Page 10 Portland Observer, May 20, 1962 JOB FINDER MULTNOMAH COUNTY possess S ta te o f Ore HOUSING gon c e rtifica tio n as a REHABILITATION Psychiatric Nurse Prac ASSISTANT •1,573-11,810 monthly. titioner w ith prescrip Thia is technical admin tion privileges and pos istrative support work sess or be able to ob requiring considerable tain a valid Oregon knowledge of housing D river's license w ith rehabilitation loan pro availability of personal grams, policies, proce automobile. dures, practices and APPLY for these posi regulations. The e m tions no later than ployee occupying this 4:30 p.m ., Friday, May positon will be respon 21. 1962. DENTAL HEALTH sible for housing reha DIRECTOR bilitation loan applica (Unclassified) tion processing and as sisting h o m e o w n e rs • 3 6 ,2 2 7 - 4 4 7 ,1 0 5 a n through the loan p ro n u a l l y , d e p e n d in g cess. Duties will in upon q u a lific a tio n s . clude determining eligi This is professional bility; processing loan w ork in directing the applications; preparing C ounty program of notes, deeds, affidavits dental health care and and o th er required education. Specific re docum ents. Provides sponsibilities include staff assistance to the p la n n in g , b u d g e tin g loan review committee and evaluating all acti as required; assists in vities o f the dental the coordination of health program, includ loan programs with lo ing clinic services and cal lending institutions e d u c a tio n a c tiv itie s ; and special community development and coor development projects; dination of program ob and provides inform a jectives and services the broader tion about the housing w ith rehabilitation loan pro C ounty health p ro gram to the public, gram; and the organi c o m m u n ity g ro u p s , zation and delivery of other agencies and pri cost-effective services vate groups. Performs through contract, clinic related w ork as re and staff services. Clin quired. Duties are per ical dentistry is required form ed under the o f this p o sitio n . TO supervision of the QUALIFY M inim um : A Senior Planner and degree in dentistry Program M an ager for from an accredited the C om m unity Block dental school, plus a Grant Program . TO current license to prac Q U A L IF Y : M in im u m : tice dentistry in the Applicants must have State of Oregon. Desir one (1) year of training able: Experience or ed or experience in a hous ucation in public health ing rehabilitation loan a n d /o r health adminis and com m unity devel t ration. opm ent program . D e E N R O LLM E N T sirable: Experience in or SP E C IA L IS T knowledge of the oper •1,176-41,352 monthly. ation of a housing reha The Enrollm ent S p e bilitation loan program; cialist interview s Pro knowledge of Commu ject Health applicants n it y D e v e l o p m e n t to determine eligibility Block Grant regulations and appropriate health and other fed erally care coverage. Specific funded program s re duties include complet lated to housing reha ing required eligibility bilitation loan and grant and enrollm ent forms, activities; experience in explaining health plan dealing with the public; options to clients, com good oral and w ritte n puting and collecting communication skills. client's prem ium pay ment, authorizing pay PSYCHIATRIC ment for special m edi NURSE cal needs not covered PRACTITIONER 41,761-42,302 monthly by health plan, serving (full-time); 4881-41151 as liaison between cli ent and health plan, m o n th ly (p a rt-tim e ). This position is located m a in ta in in g re c o rd s at an outpatient mental and referring clients to health clinic. Specific appropriate agencies. responsibilities include TO Q U A L IF Y a p p li medication evaluations cants m ust have tw o and adjustm ents, p re years of experience in scription writing, physi the direct health or so cal assessments, and cial services field in medical responsibility v o lvin g in te rv ie w in g for a portion o f the and referral o f clients chronically mentally ill OR two years of clerical treatm ent population. e x p e rie n c e in vo lvin g The current vacancy is public contact. p art-tim e position 50% ) and is located at 2415 SE 43rd Avenue. An eligibility list will be established to fill this acancy as w ell as ther vacancies th a t occur in the next six months. TO Q U A LIFY applicants must be li censed in the S tate ofOregon to practice as ^ e g is t e r e d n u r s ^ n d A PP LY