Page 8 Portland Observer, May 20, 1982 SPORTSM AN'S AUTO ( 'omnninitv Directory and /irofiles Hair Oeaign Cantar J E N K IN S A U TO SERVICE C o x a X W m a n e I.w T ilu l A d* On IN W illiam s Portland, OR 97227 IN W illiam » Portland. Orwgon Paqc T h i* A r c O i Local B u s in p im f ho f A re H e lp in q Bu i A B«‘ f f e r P rofessional S ervices C o m m u r u ly 249-3 V I T I K U T O ta O T IV I R C F A I« (N O Jackson'« Automotive 2 106 N. Killingaworth Portland, Ore. 97217 285 7338 1833 N KIIMnge w o rth Portland. OR «7211 2B7 7273 TR 3C F 'S W IG S A U T O M O T IV E Introducaa BONNIE HOWE O m I For marly Eastport P lu s I FREE comb-out with purchssa of a naw wig and located m: N e w b e rry s Lloyd Can tar it IN M iealaaippi Ava. Portland. Oregon «7277 Carlo» ¡Ä x iw Z I M X * a a > ------ h i xee'x -»*»»■ eiw itoi 311 N E. Sbavar St Portland. Oragon «7212 287-1 OREGON RUG Et MATTRESS CO. VERA S H A T B O U TIQ UE Since 1932 1119 N.E. Broadway W an's 1868 N. Lombard Portland. OR 97217 3327 N .E. Broadw a y P ortland. Oragon «7232 IS03I 1014 N Killingsworth W p a llO B 00 C al C H U C K 'S CAR STEREO Child d e ve lo p m e n t • K indergartens • Hot breakfast & lunch snacks. 6:30am - 6pm. 12 years Federal License. Sales Service Installation 630 N.E. U nion A ve Ph. 231-8106 Hours 10 6 M F ___ 1 0 - jsa BEA U TY 3612 NE 16th i¿aaa — 213-216 N E. H ancock Portland Oragon 282 3379 • at B roadw ay • 281 9496_____ E s ta te « U e w te a a e n e N e w » U sed Furrwtosre A p p H en cee A n tiq u e « D A V I P f LETT -J u t r-— iwiwlij ( PHARMACY B b R Fam ily Shoe S tore We have top name brand shoes Nike, Adidas, Tiger, Puma N E 29th b A lberta 281 681« Shoes b Apparel £3- V W e gpve S * H G reer S w n p a M W CM < bri P ortland. Oragon «7211 2£22 ELLIS CLEANERS ’ _ Let us renew the beauty of your garments. Our cleaning methods will do it. Expert Tailoring. 281 3662 3300 N. Williams Ave. ONE HOUR M A R T IN IZ IN G Hals-Scarves & Accessories Styling 707 NE FR E M O N T 281 6625 FR ID A Y S B EAUTY SUPPLIES Wholesale and Retail "W e carry products that art seen in Jet and Ebony Magazine ' Open 9 a m 8 p m 3612 NE 15th . 249 0363 The moat in dry cleaningl Featuring same day cleaning and laundry service 1419 N.E. Fremont 281-6133 U N IQ U E L IV IN G C O N C E P TS C L O T H IN G PEGGY'S H ID E W A Y Coma a» and P*oo» a gama o* poo» or MO< arifov (ho j o ta too bio 503 281 6bWi Walter C Reynolds. M 0 Kalpana H Raidev M O Phyaiciana b Surgeona ' 16 N Morris St. 6211 N W illiam » Ave Portland. Oregon 97217 Or Sam ual J B rown Jr Dr Carloa I W eakly, O EN TI8T "MU' b F®realty >sad p ro vo n lh ro OonOakry M M F » It o h e r r t e y S tew art Cleaners 2209 NE KIHIngsworth Portland. Oregon «7212 .tU /M J E ERNEST GUILE O M D M P H FAMILY DENTISTRY Coneulelion« Insuline» accepted Weekend b tveniny houli W e Do Q u a lity W o rk — A lte ra tio n s W e Do D rapery Open: M on-Fri8-6, Sat 8-4. 