Portland Observer, July 7, 1982 Page 11 JOB FINDER M ULTNOM AH C O U N TY | P S Y C H IA T R IC NURSE P R A C TITIO N E R I $1,781-$2,302 monthly I (full time); $881 $1,151 I m onthly (part tim e). I Thia position is located I at an outpatient mental I health clinic. Specific I responsibilities include I medication evaluations I and adjustm ents, pre- I scription writing, physi- I cal assessments, and I medical responsibility J for a portion of the I chronically mentally ill I treatm ent population. I The current vacancy is I a p art-tim e position I (50% ) and is located at I 2415 SE 43rd Avenue. I An eligibility list will be I established to fill this I vacancy as well as I other vacancies that I occur in the next six | months. TO Q UALIFY I applicants must be II- I censed in the State of I Oregon to practice as a I registered nurse and I possess S ta te of Ore- I gon certificatio n as a I Psychiatric Nurse nrac- I titoiner w ith prescrip- I tion privileges and pos- I sess or be able to ob- I tain a valid Oregon dri- I ver's license with avail- I ability of personal auto- I mobile. D IR E C TO R OF Y O U T H SERVICE CENTER P ro v id o s d iv e rs io n , counseling and e m p lo y m e n t s e r v ic e s . Two years supervisory and diversion exp eri ence required. Send re sume and three letters of reference to Delau- ney Mental Health Cen ter, 5215 N. Lombard, Portland OR 97203. 285 9871. Closing date for applications July 15,1982 M A R IN E GEOLOGY R ESEARCH A S S IS T A N T (half-tim e) to assist in micropaleontological an alysis, dating and pa- leoenvironmental anal ysis of m arine sedi m ents. Bachelor d e gree in science and course work or experi ence in botany, micro p aleo n to lo g y, a n d /o r sedimentology and lab e x p e r ie n c e . S a la ry : $6,000. Send resume and nam es of three roferences by 15 July 1982 to Hans Schrader or Nicklas Pisias, School of O cean o g raphy, Oregon State U niversity, Corvallis, Oregon 97331. Affirma tive A ctio n /E q u a l Op p o r t u n it y e m p lo y e r com plying S ect. 504 Rehab. Act 1973. A D M IN IS T R A T IV E A S S IS T A N T N o n-clerical for c o m m u n ity-b ased org. in SE Portland. BA level training - demonstrated e xp /su ccess in re I This is professional search, public spkng, I work in administering contract monitoring, Er I medical care and treat v ./m a in te n a n c e of I ment services as part of p d e e rs o n n e l s y s te m s . I the county mental One year exp working I health program. Speci in private, non profit I fic responsibilities in- community based org. I elude providing psychi- S a la r y $ 1 5 ,1 0 1 | atric evaluations and $18 ,19 4 . Position will I diagnoses for chroni- close 5:30 pm, I cally mentally ill indivi- 7 /1 6 /8 2 . (A pplication I duals; prescribing neu- materials must be deliv I roleptic m edications; I particip atin g in treat- ered by date s ta te d ). A pplicants must c o m I m ent planning for plete application form I chronically mentally ill available at 3534 SE I individuals; responding Main S t., Portland, OR to outpatient psychia 97214. tric crises; consulting A n A ffirm ative Action with staff, families and Employer. residential care provid FIELD SER VIC E ers; and assuming R EP R E SEN TA TIVE medical/psychiatric re sponsibility for approxi Resourceful, conscien mately 150 individuals. tious women and men The current opening is are needed by Kodak's half-tim e (2 Vi days per C ustom er E quipm ent week) and is located at Services Division in I 340 NE 122nd Avenue. Portland to service TO Q U A L IF Y appli Kodak business equip cants must have gradu m e n t. K now ledge of ated from an accredited solid state electronics and experience and/or school of m edicine, completed an approved training in the repair of residency in psychiatry, electromechanical equip I and possess a current ment required. license to practice med E x c e lle n t e m p lo y e e icine in the S tate of benefits. Accepting ap plications or resumes Oregon. A PPLY for these posi July 12-13, 1982 at tions no later than 4:30 5410 S .W . M acadam , P o r tla n d , O re g o n . p .m ., Friday, July 9, Qualified applicants will 1982. be contacted for an in W H E R E TO APPLY: terview. M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty P S Y C H IA T R IS T (Physician) $36,227 - $51,887 de- I pending upon qualifies I tions ($18.1131 I $ 2 5 ,9 4 4 p a r t- tim e ) . C o u r th o u s e , R oom 130, 1021 S W Fourth Avenue, Portland, Ore gon 97204. PHONE: (503)248 5015. CLERK School H ealth Program T e m p o ra ry p o s itio n , 190 days, 6 .5 hrs/day. Requires: 45w pm ty p A n Equal Opportunity ing; fam ilia rity w ith Employer copy m achine; exp er ience with busy phone lines. Desire familiarity with word processing. Salary: $5.22/hr. S tarts: A ugust 19, S O M E S E W