorder. Eight inmates have been in training at OSP for the past sev­ eral months to participate and to show their concern for raising medical ex­ penses state-wide for M att. The 26 mile marathon will be run entirely inside the walls of the prison and has attracted several dignitaries and celebrities to participate, including Alberto Salazar, Marathon record holder, Jim H ill, the nation’s third top miler, and Tom Byers, miler from the University o f Oregon. A ll contributions and donations are to be sent to M a tt Vangeest Trust Fund, Western Security Bank, Candalaria Branch, P. O. Box 2246, Salem, OR 97308. For more information contact Bud Chappelle, OSP, 2605 State Street, Salem, OR 97310, (phone: 378-6450). O x fa m A m e ric a '« Fast fo r a W o rld H arvest. Skip a meal November 18, the Thursday before Thanksgiving. Organize a fundraising event. Send your contribution to Oxfam America, 115 Broadway, Boston, M A 02116. Write or call (617) 482-1211 for a free Fast Kit with suggested activities. H u m b o ld t N e ig h b o rh o o d A s s o c ia tio n meeting, 7:30 pm, M onday, Oct. 11th, at the M ulti-Service Center, 5022 N. Vancouver Ave. Jim Van Dyke, president o f Cascade PCC, will discuss proposal for a small business incubator program at PCC. O verlo o k N eigh b o rh o o d A sso ciatio n , Monday, Oct. 11th, Overlook Community Center, 3839 N. Melrose Dr. Food Preservation w o rksh o p , PC C , Saturday, Oct. 9th, 10 am-1 pm. instructor Norma Larsen will train participants in the basics o f nutritional self-sufficiency and emergency food preparedness; how to store food, emer­ gency cooking, yogurt making and sprouting arc covered in the workshop. For more information call PCC Cascade at 238-2541. S e n io r C itiz e n H e a lth C lin ics, beginning Thursday, Oct. 7, through Jan. 1983, at the University Park Community Center - Senior Zone, 9009 North Foss Street (#4 Fessenden Tri-M et Bus). Most clinics begin at 10 am. Presentations from arthritis to weight control. Contact V. Pantenburg, 283- 3090, or M ike Addis, 289-2414. A nnual Fall p lant sale and display, sponsored by the Portland African Violet Society, Eastport Plaza Shopping Center (East end o f the mall), 4050 SE 82nd (near Holgate), Friday, Oct. 8th, 10 am-9 pm, and Saturday, Oct. 9th, 10am-6 pm. 659-3615 or 760-8997 for more information. Letonla Foster Student Mel Smith ESCO worker " I ’ll vole for it. I ’m a home­ owner and every time you turn around there is an increase. They might say that it will be a crisis but there is going to be a crisis one way or another. I ’m tired o f taxes, taxes and more taxes." Jerry Hapgood Food Counselor “ I know people who will lose their jobs i f it passes. I d o n ’ t want taxes to go up but the gov­ ernm ent has to draw from another source to raise funds. They cannot always rely on taxes. I ’ m going to vote no on 3." " I ’m not a U .S . citizen and I ’ m not aware o f Ballot M e a ­ sure 3 but I would want to lower property taxes. I don’t think it would create a crisis. It seems '.hat we have too many (axes in the U .S ." Many brand« and modata New machines 20-50% off Singer, Viking, New Home. Bernina, Pfaff. Eine. White. Brother... also - 14 off Repair with this ad. Rose City Sewing Machine Center 59th and NE Sandy Blvd. 249-2994 South Africa (Continued fro m page 1 column 6) come clandestine. Indeed, that’s the way South A f­ rica likes it. By creating the impres­ sion that it has b u ilt an atom ic bomb and is prepared to use it, Pre­ toria achieves the desired effect o f deterring its neighbors from support for the African National Congress, the leading political resistance group in South A fric a . A threat to drop atomic bombs on the capitals o f the fro n t line states would have to be taken seriously. A t the same time, by keeping its nuclear weapons under wraps. South A fric a protects its already tarnished political image from fu r­ ther ravages, and preserves external economic ties— p articu larly those with the United States and Western Europe— that help sustain the sys­ tem o f white minority rule. THE BEEPER PEOPLE. 713 S.W. 12th Street Call 224-BEEP for a free demonstration. Moreover, that is the way the pre­ sent, openly-known club members also like it. D oubt and confusion about South A frica 's nuclear wea­ pons status permit the United States and other nuclear weapons powers to keep their com fortable illusion that proliferation is under control. So long as the clandestine prolifer- ators remain discreet, the failure of anti-proliferation policies need not be acknowledged. In fact, as nuclear supplies we have contributed to the spread o f the Bomb. We have also contributed by setting an example as the world’s foremost producer o f nuclear wea­ pons— its foremost practitioner o f the d iplom acy o f nuclear d ete r­ rence. Kathy Fives Self-employed Kim Te Unemployed ’/ z OFF marked prices on pre-owned machines. Fraa Public Law Sem inars will be held in a 4 part mini-series, at the U r­ ban League Field O ffice , 5329 N .E . Union Suite 218 from 10 am to 12 noon. October 12: Consumer credit, bankruptcy, and small claims. October 19: Landlord/tcnant, foreclosures, housing discrimination. October 26: Es­ tate planning, probate and wills. November 2: Rights to the disabled and el­ derly plus inform ation on government benefits. For further inform ation contact M aria B. Alvarez, coordinator, 249-5808. The thought o f passage o f the 1 ‘/z per cent property tax lim itation (Bal­ lot Measure 3) is sending shock waves th roug ho ut our C ity governm ent. The S tre e t B eat team hit the streets to gather c itiz e n ’ s response w ith , “ W h a t’ s your reaction to B allot Measure 3, and do you think it w ill produce a crisis in city services?” " M y mother is just buying a house and it’s hard on her with all the bills that are associated with owning one. The services that they say will be cut aren’t doing that much for us, any­ way. But on the other hand they m ight hurt some people. I ’ m going to vote no.” Rose City's annual " I feel quite bad about it. I ’m not a property owner so I ’m not concerned about the tax sav­ ings. The services that w ill be affected will really hurt if they are cut or abolished. I wanted to have some dental w ork done and now I have to w ait." Louise Spears Teacher It will be bad for us all if Bal­ lot Measure 3 is passed. It will affect schools and lib raries. Times are hard and homeown­ ers will have to ride like the rest of us. I ’m voting no on 3 ." Americans may well worry about the growing problem o f world-wide nuclear weapons proliferation. But we are not lik e ly to be able to do much about it until we have faced up to the problem o f our own nu­ clear weapons excesses. " W h o are you to point the finger at us?" I was asked many times in South Africa. It was a question for which I had no adequate answer. © PA C IFIC NEWSSERVICE, 1QR2 i iXÙ&î 71) a ïll UDÌ J&ii * ÌXTT it J iA ïM J r JÛ ¿ b » U l w ¡ÏJ7JJ C1A1¿ bri ¿ I I I £ 7 I b J7I/J¿ J * lü ¿ 1»J4Z¿ J J d 0 ¿ ' * U a U l b b r J¿ Art Medi« • 820 S.W 10th Avenue. Portland. Oregon 97208 • Acro»« from the mein library »Houre:«-« M o n T h u r» 9-6:30 Fri, ft Set. » Park ft Shop » Ph. 223 3724. »