Page 8 Portland Observer, July 21,1982 OBSERVER SPORTS A sk Barry by Barry Cooper Kung Fu/Taekwando/Karate Tournament contestants warm up for matches to be held Saturday. u ■ a ■ Hii-eeaaah!" Shouts o f “ Hii-eeaaah!” will ring through Portland Community Col lege’s Cascade campus, 705 N. Kill- ingsworth, 10 am-5 pm, Saturday, July 24, 1982, during the Second Annual Kung Fu/Taekwondo/Kar- ate Tournament. One o f this “ B-Rated” tourney’s special attractiosn w ill be competitors who train at The Salva tion A rm y’s Moore Street Commu- nity Center—whose team recently captured first place in international competition. They include team leader and in structor James Fraison, and partici pants Andy Edgar, Pat M cM urtry, Brian M cM u rtry, David Rayner, Bob Edgar and Michele Lundgren. Q. Can you tell me a little about Doug W illiam s ‘ college career at G rambling? —Steve Holt, Clearwater, FIs. A. Williams, now with the Tampa Bay Buccanneers, may be the best quarterback G ram bling has ever produced. He was an Associated Press first-team All-America selec tion in 1977, finished fourth in the Heisman Trophy balloting that year and was named Most Valuable Play er in the 1977 East-West Shrine Game. He missed M VP honors in the Senior Bowl that year, but com pleted 21 o f 34 passes for 251 yards. Grambling compiled a 35-5 record in games Williams started at quar terback. He threw for a NCAA rec ord 93 touchdowns at Grambling, including an N C A A record 38 his senior year. Williams was red-shirt ed as a freshman, and was graduat ed with honors with a degree in edu cation. For more in fo rm a tio n , please contact James Fraison, 282-2572. Jeff football camp site Oregon State University football coach Joe Avezzano w ill conduct a free, one-day football camp Satur day (July 24) at Jefferson High School for inner-city students. Avezzano and his nine-man coaching s ta ff w ill instruct 150 youth in grades 7-12 in football fun damentals from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the school, 5210 N. Kerby St. Following 3-4 hours o f instruc tion in fundamentals on the field, the participants w ill see fo o tb a ll film highlights. The program also w ill include guest athletes who w ill talk about the importance o f aca demics to athletes. Avezzano said he in itia te d the program “ from a long-tim e per sonal desire to do something that w ill help expose inner-city kids to what’s open to them.” Sponsoring the event are Radio Station KEX, OSU’ s football pro gram, Portland Urban League and Portland Public Schools. Registration w ill begin at 8:15 a.m. on Jefferson’ s football field. Some 25 athletes from Grant, Ben son, Roosevelt and Jefferson High Schools have pre-enrolled. Seventh- and eighth-graders from schools in those high school areas w ill be enrolled on a first-com e, first-serve basis. The camp includes a free lunch and a T-shirt. wer, o f course, is raw materials; they are the kernel o f the conflict. But to say that alone oversimplifies the whole situation. In many areas both the United States and the Soviet Union have more natural resources inte nally than have many Third World . nun- tries. But this is where political iac- tics and m ilitary strategy come <n. To secure Third World ground, for the Western Alliance, is to block So viet political, military and, ultimate ly, economic in filtra tio n in to the Western Hemisphere. That is why Cuba is such an anathema: not be cause it is “ communist” —it isn’ t— but because is furthers the political, military and economic interests o f a great rival. The entire political and m ilitary strategy o f the United States in West A fric a , East A fric a , the Indian Minnie's Ice Cream Parlor and Deli Sandwiches 13 Flavors Special Peach Ice Cream Hrs. Tue.-Fri. 11:00am-10pm« Sat. 12:30-10 pm Sun. 3:00 pm-8 pm ) Juanita Matthew« Owner I I I I I Z 5938 N. Greeley 285-0666 Portland, Oregon BEAM BUILT-IN VACUUM With Self-cleaning filter system $ /[Q B “ w w installed with cleaning tools IN YOUR PRESENT HOME or Do-It-Yourself Kit *350 I I I I EUREKA ELECTRIC COMPANY ■ 1804 N.E. UNION 287-9420 ■ George Washington never signed the Declaration of Independence. • It's amazing that, of all 50 U.S. states, there's only one whose name has just one syllable — Maine, All other states have 2 or more syllables in their name. We do not do business with South Africa Q. Who is the highest-paid player in professional sports? —Andrea Smith, Miami, Fla. A. Sugar Ray Leonard, with his frequent $10 m illion fights, makes more money rig h t now than any other pro athlete. But when it comes to team sports, the Los Angeles Lakers’ Magic Johnson is tops with a contract that w ill pay him $1 million for the next 25 years—that’s $25 m illio n . Moses Malone could surpass that mark soon, however. Currently a member o f the Houston Rockets, Malone qualifies for free- agent status this year, and could command a contract o f between $2 million and $3 million a year. B E Ocean and the M iddle East is to make sure that those areas are safe p o litic a lly and m ilita rily , not fo r their own sake, but fo r the protec tion o f the vast riches in which A fri ca and the Middle East abound. It is not that the Western alliance is discovering the economic im port ance o f these areas for the first time. These have been Western spheres of influence ever since the 15th Cen tury. In fact. Western states fought bitter wars among themselves there long before the emergence o f the Soviet Union. The Soviet-American rivalry is, in truth, a