IN G 1982. M ending, alterations, car seat covers, other Request additional in item s. Trade or cash. formation & employers' application form from 235 604? P E R S O N N E L P .O . T h e h im ily i* fo r utrcli-h BOX 16657, Portland, in« imatf unit ion *. for KivlnK OR 97216. Em ployers fe e d b a rk , for reflecting Application form must views, fo r sharing experi be received by 5 pm, ences, for challenging xhort sight i-ilniM i, and lo r diM-oiir July 20, 1982 to tie con aging sheer lantasy. T he sidered. fa m ily m for vixionx visions o f w h o you are ax w ell ax A n Equal Opportunity Employer w ho you can becom e MISC. EXTRA IN C O M E Earn a good income working part tim e or full time w earing and selling beautiful jewelry and fashion accessor ies. For information on this exciting opportun ity call 281 8088 even ings and weekends. APARTMENT MANAGER Immediate need for ex p e r ie n c e d , m a tu r e , m anager for 105-unit complex in North Port land. Mix of family and elderly units. Salary and 2 bedroom a p a rt ment. See job descrip tion and make applica tion at the Housing A uthority of Portland, 335 N W 19th between 8:30 a .m . and 4:00 p .m . All applications must be in by 4:00 p.m. July 9, 1982. A n Equal Opportunity Employer M E D IC A L T E C H N O LO G IS T Full time 3-11:30 after noon shift in reference lab available. All incum bents must have a ba sic know ledge of the principles, theories and techniques of lab ora tory technology, partic ularly in blood banking. M ust be A S C P regis tered or eligible, appli cations accepted be tween 1:30-3 pm. Am erican Red Cross, 4200 S W Corbett, Portland, OR 97201. C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D G ENERAL OFFICE CLERK Im m ediate opening in d o w n to w n P o rtla n d w ith Oregon's leading workers compensation insurance carrier. Must have typing ability and excellent interpersonal skills. $747 m onthly plus excellent fringe benefits. Resumes and inquiries should be di rected to Heidi W u lf, Personnel Assistant, 1- 373 8037 S A IF C orporation 400 High S tre et SE Salem . OR 97312 An Equal Opportunity Employer A S S IS T A N T D IR EC TO R For n o n -p ro fit center serving N W film /video makers. Knowledge of film /program m ing ne cessary. Experience in marketing, PR or distri- b u tio n d e s ir a b le . $12,000/yr. Send cover letter, resume, 3 refs. to Media Project, P.O. Box 4093, Portland OR 97208. D eadline July 30.__________________ A S S IS T A N T MANAGER STUDENT C O M M U N IC A T IO N S M E D IA i O SU O SU is seeking an ex perienced radio/televi- sion person to advise its student m anaged FM radio and television sta tions starting Sept. 15. Responsibilities include budget d evelo pm en t, facilities and equipment scheduling, university ft FCC rules implemen tatio n and advising. The position is a 9- m onth fixed term with possible sum mer term e m p lo ym en t. BA re quired, M A preferred. M ust have 3 years full time college broadcast experience or related p ro fe s s io n a l e x p e r ie n c e . A p p lic a tio n s close July 23. A p p li cants should include letter of application, re sume, reference letters and grade transcripts. A pplications and in quiries should be a d dressed to Frank Ragul- sky. M anager of S tu dent M edia, M em orial Union East, O SU, Cor vallis, OR 97331. OSU is an A ffirm a tiv e A c tion, Equal Opportunity Employer and complies with Section 504 of the R eh abilitation A ct of 1973. ' ' PU B LIC W O R K S O P E R A T IO N S S U P E R V IS O R $29,453/yr. entry rate. All candidates must h a v e c o n s id e r a b le know ledge o f public works type c o n s tru c tion practices and the procedures and equip m ent used in public w o rk s m a in te n a n c e . They must also have c o n s id e r a b le k n o w ledge of supervision. Resumes will not be ac cepted in lieu of com p le t e d a p p l i c a t i o n form. Please apply no later than Friday, July 30, 1982. Apply to: P ortland Civil Service Board 510 S W M o n tg o m e ry P ortland. OR 97201 OR Urban League 5329 NE U nion A ve. Suite 218 P ortland, OR 97211 ------------------------------------- 1 CITY OF PORTLAND INVITATION TO BID A TTE N TIO N Serious Job Seekers W ould you like to set your own hours with prac tically no limit on earnings and have vacations as desired? If so, then why not conveniently work with us sorting/bundling mail. Receive work and payments by mail. Start immediately! For informa tion, a self addressed stamped envelope assures a prompt reply. M a il M a rk e tin g Services, P.O. Box 2590, O cala, Florida 32678 M E N T A L HEA LTH Therapist for MED ado lescents in residential setting . M asters D e gree, 3-5 years direct therap y and supervi sory experience. $14- 16,000 DOE. Send re sum e to Janis Youth Program s, 1942 N W Kearney, Portland, OR 97209 Attn: Gloria Edel- hart. Closing date July 16th. A n Equal Opportunity Employer EXEC. D IR EC TO R For com m unity-based org in SE Ptld. M A level trng in public admin or related field or equiv exp . M in 4 yrs exp in m gm t levl position in agency receiving fed'l g rants, w orking in a c o m m u n ity -b a s e d or n o n -p ro fit agency in co m m u n ity services, planning a n d /o r pro g ra m d e v e lo p m e n t. Salary $24,000-30,000. Position will close 5:30 p .m . 