Portland Observer, October 6, 1902 Section II Page 3 Interpreting nutritional information Know what you’re eating and why you're eating it! Protein — Protein is necessary to build new tissue and to maintain that already formed. You need at least 45 grams of it each day. Carbohydrate — Cereal grains are rich sources of carbohydrate, which is necessary to supply energy to bodily functions Carbohydrate spares protein for vital functions. Fat — It 1» important, contrary to the bad name it has It is a source of energy In the body, it serves as insulation and provides a protective cushion for organs Sodium — This mineral helps maintain the osmotic equilibrium and volume of fluid around cells. Recognize the format from labels on canned foods? Here are the reasons each Item is important: Serving /Portion Size — Learn to gear your portions of food to the standard. You'll likely eat less, and you can be sure of the amounts of vital nutrients you're getting. Calories — You do need them for good health! If you're dieting, think about increasing exercise rather than substantially reducing calories as a means of weight controls. Prices good Wed., Oct. 6 thru Tues., Oct. 12, 1982 Italian herb bread Here is a bread w ith a touch o f Ita ly , one made fo r serving w ith spaghetti, lasagna or other popular pasta dishes. It not only contains a veritable cabinet o f Ita lia n spices (basil, oregano and thyme), but it is also topped with a sprinkling o f pungent Parmesan cheese. D e li­ cious! Italina Batter Bread is a no-knead yeast bread that looks more compli­ cated than it actually is. No knead? T h a t's rig h t. T h e re ’ s no need to knead the batter for this bread; it's kneaded with an electric mixer. You then let the dough rise twice, once in the bowl, then in the pan. Italian Batter Bread is a corn meal bread. Corn meal contributes B vi­ tamins and an appealing grain flavor that complements the herbs. It also adds a light but crisp texture that's just right with pasta. In fact, you'll make Italian Batter Bread an integral part o f your Ita l­ ian menus. A loaf goes so well with a bowl o f tossed salad, a bottle o f red wine and a big platter o f spa­ ghetti and m e atb alls.. .or lasagna . . or fettucini. Italian Batter Bread will make all your Italian meals a lit­ tle better! / TA I. IA N BA TTER BREA D I pkg. active dry yeast '/« cup warm water (1 10° to 115°F) ’/« cup scalded milk Vi cup butter or margarine !4 cup sugar I teaspoon salt 3'/« cups all-purpose flour M cup enriched corn meal 3 eggs I teaspoon basil leaves, crushed red Meyer NE STOP SHOPPING SC ENTER Brown \f A ööZ School M en u October I I : Mexican taco, shred­ ded lettuce and tom ato, whole ker­ nel corn, apple wedges, milk. O ctober 12: T u rk e y pot pie, tossed garden greens, whole wheat roll, sliced peaches, milk. October 13: Sausage pizza, vege­ table chunks w /d ip , pear halves, milk. O ctober 14: N a tio n a l Lunch M enu— Oriental chicken, stir fried vegetables, steamed rice, fruit fan­ tasy, Chinese almond cookie, milk. October 15: G randparent's d ay— Lasagna, tossed green salad w /Frcnch dressing, French bread, orange half, milk. Hen r Swift Premium 8 varieties • 12 oz. pkg. Reg. $1.69 Turkeys U.S.D.A. Grade A Norbest Tendertlmer 10-14 lb. Aeg. Flash Frozen Self basting with pop-up timer Reg. 98« lb. O r Banquet Dinners ? Sonny Boy Bread varieties • 11-12 oz. pkg. Reg. $1.09 each mixer 30 seconds or until blended. Continue mixing at medium speed 2 to 3 minutes or until smooth. W ith wooden spoon stir in enough re­ maining flour to make a stiff batter. Cover; let rise in warm place about I 'A hours or until double in size. Grease 9 x 5-inch lo a f pan. Stir down batter; spoon into prepared pan. Let rise, uncovered, in warm place about 45 minutes or until top of batter is 'A inch from top edge of pan. M ea n w h ile , heat oven to 35O°F. Sprinkle batter with cheese. Bake 40 to 50 minutes or until gold­ en brow n. Loosen edges o f bread from sides o f pan; turn out onto wire rack. C ool about 30 minutes before slicing. M akes 9 x 5-inch loaf. Young N ’ Serve Sausage (A teaspoon oregano leaves, crushed '/i teaspoon thyme leaves, crushed '/i teaspoon onion powder I tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese Dissolve yeast in warm water. In large bowl, combine m ilk, butter, sugar and salt. (Butter may not melt c o m p letely.) C o ol to lu kew arm . Add dissolved yeast, 2 cups flo u r, corn meal, eggs, herbs and onion powder; mix at low speed on electric Many people must limit intake Potassium — Concentrated within the cells, this mineral helps maintain osmotic pressure and serves as an activator of enzymes Vitamin A — It is essential to proper growth and maintenance of soft tissue and to the development of visual pigments needed for normal vision Thiamine, Riboflavin and Niacin — These B-complex vitamins are necessary to metabolize foods Calcium — This mineral element is a major component of bones and teeth Iron — It is necessary for the transport of oxygen to the cells. Case of 12 $7.59 • Half case $3.85 29 1 lb. tub • Reg. 83* First two - Additional at regular price F acial Tissue Fred Meyer • White • Yellow • Blue • 200 ct. • Reg. 67* First two - Additional at regular price n Campbells Tomato Soup W hite Satin Sugar 1034 oz. can • Reg. 33* 5 lb. bag • Reg. $1.85 10 each 49- each (amp&lk First two - Additional at regular price Gold W Soft M argarine White • Wheat • 22Vi oz. loaf """" « 39 1 c each a ^ ^ F ir s tth r e e -A d d itio n a ^ ^ e g u la ^ r ic ^ ^ First one - Additional at regular price Red Delicious 99« BUYS YOU MORE FRESH PRODUCE A T FRED MEYER Apples P eanuts Exira fancy school boy alza 3 lb. bag Fraah roasted in shall Roasted or Salted • 1 lb. bag 99-« Lettuce Solid green heads for salads MY-TE-FINE Donuts 8 varieties to choose from 10 oz. box Buy 2 Get 1 FREE Buy 2 pkgs. at $1.19 ea. and get the third pkg. free r A, E a c l^ H h e s ^ id v o rh s e ^ te m s m u s U w re fld T y a v a iía b le ñ ró rT p ío iT tíw a íív ó rh s e T p n c é m e a - c h F ré d l^ ^ ousp