2274 Lloyd Canter 2701 N.E. 7th ç > ii S t. A n d re w Legal Clinic 281-4372 New owner F a la U ff Bear Glass 35C Peggy b Jim M illar Bear Glass 46C 838 N. K illingsw orth 283 2221 VA C C U M f» SEWING Vacuum Cleaner Sewing Machine SaiA and service Eureka Electric Co 1804 N E Union Portland. OR 287 9420 VARIETY SUE W ICKLUND TRAVEL GRACE COLLINS M E M O R IA L CENTER 1734 N E Broadway Portland, OR 97232 ((«adaroartana b >aa> »aa» *» k x h anacka • Ma»» tp m I J tf*B Fod Lx KEN TUTTLE (503) 249 8303 12« NE Russali Portland. Oragon 281 «830 Serving tha Community Chad OwnatooretBr« 4927 N.E. 8th Ave. Portland. Oregon (503)281 1600 Spring-Sum m er Revival S m ith C hapel C .M .E . C hurch w ill be hosting a Spring-Sum m er Revival June 7 th -l Ith 1982 at (he W oodlaw n U nited M ethodist C hurch, located at 1425 N .E . D ekum Ave. (the corner o f 15th). Rev. C .E . M itc h e ll Pastor o f Lewis M e tro p o lita n C .M .E . C hurch o f Los Angeles C a lifo rn ia w ill be the Revival Preacher. Service tim e w ill be 7:J0 nilely. N e e d ty p e s e ttin g done? C all 283 2486 281-74781 today I Video Games. T akt Out Onty 2ftll in ordart Subm arine S and w ich . 11-5 Mon.-Fri 12-5 Saturday. PborxZZl ’SIS CALL I206) 254-1233 it A T im e T o S ing** JO H N REED BOOKSTORE TASTE TICKLER DO W NTO W N 724 S W W W m g tc x ' Romand O a o o r >7205 W A S H IN G T O N S Q U A RE Phone 639 1622 3536 N W illiam * Ave Ph: Bürgers. Shakes. Chicken no Adienona (X a w ry krtd • Haliebla • By appointment or cadi Homemade Chtli and friet Q M » 3?™« * ” ATTORNEY AT LAW PHIL REYNOLDS M EDICAL CLINIC 2 N K illingsw orth Portland, Oregon >7217 K s Place 6006 N. Intaratata W e noil to pie«»« you" Ralph Driesen 947 SW Broadway Portland. OR 97205 C lolhint. Fabnc A Styling fo r Discriminating Tastes RESTAURANTS F R E N C H 'S R E S T A U R A N T Fam ily Atmosphere Opart 7 a m to 10 p m Breakfast Lunch-Dinner 285-3400 7331 NE U N IO N 4220 S E H aw thorne 238 1070 2701 N.E. 7th »281-4372 5316 N. Vancouver Portland. Oragon Kenneth C. OixBon 2LÄ2 18 N M o rris St P ortlan d. Oragon «722/ 281 «831 11493 S E «2nd 663 7932 ex as «xMv «ox • AMnaom • Oxaw M o n Fri A4 Sat 6-4 Walnut Park Daniel Canter Serving tha community with quality work/quelity service For apponi mani 287 107« P i t J's TIPPIN INN TAVERN Am?* portane N ce M m waAaMa 2861 N E. Union 281 061» STEW ART C LE A N E R S <603)2 DR CHARLES TONEY BOOKER T. LEW IS. JR 0 . 0 S. ■a undN s m M Kouxnom 34 N E K illingsw orth Portland Oregon «7211 281 3010 TAVERN W OODLAW N PHARM ACY Praacriptiona W e accept All Medical Cards Pets & Veterinary Supplier W E CARE 289-3311 F R IC A N 1001 N.E BROADW AY W O O D L A W N CLEANERS Oaoniaayas woafciem M R S. C'S W IG S t 255 6038 256 3863 W e work W ITH you to *ave you moneyl___________ L A U N D R Y a n d D R V C L k A N IN G • UH* A U N IS E X S A LO N t 720 N E Union Avanue ortland. Oregon 97211 (503) 289-4470 HUNGRY STUDENTS W /c o v e re d m oving van. PRM C CLINIC PHARMACY CLEANERS Portland. OR «7232 Portland. OR »7232 1440 N.E. Broadway Portland. OR »7232 282 7787 tknixai« M ake this directory w ork for you call 283 2486 W A N T THE JOB Affordable, experienced A P EX U PHO LSTERY Free estimates-Ouahty Work Antiques Restored Low P rices'll 282-660« 2417 NL Uhlan T U X ÏD C R E N TA LS • 1635 N .E. 41st BA RD YTR O PHY CO 1 lophiea • Plaques • embteni* T rophiaa • name platas 5600 NE Union (503) 287 0693 2 Young Christians HOM E CLEANERS 1634 N.E. 7th ¿' .iur. nix PROJECT STOP Outpatient alcohol treatment fot individuala and femilie» special program fot woman 182« N ortheast Broadway VA NN 8 M ORTUARY Sportshoas our speciality Retailing and resoiemg The Part» & Service People Broadw ay Hsirw eevers b Designers Beauty Salon has the solution (603) 2Ç7-1746 Protect your child a amila with regular danul check upal saw a aarvfcl 4623 N. Vancouver SHO ES Call 774-1171 4831 S.E. P ow ell Ï. 1480 Ñ Praacott Portland. Oragon 284>37 W HY BE BALD? 21 O W N !