Page 4 Portland Observer, September 29, 1982 Black elite vs. Reaganism EDITORIAL/OPINION By Dr. Manning Marable "From The Grassroots” Part II Reagan claims not true President Ronald Reagan gave black voters another reason to reject him and his party when he blamed the economic problems black Ameri­ cans face not on racism but on the social and economic programs o f the “ Great Society.” “ W ith the coming o f the Great Society,” he said, “ government began eating away at the un­ derpinnings of the private enterprise system. The big taxers and spenders in the Congress had started a binge that would slowly change the na­ ture o f our society. And even worse, it threat­ ened the character of our people-----” Reagan explained that without the social pro­ grams o f the Great Society—the war on poverty, model cities, job training, housing subsidies, public employment, etc.— “ black families and all Americans would be appreciably better o ff today.” He also maintained that the poor are better o ff today than they would have been had he not eliminated many o f the social and eco­ nomic programs. The recession, which has been instigated by Reagan’s policy o f high interest rates and high unemployment, has destroyed the gains made by black people during the 1960s and 1970s. The gap between white and black income is increas­ ing and black unemployment rates are double those of whites. Reagan also claimed that his administration has diligently enforced civil rights o f minorities. This, also, is untrue. An EEOC document refutes Reagan’ s claim that his administration has improved civil rights enforcement, showing Justice Dept. filings o f job discrimination suits have dropped signifi­ cantly. The Washington Council o f Lawyers reported in a recent study that enforcement in school de- segregation and housing has all but halted. Rea­ gan claimed the Justice Department has filed 9 new anti-discrimination cases against public em­ ployees and has reviewed more than 9,000 elec­ toral changes to determine compliance with the voting rights act. This claim is true but mislead­ ing since the reviews are routine and required by law. The Council o f Lawyers reports, however, that only two new voting rights suits have been filed by the government, compared to 20 in the first year of the Carter administration. Also the Justice Department still counts 25 cases it filed during the Carter Administration even though it has reversed its position on some o f these cases and has even asked for a reversal o f one decision won by the Carter Administra­ tion. In the employment field, the Justice Department has abandoned the use of class ac­ tion suits and seeks to overturn landmark a ffir­ mative action decisions. No new school or hous­ ing suits have been filed. Currently the Justice Department is considering supporting school districts in Boston, St. Louis and Denver which want to modify their court-ordered desegrega­ tion plans. Only in the area o f police brutality and indi­ vidual brutality that denies civil rights has the administration kept pace. Although Reagan said his investigation and prosecution “ has exceeded the level o f every past administration,” the rec­ ord shows that his administration equals those of Carter and Ford. If Reagan wants to cultivate black support for the Republican party he is o ff to a bad start. Lies and slippery statistics will not take away the actions arid policies that continue to deny rights and opportunities at an ever increasing rate. The economic initiatives ot black managers in the private sector have Letters to the Editor___ American Jews outraged at massacre To the editor: As American Jews we are sick­ ened and outraged at the recent massacres o f unarmed Palestinians in Lebanon. While we fully support the existence o f the State o f Israel, we join in protest with those voices already raised in Israel, including Peace Now, calling for the resigna­ tions o f Begin and Sharon and with­ drawal o f Israeli troops from Leb­ anon. Furthermore, we call for the cessation o f all support to the Chris­ tian M ilitia groups responsible for the massacre. Israel’ s occupation o f the West Bank and Gaza, the invasion o f Lebanon as well as her involvement in this most recent tragedy, contra­ dicts Jewish values and our heritage, threatening Israel’ s survival. The Dennis Buchanan’s failure to sup­ port Proposition 7 (Observer 9/22) is clearly based on fallacious reason­ ing. Buchanan claims to support the intent o f the measure, which would call for an end to military interven­ tion in El Salvador; he also p ro ­ fesses support for the initiative pro­ cess, but he is withholding his sup­ port for passage o f this particular measure simply because he believes it should not have been on the ballot in the first place. This is a dangerous position, because, regardless o f whether or not Buchanan finds it appropriate, Proposition 7 w ill be on the November ballot. A yes vote will put Multnomah County on rec­ ord as opposing United States m ili­ tary intervention in El Salvador, but a no vote w ill send a message to Washington that the citizens o f Multnomah County do not mind if their tax dollars are used to assist the brutal Salvadoran government only policy that