Page 6 Portland Observer, May 20, 1982 Tuxedo Catering Form a J/In fo rtn u i Sor vie« Sport Talk Classic French Cuisine by Ron Sykes Sports Editor Wine Consultation BARTLETT BERLIN 503-226-4606 Butler Services The OSU Beavers sent a select group o f athletes to the T w ilig h t meet in Eugene last Saturday in an effort to get ready for the upcoming Pacific-10 championships. The T w i­ light meet held annually in Eugene, usually draws a class field o f compe­ titors from around the country. The PAC-10 meet looms as one o f the most competitive in recent years. Both U C L A and W ashington State are among the top level meet teams in the n a tio n , but in a big meet, q u a lity athletes count as much as depth. Oregon, A rizona State and California all have standout athletes and could make a run fo r the title as could USC, w hich actu a lly w ould have won last year, but was forced to fo rfe it the championship fo r us­ ing ineligible athletes. The chase fo r the title gets under way this week with qualifiying races beginning the 18th-20th and finals on the 21st and 22nd o f May. Oregon State, though beaten soundly by both Oregon and Wash­ ington State, has a number o f peo­ ple w ho could challenge fo r a top spot in the meet. OSU dropped a 108 'ri to 47 Vi meet to the Cougars, while taking a 115 to 47 Vi loss at the hands o f the Ducks. The Beavers finished the dual season w ith a 4-3 record. Senior Kasheef Hassan, a form er N C A A and W o rld Cup cham p at 400 meters, has the fastest tim e in the conference in the one-lap event with a 45.40. He has a career best o f 45.18 and has said that he would like to break 45 seconds this season. Hassan, a superbly conditioned athlete, is the fa v o rite to capture his th ird 400- meter championship. OSU’ s undefeated M ark Fricker has the fastest time in the Pacific-10 in the 1,500 meters. But he w ill face a stem challenge form the U. o f O .’ s Jim H ill, w ho has the second best tim e at the 1,500 m eter distance. Last week in the T w ilig h t Meet H ill ran an impressive 3:39.5, a PR, and is our choice fo r the title i f he decides to compete at that distance. U. o f O. coach B ill Dellinger has said he would leave the decision to H ill and believes that his young dis­ tance ace w ill choose the 5,000. Oregon State w ill send defending PAC -10 cham pion Shannon S u lli­ van in quest o f his second pole vault crown this week. Sullivan is current­ ly ranked th ird in the conference with a best o f 17-7. Sullivan narrow­ ly trails David Kenw orthy o f USC, 17-9V4, and A n th o n y C u rra n o f U C L A , 17-8. OSU teammate Scott Davis has a best o f 17-0 V i. Fricker, the junior from OSU, has run 3:38.3 in the m ile; he has lost o n ly once at 800 meters and that com ing last week at the P a c ific Coast Invitational. While OSU prob­ ably w on’ t have the depth o f O re­ gon, WSU and USC, look for some strong performances from the Beav­ ers. W ashington State must be con­ sidered the fa vo rite s, but Oregon and USC w ill be close behind. Freshman power forw ard D arryl Neal, 6-8, from Verbum Dei in Los Angeles announced Monday that he is leaving OSU fo r Alabama. Neal, hightly touted, played ju st 28 m in­ utes last season and scored 10 points. Ralph M iller used only six players throughout the 81-82 campaign and that is the prim ary reason Neal left the program. “ 1 have n o th in g p e rsonally against Ralph,’ ’ Neal said. “ It's just that 1 think I have to do what’ s right fo r m e.” Coach M ille r chose to do what he thought was right, now I ’ m doing the same.” W hen asked how he could keep everyone happy while playing so few Ralph said, “ M ost players are able to handle it, it ’ s only the ‘ Dreamers’ who com plain.” Like all good coaches M iller does probably have a few “ dream ers,” but M r. Neal is certainly not one o f them. Neal was one o f the most sought- after basketball players in southern C a lifo rn ia and turned down offers fro m U C L A , U SC , N o tre Dame and DePaul fo r the Beavers. In high school the 6-8 phenomenon was all-C IF and rated a Blue C hipper by area collegiate scouts. A t OSU the talented forward