7 /2 1 /8 2 . (A p p li cation material must be delivered by date stat e d ). A p plican ts must c o m p lete app lication form and q u estio n naire, available at 3534 SE Main S t., Portland, OR 97214. A n A ffirm ative Action Employer U S H E R /U S H E R E T TE Part time Memorial Col iseum. Greets patrons, enforces facility rules. Hours include e ve n ings, weekends and h o lid a y s . $ 4 .3 5 /h r .; m inim um 4 hr. shift. Must be 18 yr. or older. A pply in person by completing application an d q u e s tio n n a ir e Monday, July 12, 1982 in the lobby of the M e m o r ia l C o lis e u m C om plex, 1401 N. W heeler, Portland, OR 9 am to 4 pm. A n Equal Opportunity A ffirm ative Action Employer G RANTS C O O R D IN A T O R (Temporary 3 mo. posi tion). Grants coordina tor for com m u nity- based org in SE P o rt land. BA-level training, demonstrated exp/suc cess in planning, grant development/writing or equivalent exp. Salary $17,353 (annual). Posi tion will close 5:30 p.m. 7 / 1 6 /8 2 . ( M a te r ia ls m ust be delivered by d ate s ta te d .) A p p li cants must com plete application form avail. , at 3534 SE M ain S t., j Portland OR 97214. A n A ffirm ative Action Employer. For constipation you’ll call it “The Overnight Wonder” Ever feel uncomfortable with your laxative9 1 lien it s time you tried the gentle medicine they call Die Overnight Wonder ’’ Il s today s Ex-Lax and it relieves the discom forts of constipation by helping restore the body’s own natural rhythm Try it tonight You'll like the way you feel in the morning! Chocolated or pills. Fx I.ax is ‘The Overmqht When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the bid as guaranty that the bid shall be irrevocable for the period specified in the proposal. Said bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder seek to revoke his offer for any reason not authorized by law and not consented to by City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful perform ance of the contract, in the event the said contract is awarded to him. N ON-DISCRIM INATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless tf bidder is certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed L Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently certified should file the required documentation with the Contract Compli ance Division, Room 209, City Hall, 1220 S W Fifth Avenue, Portland, Ore gon 97204, 248-4696, at least five (5) days prior to the Bid Opening. Failure to achieve certification by the Bid Opening Date and Time shall result in the return of your Bid Unopened. BID NO. BID OPENING DATE RFP #1 Bond Counsel Services for Sale of Approx. $11 Mil lion General Obligation Bonds. For information call Harold Vaughan, Purchasing Agent, 248-5375. Spe- cial Prequalification Required. 4:00 P.M . 0 7 /2 2 /8 2 C-9414 Im prove S W Freem an at S W 45 A ve, C onstruct Storm Sewer & Sanitary Sewer Systems & Install Street Light System. For information call Duane Gul lixson, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety & Prequali fication in Classification 2 Required of Bidder. 0 7 /2 0 /8 2 C 9385 Im prove N W W in ch ester Terrace Er R econstruct Storm Sewer. For information call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety Required. 0 7 /2 2 /8 2 C-9402 Improve S W Hamilton Ct & S W View Point Terrace & Install Street Light System. For information call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety Required. 0 7 /2 2 /8 2 Call For Bids CORRECTION: CONSTRUCTION OF STREETS & STORM DRAINS Bids due July 20, 1962. Bid No. B61-200-8042. Multnomah County Purchasing Division wishes to issue a correction in the Bid for Construction of streets, waterlines, and storm drains, N.E. Airport W a y /N .E . 