can lead to a real and lasting peace is a political settle­ ment between Palestinian and Is­ raeli leaders based upon mutual rec­ ognition and the rights o f the Pales­ tinians to self-determination along­ side a secure Israel. Portland New Jewish Agenda Laura Stuchinsky in the random murder of its people. Buchanan's refusal to support Proposition 7 will not take it o ff the ballot. Failure to support the mea­ sure will only result in failure of the measure. Julie Levak Abolishment not issue To the editor: Rick Gustafson is playing politics as usual. He insists that the issue in the race fo r M etro Executive is whether or not the M e tro po lita n Service District is a worthy project and should continue to exist. But, with the failure o f the abolish-Metro petition, the issue is now the quality o f M e tro ’ s leadership — no, its existence. I suspect that Gustafson knows this but is deliberately tryin g to avoid defending his dismal record. Mrs. Ruth Hermance Receive your Observer by m ail— Subscribe todayl Only $10°° per year. To the editor: Your e d ito ria l o f September 1, "Reagan Rule Threatens European Econom y" is somewhat typical o f the editorial opinions occurring in various newspapers in the State o f Oregon. Editorials supporting Eu­ ropean nations to sell U.S. technol­ ogy to the Russians is mystifying to many o f us in the energy industry in light o f the numerous negative edi­ torials opposing our position to im ­ prove the energy supply. I f Europeans and the Russians have confidence in U.S. technology maybe the government officials in the states of California, Oregon and other states should rethink their de­ cisions to spend tax dollars on law­ suits to prevent offshore leases and to support various domestic energy projects. How about trying to re- duce the environm ental hysteria against the development o f LNG plants, pipeline construction, re­ search development in wilderness areas, offshore d rillin g and many other energy related projects and programs that are on the drawing boards. Decontrol o f crude oil prices was one giant step to improve the stability o f our energy supply. Conservation has also helped. I f Europeans and Russians seek U.S. technology for, as you state in your editorial, "guarantee o f stable fuel supply for Europeans," why don’ t our politicians and environ­ mentalists and the news media en­ courage the same for our country? M ystifyin g , indeed! It borders on the miraculous that we have any new domestic energy exploration and development to meet our energy needs. To the editor: I with to publicly thank the many members of our community who re­ sponded w ith love and kindness upon the death o f my late husband, Jordan Morris, on July 28, 1982. The members o f my family were especially moved by the loving t r i­ bute paid to him by the s ta ff and students o f the Black Education Center in closing school on the day of his funeral. He was an avid supporter o f the school and the honor shown him touched us deeply and reaffirm ed what was special about his life on this earth. We will establish a schol­ arship at the school in his name as a continuing contribution to the work he believed in. The response to our loss from so many members o f the community was immediate, constant and com- Name the Portland Observer—why not you? Subacribe todayl ¡Oregon 111 Newspaper Publishers Association MEMBER N M Ä PER Association • Founded 7 M 5 ¿V : -'A t Address City____ State -Z ip . Portland Observer w«no«M The P o rtla n d Observer (U S P S 959 6801 is published every Thursday by Exie Publishing Company, Inc , 2201 North Killings worth, Portland. Oregon 97217, Post Office Box 3137, Portland. Oregon 97208 Second class postage paid at Portland, Oregon Subscriptions: *10 00 per year in the Tri-County area Post m aster: Send address changes to the Portland Observer. P 0 Box 3137, Portland, Oregon 97208 A l McGilberry, Editor/Publisher ATWilliams, Advertising Manager 283 2486 National Advertising Representative A m algam ated Pubtlehers. Inc. N ew York Forcign policy is complex and an ever-changing decision-making pro­ cess as each nation strives to corner world opinion. Our president has made a decision and I believe he has done so in the best interests o f our nation and of our allies. Our nation has bailed out these same European countries by fighting in two World Wars and we helped rebuild their economies with billions o f dollars in foreign aid—most of which has not been repaid. Being tied to the Rus­ sian energy supply source could prove fatal to these same nations in the future as their economy becomes more dependent on The Bear for their energy needs. F.J. Barich Public Affairs Area Manager Chevron, Inc. Appreciation Mail to: Portland Observer Box 3137 Portland, Oregon 97206 Hit My Mom and Dad read "ta x c u ," has no, increased U.S. corporate investment or consumer spending. Conversely, European ba­ sic industries, such as shipbuilding, steel, and petrochemicals, are " a ll in deep tro u b le ," according to the Wall Street Journal. British unem­ ployment exceeds 13 per cent, and even Japanese unemployment is at a post-W orld War II record. The Western crisis in capital accumula­ tion has forced pay cuts in workers