Portland Observer, October 6 ,1 9 8 2 Section II Page 5 Entertaining skills that work anywhere When a professional woman with many friends in advertising and the entertainment world moves from an apartment in the heart o f M an h at­ tan to a condominium in M in n ea ­ polis, does her style o f entertaining undergo a big change? “ Not at a ll,” says Amelia Orinstead, who for the past year has been manager o f me­ dia services for a Fortune 500 food company in M inneapolis. “ M y fa­ vorite time for entertaining in New Y o rk was week nights after w ork, because many friends com m uted. Since I bought a condominium just minutes from my downtown office, that works just as well here." H er first party in M in n eapo lis was an impromptu affair before she was com pletely settled in her new home. A relaxed as well as skillfu l hostess, she invited 30 guests fo r cocktails to meet T o n y B ennett, when he was appearing for a short time at a Twin Cities nightspot. We asked Am elia to share some o f her party secrets w ith us. A l­ though she likes to cook, her main purpose in entertaining is to enjoy her guests and make sure they circu­ late, talk to each other and also have a good tim e. She usually plans to that everything but last m inute touches to the food can be done the night before the party, and enlists the aid o f friends to act as bartend­ ers and help serve. First drinks are dispensed from her built-in bar; from then on guests fix their own. As was true in New Y o rk , how ever, she finds more people arc choosing wine or Perrier, so these are set up in an area away from the bar, as another way to en­ courage circulating. Although she concentrates on food that is relative­ ly quick to make, A m elia likes the impact ol one attention-getting food displayed in a prominent location, then other munchies and crunchies such as nuts and raw vegetables and a dip are placed strategically around the room. One recipe that she enjoys using as a stage-setting centerpiece is Biscuit Savory Bubble Ring. A w inner in the last B a k e -O ff contest, this pull-apart loaf is made fro m pieces o f re frig erated fla k y biscuit dough dipped in a mixture o f crisp bacon bits, parmesan cheese, diced green pepper and onion and baked. Guests can pull o ff tasty tid­ bits from the ring to enjoy with their first drink. After the party is in full swing, she brings out som ething more sub stan tial, usually a hot food; a ho, tray keeps it warm for seconds. Two favorites arc Picadillo Tu rn o vers and C u rrie d Shrim p Tarts. Both can be prepared in ad­ vance, hold up well, are good either w arm fro m the oven or at room tem perature and are easy to eat without forks. Whether guests are coming from M adison Avenue or N ic o llet Avenue, it’s obvious that the invita­ tion to “ drop over after w ork” is a guarantee o f good food and a good time, at one o f Am elia Grinstead’ s parties. B IS C U IT SA VOR Y BUBBLE R IN G let, brown ground beef and onion; drain. Add green pepper, barbecue sauce, raisins, water and spices; mix w ell. Sim m er 10 minutes; remove from heat. Stir in tomatoes. Separ­ ate dough in to 20 biscuits. O n waxed paper, press or roll each to 4- inch circle. Spoon I rounded table­ spoon meat m ixtu re on center o f each circle. Fold dough in half over filling; press edges with fork to seal. Place on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at 375 ’ F. for 13 to 17 minutes or until golden brown. Garnish as C U R R IE D S H R IM P TA R TS 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened I egg, slightly beaten 6 oz. pkg. frozen baby shrimp, thawed I tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon chopped chives 14 teaspoon curry powder 10 oz. can Refrigerated Flaky Biscuits H eat oven to 375 °F . In small ^Today's S a few a y” y °u f SAFEWAY 1 H f C i r - J & bit more. 7-Bone Chuck Roast ® soaS 7 3118 I LD. Safeway Quality Blade Cut Fried Chuck Roast Chicken CHUCK ROAST Beef Sliced Bacon © ^$138 1 Buffet, 12 Oz. R y s o n s § 1 9 8 Heat oven to 35O°F. Grease 12- cup flu te d tube pan or 2 '4 -q u a r t ring mold. In small bowl, combine bacon, parmesan cheese, green pep­ per and onion. Separate dough into 20 biscuits; cut each into 4 pieces. D ip pieces in melted m arg arine, then bacon-cheese mixture. Arrange coated biscuit pieces evenly in pre­ pared pan. Bake at 35O°F. for 20 to 30 minutes or until golden brown. Cool in pan 5 minutes; invert onto cooling rack. Invert again onto serv­ ing plate. Brush with melted m ar­ garine, if desired. 20 servings. To re­ heat, w rap loosely in fo il; heat at 35O°F. for 12 to 15 minutes. I Ozark 2 Lb. Box ■ 10W40 motor on Motor Oil 20W Or 30W Motor - O il Quart Vick’s NyQuil Panty Hose 6 Ounce Size Bottle S£39 Legg’s Sheer Energy Reg. Or Queen Size H to 12 slices bacon, crisply cooked, crumbled 'A cup grated parmesan cheese '/« cup diced green pepper !4 cup diced onion 2 (10 oz.) cans Refrigerated Flaky Biscuits */« cup margarine or butter, melted bo w l, com bine cream cheese and egg; mix well. Stir in shrimp, mus­ tard, chives and curry powder. Sep­ arate dough into 10 biscuits; separ­ ate each biscuit into 2 layers. Place each layer in bottom o f ungreased m u ffin cup; press dough to cover bottom and sides. Spoon 1 rounded tablespoon shrim p m ixture in to each m uffin cup. Bake at 375 °F. for 15 to 20 minutes or u n til crust is golden brown. Loosen edges with spatula; gently remove from pan. Garnish as desired. 20 tarts. desired. 20 turnovers. Cauliflower r nS5°° Mushrooms 2 Ù 16 Ounce Bottles Plus Dep. Lucerne Old Fashioned r-H o m e s ty le Half Gal. P IC A D IL L O T U R N O V E R S 'A lb. ground beef 'A cup chopped onion '/« cup diced green pepper 'A cup barbecue sauce '/i cup raisins 14 cup water 'A teaspoon cinnamon 'A teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon cumin Dash cloves 1 cup ( I medium) chopped tomato 2 (10 oz.) cant Refrigerated Flaky Biscuits Heat oven to 375°F. In large skil- Trash Bags 3-Lb. Crisco Cranapple Ketchup Raisin Bran Monterey Jack Doritos Palmolive KlpPnPV IMUGI IDA x Ice Cream i f t s s r Town House Whole Or Cream Style ■* 1 fi 17 f) z P^ne 3s$1 Cereals General Mills 10 Oz. Cheerios ‘ P m Wheaties 99 99' ’ $-J 99 $j 59 $j 39 32- K « , e $j 99 Luc2^ Facial Tissue 200 Count Sweet Corn u S149 Bulk, Dole Save $1.49 Lb. r , s 8-Pack Pepsi $]99 e .69 c Large Heads s se $389 $j 69 $j 29 79* Prices Effective 1 0/6 /82 Thru 10/12/82 At Safeway In The Portland Area. SAFEWAY f