Portland Observer, Aprii 22, 1982 Section II Page 3 Fashion Page We Pay More Cash! FOR GOLD, SILVER and DIAM ONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE 7710 S.E. Foster Rd. 777-1284 Jewelry collectables and investment buying " W in her w ith g ifts, i f she re spects not words dumb jewels often in their silent kind more quick than words to move a woman‘s mind. ” — Shakespeare They say a ll that glitters is not gold, but gold i s .. . . Diamonds are a g irl’ s best friend (and that's the truth). Both are timeless statements e n ta ilin g c o lo r, form s, designs— bringing it all together for our pre sent day concept o f jewelry. As shown, jewelry in an extrava gant array o f gold and diamonds— a common mixture is a most salable and collectable item. Band it for a w edding— those a bit o f luckier could receive this lavish wedding de s ig n -m a rq u is e diam ond band. Both sym bolize the eternal kn o t, forever obligation and commitment. The wedding band is forever and often is the silent notew orthy dis play o f "he or she is taken." Consideration should be given to the size o f hands and fingers. The give should take care to present the favorite stone and form. "Shoptalk" often reveals the true feelings about gifts. Often cited were complaints o f having to wear that special but least favored piece o f jewelry for 20 to 30 years before being able to express so and replace. Consideration should be given in the selection process. The most popular lengths are the sm all p rin tin g type o f 12 to I ) inches w ith the longest popular length purchased being 30-inch opera pearls. A very precious pearl gem in neck form can vary in price — as those shown in the jewelry case — fro m around $800 to $1300. Pearls are collectable but require oc casional re-stringing and polishing. The single pearl earring emits subtle softness and impeccable taste and is worn fa ith fu lly by most O regoni ans. a cocktail r in g .. .and maybe some are collected and tucked away to gather dust. Who gives a piece o f jewelry? Friendship rings are dom inant in the H ig h Schools, alm ost to be tro th al-sw eeth eart, rambunctious lover, a rewarding husband, an un faithful partner. Giving jewelry is a means o f saying hello and saying good-bye. Maybe it is given simply because that special he or she wants and likes it or because he or she cares enough to give the very best. "Those gifts are ever the most ac ceptable which the giver has made precious." — Jade Jade is truly a status piece accord ing to O rien tal culture. The larger the stone and clarity o f the color the wiser and more w orthy the invest ment. Traditionally, a good piece o f jade is something that drives o ff the devil and bad lu ck. T h e O rie n ta l Grandma would say this is a family piece that w ill protect generation after generation. Basically, jade is a good luck omen depicting and sym bolizing health, beauty, long life , p ro sp erity and love. Jade pieces from China are the very best invest ment-wise— "band it with gold” — a favorite metal with jade. Shown in the photograph are the timeless jade ring, pendant and collectable orange jade bracelets. / ■»' 10:00 am — 5:00 pm ? Modern art in jewelry M odern art sculpture in jewelry form is designed by C lifto n Nichol son. His design inspiration relates to the earth and n atu re. H is unique sculpture form s given his artistic twist are enhanced by a contempo rary flo ra l g ro u p in g — a featured item in his " c re a tu re necklaces." 402 8.W. Morrison Portland, Oregon 97204 : 226-7369 « ♦ 4 ze 1 0 .J ....J Ladies and Juniors Discount Fashions Wide range o f sizes and styles o f brand names Dress Like a Princess on a Paupers Pittance. Saturdays b y appointm ent only. F o r inform ation, ................................. conracr ¿ezjb as. Means ofpurchase if your cash flo w is limited Plan A : Layaway— 3 to 6 months. Plan B: Exchange old gold to re cycle. P lan C : C re d it a p p lic a tio n through local credit bureau, allow ing 6 months to pay w ith basic re quirem ent o f a p p ly in g 16 d o w n . Usually no interest is charged if paid in alloted time. The price range o f jewelry can go from $1.00 to whatever, depending o f course on the jewelers and site— W o o ,w orth ’s to T iffa n y ’s. “ In n a tion hits some but other buy o n .” And, if your budget is tight, remem ber that you can o ften fin d some thing similar at a local department store in all price ranges. . . . and why? Jewelry is a keepsake, a gift one normally keeps for a long time after a relatio n ship dissolves and the memory lingers o n . . . . You give for love, an apo lo g y, a message, a token, a reward and perhaps years o f service on a job. A common in vestment fo r professionals is re w arding oneself fo r personal achievement and performance relat ing to careers. Jewelry is also p ur chased for investment purposes. Depending on the hand, its mes sage can relate a silent statement o f c o m m itm en t, the look o f u n d er statement and practicability o f the form . Special gifts for graduations, holidays, birthdays, and especially C hristm as— but whatever the g ift message bears— one never looks a gift horse in the mouth. Shop Monday — Friday Jade Jewelry shown is from Kassab Bros. Jewelry at 4th and Washing ton and from Jack Ewing on Morri son near Broadway. House for Sale S 3 years . « old - Gresham area Assumable loan - 44,000 down - 3 bedroom, family room, 2 full baths, fireplace, double car garage, air cond., built-in garbage disp. and dish washer. Call: 281-6625 Ask for Monroe. Instant Credit Jewelry Co. 6908 N.E. Sandy NO CREDIT CHECKS NO TURN DOWNS You will be IN and OUT in 15 minutes 287-2224 FLORI ROBERTS AFRICAN WILD COLORS! Jungle Fuschia! African Coral! Tropic Bronze! Bold, young! Explore a look that's a natural yet daringly different! Lip stick, 4.50. Liqui-Lip Gloss, 5.50. Nail polish, 4.00. Congo Brown eye pencil, 5.00. More! See our entire line of beauty discoveries, 4.00 to 32.50. Bonus! Two safari bags, a $40 value, $10 with 6.50 purchase Cosmetic bag and travel case, filled with exotic goodies. W ithin the oyster's shell, the pur est pearl may h id e .. .but on one’s ears, neck, arms and fingers they blossom out to the popular appeal o f today’s timeless jew elry, gems, and collectable items. O f the several stores in terview ed , pearls at this tim e are the most salable je w e lry items. Prices are steep because o f the demand and availability is below normal. What happens if the wedding is called off? What does one do with the r in g - return it or keep it?— is one o f the most questionable questions, often one o f compromising conclusions. In a survey o f about a dozen women, all said, "K eep it, it was a g i f t . " H ow ever m any voiced the opinion that it should be returned if the giver demanded it. Another op tion would be to sell the ring and share the profit. How could the ring be recycled? Change the setting or m ounting, keep the stone, have it made into a cocktail ring, earrings, or most com monly a pendant. From the finger it goes to the neck and usually back to 4 <* u tv Z' C2» !■» The m etal is laced w ith p earl— he rarely uses other fin e gems. His o rig in a l art w ork was made w ith sterling silver and all other metals, duplicating a form according to cus tom ers' preferences. Gold it is or w hatever. H e ’ ll be in P o rtla n d Apiril 28 through May 2 exclusively at N o rd stro m s. H e ’ ll also blend colors o f silk cord to match the col or o f the art form. He will even do a special dye, matching the object o f design. C lifto n was a C oty award winner in 1971 but began back in the la te '60s. meierilffrank OREGON’S OWN STORE