Portland Observer, April 22,196 2 Page 11 JOB FINDER IN tU R A N C I M E D IC A L C L A IM S PROCESSOR O n -th e -jo b tra in in g . Good m ath and com munication «kills nacaa •ary. Excellent benefit package. Flex hour«. C LER IC A L P O S IT IO N Entry level to handle m ail, file, phones and CRT terminal. Excellent benefit package. Flex hours. Call for appointment af ter 9:00 am. 224 2664 P rudential Insurance A n Equal Opportunity Employer EN G INEER IV STRUCTURAL • 2 ,7 9 8 /m o . s ta rtin g rate. Position will re view plans and specifi cations to insure con formance with the Uni form Building Code provisions on Structur al Engineering and Fire b Life S afety, as well as Portland's Compre hensive Land Use b Z o n in g R e g u la tio n s . Position will note Code violations; review plans and solve differences w ith spplicant; m ain tain records; conduct m eetings and partici pate in hearings; inter pret and clarify codes and assist Permit Cen ter staff in technical evaluation of structural engineering problems. Candidates must be registered as a Profes sional Engineer, struc tural or civil, in the State of Oregon or eli gible for reciprocal reg istration. NOTE: Prepared res umes may not be sub stituted in lieu of com pleted applications but may be included. C an didates are responsible for any travel expense associated w ith this exam. Please apply no later than 5:00 p.m . Friday, May 7,1982. POLICE ID E N T IF IC A T IO N T E C H N IC IA N T R A IN E E •5 .8 4 /h r. starting rate. Upon hiring, a trainee enters a training pro gram to prepare for the job of Police Identifica tion Technician I. The training program is ap proxim ately 6 months long and consists of on-the-job training and self-study. A fter suc cessful com pletion of the training program, a trainee is eligible for ap pointm ent as a Police Identification T echni cian I. A Technician I obtains, classifies and identifies fingerprints and perform s simple photography work. The work involves fin g er printing persons, and p h o to g ra p h in g s u s pects, victims, employ ees and job applicants. Trainees and T ech nicians must be avail able to work day, even ing and night shifts, weekends and holi days. Please apply no later than 5:00 p.m ., Friday, April 30, 1982. Resumes will not be ac cepted. W A S TE W A TE R O P ER A TO R I • 1 ,4 6 1 /m o . s ta rtin g rate. This is semi-skilled w ork in operating a great variety of equip ment including motors, p u m p s, c o n v e y o rs , v a lv e s , c la s s if ie r s , s k im m e rs , b lo w e rs , grinders and vacuum filters. Involves clean ing grit collectors, skimmers and settline i tanks, reading m eters and guages, taking samples, making basic tests, keeping records, occasionally working in small confined areas. Operstors are required to work shifts involving night work snd w e e k end work at various times. Applicants must be able to obtain a valid state driver's license. A pply no later than 6:00 p.m ., Friday, April 30, 1982. Resumes will not be accepted. APPLY TO: Portland Civil Service 610 S W M o n tg o m e ry Portland. OR 97201 OR U rban League 5329 NE U nion P ortland OR 97208 LIFE C L A IM S PROCESSO R Experience necessary. Pays death claims made on Group and In dividual life insurance policies. C L A IM S PROCESSO R T R A IN E E T w o yrs college or o f fice w ork exp. Good math aptitude and deci sion making ability. Typing skills Et medical term background help ful. Call for appt: Personnel 221 5680 An Equal Opportunity Employer M / F WORD PR O C E SSIN G O PER A TO R Full-time position. Re quires individual w ith one year experience operating w ord p ro cessing equip. Prefer IB M M ag Card 6240 IN C . Jet Printer and Lazar Printer. 65 wpm typing skill b machine tra n s c rip tio n a b ility . Flex tim e hours b e x cellent employee bene fits. Call 225 5405. Ask for Connie Schweppe. Blue Cross o f Oregon M EN TA L HEALTH HOUSEPARENTS for Job Title and Description Phone 644*4224 Couple w anted to live In residential treatment facility w ith five e m o An Equal Opportunity Employer tionally disturbed ado lescent boys and girls. R A D IO JO B SO VER 8EA S Assist in providing a KEX Radio is seeking Big money fast, nurturing environment an audio technician for 120,000 to 460,000 plus and close intensive su a syndicated talk show. per year. Call 1-716- pervision, support snd Third class FCC license 842-6000, ext. 3819. security. All operational req, experience in expenses and supplies audio technical envir provided. 