Portland Observer, August 18, 1962 Page 7 Sport Talk spears firs t am ong paers Those piles of letters that will un­ doubtedly be pouring out o f U lf Spears’ high school locker are an in­ dication tli.it the young man has ar­ rived. I he recruiting season, basket ball's version of fraternity rush, will loon be in full swing again, and U lf Spears will be a big part o f it. And Ipng before the weekend visits, bump ms and so on, Spears, a three- year star from Benson High, w ill have heard from the likes o f Wash­ ington, Washington State, Oregon and Oregon State. I A 6 5 forward who can go up and depoisit a lob pass in the basket quicker than one can say "D r. J ," Spears is the finest all around player in the State of <)regon. The product of Benson High and Coach Dick (.¡ray just finished a to u r w ith the now famous Dunk- Kings of Seattle I he team was com­ prised o f the best prep players in Oregon and Washington On their Schedule were some strong teams fro m the Eastern seaboard. They played all star teams Irorn both Philadelphia and Chicago and the nationally ranked Power Academy, a school that produced Kareem Ab­ dul-Jabbar. Spears leads the team in both scoring (23.5) and rebounds (13), w hile usuaging, 3 blocked shots per garC- As if tha enough, Sp< enough t o p has such q Aaron Mitchell and Son Plumbing by Ron Sykes, Sports Editor s o f his TV paycheck Io Trevor Ber­ bick and Reynaldo Snipes. Thomas, a last minute substitute, beat up ter­ rib ly on seventh-ranked James 'Quick' I illis. And Thomas only got his chance when Berbick became ill and not to be outdone, Snipes de­ clared he w ouldn't accept a battle w ith anyone other than the sick man. So Don King, up the creek w ith­ out a paddle, called in young Fink- Ion I homas who was 10-0 and ranked number 15 by the WBC. It look P in klon eight rounds to de­ stroy I illis who began to tire badly alter the fifth round. With a victory over I illis Thomas could vault clear up to number four, a ranking cur­ rently held by Greg Page. Remem­ ber Page was a decisive loser to Tre­ vor Berbick. There appears to be a great deal o f unrest amongst the heavies M ike Weaver, Tex Cobb, Reynaldo Snipes and Larry Frazier have all pulled out of major fights in the past three months. Frazier, ranked number 14, actually walked out of Madison Square Garden just minutes away from fight time. And it ’s hard to remember the last time anyone has been able to get Mike Weaver into anything that resembles a fight ring. * Experienced P lum ber * Licensed end Bonded Established in business fo r 25 years Have lived in the Portland Area for 40 years r a’ WE STAND BEHIND ALL JOBS 1703 N .E. A lb erta 288-4040 W E 'R E HERETO H ELP YOU! Expert consultation on your transportation needs on both new and used cars. SLICK WATTS Heavyweights Did you know th at. WENDELL BROWN W A N N A S T A R T S O M E T H IN ’ Thffn Try The U nion Av*mrt» Representative sometimes t HONDA CO just barely t U lf Speat 2nd Ave. coaches to •‘ Sure w c l G e orge Ri have to tea son and Ka nection th R a v e lin g t BEST AVAILABLE COPY hunt.” The h ull Spears is a j He's a t) wing in Ra believe m< strong bid I W hatever Slick W a r Slick Vli claimed tl ever to a Washing!« is a long. I> Forget * Mcl-lhenr. out of W * Forget 1,0 m agician, score repa players. « Baylor pla W alts« Southern] til 1977. He calif and play« first team «tile faNM Slick ceZ VERAL 210HBK luxe 5 Speed! ictory Equipment 4 ball phiyi moves IF est or si jr