very recent, a post-war phe nomenon. Both countries emerged as world powers after the war nearly tore the old im perial powers o f Europe to death. But whereas col lective interests allowed the United States to easily enter the spheres of influence o f the Western European powers, the Soviet Union found it much more d iffic u lt to enter the fray o f international plunder. For the T hird W orld, therefore, the rivalry is between two kinds of powers: one kind which has been fleecing us fo r centuries, and another which now challenges the first everywhere. For the people o f the Third W orld, this conflict has meant the consigning o f millions to the grave, while others sink below the starvation line. We can thus say that the North- South conflict is the essence o f the East-West conflict. The East-West conflict is an important form of the conflict from the political and m ili tary point o f view; but the North- South conflict is its true content. Thus, the American-Soviet rivalry cannot be resolved until the North- South line (between poverty and af fluence) has been solved. Any peace movement which ignores this fact will only perpetuate war and world poverty. <9 PACIFIC NEWSSERVICE. 1982 J Et N A u to Repair 1505 NE A lb e rta . P tld 97212 284 9453 (24 hr n u m b e rl f ' M on Sa» 8 00 1 00 A t U / • ' J e • Free E»»imniBA • S e n io r C itiz e n s D is c o u n t American State Bank AN IN D E P E N D E N T BANK Heed Ottica 2737 N. E. Union Portland, Oregon 97212 MAKE A NEW HOME ATTHE OLD ADDRESS W ITH A NEIGHBORHOOD PROFESSIONAL Wm. D. Herboth Remodeling (Got a sports question? Just write “ Ask Barry,” P.O. Box 3137. Port land, OR 97208. Questions w ill be answered in this space.) A Third World perspective (Continued fro m page ! column tf) A popular misconception is that "Frankenstein" was the name of the monster; in the Frankenstein story, it's the person who created the monster w ho is named Frankenstein. The monster himself has no name. CALL: 289-1600 Interior • Exterior Addition» • Weatherizations X O D U S 1639 N E Alberta PORTLAND. OREGON 9721 1 294 7997 Your N A M E is all you have by which to let others know who you arc and what you stand for. The House o f Exodus is O regon’ s only private non-profit education and treatment center providing Oregonians with high quality human services unpar alleled anywhere in the world. 1. The Clean Team concept which teaches youth the philosophy and practice of cleanliness and safety through community respect and responsibility. 2. Alcohol and drug treatments services. 3. Alcohol residential treatment center. 4. Mental fitness classes including D U II classes. 5. Special youth education classes. 6. Special youth summer programs, 7. Community information and referral center. 8. Final wisdom guidance consultations. We would like to thank the following for their continued sponsorship: P O R T L A N D T R A IL E R A N D E Q U IP M E N T , D O N B ER G ER D E S IG N , J.C. P E N N Y C O ., J U D IT H W YSS, J. T H A Y E R C O ., V IC T O R A T IY E H , M A L E T IS IN C ., A N T H O N Y E. G A L L O M .D ., W A R E H O U S E FLO O R S PE G G Y H E R B IG , V IP S , S E R V IC E T IR E C O ., M R S. JOST, A L A D D IN E E N T E R P R IS E S , L A R R Y K A Y E , R E F L E X O L O G Y C L IN IC , D A N IE L ’ S D O C K , P R IE R W H O L E S A L E P L U M B IN G , G E O R G IA N PRESS, G EN E S C A R B U R E T O R , A U T O M O T IO N , T A M A R A C K E N G IN E E R IN G , W .G . M O E & SONS, N O R M A H A Y E S , R E X C A F F A L L , K E N T C O X & ASSOC., O E C O C O R P ., S T E N N O C A R B O N , S IR S P E E D Y P R IN T IN G , P O R T L A N D T IM B E R S , A M E R IC A N P E R S O N A L P L A N N IN G , R O B ER T B E N N E T M .D ., H . D E X T E R G A R E Y , R U T H A . M O R E L A N D , D U B A L H A R R IS , G R E S H A M T O Y O T A , J IM A . S E IT Z , J .T . S T E E B &. C O ., F O U G H T & C O ., N E N A S A U T E R , T H O M A S B U H L , K R A M E R G A L E N , G .B . P L U M B IN G , F L O M A T IC M F G ., M O N T A V IL L A L U M B E R , R E X W A R R E N , B R E W E D H O T C O F F E E , F R A N K W ID M A R , A L IC E B R U N S O N , S H E R ID A N B A R R IE , PIPS , L IG H T T R U C K P A R T S , S IM P L IC IT Y T O O L , T O M A H A W K IS L A N D M A R IN A , T H E R M A L LO C K IN C ., P O R T L A N D P A C K IN G C O ., M A R IE T O O Z E , K E N N E L S O N E Q U IP M E N T , O R E G O N A U T O IN S U R A N C E , B L A C K M E T H O D IS T C H R IS T IA N R E N E W A L , J.K . G IL L , B.J. K E R R , C O R N E L L S W O O D L A N D P A R K L U M B E R , M U R IE L R E E D E R , G R A P H IC D E S IG N , C .H . M U R P H Y IN C ., S T IM S O N L U M B E R C O ., H E A R D C O N S T R U C T IO N C O ., C H A R L E S S T A R D E R , IN T E R M O U N T A IN IN C ., D Y N O D E N T L A B , A M E R IC A N T R A D IN G , O X Y G E N E Q U IP M E N T R E P A IR , SEN T E R T O O L S E R V IC E , M A R Y L E T S O N , U L T R A T A N , L A C K B E R N S T E IN , K A T H I K E A R N S , E .R . B O O K K E E P IN G S E R V IC E , F R E M O N T U N IT E D M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H , M E IE R & F R A N K C O ., M R . J O H N E L O R R IA G A , P R E S ID E N T A N D C .E .O . O F U .S . N A T IO N A I B A N K OF OREGON. Let us add your name as a regular sponsor o f tl e House o f Exodus com munity services, and receive a copy o f my final wisdom guidance chart Make checks payable to: House o f Exodus 1639 N .E . Alberta Portland, OR 97211