for these posi tions no later than 4:30 p .m ., Friday, M ay 21, 1962. W H E R E TO A PP LY ; M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C o u rth o u s e , Room 130, 1021 S W Fourth Avenue, Portland, Ore g o n , 97204. PHONE: (503)248-5015. A n Equal Opportunity Employer MISC JO B S OVER SEAS Big m oney fas t, •20,000 to 450,000 plus per year. Call 1-716- 842-6000, ext. 3819. HANDYMAN 286-2968 2864122 DOMESTIC WORKERS 1978 Pontiac Sunbird, cassette p layer, good condition; 42,400. Call 281 6601 or 297 8511 ext 227. W ANTED Cleaning, washing, iron ing, cooking. Call: Velvet Touch 283-0090 PSYCHOLOGIST P h .D . and clinical in t e r n s h ip . D e la u n a y M ental Health Canter. O u t-c lie n t setting In volving d irect service delivery, psycho-diag nostics 6 emphasis or training of intern. Sal ary n eg o tiab le. Send Vitae & 2 letters of refs, by Jun e 1, 1982 tc . Luahna U de, 5215 N. Lombard, Portland. OR 97203. ENGINEERING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT COORDINATOR SINGLE-USE P R O D U C T ENGINEER Plan and conduct new product design and de velopm ent for single- use (bloodlines), p ro duct design and devel opment, and manufac turing engineering. Ed ucation: BSME; know ledge: Injection m o ld ing, extrusion and packaging; experience: 3-5 years single-use p r o d u c t e n g in e e r , bloodlines or dialyzer engineering. B-D DRAKE W ILLOCK is a world leader in the m anufacture of kidney dialysis equipment and related products. Highly competitive sal ary and benefit pack age. Send resume and sal ary requirem ents to J o h n W o ld at Salary rang 42,194 to 4 2,7 84 /month Portland Development Commission is seeking a professional Economic Development Project Coor- dinator. Specific responsibilities will include imple menting and managing projects and programs city-wide with emphasis on the city's designated northeast target area. This is a highly responsible position involving implementation of commercial and industrial projects. Minimum qualifications include specific implementation experience, af fective written & oral communication skills, good organizational skills and extensive experience in public contact w ith business and com m unity groups. Request supplemental application from Portland Developm ent Commission, 1500 S W 1st Ave., Portland, OR 97201. Phone: 248-4971. FIREFIGHTER Portland International Airport WASHINGTON COUNTY PHYSICAL THERAPIST The Port of Portland announces recruitment to establish a civil service list of qualified candidates to fill future Airport Firefighter vacancies. Airport Firefighters work shifts of 24 hours o n /4 8 hours off which rotate to include weekends and holi days. They are highly trained in crash fire rescue procedures, perform routine fire station chores and respond to physically demanding emergency situations. Starting salary is 419,666 annually. W a s h in g to n C o u n ty, •1 5 3 1 -4 1 8 6 1 per month, provides physi cal therapy to patients under the direction of Basic qualifications include: be at least 18 years attending physicians. of age, have valid Oregon or Washington driver's Req. a B achelor's de license (or obtain one upon a p p o in tm en t), gree in physical therapy dem onstrate a com m itm ent to an established from an accredited col regime of physical conditioning and fitness, plus lege or univ.; exper. in the ability to follow instructions and learn oper a clinic or hospital set ating procedures. Preferred qualifications, in the ting, with an emphasis event of a substantial number of applicants in in g eriatric tre a tm e n t cluding previous crash fire rescue or paramedic desirable. Req. certifi experience and/or education. cation as a licensed physical th erap ist by Applications will be accepted in person only at the state of Ore. at time Portland International Airport, M ain Terminal of appointment, or pos Building, West Mezzanine Level, above the Port session of a temp, per W est Restaurant, from 8:30 a.m. to Noon and m it to p ractice and 1:00p .m . to 5 :0 0 p .m . on Wednesday, June 2, licensure w ith in 6 Thursday. June 3 and Friday, June 4, 1982. No m onths after appoint advance inquiries or telephone calls please. A p ment; ability to obtain a plications will n ot be accepted prior to these valid O re. driver's lic dates. ense. C ounty applica tions only, resumes not The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer. accepted. DENTIST W a s h in g to n C o un ty, •2 3 7 6 -4 2 8 8 8 per m onth, plans, directs, and im plem ents the Dental Program within the County serving wel fare eligible patients. Req. grad, from an ac credited dental school; training or exper. in pe- donotics and public health preferred. Req. valid certification as a licensed dentist in the State of Ore.; ability to obtain a Federal Drug Enforcement Adminis tratio n C ertific ate for Controlled Substances. C o u n ty a p p lic a tio n s only, resumes not ac cepted. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR W a s h in g to n C o un ty, •2 3 2 9 -4 2 8 3 0 per month. Coordinates an economic development program to prom ote economic growth w ith in Washington County; develops and coordin ates a program to pro m ote tourism and use o f facilities w ith the - County; works with lo cal jurisdictions, busi nesses, citizens, and developers to a ttra c t new business and pro m ote tourism in the County; provides infor m ation to interested parties on developable land, fin an cial re sources, g ro w th p a t terns, existing facilities, and related issues. Req. college-level train ing in economics, busi ness a d m in ., or urban planning and increas ingly responsible exper. in either private or pub lic sector economic de velopm ent; exper. in tourism promotion and advertising desirable; or any satisfactory equiv. comb, of exper. and training. M ake application for th e above jobs at W a s h in g to n C o u n ty Personnel, Room 306, 150 N. 1st A ve ., Hills boro 97123. Last filing date. May 28, 1962. A n Equal Opportunity Employer RECEPTIONIST PART-TIME Receptionist - S ecre tary, part-tim e. Office of the Associate Direc tor. Qualifications: pre vious receptionist ex perience w ith strong te le p h o n e p resen ce; stro n g in te rp e rs o n a l skills; 60 wpm typing w ith accuracy; ability to interact with variety of staff and clients and ability to work well un der pressure. Starting salary, 4 7 ,5 7 8 -4 8 ,0 4 0 for part tim e (25 hours per w e ek ). Resumes must be received in the Personnel O ffice by May 27, 1962 by 5 p.m. In letter of application, indicate the position for which you are apply ing. A dditional in fo r mation avail, from the Personnel Office. Send letter of application and resume to Personnel Office, N orthw est Re gional Educational Lab, 300 S W 6th, Portland, OR 97204. A n Equal Opportunity Employer B-D Drake Wlllock ~ 20.000 + read the Portland Observer's classfied ads — Big Deal? IT COULD BEI , Call 283-2486 to place your ad today I Applications will be ac cepted M ay 20-21 for Psychiatric Aides to fill fu tu re vacancies at Fairview Training Cen ter. S tartin g Salary 4 8 8 5 /m o n th . M ust be 18 yrs or o ver, good p h y s ic a l c o n d it io n , h ave tra n s p o rta tio n , available for any shift. E O E . A p p lic a tio n s available at Fairview Training Center. State Personnel Division, or any State Employment O ffic e . C o n ta ct Fair- view Personnel, 2250 Strong Rd. SE, Salem, OR 97310. Phone 378- 6369. USE G U I L L V C B H C N I L E E F R A N C J R U E Z P N Q L V Q R G P B A J R U V A C T G R I N 0 U I L A L U U L E E I Q M H F S C O X S F A Y P G N M Y X I L L O D L E R U A S Y N M V E E N C H V F M S I P E R I X Q V H K D B K Y A T I We are a professional maid service, fully bonded and specializing in cleaning, laundry and cooking - on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis.________ _____ 2201 N. Killingsworth *283-0090 CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Pine Tree State 6 Serenity 11. Tennessee ------ Ford 12. Brass or bronze 13 The devil 14. Girl's name 15. Plod 18. Those in office 17. Assumed name 21. Iridium Isym. » 23 Flying high Preposition 24. Poison- River (N .Y .) ous Even (poet, i shrub Moccasin 25. M alt ------ Island, bever N .Y . age 8. M r. I Add 26 Frost 28. Pubhth. 