« A u lh o n iid Z in a li R O B E R T A BUTLER. Make thi» directory work for you call 283 2486 NE U N IO N 6 D E K U M D E A N S B EAU TY SALON b BARBER y\u J IM S A S S A lO S M O O V IN G 714 N. K illingsw orth. Portland 128 NE Russell P o rtlan d , O regon 281 6930 1332 N S kid m o re M o v in g Trader D ave NE Union 287 8256 Restaurant hrs. 5 am-9 pm Lounge hrs. 11 am-1 pm ¡W elding, Towing Supplies. C b lS T O R E FRIDAY S BEAUTY SUPPLT ?MI MHO I SOLE DESIGNERS OF PORTLAND Your aoMBt bwve more end more here1 C om boor end wane Opon e8 loodevo 6 0 C M 0 0 0 M S 7212 N E U nion Ave Portland. O ragon «7211 2B3: M r p .ii» Custom H itch Installation, Fabrication, W iring. M ake this directory w ork for you call 283 2486 Brad Moms S:at on Manager » 284 5050 |« - v k c h t S .in tis 3416 N E Broad w ay Portland. OR «7232 716 N Alberta Portland, Oragon 603 284 0804 i 4908 N.E. Union Devlin's Restaurant Et Lounge For A ll Your T o w in g Needs BROADW AY EXXÔ^I 519 NE Broadway Portland. OR 97213 $ 2.0 0 Jackson'a O wl Radio TV ft Record Co. Travel Robert* MISCELLANEOUS 2709 NE 7th Complete Care Center Atlas Products Towmg Service I M ake this directory work for you call 283 2486 Grocery-Cold Beer and W ine 284 7490 ft.BMy * » guaran«—li BREAKFAST SPECIAL I». I t . \ K N O TT ST GROCERY G R A C E C O L L IN S M E M O R IA L C E N T E R PATON JEWELERS It i . i i t t i > t « i i M 'H t r t K R estaurant b M a rk e t Open 9 00 A M 1144 N.E Prescott M ake thia directory w ork for you call283-2486 ROSE CITY A U T O SALES BODY Et P A IN T IN G TOW N SQUARE RESTAURANT I l i . t m « m d v V \ .«ft h e x 5 A M and OLLIE’S Established in 1912 and still providing quality dry cleaning at reasonable rates ATTORN« V A T LAW General Piache» «1« S W B roadw ay Portland. Oragon >7206 224 «083 Su e a r fi p o s s a G R O C ER S JASPER L AMBERS Uniquel JEW ELR Y V \.» h h ELK CLEANERS Er LAUNDRY H U N A N RESTAURANT «shas ham Wa H u m e a Base hue" 284 « 6 6 900 NE Broadway Portland, OR Quality at affordable price» Portland. Oragon «7232 I603I2B 2M 63 F e r a / Thomas Ph 1503)285 9664 ' f / . V.yy*. f i . r/i Ç l i e i f n NATURAL F U R N IT U R E Ready to Finish 10e1 Lloyd Center P ortland. Oragon «7232 Open Sam Sryr. Mon-Fn I ¿ÏS4 £.’*»*< íP t S W » CHARLEYS OSBORN'S CLEANERS Make thia directory work for you call283-2486 14th Er NE Broadway Phone Orders 2» Reg »223-bi uuetoDC19ORQ nt«r«a««d tft cwrmrrt M oobb «bowl A M eon u b er««o r? with O ekum Building S ixth Floor | 61« S W 3rd A ve Portland. Oragon 277 2902 John H. Parker and Prison Ministries ST. A N D R E W S C A T H O L IC C H U R C H 806 NE ALBERTA STREET Reverend Bertram G riffin. Pastor ALLEN TE M P LE C M E C H U R C H 281 4429 Corner of 8th and Skidn.ore Sunday School 9:30am Sunday W orship 11 00am Christian Y outh Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fo u rth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, M in iste r Masses 5:00pm Vigil - Saturday 10:00am Choir — Sunday 12:00pm Folk — Sunday ST. A N D R E W C O M M U N IT Y S C H O O L 4919 NE 9th Ave Sr Kathleen S tu p fe r. Principal JOHN Er V IV IA N PARKER Phone: 284 1620 Grades 1 thru 8 Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church