was expected to wait his turn, to pay his dues lik e so many others before him. N eal’ s jo b was to sit and watch, w h ile Freshman A .C . Green and second-year man Charlie Sitton did the playing w ith occasional re lie f fro m Senior Rob H o lb ro o k . Neal chose the Beavers because he was to ld that OSU was in a re building year and the minutes (playing time) would be there. “ I felt that I was victim ized, so I got out. It's just that sim ple,” Neal lamented. A t Alabam a D a rryl w ill have to sit out a year but his future with the C rim so n T id e looks fa r b rig h te r than it would be in Corvallis. OSU, already loaded, signed a 6- 10 a ll-A m e ric a n Steve W oodside whose credentials w ill demand play­ ing time. R alph M ille r is a great coach, OSU has a great program, let’ s hope he can keep his players from leaving the program like rats jum ping from a sinking ship. Bartending < « CALL: 289-1600 In te rio r • E xterior A d d itio n s • W e a th e riza tio n s T O M M Y HEARNS J fense is such a p roposal were a l­ lowed? S till undefeated young heavy­ weight Greg Page w ill take on tough T revor Berbick o f Canada on June 11 in a prelim to the Holmes-Coon­ ey fig h t. This w ill be a step up fo r Page as Trevor is tough cookie who can punch w ith both hands. Trevor w ill probably go down in history as the last fig h te r to defeat the great Muhammad A li. D w ig h t “ L ittle M a n ” B ra xto n w ill defend his W BC lig h t-h e a vy title this Sunday against Jerry Celcs- tine, w ho is a last-m inute replace­ ment fo r L o tte M o n ro e w ho s u f­ fered an eye in ju r y . B ra xto n w ill breeze th ro u g h this fig h t and the w o rld is a n xio u sly a w a itin g the show dow n between B ra xto n and W BA champ Michael Spinks. And the feeling here is that Braxton w ill prove to o tough fo r the always tough Michael Spinks. to win, but Bobby has taken Bird in­ to another planet. He just can’t do a ll the things he wants to do w ith Bobby all over him, denying him the ball. So the ball goes to lesser shoot­ ers and not to Bird. Result— Boston down 3 to 1. You can interview all the top fo r­ wards on most o f the teams in the N .B .A . and you w ill hear praise and adulation fo r P h illy ’ s Bobby Jones. The game w ill be greater when play­ ers like Bobby Jones can be seen on T .V . program s, endorsements and magazine covers all over this land. The message w ill carry all »he way to the playground. The kids w ill say, “ Gee, I w ant to be lik e B obby, Bobby, Bobby.” W hen the praise o f players fo r their all-around game and not just the shooters get the p rin t, then the game w ill go back to being played better and egos w ill go back to blending into the team concept. And when a player hustles, blocks shots, grabs rebounds and just gives their a ll they should be held in high es­ teem as the best o f the best. And to me the best is Bobby Jones, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby. P h illy should beat Boston easily and go in to the L .A . fo ru m w ith strong confidence that they are the best. In the last five years P h illy ’ s record has the m ost w ins in the League. Only the Championship has escaped th e ir grasp. 1 believe in B obby. We picked P h illy to beat Boston and take the Lakers in seven. This is their time to be cham­ pions at last. Students protest wrestlers 4 NEIGHBORHOOD PROFESSIONAL NEED A TRUCK? YOU'RE IN LUCK! We’re a Two Wheeler Dealer!!! 82 DATSUN TON PICKUP s tk no 28017 now only 81 DATSUN 1AT0N PICKUP NEW Stk No 3311. 3298 82 DATSUN DIESEL $*dQ d $C9Q d vAW TF . PICKUP-lots of accessories Stk No 28073 NOW O N LY ........................................ S C f Q j I V f WT NEW ’82 KING CAB 4x4 e Napa Z engine. 