Page 4 Section li Portland Observer, April 22/1962 ENTERTAINMENT HAPPENINGS entertainment "Celebration!" with Tina Sandoval and Band, premiere Northwest sing er-songwriter. presents an alive show o f contemporary sounds o f jazz with sizzling soul, on Friday, A pril 30th, 7:30 p .m ., at the Neighbors o f W ood c raft, 1410 S .W . M orrsion. Ticke’s $3.50 at the door. W ine, champagne Living Proof of Soul D o u b le T e e p re se n ts A l J a rre a u M a y 18th, 8:00 p .m . a t th e C ivic A u d ito riu m . Breakin' Away Jarreau's W ith the release o f Breakin" A w ay, A l Jarreau’s sixth Warner Bros, al bum, the internationally known artist continues to consolidate his position as one o f the most popular and enduring writers, performers and ‘vocal mu sicians’ in any category o f contemporary music. In the six years since the re lease o f his debut album, through innumerable awards, SRO concert tours and subsequent recorded successes, Jarreau’s inexhaustible creative energy has provided music with some o f its best, most fulfilling moments. Breakin A way continues that tradition. Breakin ’ A way is the singer’s most diverse and innovative offering to date. O f the L P ’s nine tunes, five were written by Jarreau with Jay Graydon and long time Jarreau collaborator and keyboardist Tom Canning (who also acted as associate producer on the sessions). O ther B reakin "A w ay highlights include an updating o f Dave Brubeck’s classic "B lu e Rondo’ * with words by Jarreau. “ Teach M e T o n ig h t,” a standard from the Gene DePaul/Sammy Cahn songbook is also treated to an updating by Jarreau. Born in M ilw au kie, Wisconsin. Jarreau has been singing since the age o f four. He also received a very complete education in psychology. He received a B.S. at Ripon College and an M .S. at the University o f Iowa before mov ing west— first to San Francisco, where he did counseling work and later to Los Angeles. In both cities, he began performing in local clubs on a part time basis. It was in L .A . at the Troubadour in H ollyw ood, that he was spotted by Warner Bros, talent scouts and signed to a recording contract. His debut album for the label, IFe Got By was released to unanimous ac claim. 1977 proved to be a watershed year for A l Jarreau, with a wealth o f awards and accolades coming his way. He was named both M ale Vocalist and Best New Jazz Act o f that year by Performance Magazine. The French Music Academy declared him Vocalist o f the Year. Cashbox, downbeat, Stereo Review— all singled him out for top spots in their annual music awards. A t year’s end he was nominated for and won an American Grammy for Best Jazz Vocal Performance. A double LP live document o f his subse quent European tour titled Look To The Rainbow followed. Critical recognition, meanwhile, continued to flow. Before the release of his fourth album. A ll Fly Hom e, in the fall o f 1978, he had won both Down beat’s critic’s and reader’s polls for Best Jazz Vocalist and Best Male Vocal ist respectively. Record W orld proclaimed him Top Jazz Vocalist o f that year. A second G ram m y, this time for Best Jazz Vocalist, was Jarreau’s in 1979, as well as a Silver Award at the Tokyo Music Festival and continued recognition from Dow nbeat, Perform ance and other publications. This Time, his fifth Warner Bros, offering was released in the spring o f 1980 fol lowed by the third Grammy nomination, for Best R&B Vocalist A n exten sive worldwide tour followed, including such Far Eastern stops as Japan and the Phillipines, as well as a number o f more recent European dates re volving around the release o f Breakin" A w ay. 1981 found the singer per forming a series o f outdoor venues in Scandinavia, as well as appearances across Europe including The Northsea Music Festival at The Hague, The Olympia in Paris and a special appearance at the 1981 Montreaux Jazz Fes tival, where a duet with labelmate Randy Crawford will be recorded for fu ture release. A ll Jarreau’s reputation as an artist o f depth, substance and longevity continues to grow with each passing year, every release and sold out con cert. His is music that reflects its m aker, w ith gentleness, love and rare talent. *■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ¡IF PRO S T Y L , SHO P Tina Sandoval show aids blind M e and You, the exceptional debut album by Jeanie Tracy, more than fulfills the promise exhibited by this lovely and versatile singer in her work with Sylvester and the Two Tons. Tracy’s vibrant mezzo-soprano enlivens the L P ’s broad spectrum o f ma terial— from Smokey Robinson's " Y o u r O ld Stand B y,” a hit for M ary Wells in 1963, to Sylvester’ s churchy arrangement o f "Tears on M y P il lo w ,” originally recorded in quite another vein by Little Anthony and the Imperials. Jeanie also debuts as a songwriter: " I W ant You’ ’ is her tune, and she co wrote " I Feel Like Dancing” and “ I ’m Your Jeanie” (Sylvester offers vocal assists on the latter). "Jeanie is a highly musical singer,” says her producer Harvey Fuqua, "a n d an adventurous one. I t ’s been such a pleasure for me to watch her confidence grow over the last few years— the ability was always there, but she now has a much clearer sense o f just what she is capable o f. M ake no mistake, Miss Thing can sing.” Born near Beaumont, Texas, Tracy grew up in Fresno, known chiefly as the seat o f C alifornia agribusiness. She started singing at the age o f three, encouraged by an aunt who was a singer. But the piano, which she took up at six and studied for the next ten years, assumed a far greater significance in her life. In fact, Tracy singles out her teacher. Glossy Foote, as a major childhood influence. " I was the favorite student,” Jeanie smiles, "an d I was going to be a great classical p ianist.” (H e r favorite composer was Grieg.) During her last year o f high school, Jeanie was offered a job as a piano player at a club. " I told this buy I was too young,” she recalls, "a n d 1 didn’t know how to play in a bar. I sure didn’t know anything about playing with a band. But he talked me into it, and I ended up liking it. I thought, ‘And I can make pennies too! This is it!’ ” Jeanie’s mother was lenient as Pentecostal parents go, and allowed her daughter to continue working in clubs. "She just told me to do my best, that she would support me in whatever I felt I had to d o .” About five years ago, Tracy was spotted at the Fox Cafe in Oakland by Harvey Fuqua and his partner Nancy Pitts, who immediately signed her to their Honey Record Productions. One o f her first assignments was writing and arranging material for the Voices o f Harm ony, a gospel choir Fuqua was recording at the time. will be served. Proceeds from this concert will be given to the S E VA Foundation, a non profit charitable organization doing prevention o f blindness work in Nepal and India, which Ms. Sandoval has been actively involved with during the past 2 years. APPLICATIONS are ACCEPTED A WAVES HAIR DESIGN 249-1940 3327 N.E. 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I was high for two months after that, it was such a great show.” Soon afterwards, Tracy was asked to jo in Sylvester’s band, and she be came an important part o f his live shows. “ I ’ve learned so much from Sylvester,” Jeanie states, "particularly in the areas o f showmanship, costuming, and makeup. H e’s helped me refine my stage attitudes in general, and understand the fine points involved in giving an audience what it wants. Jeanie couldn’t be happier with the direction her career is taking. She has an excellent working relationship with both Fuqua, her producer, and Nan cy Pitts, her manager. "Nancy, who is a Scorpio like me, understands me as well as my own m other,” says Jeanie. "A n d Harvey is one o f the greatest producers ever. H e’s incredibly patient, and knowft exactly how to motivate me to give my best performance.” The evidence is plain to hear on M e and You. • Lloyd Center District Broadway Picture Framing 925 N.E. 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