Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 22, 1982, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 6 Portland Observer, April 22, 1982
B Y Kathryn H a ll Bogle
by Kathryn H a il Bogle
"Bring them back next year? N o, 1
d o n ’ t think so— p artly because o f
their schedules for next year. Prob­
ably in 1984— that is more lik e ly.
M eanw hile, Evergreen Events will
be doing some o th er interesting
things in theatre.”
Women notable in the history o f
Oregon were spotlighted when the
Oregon Lung Association arranged
a highly successful project culm in­
ating in a public banquet at the H il­
ton hotel on Saturday evening,
A p ril 17. Over 600 guests paid $25
to $50 and upwards to be present.
Nearly 100 organizations around
the state had been contacted by the
O L A and the response was enthusias­
tic. The O L A invited these organiza­
tions to submit the names o f o u t­
standing women for consideration
as nominees. C andidates eligible
were to have made a significant con­
trib u tio n to Oregon history some­
time between the years 1850 to 1920
in any one o f eight categories sug­
gested such as art, business, educa­
tio n , law , politics, local and state­
wide community service or medicine
and science.
T he P o rtla n d C h ap ter o f The
Links, Inc., and the Portland Chap­
ter o f Jack and Jill o f America, Inc.
were among the state’s responding
Beatrice M orrow Cannady (1889-
1974) emerged as a finalist and win­
ner in the category o f com m unity
A form er teacher and P ortland
newspaper e d ito r, M rs. C annady
was the first black woman to practice
law in Oregon. She was graduated
by Northwestern College o f Law in
1922. Asked to sing at her class
commencement exercises at M u lt­
nomah hotel she was asked by col­
lege officials to take her friends and
leave after her diploma was given to
her " to avoid any embarrassment.”
The indignity was never quite fo r­
An outspoken advocate for racial
justice, Mrs. Cannady worked in be­
half o f black children in Oregon and
W ashington who had been denied
th e ir c iv il rights to attend public
school. Successful in her mediation
o f this issue, she later convinced the
Board o f Education to institute lec­
tu re courses on N egro history in
P o rtla n d ’s high schools. She, her­
self, became the first lecturer on this
subject at Lincoln High School.
M rs. Cannady also worked tire ­
lessly for the N A A C P , establishing
local chapters in Oregon and in
Washington. She was an early mem­
ber o f the Oregon Prison Associa­
tio n ’s committee for prison investi­
gation and committees for women’s
interests. The Portland Council o f
Churches nom inated her fo r o u t­
standing contributions to race rela­
tions to receive the Harmon Award.
Her innovative inter-racial teas were
part o f her renown as a hostess.
Quotes from the P o rtla n d O b ­
server o f October 9, 1980, appeared
in the O L A brochure describing
Mrs. Cannady as a “ pioneer in her
style as a combatant in the seeming­
ly interminable fight for civil rights
for black Americans.”
Here in Portland on business and
on hand to receive the "W o m en in
H is to ry ” aw ard in his m o th e r’ s
name was Ivan Cannady, a Los A n ­
geles attorney and realtist, the only
living son o f the honoree. Mrs. M il­
dred Reynolds, a well-known civic
leader in the Northwest, made the
presentation o f the plaque to M r.
C h airin g the O L A project was
Kay Toran, affirm ative action o ffi­
cer for the State o f Oregon. Honor­
ary chairman was Dolores A tiyeh,
O re g o n ’ s First Lady. Mistress o f
Ceremonies was Gwyneth Gamble
° f Oregon Public Broadcasting Ser­
vice. Project Coordinator was Clair
The Broadway Gallery on Friday,
A pril 23, is presenting recent works
by A rtist Philemon Reid in a one-
man show. Reid does lovely things
o f black people in oils, water color,
pencil and pen and ink. His draw ­
ings have appeared on several occa­
sions in the Observer and many
readers will remember his dramatic
in terp retatio n s o f M a rtin Luther
Reid promises that many new
pieces are to be on view on Friday.
The gallery at 925 N .E . Broadway
suggests that visitors may expect to
see attractive prices set lower for the
special show. Hours are from 6 to 9
pm for this exhibit.
Over at Jefferson H igh School,
M ary Folberg and her partner, An-
(Photos Courtesy Oregon Historical Society)
The Oregon-Washington Football
C lu b m eeting, held at its regular
time at the home o f Vernon and Le-
nore Gaskin last Sunday, also held a
surprise show and program for the
host and hostess.
The 25 members o f the group pro­
duced not only cake and re fresh ­
ments, but a money tree complete
w ith an arching rain b o w and the
proverbial p o t-o f-g o ld at the end.
all as a kick-off for the Gaskins fif­
tieth wedding anniversary. Feeling a
little off-side about being the sur­
prised receiver o f such early atten­
tion, Mrs. Gaskin went into a hud­
dle w ith her spouse o f nearly fifty
yards— no, make that fifty years,
and signaled that they will go ahead
w ith their own game plan to cele­
brate their golden goal in June.