5 spd. power assist fro n t disc S O brakes Stk No 28102 X Q4 ................. H U G E S E LE C TIO N O F T R U C K S ! NO R E A S O N A B L E OFFER R E FU S E D I The above listings are just a few of many such bargainsl Price good thru May 24, 1982 [ G R E A T SE LEC TIO N OF ALL M O D E L S IN S T O C K FOR IM M E D IA T E D E LIV E R Y SENTRA FEVER! GET IT HERE! great Bobby Jones. Bobby came to Philadelphia from Denver with the o f a defensive play­ er. Tags on players sometimes re­ main fo r an entire career on a player w ith o u t the w riters o f sport doing their hom ew ork. Bobby Jones is a coach’ s dream. He does it all: Box out, rebound, protect passing lanes, set picks, and hustle every minute he is in the game. He should be publi­ cized a ll over th is land so young players would know the game is more than p u ttin g p rin ts on the board. M ost basketball w rite rs never played o r studied basketba ll and m any o f the fans understand the game better than the press. L a rry Bird is a great player. He can do it all but Boston is now down 3 games to 1 to Philadelphia. Why? Boston needs Bird to be on his game Athlete« in action in the behamae —Top U S . track and fiald athletes warm up with a fun egg and spoon race on Cable Beach before perticipat- ing in the Bahamas annual Walter Wisdom Track and Field Classic. From left are Don Colaman, sprinter, 100 and 200 meters; Jeson Crimes, long jumper; Harvey Qlence, sprinter, 100 end 200 me­ W ITH A Wm. D. Herboth Remodeling Bobby Jones! by A I M cG il berry The N .B .A . season is now down to three teams— Boston, P hiladel­ phia, and the L .A . Lakers. This is as it should be. The best teams, w ith ­ out upsets, coming down, challeng­ ing each other to the last series o f the basketball cham pionship. Each team has its stars who are household w ords in every basketba ll fa n ’ s home. The names b rin g jo y fro m th e ir college days to th e ir present status as star o f stars. We know the greatness o f Larry B ird, D r. J. M a­ gic, Jabbar, Silk, Dawkins e ta l. Ev­ ery team has a player that makes good copy, who makes people buy newspapers and magazines; but there are players who are great yet get very little media attention, and I wonder why the press failed to not- tice the marvelous skills o f the 76er MAKE A NEW HOME AT THE OLD ADDRESS * T .1 The m iddleweight title fig h t be­ tween Thomas Hearns and M arvel- out M a rv in H agler has been reset fo r July 15, promoter Robert Arum announced Monday. The fight pre­ viously slated fo r May 24 had to be rescheduled due to an alleged injury to Hearns’ little finger. T his is a fig h t th a t T o m m y Hearns just doesn’ t need. He would better serve his career and well being i f he waited fo r Sugar Ray and left tough M arvin Hagler alone. By losing to H agler, and that is fo r sure, Hearns w ill lose a chance at the big money he could earn in a rematch with Leonard. College basketball, in its effo rt to keep up w ith the popular pro game, is constantly going through changes. The Big 10 announced last m onth that it may try the 30-second clock and maybe the th re e -p o in t fie ld goal. This week the prestigious A t­ lantic coast conference coaches voted Tuesday to adopt a 45-second clock; however, league ADs are expected to veto th a t pro p o sa l. A fte r a ll, what would become o f N orth Caro­ lin a ’s Dean Sm ith’ s fo u r corner of- D in n er for 2-12 ters end tw o-tim e Olympien in 1978 and 1980; James Robinson, 800 meters half-miler, renked first in the U.8. for three of the past four years and also on the Olympic team in 1978 and 1980. with Robert Sands, vice president operations for the Nasseu Beech, counting the mark. Í The A frican Students Association o f Oregon State University has pro­ tested the participation o f two U.S. wrestlers in the Canadian Open Na­ tio n a l Freestyle C h a m p io n sh ip . M ike Baur and C arl Mangum were members o f a team that traveled to South A frica w ith OSU coach Dale Thomas in September. Athletes who participate in com ­ petition with South Africans can be barred fro m am ateur A A U and Olympic competition fo r life. M ike Baur— who won the Pacific- 10 C onference cham pionships o f 1977 and 1979 fo r O S U — is head coach o f the team, w hich includes wrestlers from OSU and the Univer­ s ity o f O regon. C a rl M angum is fro m W ashington. The p a rtic ip a ­ tio n o f Baur and M angum in the tournam ent is illegal under Interna­ tional Wrestling Federation rules. 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