FOOD SECTION April 2 2 .1962 Volum« XII, Number 28 Section II Fresh veg etab les m a k e variety dishes M ak e the m o it o f fresh vege tables. Whether you grow your own or select from the market's bounty, it's tim e to enjoy the harvest o f a plentiful supply o f fresh vegetables. Vegetables con tain valu ab le amounts o f important vitamins and minerals and offer a variety o f ways and com binatio n s to cook and serve. In c lu d e raw vegetables in salads and nibbles, m ake fritte rs with fresh spinach and corn grated from the ears. Our vegetable casser ole will tempt even the most reluc tant vegetable eater and the ra ta to u ille pie is a tasty dish fo r luncheon or dinner. Enjoy! 16 tsp. nutmeg 16 cup plain yogur. 16 lb. spinach, finely chopped corn grated from 3 fresh ears M ix all ingredients well. In shal low fry pan, heat light oil (or half oil and half butter), just enough to cov er bottom o f pan. D ro p batter by spoonfuls into hot oil. Fry for 2 to 3 minutes t ill golden b ro w n . T u rn only once and bro w n . D ra in on paper towelling. C O U N T R Y C A SSE R O LE 16 lb. fresh green beans 1 lb. fresh carrots 1 small head cauliflower 16 cup cooked or canned chickpeas Salt and pepper 16 lb. Cheddar cheese, grated (2 cups) 14 cup butter or margarine 16 cup milk S P IN A C H A N D C O R N M U F F IN S A delicious appetizer of Ruaalan origin: Pirozhki is made w ith a yaast dough and fillad with a wall aaaaonad mlxtura of baaf and rlca. Russian pastry takes meat or vegetable filling. A Pirozhki is a meat or vegetable fille d pastry o f Russian o rigin. In New York City pirozhkis are served every day at the Russian Tea Room, as an appetizer w ith vodka over shav¿d ice or a dry white wine. They are also a welcome accompaniment fo r soups such as borscht, a beet and d ill soup topped w ith sour cream. Pirozhkis can be made with a rich pastry or a yeast dough. They may be fried or baked. The accompany ing recipe is a yeast dough version which is less crumbly and lighter in texture than the pastry version. Us ing the modern Rapidm ix method for making bread, the yeast is mixed with some o f the dry ingredients in one bow l. L ik e other yeast dough recipes, it rises once before shaping into the little packages. A fte r the first rising the dough is punched down and divided into three parts. Each part is rolled into a 1 2 x 1 6 rectangle and cut into 4-inch circles, using a biscuit cutter, can or tum bler. This procedure results in 45 p iro zh k i o f u n ifo rm size. One tablespoon o f fillin g is placed on one side o f each circle o f dough, the other side is folded over the filling and carefully sealed. Arrange the lit tle packages on a greased baking sheet and let rise until double in size — about 30 minutes. Before transferring the pirozhki to the oven, brush the top o f each one with a mixture o f one egg yolk and two tablespoons o f water. This helps to achieve a rich brown crust. Prick the tops with a fork to allow steam to escape and they’re ready fo r the oven. Bake in a hot oven (4 0 0 * F ) fo r 15 m inutes or u n til done. Serve w arm . Leftovers may be frozen and reheated. P IR O Z H K I (P L US 2 F IL L IN G S ) 416 to 516 cups unsifted flour 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt I package active dry yeast 16 c u p (l stick) softened margarine 1 cup very hot tap water 3 eggs (at room temperature) ■ egg yolk, beaten 2 tablespoons water In a large bowl thoroughly mix 116 cups flour, sugar, salt and un dissolved dry yeast. Add softened margarine. Gradually add very hot tap water to dry ingredients and beat 2 m in utes at m edium speed o f electric mixer, scraping bowl occasionally. Add whole eggs and 16 cup flour, or enough flour to make a thick batter. Beat at high speed 2 minutes, scrap ing bowl occasio n ally. S tir in enough add itio n al flour to make a soft dough. T u rn out on to lightly floured board; knead until smooth and clastic, about 8 to 10 minutes. Place in greased bow l, turning to grease top. Cover; let rise in a warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour. Punch dough down; divide into 3 equal pieces. O n a lig h tly greased b oard, ro ll 1 piece into a 12 x 16- inch rectangle. Using a floured 4- inch cookie cutter or tum bler, cut in to 12 circles. Reserve scraps o f dough. Place 1 tablespoon o f either filling (below) in center o f each cir cle. Fold dough over filling to form semi-circle. Pinch seams well. Place on greased baking sheets. Repeat w ith rem ainin g pieces o f dough. C om bine scraps; knead to form a smooth b a ll. R o ll to a 12-inch square; cut into 9 circles. Proceed as befo re. C o ve r; let rise in a warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk, about 30 minutes. Brush w ith com bined egg yolk and 2 tablespoons w ater. Using a fo rk, puncture each pirozhki to a l low steam to escape. Bake in hot oven (4 0 0 ° F .) fo r 15 m inutes, or u n til done. Rem ove fro m baking sheets and cool on wire racks. Best when served w arm . Makes 45 pas tries. 