Portland Observer, July 7,1982 Section II Page 7 ICKETS A N D TABLES «re EMBERS o f the N ational moving rapidly for the P ort­ Council o f Negro Women, land Observer’ s Achievement Portland section, were hostesses for Awards Banquet. It w ill be wise to a unique affair held last Sunday af­ get yours soon as Ron Dellums, a ternoon at the Matt Dishman Com­ powerful drawing card, is billed as munity Center. the principal guest speaker. Our lo­ Called a "Sew and Show and cal heroes and heroines are to be Taste and T e ll,” the a ffa ir drew a honored as well. good crown to a style show featur­ Among the early bids for a “ table ing about 12 models, most o f whom w ith a view ” are members o f the had made the garments they wore. H o ffm a n C onstruction Co. the Daytime things through evening United Way and United Way Agen­ wear, with summer in mind, drew cies, Delta Sigma Theta so ro rity, enthusiastic applause. Models The Links, Inc., the Portland Trail­ ranged in age from three-year-olds blazers, the Portland Public School to the mature matrons. District, and others. The list grows Tables o f attractive salads and a longer each day. variety o f desserts were displayed You can get your tickets or re­ for the audience and were there for serve your table through Meier and the delight o f tasting. Frank Co., Stevens and Sons Jew­ Bobbi Gary and P atti Shepard elers, and the House o f Sound; or were co-chairpersons for the event. you can mail your check to the Port­ Betty Stephens, past president o f the land Observer, P.O. Box 3137, Portland section, NCNW , yielded Portland, OR 97212. Hurry! the presidency to Mary Kurney for T M W A N T TO GET your hair women at Grand Central Lanes at­ Lodge o f F.& A .M . of Oregon tracted many on Sunday evening. and its Jurisdiction closed its 22nd M ichael Warren o f H ill Street annual convention here in Portland Blues fame, was principal speaker at on Wednesday, June 30, at the Fla­ Monday evening’s banquet held at mingo Motel. the Flamingo Motel. Wednesday evening the conven­ The H onorable Thomas J. tion was entertained by the Shriners Brown, Grand Master o f Prince Hall Masonry was reelected to his at a twilight cocktail party. position. The ju ris d ic tio n encom­ passes Oregon, Idaho and M onta­ Through the years the convention na. members have contributed nearly Joining the celebration was the one m illio n dollars to ch arity. Prince H all Grand Chapter Order Among beneficiaries o f these funds Eastern Star which also closed its have been the NAACP, the NAACP 21st annual convention on June 30. Legan Defense Fund, the Urban Mrs. Helen E. Riley o f this city League and the United Negro C ol­ was elected Grand W orthy Matron, lege Fund. Local organized youth receiving the gavel from E. Jean D il­ activities, such as athletics at Matt lard. Mr. C lifford Joyner o f Eugene Dishman Center, have also received was reelected Grand W orthy Pa­ funds. Recent interests have includ­ tron. ed some phases o f care for the elder­ Aside from the business o f the ly- convention activities o f the In recognition o f the c o n trib u ­ combined groups included a picnic tions o f the Grand Lodge to the city on Saturday with a promenade that and state, Governor V ictor Atiyeh evening. On Sunday church services and M ayor Francis Ivancie p ro ­ were held at Vancouver Avenue claimed June 27 thru June 30 as Baptist Church with the Rev. O.B. Prince H a ll Free and Accepted Days. W illiams conducting. Sunday d in ­ ner was held at Prince Hall. A bowl­ The 23rd annual convention is to ing tournament fo r both men and be held in Boise in June of 1983. T the current period o f 1982-83. Arizona Grand Lodge hold Its styled for the banquet? Try 22nd M onique’ s, over at 4711 N. Inte r­ Convention In Portland. state Ave. Done in soft blues, the in­ Below: Most Worshipful terior decor is soothing and restful, Grand Master Thomas J. Brown. w onderful for tousled tresses and frayed nerves. Bottom right: Helen E. Rllay, G.W. Matron; Clifford Joiner, The two operators, Sydni Martin­ G.W. Patron. ez and Jewel Wood, expert hair styl­ Center: Members of Adah ists and knowledgeable about com­ Chapter No. 6, oES, chet be­ plexions, are ready to serve an inter­ tween sessions. racial clientele with experience and Top right: A. Childs, Dept. skill. Call Monique’s at 281-9604. O N JULY 16, the Black Wom­ HE MOST Worshipful Grand Encourage drawing as an activity for your pre-schooler. It familiarizes the child with basic art materials, helps muscle development and is an excellent means of self-expression. Grand Master; J. Harvey, Sr., Grand Warden; T. J. Brown, MW Grand Master; E. Dobbins, Grand Warden. en’s Network is presenting an interesting a fte rn o o n ’ s program beamed at women for women. They are planning workshops and in ­ formal talks by professional women in their various fields. A survey o f the intended p ro ­ grams draws attention to a discus­ sion, “ Stress Management,” to be led by G loria Fluker; Dr. Cora Adams, a professor o f Social Work at the University o f Portland, w ill discuss the “ Survival o f the Black Woman” ; ’ ’ Entreprcncurism'’ will be the topic for D’ Norgia Price and Maggie Raine. Tickes for the BWN a ffa ir are available through the Portland U r­ ban League and the P.O.I.C. office. Ask for them. They w ill no, cos, a lot. PRO STYLE SHOP 917 S.W. Alder 224*8401 ■ * (across from the Galleria) PRO SHOP—STYLING SALON ■ Specializing in all curly perms, styling & trimming. | TCB • Care Free • Classy Curl & California Curl covo* c»vvo’ Yet another danger: Caffeinism by Tom Ferguson. M. D. Pacific News Service M illions o f law-abiding Am eri­ cans arc physically addicted to caf­ feine—and most o f them don’t even know it. More than 2 billion pounds of coffee are consumed in this coun­ try each year. Caffeine is also found in many teas, most soft drinks, cho­ colate and a number o f over-the- counter