FOOD SECTION May 30, 1982 Volume XII, Number 32 Section II S-t-r-e-t-c-h ground beef When the food budget is scraping bottom or there isn’t much time to prepare a meal, it ’s ground beef to the rescue every time. Econom y-m inded cooks w ill be pleased to know that while most food item s have risen in price, ground beef costs have rem ained stable. As little as o n e -h a lf pound o f ground beef can save a cook’s repu tation when four servings o f a hur ry -u p entree are needed. G round beef is rem arkably stretchable and combines well with most pantry sta ples. In p a rtic u la r, canned con densed soups help to stretch ground beef with style. Condensed soup makes com pli cated recipes a possibility in minutes by providing a sauce or a blending o f flavors that would take an extra hour or (wo o f preparation. Its de p en d a b ility assures success every time, which is the kind o f insurance any cook appreciates. As an exam ple o f what can be done with ground beef and canned condensed soup, try Carne De Vaca Chili. It takes only about IS minutes to make and yields four servings o f a skillet dish that is good and hearty. T o ground beef browned with onion are added chili beef soup, cooked elbow macaroni, canned to matoes and chili powder. The com bination is spicily hot and satisfy ing. F or a p atio lunch o r d in n e r, here's a recipe that serves six— hot Beefy Barbecue Buns. In this quick and easy skillet m eal, the ground beef is browned w ith onion and green pepper. Condensed bean with bacon soup, barbecue sauce and brown sugar contribute to the entic ing aroma o f the western soup-burg ers served on hamburger buns. Oround beef stretchers made with soup are easy to create with w hat’s on hand and can easily be adapted to individual tastes and preferences. CARNE DE VACA C H IU Vi pound ground beef VI cup chopped onion 1 can (1 1V4 ounces) condensed chili beef soup 2 cups cooked elbow macaroni I can (about 16 ounces) tomatoes, cut up 1 tablespoon chili powder onion until tender (use shortening if necessary). Stir to separate meat; pour o ff fat. Add remaining ingre dients; cook over low heat 10 m in utes. Stir occasionally. Makes about 3 cups, 4 servings. B E E F Y BA R B E C U E BU NS (N ot in photo) I pound ground beef VI cup chopped onion Vi cup chopped green pepper I can (1 1 VI ounces) condensed bean with bacon soup VI cup barbecue sauce VI cup water I tablespoon brown sugar Dash pepper 6 hamburger buns, split and toasted In skillet, brown beef and cook onion and green pepper until tender (use shortening if necessary). Stir to separate meat; pour o ff fat. Stir in remaining ingredients. Heat; stif oc casionally. Serve on buns. Makes 6 sandwiches. Carne de Vaca Chill garnished w ith onion and served with a tossed salad makes a colorful, mon- ey-stretching meal. In skillet, brown beef and cook Cocoa flavors this three-layer cake and the fluffy chocolate icing tool Double Deluxe Chocolate Cake wins a hand at your next party When you entertain at your next card party— Bridge, Poker, Pinoch le or whatever— nothing scores high with the players like a super dessert. Such could be our D o ub le Deluxe Chocolate Cake, made with an old pantry shelf favorite, cocoa. Cocoa is chocolate in its most concentrated fo rm , ready to measure and m ix, right from the can. N o messy pre m elting necessary and, therefore, little risk o f lumpiness. It gives the cake a smoother batter, better tex ture and a richer, more chocolatey flavor. Since over 4 /3 o f the cocoa b u tte r is rem oved, i t ’ s also much lower in fat— lower in calories, too. COcoa makes desserts that only taste sinful! Get a winning hand at your next card party with a super dessert. Make it a Double Deluxe Chocolate Cake. Enjoy! D O UBLE D E LU X E CHO CO LATE CAKE 1 cup Hershey’s cocoa 2 cups boiling water 2 Vi cups unsifted all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking soda teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon baking powder Dinners C’JShefi Whea' 10O*. Who* Wheat or Crushed Wheal Sandwich 24 02 BETTY CROCKER Cake Mixes Super Moist Layer Cake Mix, Wa hava OM8O 2 .9 9 « $249 40- OH laßet 4» « LUCERNE Yogurts Strawberries Tomatoes Assorted Varieties. 6 to 8 oz 4?1 S ttec! 4 EDWARDS ’kfiflhtir Cevfirt-r Eduiai 1 3-Lb. Coffee @ S C 69 I ii .C' dii R»yl R>ne if K ;)r lift! Sin nti T tullit! if' /IO WM C A ,n' SUPER SAVER «'* / » 59c SUPER SAVER Fresh Sweet Corn 4 99c Assorted Grinds PENNZOIL I Flown in daily from Louisiana at a low low price. $-J 29 Bet an Frozen 32 « P*9 Scotch Buy 1602 Can Limit 1 BUFFALO FISH.............. CULTURED PROTEIN FED CATFISH... OAR.......................... OOO..................................................... NEW ORLEANS OYSTER............. 68« Fa» R Pac f'O a n 1 2 « G O L D E A G L E F IS H M A R K E T Tai: 287-2060 • 287-6076 499« 99« 79« Betty Crocner German Choc . 1902 Mission Dinners, 7 25 oz Pkg In b o w l, com bine cocoa and water until smooth. Let cool com pletely. Combine dry ingredients. In mixer bow l, cream butter with su gar. Add eggs one at a tim e. Add v a n illa . A d d flo u r m ixture a lte r nately with cocoa mixture beginning and ending w ith flo u r m ix tu re. Spoon evenly in to 3 greased and floured 9-inch cake pans. Bake at 35O°F. 23 minutes or u n til cake springs back when lightly touched. C ool in pans on wire racks for 10 minutes. Remove from pan and cool on wire racks. Fill and frost. Refrigerate at least one hour. C h oco late W hipped C ream : In bowl, combine 2 cups heavy cream, Vi cup sifted confectioners* sugar, Vi cup sifted Hcrshey's cocoa and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Cover and refrig erate 30 minutes. Using rotary beat er or electric mixer, beat until stiff. Mon - Fri 10-7 S at-S u n 11-6 Cam pbell’s Soup Brow nie M ix W heat Bread Grape Juice M ixed Vegetables W hole Tom atoes Liquid Jo y Detergent MAC & CHEESE 1 cup softened butter or margarine 2 Vi cups Firmly packed light brown sugar 4 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Chocolate whipped cream (recipe below) 6628 N.E. Union O c«en too«« Os CNcuen W/fbce Cream 0* Wishroom 10 25 to 10 7 5 « Lund 4 HI-DRI 1 Œ3 9k 1« 1 Towels Print, 2 Ply, lOOCt 2 c 99 LEGGS J f e t o r Oil Panty Hose « 20 or 30 Wt (Case Ot 24 ‘ 23 76) Sheet Elegance Regualr or Control Top VIDAL SASSOON .Shampoo Finishing Rinse, 8 02 Bottle of Price« Good W ed., May 19 Thru Tuea., May 2 5 at Safeway In The Portland Area. SAFEWAY