9 Napoleon, for one •n g 10 Needle 32. Pitchers 34. Old aperture 18. Walks Norse lamely work 19. Inactive 36. Noxious 29. Harmonize weed (Bib.) 22 Rave 37. Soon 23. Medieval 38. A great tale number A rb « *r 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 39 Mimic 40. Spawn of fish 41. Brain membrane observer CLASSIFIED ADS MUSEUM EDUCATION DIRECTOR O M SI is seeking an ed ucator to adm inister pre-college education programs and physical, b iological, earth , and c o m p u te r s c ie n c e s . Advanced degree, rec ord o f accom plish m ent, strong com m it m ent to education re quired. Salary range: 4 25,000 to 435 ,00 0 . Send resume, 3 refer ences, and statem ent of interest by June 28, 1982 to: Executive D i recto r, O M S I, 4015 S .W . Canyon R d., Portland, OR 97221. A n Equal Opportunity Employer M on etary Units W R U B O U L E K D O S N B E E O K D A J L R C F C E C S D W X I R T E U A M P K C P J G H H O D M B L T A D B H C K T N E C S M A T F K *M D E R Get the Velvet Touch itmtfum'-UP P B g uiuiimmiWCT g t M P Hmun. ’ p g iuru n nw i PSYCHIATRIC AIDE WOIll> SEEK™ W G H I M B E S C U N A W O M J R F G K H L M B P G F I U O L M H I K G E P E S J N I U T Z M W S A X S R L G Free Yourself from household chores 13620 S.E. Pheasant Ct. Portland, OR 97222 A n Equal Opportunity Employer JOB SEARCH INSTRUCTOR Teaches CETA partici pants technique for seek ing jobs. College course work in education. Pri or experience in leading w orkshops and w o rk ing with the Indian peo ple or o rganizations. Excellent com m unica tion skills. Pick up ap- application from P er sonnel, Urban Indian C ouncil, 1634 S W A l der, Po rtlan d, OR 97205, or send self-ad dressed stam ped en velope. Indian p refer ence given to qualified a p p lic a n ts . C lo s in g date 5 /2 8 /8 2 5:00 p.m. Salary 4 1 0 .5 5 /h r, % - tim e position. Funded through 9 /3 0 /8 2 . Professional M aid Service A J D X O V C N J Q K N O B A L N I B H F N Y P U Y O A H J T M P T R Q K E R A V V K R N S P T A P L W H H I B ÌD Answers: Froncz D ollar, Lek, Dinar, Peso S c h illin g , Taka, Pula, Pound, Lev, K ya t, R iel, Sucre, M ark, C e d i, Drachma, Rupee, Lira, Yen, G u ild e r, Krone, Balboa, Sol, Escudo, Leone, Ruble, Baht, Dirham. I Q D O W K U D J A P O T Y E I G L D D P E W A D G C O B A L B A A Q D Y F inland sea Community Calendar Elden Jesae B lo c k e r, J r ., S in g in g G oapel L ighta M in is te r is con ducting blessed services Friday nights, 7:30 pm, at Church o f The Living God, 2940 N .E . Union Ave. at Morris St. Rev. John H all, Pastor. A ll wel come. B en efit c u ltu rel n lg h t/e u c tio n fo r Irvin g to n C o m m u n ity D eycere, with The Ayalah Dancers, Herb Caw thorne, The Street Corner Singers, Christina and T io , and more. Sunday, M ay 22, 918 S.W . Yamhill. 6:30-7 no host bar; 7 pm, cultural program, 8:30 auction. $4 adults, $2 12 and under. Fund-raising C ar W ash for Peninsula Park Wrestling C lub, Saturday, M ay 22nd, 9:30 am-4:3O pm at the corner o f North A lbina and Portland Blvd., Standard Station. The public is invited. For more inform ation call 285-4222. " D ie ta ry Fish Oil In th e P reven tio n o f H eart Dlaeeae: Lessons fro m th e E skim o s," free lecture, Oregon Health Sciences University, Thursday, M ay 20, 8 pm in the Library auditorium. For more inform ation, call 225- 8231. W a v e rly C h ildrens H o m e 's second ann u al A n tiq u e W a lk , M ay 21, 6:30 pm-9:3O pm, in the Sellwood Antique district o f Portland, Tickets— at $4— entitle holder to browze shops, one glass wine, chance at door prizes. 234-7532 for more information. N o rth P o rtla n d P o lic e A d v is o ry C o u n c il, Tuesday, M ay 25, at the Kenton Firehouse Community Center, 8105 N. Brandon Ave. Speakers will be Officers Ron Frey and Chuck Bolliger o f the Liquor Investigation Detail, Portland Police Bureau Intelligence Division. Spring C o n c e rt, Prison Ministries, Inc., Friday, M ay 2 1,7:30 pm. First Baptist C hurch (909 S .W . 11th A v e .— corner o f SW 12th A T a y lo r). A ll welcome. The Incredible Pllobolue Dance Theatre, sometimes hilarious, some times sublimely beautiful blend o f dance and gymnastics, Portland Civic Auditorium , Thursday, M ay 20, 8:15 p.m. P8U films: Friday, M ay 2 1 ,7 :3 0 pm, Kings o f the Road (German with English subtitles); Alabam a: 2f000 Light Years and Same Player Shoots Again (two short films). Saturday, May 22, 7:30 pm: same films. 75 Lincoln H all, PSU campus, SW Broadway and M arket Streets. $1.50 for non-PSU students. Free to PSU students. Third annual Children's Author Parade, featuring author-illustrator "forme de Paola, starts 10:30 am, Sabin School, 4013 N .E . 18th Ave. For more information, call 284-7945 or 249-3304. Native American end Black-American culture celebration at Boise School, presented by the first-grade classes, M ay 2 7 ,4 -6 pm, in the auditor ium o f Boise School, 620 N . Fremont St. For more info, 288-6309, or 248- 3 3 0 4 . . 4 I