YOU ARE WELCOME TO W ORSHIP A T 84 N.E. K illin g sw o rth • 281-0499 “ A Warm S p irit o f F ellow ship A lw a y s " Tuesday Bible Band/Jr. Church 7 30 pm Wednesday Choir Rehearsal 7 pm Sunday Sunday School 9:15 am Morning Worship 11:15 am YPW W 6:30 pm Evangelistic Worhsip 8 pm Tuesday Friday Noon Day Prayer Friday: "The Pestor Speaks'* 7:30 pm Saturday: Morning Prayer 9 am "Showers of Blessings Broadcast 10 am Station KLIQ 1290 A M DIAL EM M ANUEL Church of God in Christ United 4800 NE 30th Ave., Portland, Oregon 97211 Church Phone: 288 5429 Sunday School 9:00 am M o rn in g W orship 11:00 am — Revelation 2:28 »« «ilei» yea a e«r4laj g:30 am 9:30 am I I : 0 0 am 6:30 p m 12 noon 4 6:30 p m h e» T L L e e « , t A M A k u lo . church 1 /l/e b o n u . U ■ druqhrd to thk qlory Rev. and W ife Luther B anka, P astor Help prevent or qod ' BIRTH DEFECTS 1725 R Gaatoabeta Avoaa«. Portiasi, Oreroa >7227 Weekday Service: Churah P*nw»p 201-0188 C on aultationt Family oersonef w eddings funerete O ffice hours B 12. 2 4 Tuesdays thru Fridays » 1 3 1 3 2 O ffice 287 3B4t H om e You are cordially invited to worship In these services I e Freyer and Paev>' R mwiw »I C o m m u n ity C hurch o f God 202 N.E. Skidmore 281 6678 Services Sunday School - 9:30 am Morning Worship -1 1 :00 am Evening Worship - 7:00 pm Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study - 7:00 pm Come to Community Church of God where you cen always serve God Jn the beauty of holiness, where help can be found in time« of trouble. Urto Boor ¿lisaionarp Sapttci Church •m t rtraiHo Tuesday Night Bible Study 7 30 P M Friday night Reyule' Service / 30 P M Prayer Meeting b Seminar Monday Friday 12 00 Manse : 282 0067 "And I will give him the Morning Star." 106 N.E. Ivy 281-4925 t Elder l e n t Blocker Jr. Slngin« (im pel I i«htt Inc Minuter will be presidili« every lecond Sunday nigh the Singing (im pel Light» «landard program along with other grnpel gingers, and will be bringing a dynamic inspirational menage at (ielluanabee ( hui of (iod and Christ 801 N .E Failing St., Key R l Menefee. Ptgtor. (ieneral public and all giupel grou and lingers are incited M orning Star Baptist Church E a rly M o rn in g Prayer Sunday Church S chool M o rn in g W orship Evening W orship M idw eek P rayer Wed. ¿ U SINGING GOSPEUGIITS. INC. M atth ew Allen W atley. D.D. Sunday Service: Sunday School 10 00 A M Worship Service 12 00 Noon V .P .C E 6 30PM Evangelistic Service 8 00 P M "Jeeea ii Mw il#m e< i m wona fuel ltw trai Hehl which llghlith (viryeian that ceewlh leie Ihe «orM •I. John: t-a 5828 N.E. 8th Ave. Portland, OR 97211 THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH QF GOD IN CHRIST The H o n o ra b le Bishop U. V. Peterson, D .D . ii^^2 ^T h e _ H o lin e ss^P re a ch e r, ” Pastor M a y 2 l8 t 7:30 pm First B ap tist C hurch 909 S W 11th 6476 Rev A. Dever» I. A A . B.A Sunday School 9:30 A .M . Morning Worthip 10:30A .M . 'i Bible Training Union 6 :0 0 P M Evening Worhtip 7 :3 0 P M Affiliated with the National Baptui Convention . o f America and the Southern Baptut Convention IF here at! peuples o f at! r a m a rt welcomed lo worship Support March of Dimes ■ ■ ■ B f M / l H O H f C r i fO U N Q M ir lm » S »A t» C O N fR iO U ff 0 8* fw f F iftH iM * CORNS? Soh pads protect from pain while medicated disks work to remove corns DrScholïs Zino-pads