salaries in virtually every nation. In 1980 the Wes, German worker, for example, received $12.26 an hour; last year, the average salary was $10.47. In the U.S. a similar process o f capitalist austerity has occurred. Average wage incresascs in the first contract year for settlements made by unions at least 1,000 workers de­ clined from 11.8 per cent in A pril- June, 1981, to 2.2 per cent in Jan­ uary-M arch, 1982. The result for U.S. black workers was entirely pre­ dictable: o ffic ia l adult unemploy­ ment above 18 per cent; black youth unemployment, 58 per cent; the fail­ ure o f over 30 per cent o f all black- owned businesses in 1982 alone. The recession o f 1982 illustrates with painful clarity the essential po­ litica l bankruptcy o f the black middle class "leaders’ * and organi­ zations. Unable and unwilling to ad vance a socialist reorganization of America's political ecnonomy, they rely upon corporate paternalism, Federal jobs programs and "s e lf- help e ffo rts " which have all been tried without success. Responding to the economic desperation o f the black working class and poor, they o ffer the rhetoric more suitable to the age o f Booker T. Washington. Without an anti-capitalist and m ili­ tant black national alternative, it appears likely that no meaningful solution to the long-term crisis o f black underdevelopment w ill be achieved. Wants U.S. offshore oil Salvador ballot measure needs support To the editor. ranged from "conservative” to simply absurd. A good representa­ tive o f their tendency is Joe Black, a Vice President o f the Greyhound Corporation. Black condemned un­ employed black youth for no, un­ derstanding the "thrus, o f the Civil Rights M ovem ent," in July, 1982. "T o o many o f them have chosen to be guided by emotion and wan, to believe that it was to prove that black can beat white or mistakenly thinking that we were to receive something just because we're black.” In Black's opinion, it was time fo r "b la c k adplts” to "have the intestinal fortituaJe to tell youth­ ful blacks that they Ire spending too much time worrying about the word ’ racism.’ When we were young, we called it ‘ prejudice,’ 'segregation,' and *jim cro w ,’ but we did not spend our time worrying about it . ” Racism was not the reason that black unemployment was at an all- time high. "T o o often black college students select ’ pop' courses rather than those studies that w ill make them competitive in today’ s labor m arket.” Like Thomas Sowell and other black conservative econo­ mists, Black suggested that blacks* ignorance and inadequate training were to blame for their lack o f em­ ployment opportunities. What almost no civil rights lead­ er, corporate manager or politician from the black middle class compre­ hends is that the current economic plight o f A fro-A m erica is an inte­ gral part o f a worldwide crisis o f capitalism. Reaganism, its British counterpart, Thatcherism, and the conservative fiscal policies o f Jap­ an, Wes, Germany and other capi­ talist countries have escalated un­ employment throughout the West. Total unemployment in all Western countries has soared from 10 million in 1971-72 to a projected 31 million by the end of 1982. Reagan’s July I Many black Reaganites have not rescinded their unqualified endorse­ ments o f Ronald Reagan. In Octo­ ber 1980, two important aides o f the late M artin Luther King, Jr., sup­ ported Reagan—the Rev. Ralph Da­ vid Abernathy and Georgia State Rep. (D) Hosea Williams. Williams justified his support for Reagan be­ cause "the mounting KKK's violent activities against blacks all across the co un try" were indirectly a pro­ duct o f (he Carter Adm inistration. Appearing with South Carolina seg­ regationist Strom Thurmond, in De­ cember, 1980, W illiams and A ber­ nathy announced that they were " fo r the Republican platform ” and backed (he bizarre suggestion that Thurmond serve as "a liason officer between Republicans on behalf of m in o ritie s ." As loyal members o f what one journalist termed "S trom Thurm ond’ s Black Kitchen C abi­ n e t," W illiams and Abernathy re­ ceived a "le tte r o f in tro d u c tio n " from Reagan for a black trade mis­ sion to Japan in June, 1982. W illiam s and Abernathy me, w ith Prime M inister Zenko Suzuki and Japanese business leaders " t o pro­ mote Japanese investments in the U.S. by o ffe rin g tax incentives to businesses that invest in joint Japan- esc-Afro-American ventures.” The 17-day trade mission sparked some "interest and curiosity” among Jap­ anese corporations, who admitted that they had “ never considered es­ tablishing a join,-venture factor in the U.S. with either black or white businessmen.” The entire e ffo rt may have been futile, however, be­ cause upon W illiams’ return he was sentenced to serve one year in a Georgia penitentiary for numerous traffic violations and for fleeing the scene of an accident in 1981. in « * a hut .* fo rtin g in helping us to endure a great loss. The fam ily also wishes to thank the medical com m unity fo r its re­ sponse during the last hours. The staff of the Veterans Administration Hospital and A A Ambulance Co. responded with the professionalism that assured us that he go, the very best care. Mrs. Lenora Morris