922,000 salary onment necessary. Re H EA LTH and fringe benefits for quires no on-air w ork. C O O R D IN A T O R nine working days per $6 hourly, 6 nites a For infor call 289-3366 two weeks. Experience w e e k . A p p lic a tio n A M A Head Start. w ith em o tio n ally dis deadline M ay 4, 1982. turbed adolescent pop Resumes to Bob Miller, ulation and BA p re D O M E S T IC Program Director, KEX fe rre d . Address in W ORKERS Radio, Golden W est quiries to Robert Beat W ANTED Broadcast Center, 4949 ty, c /o Janil Youth Pro S W M acad am , P o rt Cleaning, washing, iron grams, 1942 N W Kear ing, cooking. Call: land, OR 97201. ney, P ortland, OR V e lv e t Tou ch A n Equal Opportunity 97209 or call 223 9006. 283-0090 Employer Have tha Naw Portland Observer dallvarad to your homa aach waak — Subacrlbal REG ISTER ED NU RSE V o lu n te e r Nurse Program School S ettin g Valid Oregon RN Li cense; one year's e x perience in school set ting, pediatrics a n d /o r com munity health pro gram s w ith in last five years: Valid O regon Drivers License and ve hicle available for use. Placem ent on Nurse's Salary Schedule based on 190 days con tract. M axim u m 5 years e x perience credit. Job be gins July 1, 1982. Re quest additional infor mation and employers application form from: Personnel P.O . Box 18867 P o rtla n d , OR 97218 Employers Application form must be returned by 5 pm , April 3 0th , 1982. to be considered. An Equal Opportunity Employer PR O G RA M M ER ANALYST W e have an opening for an experienced person to develop and maintain both on-line and batch system s. M ust have strong COBOL b ac k ground. Data base knowledge, on-line applica tion programming experience and a Computer Science degree preferred. W e provide an excellent salary and benefits program, including a profit participation plan. Sealed proposals will ba received in Room 412, City H ai, Portland, Oregon 97204 for items, detailed herein until 2:00 P .M . on tha dates indicated. Plana and specifications may be obtained at tha above addraaa. For sddi- tional information telephone buyer at number Hated. M EN TA L HEALTH Family C ounselor for runaw ay youth p ro -| gram. Provide intake, assessment and tre a t m ent fo r adolaacanta and fam ilies in crisis. M sstars d egree plus one year experience re quired. Som e on-call w ork. Salary 411,000- 4 12,000 D .O .E . Send resume to Lee M a d i son, c /o H srry's M o th er, 6325 NE Gar field , P o rtlan d, OR 97211 by Fri., 4 /2 3 /8 2 before 5:00 pm . No calls please. WhSn Bid Surety is required, proposals shell ba accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or a bid bond, payable to tha City of Portland for an amount not leas than tan percent (10% ) of tha aggregate amount of tha bid as guaranty that the bid shall ba irrevocable for the period specified in the proposal. Said bond to ba forfeited as fixed and liquidated damagaa should the bidder seek to revoke his offer for any reason not authorized by law and not consented to by City within tha irrevocable period, or neglect or rafuae to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful perform ance of the contract, in the event the said contract b awarded to him. NON -D ISC RIM IN A TIO N : No proposal or bid win ba considered unisse tha bidder is certified as en EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently certified should fib the required documentation with tha Contract Compli ance Division, Room 209, City Ha«, 1220 S W Fifth Avenue, Portland, Ore gon 97204, 248-4696, at bast five (5) days prior to tha Bid Opening. Failure to achieve certification by the Bid Opening Date and Time she« result in the return of your Bid Unopened. BID NO. JOB OPPORTUNITIES As a leading company in the kidney dialysis industry, B-D DRAKE WILLOCK employs approximately 300 people in the Portland metropolitan area. Employment opportunities at B-D DRAKE W ILLOCK are varied and provide employees the opportunity to demon strate their ability to accept increased responsibility. 13620 SE Pheasant Ct. Portland, OR 97222 1503)659-3356 An Equal Opportunity Employer m-f-h S-A-L-E N E W W alkin g Consew: CASH IN 30 M IN U T E S Rag *1360..........'..Now »896 W e Buy Used Pianos. 282 0918 Conaaw ZigZag............. MB6 TERMS TRADES Pacific S e w Inc. 1732 NE 42nd 288-9122 HANDYMAN S A N T IA M D R IFTER S fiberglass drift boats b access, 1-258-6747, 1- 258 70 62 or 1-258 27 01 . FOR RENT Large - Clean • Bright 2B D R M A p t. 305 N .E . Monroe. 246-5036. RICHARD'S CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Cars, trucks, boats, high q u ality, reason able prices; pick up and delivery; free e sti mates. 