Portland Observer, May 20, 1982 Page 7 Athletes support Tom Bradley SS ' Instant Credit Jewelry Co. A ll-tim e N B A scoring champion W ilt C h am b erlain is sponsoring a fundraiser for M ayor Tom Bradley. W ilt will open his fabulous pad, a showplace, to all who care. . . all for a $50 donation to the Bradley G u ­ bernatorial campaign. M r. and M rs. M u h a m m a d A li will also lend their Fremont palace home to the Friends o f Tom Bradley to host a reception for the M ayor on May 22nd. 6906 N.E. Sandy NO CREDIT CHECKS NO TURN DOW NS You will be IN and OUT in 15 minutes 287-2224 LYNN KIRBY FORD CLEAN SWEEP GARAGE SALE (Prices Marked On The Window) 1982 Escort 2 dr • Power steering, power brakes, bucket seats, stk no 2432........................ The Local 296 Little League team la competing for the title of the Peninsule League. Players are: Mark McGlothlln. Damon Jonee, David Sherman, Terrace Coleman. Morris Carney. Sherwin Phil­ Play ball.. by A I McGilberry What has happened to the A m er­ ican Dream? The American way is to excel. We are supposed to be the coun­ try where hard work and intellect will bring personal rewards. "Study hard, kid ,” “ Get that degree, g irl," and you will find that place in the sun. W ho were these people talking about? They must have meant white boys and girls, because racism is as strong in the sport world as it is in the total society. W hat do the fans want? In I946 the first black man went into profes­ sional baseball. It opened the door lips. Wayne Taylor; Craig Mouton, Johnny Liday. Eddie Wallace. Ray Williams. Coaches: George Carney (L), Cletus Goodlow (R). fo r the best players to com pete against each other; not only in base­ ball, but in all m ajor sports in this country. The fans arc saying there are too many black players on their favorite teams. They feel they can't relate to them. M y God! W ould they rather see a diluted product than see the best players in the world testing each o th e r's skills? I thought that was why people paid their hard-earned money— to see the best players vy­ ing fo r their prize in the specific sport. If people just wanted to see a contest, they could go to the Y .M . C .A . Let's stop color-watching and get to product-watching. This country needs educating on both sides, white and black. I feel that too many sportswriters put th e ir racial feelings in p rin t, showing their ignorance about the sport scene and about life . L ife is too short to hate. We must stop pos­ turing and start loving and caring fo r each o th e r— and just enjoy sport. I feel good hearing " T h e Star Spangled Banner” before a game. This is a great country. Let’s make it greater by being toleran t o f each other’s color and culture. Let’s keep color out o f sport. Let the game be real. Jackie Robinson is dead. T h irty - six years of progress must continue. M y God, just think what the games would be w ith o u t Reggie, C arew , Campy H ank, Motley Brown, D .J. W ilt, Russ. I could go on. W h at joys we w ould miss i f race enters sport any more than it does already. There’s room for improvement, but for now, let’s get away from the se­ rious things o f life and let’s go to a game. A fte r all i t ’ s only a game. Let's continue that work-hard ethic. I t ’s the American way, not a dream, and blacks are A m ericans! Play ball! sticker $7206 . xrncc* 1982 Granada2DR Sale S&OOO GL, 6 cyl, auto, rear defroster. 1982 Mustang 3 DR* GL, power steering, power brakes, 4cyl, 4spd, AM/FM cassette, stk All Exps On Sale Below Factory Invoice sticker $8292 sticker $9902 tinted glass, AM/FM cassette, tift . steering, stk no2173.................. S a l e S o l O O 1983 Ranger PU • no 2036........................ sale $6846* 2.3L Engine, 4 spd trans, 7 ’ box, sticker $8142 aux tank, bumper, tinted glass. , 1981 Fairmont4dr* stk no 3006.................... sale $6904* 6 cyl, auto trans, tilt steering, rear sticker $8799 window dressing, AM/FM stereo, Parts Clearance stk no.......................... sale $7475* M otorcraft Oil Filters 32* per filter 1979 C h e v e tte deluxe, 4 cyl, 4 spd, AM/FM, air cond, clean & in exc cond. Stk no P0908C. Priced to sell.................... ................................ $3488 1978 T o y o ta Corolla Wagon, cyl, AT, AM / FM, roof rack & much more. Stk no 2326B. Priced to sell, only............................................. $2899 1978 M u s ta n g Ghia 2dr, cyt, AT, PS, Air, Stereo Cassette, low miles & in exc cond, only.. $4499 4 4 3 spd, 1979 C hev H-ton Short Box, 6 cyl, radio, power, & only 27,000 miles. Stk no 2179C. __ Only...................................................................$4995 1975 O lds W a g o n Cutlass V8, AT, Air, Stereo, Lugg Rack, Looks & Runs excellent. Stk no 2394B,only.................................................. $1699 by the case Spare Tires Car & Truck 5°° Take Out Radios from 12°° Ford Floor Mats from 2*1 Take off Wheel Covers from 3” Take o ff mirrors from 1°° Take out Van Seats *55 ea Plus M a n y M o re (Parts sold Sat, Sun o n ly ) Lynn Kirby Ford W elcom es Tw o Great Salesmen Jim Britt A llen M o ld e n NE Broadway at 1st try Marques Johnson. a five-year profaaaional from UCLA, waa pre­ sented the Millar High Lifa/Channel 18 Buck "Playar-of-tha-Yaar" award from Thomaa B. Shropahira. aenior vlca-praaldant. Millar Browing Company, during the half-tima of the team’a NBA playoff game againat the Philadelphia 76ora. Pictured in the background Haft to right) are: John McGlocklin, televiaion broadcaater; Sidney Moncrief. recipient "High Scorer Award" and Mike Shuck, vice- praaident and general manager, Channel 18. Aaron Mitchell and Son Plumbing ★ E xperienced P lum ber * Licensed and Bonded Established in business for 25 years Have lived in the Portland Area for 40 years WE STA N D BEHIND ALL JOBS 1703 N .E. A lb e rta 288-4040 CAR RENTAL SIX a When it’s your money 1205 N.E. 82nd Ave. Portland, Oregon RENTAL Membership Stoy Physically Fun FM and Ball Machine Tournaments Monthly ÇIPMe» Group All Strokes Video Taped « PHONE: Private Albina Tennis Tournament Located inside the National Guard Bldg. I 257-9411 Lowest Daily, Weekly & Monthly Rates (Specializing in dependable, low cost transportation)