138th Ave. The ad published on June 30, 1982 erroneously called for a twelve per cent (12% ) MBE participation. The project does not have a required MBE participation percentage. H owever, M ultnom ah County encourages MBE and FBE firms to submit bids. Multnomah Coun ty Purchasing Division apologizes for any inconvenience the ad may have caused. Bid No. 82-699A Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation Dis trict of Oregon (Tri-Met) will receive sealed bid proposals until 2:00 p.m. Pa cific Daylight Time on July 26, 1962, at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, third floor, conference room " D ," Portland, OR 97202, Attention: John R. Post, Direc tor of Engineering and Contracts. Bids will be opened at that time for: Street improvements for City and Eastside Transit Implementa tion Program. ■ Invitation For Bids Successful contractor will be required to comply w ith all the applicable Equal Opportunity laws and regulations. All bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon does not discriminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin. I Proposed forms of contract documents, including plans and specifica i tions, are on file at the office of the Housing Authority at 1605 N.E. 46th, and at the following offices. The bid documents may be obtained from Liz Goebel, telephone: 238-4802. 1. The Portland Builder's Exchange Cooperative 1125S.E. Madison, Portland, Oregon 2. Contractors' Daily Plan Center 901 S.E. Oak , Portland, Oregon 3. Construction Data & News Plan Center 9 2 5 N .W . 12th, Portland, Oregon July 1, 1982 Bid N o.82-696N Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation Dis trict of Oregon (Tri-Met) will receive proposals until 4:00 p.m. Pacific Day light Time on July 30, 1982, at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Third Floor, Port land, Oregon 97202, Attention: John Post, Director of Contracts and Engin eering. Proposals will be evaluated to the above time and date for: A certified check or bank draft, payable to the Housing Authority of Port land, U S. Government bonds, or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and acceptable sureties in an amount equal to five per cent of the bid shall be submitted with each bid. Insurance Agent of Record and Risk Management Service. Successful proposers will be required to comply w ith all the applicable Equal Opportunity laws and regulations. The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory performance and payment bond or bonds. All proposers will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. Attention is called to the provision for equal employment opportunity, and payment of not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications must be paid on this project. Tha Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon will not dis criminate with regard to race, color, sex, or national origin, in consideration for contract award. The Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. The Request for Proposal may be obtained from Brian Playfair at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202, Phone: (503) 238-5870. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of 90 days subsequent to the open ing of bids without the consent of the Housing Authority. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND 1 W .E. Hunter, Executive Director , 1 TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON John R. Post, Director Engineering and Contracts Request For Proposal Copies of the documents may be obtained by depositing $50.00 with the Housing Authority for each set of documents so obtained. Such deposit will be refunded to each person who returns the plans, specifications and other documents in good condition within 10 days after bid opening. 29 June, 1982 DESCRIPTION Advertisement For Bids i l Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address. For addi tional information telephone buyer at number listed Sharon Jacox Purchasing Director The Housing Authority of Portland, Oregon, will receive bids for the con struction of 15 duplexes to be located on the City block bounded by N.E. Russell Street, N.E. Rodney Avenue, and N.E. Sacramento Street in Port land, Oregon until 2 o'clock P .M ., (Daylight Saving Time) on the 3rd day of ( August, 1982, at 1605 N.E. 45th, Portland, Oregon, 97123 at which time and place all bids will be publicy opened and read aloud. REGISTERED NU RSE Educational A g en cy Requires: Valid Oregon Registered Nurse li cense; one year's ex perience in school nurs ing, pediatrics or com m unity health nursing of school age child w ith in g last 5 years, valid Oregon driver's li- , cense and vehicle avail able for use. Salary: Placem ent on Nurses' Salary Sche dule based on 190 day contract; prorated to num ber of days w o rked . M axim um 4 years experience cre dit. Starts: A ugust 20, 1982. R e q u e s t a d d it io n a l information ft employ ers' application form fro m P E R S O N N E L , P.O. BOX 16657, Port land, OR 97216. Em p lo y e rs A p p lic a tio n form must be received by 5 pm, July 20, 1982 to be considered. An Equal Opportunity Employer Sealed proposals will be received in Room 412, City Hall, Portland, Oregon 97204 for items detailed herein until 2:00 P.M . on the dates indicated. July 8. 1962 TRI COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON John R. Post, Director Engineering Er Contracts