Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 20, 1982, Page 16, Image 16

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    Page 4 Section II Portland Observer, May 20, 1982
H o t Space, Queen’ s 12th album (released by E le k tra /A s y lu m in May
’ 82), kicks o ff the internationally-popular band's second decade o f musical
innovation. Produced by Queen and Mack (the team responsible fo r pro­
ducing the multi-platinum The Game LP) at Musicland Studios in Munich,
Germany and the band's own M ountain Studios in Montreux, Switzerland,
H o t Space is teeming with surprises.
W hile the new album reflects Queen’s usual meticulous attention to de­
tail, it also evidences the band’ s move toward a sound that's more rhythmic,
economical and danceable than ever before. A prim e example is “ Body
Language,” released in m id-A pril as the album ’ s advance single to imme­
diate airplay on pop, album-oriented rock (AO R ), R&B and dance music
stations across the States. Another example is “ Staying Power,” which is
punctuated by a snappy soul-inspired horn chart (arranged by A r if M ar-
din), something that’s never been done on a Queen album before.
But that's just for starters. Synthesizers are used throughout H o t Space,
not only as lead but as rhythm instruments as well. Though Queen had es­
chewed use o f synthesizers until "P la y The Game” from The Game LP, all
fo u i members explored the possibilities o f the instrum ents on the band’ s
Flash Gordon soundtrack in fall 1980 and applied what they learned to the
H o t Space sessions, particularly use o f keyboard bass.
On H o t Space, synthesizers allowed each o f the four to make the widest
variety o f instrumental contributions to a Queen album yet, above and be­
yond the members’ primary instruments.
Lyrically H o t Space is a curious blend o f sensuality and humanism, from
the sexually-charged “ Don’t ta lk !” imperative heard in “ Body Language”
to “ Put Out The Fire,” a May track that decries senseless violence com m it­
ted with handguns, and “ Life Is Real (Song For Lennon),” penned by Mer­
cury as a celebration o f life— pain and all—and as a tribute to John Lennon
(“ the greatest songwriting genius who ever lived,” says Freddie).
As Taylor so succinctly put it. H o t Space is “ intelligently d ir ty ."
(Omar Yoweman & Billie Joe Newman)
9:30 pm-2 am
vs. Comic Hope!
“ Q u een have alw ays w a n te d to keep ch an g in g so th e m usic
would be interesting. A t the tim e of News O f The W orld, our songs
w ere very layered, and then w e w e n t for a m ore bare-bones a p ­
proach w ith The Game. H o t Space is part of a continuing process of
change to stay ahead of the field.“
— Freddie M ercury, April '82
In addition to lyric and instrumental surprises and nods to the time-hon­
ored aspects o f Queen’s sound, H o t Space has that one element nearly every
Queen project has had in one way or another; controversy. I t ’ s a natural re­
sult o f attem pting new things, cutting paths througn unenartea te rrito ry,
seeking to debauch as no man has debauched before.
The first such breach o f propriety to emerge from H o t Space surrounds
the picture sleeve in which “ Body Language” was released. It features a
four-color photo o f Playboy model Randi Brooks at the beach, lying on her
stomach next to a man lying on his back. Both models sport arrows painted
on their bodies—and nothing else (says Mercury, who assisted in the photo
session’ s art direction: "T h e arrows are meant to signify com m unication
between bodies, quite sim ply” ). Since some retailers refused to stock the
sexy sleeve, Elektra/Asylum also made the single available in a sleeve with
tfje songtitles and the band’s name in red type against a white background.
(A ll that, o f course brings to mind the infamous “ bicycle race” poster
Queen prepared fo r their November '78 Jazz LP: about 60 young women o f
various shapes and sizes were photographed nude—well, almost, they were
wearing caps and sneakers—during a bicycle race staged at Wimbledon Sta­
dium . When Jazz was released, fans in the States could purchase the LP
with or without the poster. The Jazz LP w/7/t the poster far outsold the one
w ithout.)
Queen’ s “ Body Language” video is certain to raise a few eyebrows as
well. Filmed in Canada and starring two white male dancers, three white fe­
male dancers and three hefty black female dancers, the clip, according to
Mercury, “ has lots o f w rithing and moving bodies; bodies moving in uni­
son. There’ s also a wonderful shot I don’ t want to talk about too much in
detail except to say that one o f the dancers drops from a certain height into
som ething.. .yo u ’ll see!”
Just what would a Queen album release be without musical surprises and
controversy? H o t Space has all that and more—it points to a second decade
o f Queen music and outrage th a t’s at leas, as adventuresome as the first.
