•» ,á‘ 'a *» Portend Auguat 18,1962 Section II Page 3 Sleeping pills are the worst remedy for insomnia so before you retire. •T h e re ’» good reason to count sheep— repetitive visualization acti­ vities distract the brain from more sleep-disruptive thoughts. Other ri­ tuals that might help include taking a warm bath or shower, listening to music or watching T V . • I f you are a w o rrie r, take a “ w orry w a lk " in the evening, or make a list o f what you need to do the next day before you go to bed. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, m editation or bio feed ­ back can also help. •W hen a big meal before bedtime keeps you aw ake, a small glass o f wine or brandy may help you get to sleep. (Larger amounts o f alcohol, how ever, d isrupt sleep and cause m orning hangovers.) W a rm m ilk and cham om ile tea are e ffec tive non-alcoholic nightcaps. Strenuous exercise during the day helps many people fall asleep more easily and deeply. But don’t exercise vigorously right before bed; a hard physical workout tends to heighten alertness. •C a ffe in e , the p o w erfu l, physi­ cally addictive drug found in coffee, many soft drinks and teas, choco- late and some o ver-th e-co u n ter drugs, contributes to a substantial number o f sleep problems. The ni­ cotine in tobacco products has also been shown to be associated with in­ somnia, as are many other drugs. I f you do take sleeping pills and would like to stop using them, don’t do it without medical supervision. Certain kinds o f sleep medication, for example bartituates, may cause serious withdrawal reactions. C o n ­ tact local drug help or mental health authorities for an appropriate refer­ ral. ©PACIFIC NEWSSERVICE, 1982 by Michael ( 'astlemun. Pacific News Service A lte r aspirin, sleeping pills are (he most widely used drugs in the United States. A, a cost o f more than $175 m illio n , over I b illio n sleeping pills are swallowed every year, enough theoretically to put every man, woman and child in the nation to sleep for 2(M) hours. Although Americans o f all ages take sleeping p ills , tw o -third s o f sleeping pill prescriptions are w rit­ ten for people over 45. Surprisingly, less than 20 per cent o f these pre­ scriptions arc w ritte n fo r people with specifically sleep-related prob­ lems. According to one U.S. government study, doctors give about 30 per cent o f sleeping p ill prescriptions to patients w ith psy­ chological problems, 25 per cent to those with identifiable medical a il­ ments and about 18 per cent to others with vague, poorly defined symptoms. Indeed, Medical Self-Care maga­ zine reports that an estimated 50 per cent o f all hospital patients receive sleeping pills routinely every night, whether or not they have trouble sleeping; more than o n e -fifth o f those who become addicted to sleep­ ing pills acquire their drug habit in hospitals. l or those who suffer insomnia, sleeping pills do work—but only for a short time. The effective use o f most such m edications lasts less than a week. The longest-working sleeping p ill, Dalmane (fluraze- pam), appears to be effective for no more than one month. Sleeping pills distort sleep more than they induce it. Researchers have found that about half o f (hose who take sleeping pills for insomnia wind up with even worse sleeping problems as a result. More striking yet, withdrawal from sleeping pills has been proven to cure about 20 per cent o f insomniacs. Sleeping pills are also the third most common means of committing suicide; moreover, they are im p li­ cated in about 30 per cent o f all drug-related deaths. Although the newer pills appear to be less danger­ ous than barbituates, they are po­ te n tia lly hazardous when mixed with alcohol, or accessible to c h il­ dren. Thus, almost everyone would probably be better o ff not using sleeping p ills, but certain people should never use them: •Those w ith lung diseases or chronic breathing problems, includ­ ing snoring. Sleeping pills can inter­ fere w ith the b o d y’ s a b ility to breathe normally. •Those with impaired liver or kid- nay functions. A sleeping medica­ tion must pass through these o r­ gans, and tends to remain in the body longer if they are impaired. •Those taking other medications. Sleeping pills can interact harmfully —even fatally—with other drugs. •Pregnant women. Sleeping pills can affect unborn children. T h a li­ domide, which caused severe limb deform ities in many children o f women who took it while pregnant, was an over-the-counter sedative. • Anyone who has been drinking. A lco ho l and sleeping pills add to each other's respiratory depression effects, and may cause death. “ Insomnia” in itself is not a dis­ ease. It is a symptom, like a runny nose. The term is also quite vague, used to describe any or all of the fo l­ lowing complaints: inability to fall asleep or to stay alsccp without d if­ ficulty, excessive daytime sleepiness; and general dissatisfaction with the quality of sleep. Many people who have problems sleeping are actually in good physical and mentul shape. Here are some ways that may alle­ viate insomnia without medication: • I f you take unnecessary naps during the day, work to elim inate them, because they tend to disrupt sleep later at night. I f you must go to bed and get up at irregular hours, try to arrange your day so there is some quiet time during the hour or Boneless Turkey Beef Bib Steak Armour Golden Star 5 to 6 Pounds Great On The Barbeque Safeway Quality Beef Small End Cuts Fish Fillets Bar “ S” Biggies 1 Pound Package Mrs. Paul's French Fried Fillets SAFEW AY Where you get a little bit more. Pink Salmon Bumble Bee 15 5 oz Can tOr$1 Steinfeld’s Lucerne Yogurt Pickles Bandon Cheese $3 " Joyette M e llo r in e ^ x ’^ S O * Green Beans w a * 3 ^ 1 Dalewood Margarine 3fOr$1 Tomato Juice Fresh Pak Sweet Cucumber Chips or nome oiyie uw ® s149 • 7-Pound Krusteaz Buttermilk Pancake Mix > S2 M 79c Town House 46 oz. Can S 79c Cantaloupe or Casaba Anacin Tablets $1 78 Stayfree Maxi Pads - w - $3 38 Charcoal Briquets SCOTCH BUY 10 Pound Bag F\ ■ h i San Joaquin Valley Jumbo Westside Melons . . . 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