2 beaten eggs 16 cup white flour 16 cup whole wheat flour 16 tsp. salt 16 tsp. black pepper O 4 j, Z VCT 1 I Pork Chops , A • ; • ( ■ ( no s, Center Cut % v s A W pe R r \ ; S i 38 V ■ r M e a t f illin g : Saute I pound ground beef and 16 cup chopped onion in 6 tablespoons m argarine until meat is browned. Blend in 16 cup unsifted flo u r, I teaspoon d ill weed, I teaspoon salt and 16 teaspoon pepper. S tir in 16 cup cooked rice; cool. C abbage f illin g : C o ver 6 cups finely shredded cabbage (about 116 pounds) with boiling water; drain. Toss with 116 teaspoons salt; drain 15 minutes. In a large skillet, saute 16 cup chopped onion in 6 tab le spoons m argarine. Stir in cabbage and cook slowly until tender, about 10 to 15 m inutes. M ix in 1 finely chopped h ard-coo ked egg and 16 teaspoon pepper. Cool. Cut or Sliced, 16^)2. Rich & Fiavortul, 32-oz. Hi-Drl Cheese Towels Lucerne, 2-Lb. Pkg. $198 Lb Luc Man Cal L«nn 2 Pius toposa .M r IB oi Pkg Prices Effective 7-Full Daysl W ed. April 21 Thru Tuen. April 27 A t Safeway In the Portland Area Pwces & Stams 4 & Can F lo w n in d aily fro m Louisiana a t a lo w lo w p ric e . We hava D M 8 0 4. * _ £.4/ ( A n n* a Dry Pint Basket Suav* 16 01 2.J1 99‘ 6 4 02 20* OH latoi ■SI .Strawberries J - cnc SUPER SAVER W tn i $ j 99 Crtcuwi Or Pon 42 Oz l uscious Fiesh Red Ripe Bernes $1.69/lb ♦2.69/lb 82.25/lb ♦1.69/lb 8 1 9 9 /j.r c 2.99 LaChoy Chow Mein Celebrity Mushrooms Shampoo Or Conditioner Crest Toothpaste Scotch Buy Cling Peaches 12-Pack Olympia Beer Fresh Ripe BUFFALO FISH..................................... CULTURED PROTEIN FED CATFISH OAR....................... OOO................................... NEW ORLEANS OYSTER 100 Count Roll $399 Ice Cream/Sherbet Combo »in« 99‘ $1 I 89 8-Pack Dr. Pepper '• „ W " Scotch Buy Whole Tomatoes c.2 9 9 ‘ i - , i— i.Mwen ut C & H 1 -Lb. Sugar 2.. 99* Dart Brown Fresh Lucerne Yogurt 4.. 99* Asst tOi Post Toasties Cereal 99‘ 4 White or Wheat. 22.5 Oz. Loaf Monterey Ja c k Lb GOLD EAGLE FISH MARKET Ovenjoy Limit jv O 'l.f't, Beet Round Roast rv. c ¡>99 c c 99 3.99 Boneless Boast F SUPER .SAVER Catsup I l-Lb. ■ Green Beans 31/4 Pound Bag $139 SUPER SAVER Town House Pancake Mix Fresh Bread Smoke A Roma <v. In a deep skillet, heat 16 cup olive o il, add on io n s, eggplant and tomatoes. Saute until soft, add gar lic, bay leaf, pepper and sugar. Sim mer for 15 minutes. Lightly beat egg yolks in a small bowl. Add several tablespoons o f vegetable m ixture. Stir and add this mixture back into skillet. A d d olives, cheeses. Bake empty pie shell for 10 minutes to set in a 3 7 5 * oven. Pour in vegetable and cheese mixture and continue to bake for 20 minutes at 350*. I f de sired, a top crust may be used. Santlam Aunt Jemima Sliced Bacon V 1 unbaked 9-inch pie shell 16 cup olive oil 1 thinly slice onion 1 medium eggplant, peeled and diced 4 ripe fresh tomatoes, peeled and chopped 3 99c o ^ X 'i b . I 'V R A T A T O U IL L E P IE 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 whole bay leaf 16 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 2 tsp. sugar 3 egg yolks 16 cup chopped black olives 16 cup chopped green olives 1 cup grated muenster cheese 16 cup grated parmesan cheese More Of The FRESH For Less At S a fe w a y ! SAFEW AY r T rim ends o f beans, scrape car rots and slice, break cauliflower into flowerets. C ook vegetables separ ately in boiling water, or steam them separately, until barely tender. A r range vegetables and chickpeas in a large buttered casserole, sprinkle w ith salt and pepper and grated cheese. D o t w ith b u tte r and add m ilk . Bake in a m oderate oven (350 *F .) about 20 minutes, or until bubbly. Makes 8 servings. Substi tute frozen or canned vegetables in any desired quantity, as you wish. $ j 29 59‘ Stood Or Martes 2 » 0 i 12 Qi Carts Pkis top $479 SAFEW AY Fresh Corn Fancy No. 1 « 4..99c Tomatoes Large, Vine Ripe Tomatoes St .. 59c