The Gaskins have not lost the en­
thusiasm o f their cheer leaders, Suzi
Patterson and Helen Rawlins, who
sang and played at the surprise
warm-up event, for Suzi and Helen
promised to assist and run interfer­
ence at the touchdown party later
Handsome invitations are being
received to the forthcom ing wed­
ding o f M a ria n A n n L a th a n ,
daughter o f M r . and M rs . Brozic
Miss Lathan will be wed to Jack
Ira Rich, son o f M r. Morris Rich on
Saturday afternoon, M ay 8, at A u ­
gustine Lutheran Church.
A t Oregon Lung Association reception honoring W om en in
History of Oregon were Mildred Reynolds who presented awerd for
OLA honoring Beatrice Morrow Cannady; Dolores Atiyeh, Oregon's
Oregon's First Lady; Frank Sarpy, Banquet Guest; Kay Toran, chair­
man of OLA project; and Ivan Cannady, in Portland to stand in for
his mother, the late Beatrice Morrow Cannady.
nie Painter, in the venture, “ Ever­
green E v e n ts ,” is still receiving
"thank-yous” from an appreciative
public for bringing to Portland the
fabulous “ Dance Theatre o f H a r­
T he D T H m ight not have had a
local sponsor for a Portland appear­
ance because o f the staggering ex­
pense in bringing so large a troupe
over so many miles, housing them
and providing all the show necessi­
ties for so famous and exacting per­
formers, except for the long friend­
ship M ary Folberg has with Arthur
Mitchell, the director o f D T H .
1. Shaft
8. Leader of
11. Command
12 A dult lnaect
11. Old Norae
14. Dwelt
13. Speak
18 Chang-»
17. Bone
la n a L I
18. A ehaem
20. Most stupid
22 M a lt
23. "Tempeet”
28 A news­
28 Japanese
29 Not severe
31. Telegraphed
32. Tellurium
33 King's
38 Pronoun
37. Friend,
In Spain
38 W ild hog
40 Domesti­
41 Think
43 Darken
44 People of
B ritain
1 Thus
2 Hoard
3 M ary
B aker ------
M itchell once danced and taught
dance classes at Jefferson, Mrs. Fol­
berg said. “ This was in the days
when Portland Public Schools could
a ffo rd such stellar instructors and
their workshops. W hen I realized
that D T H probably could not come
at all to Portland for lack o f a re­
sponsible sponsor, Annie and I took
the plunge. W e put everything we
had in to presenting D T H and
hoped . . . ”
It took lots o f m oney, lots o f
courage and fa ith , but packed
houses and a grateful public made it
all w orthw hile, M rs. Folberg said.
5. Christian
6 H eavy
7. Leaves
8. Keep
9. German
10. Lays,
as tu rf
18. Ice cream
18. A ffirm ativ e
18 M r.
19 Quar­
21 Girl's
22. Become
23. Lights
24. Come
27. Free
30 Before
31. Carried on
33 Caresses
lig htly
34. Oriental
jargon; Realtors are w hite— black
people are realtist«.!
The A lbina M in isterial A lliance
has asked the community to support
Harold Williams in his race to be the
Democratic candidate for the legis­
lature in the new District 18.
Extra— Don’t forget to be on time
at the Ebony Fashion Fair’s Look o f
Elegance Friday evening at the Civic
Register now and vote
on May 18th.
Master Keyed Systems
• Window guards •
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All work guaranteed
Ask about our specialty
security storm door and
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4. Guided
Ivan C annady, in town on busi­
ness and to be guest at an Oregon
Lung Association banquet honoring
the candidacy o f his mother, the late
Beatrice M o rro w C an n a d y , as a
woman in the History o f Oregon, is
an attorney and realtist in Los A n ­
geles. A realtist?
Cannady, specializing in residen­
tial property in Los Angeles since
1946, commented that L .A . prices
are about one-third above prices he
sees in Portland. He talked business
and a little " s h o p ” w ith H erm an
Plum m er, a Portland broker while
in town.
In L .A . Cannady belongs to the
Consolidated Realty Board, a black
organization o f about 300 members,
the largest such black group in the
Because o f the racial discrimina­
tion prevalent in C alifornia, blacks
had to form this group among them­
selves. They celebrated 33 years o f
their organization in February o f
1982. The C R B members now own
their own facility with its three large
public meeting rooms they rent for
large social events, and two smaller
meeting rooms. The facility is now
worth $500,000, according to C an­
Cannady has held many offices in
C R B and is currently regional vice
president o f the Southern Division
o f the C a lifo rn ia A ssociation o f
Real Estate Brokers.
The C R B , Cannady said, carries
members in to m em bership in a
wider organization: the "C alifornia
Real Estate Brokers,” and on to be­
come members o f the N ational As­
sociation o f Real Estate Brokers
headquartered in Washington, D .C .
The latter organization is one o f the
strongest trade unions in the nation,
Cannady pointed out. He also ex­
plained a fine point in real estate
*5°° Discount with this ad.
Good until April 29,1982
35 Capital
of Peru
38 Greet
38 A curve
39 Open (poet.|-
42. W hat 7
Designer Curl
5126 N.E. Union A ve.
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Portland, Oregon 97211
Special Feelings
Revlon Curl
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Renbow European hair colors,
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Senior Citizens Special
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Mon-Tues-W ed: 9-7 Fri-Sat: 9-9
Walk Ina are welcome
M eet our operators: Marsha Brown. Derlene 8eercy, Louise Prstoher