Portland Observer, September 8,1982 Section II Page 3 A little confidence is all it takes ••They’ll never be able to sell that!” was the com m ent a frie n d made when the first flavored frozen vege tables appeared. The price was about a third higher for a little but ter or white sauce and a couple o f herbs. They were, however, a great success. One o f the things today’ s consu mer is w illing to pay fo r is the con venience o f ready-made flavorings. Many homemakers seem to have lit tle confidence in th e ir a b ility to season foods and are w illing to leave that to experts. They buy seasoned spaghetti mixes, taco sauce mixes, white sauce mixes, rices w ith herbs, salad dressing packets and seasoned salt. The list is endless. I f you’ re really interested in sav ing m oney, b u ild up y o u r c o n fi dence in using herbs and spices. Then build up your supply o f these tasty additions. You can even make seasoning packets o f your own so you have your own convenience at about half the cost. Here are five general suggestions to give you confidence to s ta rt, f rom then on you are on your own. In seasoning foods, there arc no fast rules. 1. Remember to use spices and seasonings w ith a lig h t touch. Be conservative. Start with just a pinch or 'A teaspoon and increase. You should know som ething has been added, but not w hat. I f a fla v o r shouts at yo u , y o u 'v e used to o much. Le ttin g herbs sim m er fo r a w hile w ill help develop those fla vors, too. 2. Use fresh spices and season ings. A p a in te r can’ t create w ith drie d oils and you c a n 't achieve bright flavors w ith worn out spices. Flavors arc fro m the arom atic oils o f a plant. Once these oils are lost in standing, the spice or seasoning is worthless. Protect the oils by keep ing the jars or tins tightly closed and stored in a cool area. Be sure they arc kept d ry . W hen you can no longer detect arom a, discard the spice. Buy sm all containe rs o f spices and replace more frequently. Check the food co-op stores to sec if they carry seasonings you can buy in small amounts to try out something new. 3. Learn th a t tw o fla v o rs are often better than one. Try mixing a spice and a liquid flavoring. Lemon and vanilla go well together. Or use a nutmeg and cinnam on com bina tion. Only half amounts, naturally. 4. Introduce only one flavor at a time. Most people prefer the fa m il iar when it comes to choosing food. D o n ’ t overw helm the palate w ith to o many fla v o rs at once. A new salad dressing is enough fo r one meal. D on’ t press your luck by try ing the herb meatloaf recipe and the d ill flavored beans at the same time. Tom orrow is soon enough. Study recipes fo r the best ” go- togethers.’ ’ Some fla v o r com bina tions arc p a rtic u la rly pleasing — lamb w ith m int or orange; tom ato w ith oregano and thyme; pork and ginger. Learn which your family w ill enjoy. The backs o f the bottles or cans give you some suggestions to try. A little adventure and cre ativity on your part and you w on’ t need to give those special seasoning packets a second glance. The Oregon State U niversity Ex tension Service office near you has a variety o f in fo rm a tio n about food preparation and buying. I t ’ s a good source o f ideas fo r getting more for your food dollar. H ere’ s a d e lig h tfu lly fla v o r fu l recipe fo r m a king yo u r ow n taco seasoning mix in clu d in g the direc tions for making tacos. The impos sible Taco Pic has been featured in many magazine ads recently and is a real w in n e r. You can use your homemade taco sauce fo r this, too. label and store at room temperature indefinitely. T o use: Brown I pound ground beef in skillet; drain o ff ex cess fat; sprinkle 1 package mix over meat and stir to blend. Add 'A cup water and 1 tbsp. catsup. Simmer and stir, uncovered, fo r 10 minutes or u n til w ater has evaporated. Spoon into taco shells and top with chopped o n io n , grated cheddar cheese, chopped tom atoes and shredded lettuce. IM PO SSIBLE TACO P IE The pie that does the impossible SAFEWAY Boneless Chuck Roast Assorted Pork Chops Town House 17 0z. Can Franco American 14.75 Oz. Can Town House Cut Or Sliced. 16 Oz. Can Safeway, Regular Chicken Or Liver, 26 Oz. Can Celebrity Pieces & Stems, 4 Oz. Can Regular And Unbleached 25» Off Label, 10 Lb. Bag All PUMPOS! spa I4 cup instant minced onion 3 tablespoons chili powder 2 tablespoons ground cumin 2 tablespoons salt I tablespoon crushed hot red pepper flakes I tablespoon instant minced garlic 1 tablespoon corn starch 2 tablespoons oregano, crushed well ft pieces o f aluminum fo il, ft inches square or ft small envelopes Combine and mix all ingredients. Spoon six even portions o f mix onto fo il pieces or into envelopes. Wrap, Pancake M ix Krusteaz Buttermilk Or Wheat & Honey, 3.5 Lb Pkg. Beef Or Regular * 16oz. Pkg. Beef Rib Steak $168 h. I Leaf Spinach Sw eet Peas Spaghetti Green Beans Dog Food Mushrooms 3-Pound Coffee Bath Tissue Gold M edal Flour S158 $158 ■ I Lb. Loin Ends And Center Cuts Town House 15 Oz. Can Armour Hot Dogs Safeway Quality “ Boneless Beef Pink Salmon s29? s175 Frozen, Whole Or Half 1 2 to 4-Lbs. Safeway ^Quality End Cantaloupe SUPER SAVER 3 » ,s1 San Joaquin Valley Sweet Melons 3.. ,s1 3., rSl 3 f , s1 31., sl Bartlett Pears 2 » s1 Sweet Corn $C48 Maxwell House. Reg., Or Auto Drip 15 cl Ir Casaba I Melons ; U S No 1 Tenoei lo c a l Golden f w e.77C Brownie M ix Nice ’N Soft 4 Roll Package Russet Potatoes N oith.\e- Grown Lb. u29c 5ror59C 10¿ab999C Betty Crocker German Chocolate, 19 Oz. Pkg. Contact Light Bulbs ¡?&©99c © Soft White 60W, 75W * Or 100W TA CO SEA SON I N O M IX Makes 6 packages m ix , each yielding about 8 tacos. plate, 10x I'A inches. Cook and stir beef and onion u n til brown; drain. S tir in seasoning m ix. Spread in plate; top w ith chilies. Beat m ilk , biscuit mix and eggs un til smooth, 13 seconds in blender on high or I minute w ith hand beater. Pour into plate. Bake 23 m inutes. T op w ith tom atoes and cheese. Bake u n til kn ife inserted in center comes out clean, 8 to 10 minutes longer. Cool 3 m inutes. Serve w ith sour cream , chopped tomatoes, shredded lettuce and cheese i f desired. 6 to 8 serv ings. by making its own crust. 1 pound ground beef 'A cup chopped onion 1 envelope (1'/« ounces) taco seasoning mix or homemade seasoning combination 1 can (4 ounces) chopped green chilies, drained 1 !4 cups m ilk % cup biscuit mix 3 eggs 2 tomatoes, sliced 1 cup shredded Monterey Jack or cheddar cheese Heat oven to 400°. Crease pie Luncheon M eat Magesty Luncheon Favorite, 12 Oz. Can J $189 ■ Pack Buffetin NyQuil « I SUPER ■ Cold Capsules U p 20 Count M Package Analgesic Tablets 100 Count $299 $249 Nighttime Cold Medicine, 14 Oz. Price Effective 9 /8 /8 2 at Safeways in the Portland Area i(Si SAFEWAY