drugs. There is good reason to take this matter seriously. Caffeine causes a dramatic increase in blood pressure, muscle tension and secretion o f stomach acid. It also markedly speeds up the basal metabolic rate— a measure o f how fast oxygen is used by the cells. It reduces the amount o f oxygen available to the brain, and has been implicated as a possible contributing factor in birth defects and fibrocystic breast dis­ ease. Individual reactions to caffeine vary greatly, but an intake above a person's individual lim it produces “ caffeinism ,” a condition with symptoms indistinguishable from those o f anxiety neurosis: extreme nervousness, irrita b ility , chronic muscle tension, difficulty falling as­ leep or sleeping soundly, sensory disturbances, abnormal heartbeats, increased frequency o f urination, frequent loose stools and gastorin testinal upset and palpitations. Various researchers have estab lished amounts ranging from 200 milligrams (mg) to 750 mg o f caf­ feine per day as a presumed "danger p o in t,” above which a person is considered to run a high risk of caf­ feinism. Most surveys agree that about 25 per cent o f American cof­ fee drinkers consume at least five cups per day—a caffeine dose o f 500-600 mg I he lethal caffeine dose lo t a healthy adult man is approximately 10 grams (10.000 mg)—the equiva­ lent o f 80 to 100 cups o f coffee. The body, however, breaks down caf­ feine and excretes it rapidly, so deaths from caffeine overdoses are virtually unknown. But, as reported recently in Medi­ cal Self-Care Magazine, caffeine's toxic effects may appear at much lower levels: •A pregnant woman who drinks coffee exposes her developing fetus to (he same concentration o f caf­ feine as that in her own blood. The caffeine equivalent o f fivc-to-six cups o f coffee pet day has been show to increase the risk o f birth de­ fects in laboratory animals. Whe­ ther the same effect occurs in hu- r c " r M o fa ’ C U P - ; m W -A f* other chemically-related substances from their diets. The breast lumps o f 65 per cent o f the women stud­ ied disappeared entirely within two to six months after they quit coffee. •Some studies have also suggested that heavy coffee drinkers are at in­ creased risk for developing heart disease. Other studies have shown no correlation. U n til this contro­ versy is settled, it would seem wise for people with heart disease, a strong fam ily history o f heart dis­ ease, or high blood pressure or other risk factors fo r heart disease, to confine their coffee consumption to a cup or (wo a day. •Children and adolescents who , w < *Ln mans is not yet clear. One study, published by the journal Postgraduate Medicine in 1977, showed that among pregnant women who exceeded 600 mg o f caf­ feine per day, 15 out o f 16 pregnan­ cies ended in spontaneous abortion, stillbirth or premature birth. The Federal Food and Drug A d ­ ministration maintains that it would be “ prudent” for pregnant women Io give up or cut buck on substances that contain caffeine. • An Ohio slate researcher found that many women with fibroxystic breast disease—benign breast lumps —could shrink or eliminate such lumps by eliminating caffeine and consume large amounts o f soft drinks that contain caffeine may experience irrita b ility , irregular heartbeat and insomnia. Caffeine’s effects depend on both dose and body weight, so a young child who drinks one Coke or Dr. Pepper may experience the same caffeine effect as an adult who drinks four cups of coffee. • Because caffeine increases muscle tension (the greater the dose, the greater the tension), people who huve problems with chronic muscle tension might do well to keep their caffeine intake Io a minimum. •Caffeine increases the secretion o f stomach acid, so people with ul­ cers or other gastrointestinal prob­ lems are usually advised to reduce or eliminate it. People tend to substantially un­ derestimate their own caffeine con­ sumption. I f you are thinking about cutting back, obtain information on what foods and drinks contain caf­ feine, and try to keep a log to learn how much you really consume. Reactions to caffeine arc extreme­ ly variable. Some can’ t touch the stuff, while others ingest substan­ tial amounts w ithout problems. Moreover, a single individual’ s re­ sponse to caffeine may change over time. Keep this in mind, when you listen to other people’s opinions and experiences. There arc some surprisingly ef­ fective coffee substitutes other than beverages. Many people say only coffee “ gets them going” in the morning; but a short run, 15 m in­ utes o f exercise or yoga may have the same effect. Moderate and heavy coffee drink­ ers can experience withdrawal symp­ toms if they go totally without caf­ feine for 24 hours. The first symp­ tom o f caffeine deprivation is usually a headache that may develop as early as 18 hours after toe last caffeine dose. In many cases, these headaches occur on weekend morn­ ings, because drinkers often cut their consumption on days off. And exercise frequently makes caffeine withdrawal headaches worse. (O f course, they are relieved by consum­ ing caffeine: a cup o f coffee or tea, or a pain remedy that contains caf­ feine, such as Anacin, Vanquish or Excedrin.) T hus, should you decide to elim ­ inate coffee altogether, consider gradually tapering-off. A switch from coffee to tea might be a good way to start. The average cup o f tea contains less than half the caffeine found in a cup of brewed coffee. i 'u tu t rvt h s s m h i i ivk 2 I V .s4 3 ; Reg. $60°° ! Limited Time Only J H ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■ ■■I N o better gift. N o better time. Seiko Quartz. For Dad, from the world leader in Seiko Quartz SEIKO QUARTZ FOR MEN S to p in an d see o u r fin e c o lle c tio n o f S e ik o 's toda> . \o tHfrrc.l • Xi> ,/» m n m * IO Jaulten Heat h IW |. Itljl, • / Nilent iOl-.’.'JI ,,i.»>ih l\ m> m . , »ttt .'loi 1