And challenging the lim its is really what Queen’s all about.
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Champ Holmes
Queen Hot Space
Live, Live Entertainment
L a rry Holm es, the Heavyweight
Boxing Champion, w ill “ meet” Bob
Hope in the ring for the comedian's
79th b irth d a y when “ Texaco Pre­
sents A ll H and On Deck For Bob
H ope’ s A ll-S ta r B irthday P arty A t
Annapolis,” Tuesday, May 25, 8-10
p.m . (ED T) on N BC -TV. The pow ­
e rfu l puncher w ill meet the powder
p u ff puncher, Packy E ast, better
known as Bob Hope, fo r a couple o f
rounds that have got to be the fu n ­
niest in the w orld of boxing. Hope
also w ill “ go” a couple o f rounds
w ith Holmes’ number one contend­
er, G erry C ooney. In a d d itio n to
these two fighters, Hope’s guest star
line-up includes the stars fro m the
h it Broadway show, the trib u te to
D uke E llin g to n : “ S ophisticated
Ladies,” Brooke Shields, Charlton
H eston, James C o b u rn , C h ris tie
B rin k le y (A m e ric a ’ s num ber one
m odel), Bernadette Peters and
H o p e ’ s lovely w ife , D olores, who
w ill sing to him , “ Y ou’ re Just Too
Gregg Burge, on o f the stars o f
the Broadway hit musical “ Sophisti­
cated Ladies,” leaps high in the air
as he celebrates Bob H o p e ’ s 79th
birthday on the comedian’ s extrava­
ganza special. Burge’ s spectacular
dancing, along w ith two o f the other
stars o f the musical that pays hom­
age to Duke E llington, w ill be seen
in the num ber, “ It D o n ’ t Mean A
T hing.”
The whole tribute takes place be­
fore 15,000 midshipm en and their
fa m ilie s in M e m o ria l Stadium at
Cheap Trick
The John Bauer C oncert C o m ­
pany i i pleased to announce that
Cheap T ric k w ill be appearing in
concert on June 6, ,982 at the Port­
land Paramount Theatre. Saxon w ill
be the opening act.
The show begins at 8 pm and tick­
ets are $12.50 reserved.
Karla Bonoff
The John Bauer C om pany is
pleased to announce that K arla
B o n o ff w ill be appearing in concert
on June 5, 1982 at the Portland Par­
am ount T heatre. The opening act
has no, been announced.
The show begins at 8 pm and
tic k e ts are $10 and $9 reserved.
Tickets are on sale now at the fo l­
lowing outlets: Paramount Theatre
Box O ffic e ; E verybody’ s Records:
Meier & Frank (downtown); Steven
& Son (L lo yd Center); and all area
O .l. Joe’s.
' lí
9:30-2 am
•Com e and hear many of Portland's talented musiciansl
' * Versatile music f o r all ages9 9
Friendly management.. .friendly custom ers.. . visit us!
Daily Menu Specials
★ Open 6 am-2:3O am every day ★ Breakfast served all day * D ifferent menu
every day ★ A ll food prepareed in our own kitchen ♦ Duffet lunch, 11 am-1 pm
M o n .-F ri., $2.50 ★ Fresh salad bar, M o n .-F ri., wide variety o f fresh fru its in
season, $3.00 ★ Homemade clam chowder every Friday
Milton & Oscar’s
5 7 0 0 N .E . U nion
2 8 7 -6 3 4 7
Ptayin all the great swing era tunes with an exhillrating
Count Basie sound! Plus music with a modem heat too
For boogie-in or just listenin
w ith Special Guest Soloists
Ralph Black
Lena Brown
all-time great blues singer
exciting new jazz vocalist
Thara Memory
trum pet virtuoso extraordinary
WHEN: Sunday, May 23, 1982
all ages — 6 to 8 p.m.
cocktail dance — 9 to 12 m id n ig h t
WHERE: Lung Fung's Outrageous Dragon Room
8001 S.E. Division
TICKETS: Kiddies & Students — $3.50 advance,
$4.50 door
Adults — $5.00 advance, $6.00 d o o r
•vilUOl» at rr.» following locariorn
Everybody s Records Music Millenium c I Joes nil locations!
and Meier I Fran* dow ntow n Or at the door
All jazz musicians special invited guests — Can 22J 5055
tfIR R b
Presented by Jazz Society ot Oregon
ano Promotional Concepts PO B om 4511 Portland OP 97208