238-1783 Foot W ANTED Portable TV's, color or B & W , w orking or not w orking. A LSO Video Recorders, working or not working. B U Y -S E L L -T R A D E A & A Chalet 775-9139 H ig h Speed Large V o lu m e Used Copiers 684-0178 •A-1 CASH for junk cars, tru cks, 2 8 6 -5 5 7 3 , 2 8 6 -2 9 2 1 anytime. Ask for XU. C- 9046 B IG SALE on m ajor appliances. Clean & Sharp, m ust see. 7 days. D IX O N 'S APPLIANCE 760-6023. JEEP GOVT. SURPLUS Listed for 43196 sold for 444 for bargains like these call for the direct ory 312-931-1961, ext. 2141. I have compiled a list of c o m p a n ie s w h o s e stock is selling for less than its book valu e, have a P.E. ratio of less than seven, and a 5 year earnings g ro w th ratio of greater than 15% per year. N Y S E : A M E X ; O T C . Gary W itte m a n , 2723 N .E . 123rd, P o rtlan d, OR 97230. Phone: 252- 7175. Astro-Destiny BID OPENING OATE Furnish Digital Electronic PrivattPTelephone Branch Exchange for Memorial Coliseum. For information call Harold Vaughan, Purchasing Agent, 248-5375. 10% Bid Surety Required. 0 4 /2 7 /8 2 Improve W est Half N Gravenstein from N Lombard to N Russett. For information call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety & Prequalification of Bidder Required. 0 6 /0 4 /8 2 Improve as A District: SE 114 Ct, SE Lexington, SE SE 114 Ave & Construct Storm Sewer. For informa- tion call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety b Prequaiificatin of Bidder Required. B-D DRAKE WILLOCK MISCELLANEOUS DESCRIPTION Improve S W 33 Ave from S W Carson to S W Hume St. For information call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 2 4 8 4486. 10% Bid Surety & Pre-qualification of Bidder Required. As an Equal Opportunity Employer, B -D D R A K E W ILLO C K encourages all interested job applicants to inquire directly through the Human Resources Depart ment. Also employment opportunity inquires may be directed to any Oregon State Employment Service. 288-2968 286-4122 20.000 + read the Portland Observer’s classfied ads. — Big Deal? IT COULD BEI Call 283-2486 to place your ad todayl CITY OF PORTLAND . INVITATION TO BID 24 hr./day Job Hotline 105 106 0 6 /0 4 /8 2 Construct SE Lexington St West of SE 120 Ave Sani tary Sewer System. For information call Duane Gul lixson, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety b Prequali fication of Bidder Required. 0 6 /0 4 /8 2 Improve as A District: Kenton HCD Street Improve ment Project & Construct Storm Drain System. For information call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety & Prequalification of Bidder Re quired. MBE Utilization Required. 0 6 /0 6 /8 2 Labor, Material & Equipment for SE 56 & Hawthorne Blvd Relief Sewer. For information call Michele Ack erman, Buyer, 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety & Prequali ficatio n o f Bidder R equired. M BE U tilizatio n Re quired. 0 6 /0 8 /8 2 Furnish 6 Combination Pump-Turbines. For informa tion call Carlton Chayer, Ass't Purch. Mgr. 2485374. 10% Bid Surety Required. 0 6 /0 1 /8 2 Advertisement For Bids Bid No. 82-6B8A Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation Dis trict of Oregon (Tri-M et) will receive sealed bid proposals until 10:00 a.m . PDT on May 6, 1982, at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue in the Planning and Devel opment Division, Third Floor, Conference Room " D ," Portland, Oregon 97202, Attention: Ann McFarbne. Bids will be opened at that time fo r One Console Type Photocopier capable of reproducing 36,000- 46,000 copies per month. Successful contractor will ba required to comply w ith all tha applicabfe- Equal Opportunity laws and regulations. A R IES M ar. 21 - A p r. 19 F in an c ia lly , the answer is no to propositions that come your way. You might be wise to steer clear o f any discussions. All bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. TAURUS A pr. 2 0 - M a y 20 This is the week when all good things come to you— no matter whst you attempt. I t ’s a R E D letter week. The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon wiH not db- criminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin, in consid eration for contract award. G E M IN I M a y 2 1 - Ju n e 20 Every day this week brings a little bit more joy and happiness to you and your family. Enjoy! The bid documents, including specifications, conditions, snd rubs for bid ding, may be obtained from Ann McFarlane, phone: 238-4806. C A NC ER Ju n e 21 - July 22 Surprises are in store. A raise, a trip unexpectedly made, new friends— anything can and will happen. LEO July 23 A u g. 22 This week can be a great one for you if you only al low it to happen. Relax and let the sunshine in. TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON Date: April 22, 1982 John R. Post Director, Engineering and Contracts V IR G O A ug. 2 3 - S ept. 22 Experience is a good teacher. You profit from your past mistakes and impress your associates. LIB R A Sept. 23 - O ct. 22 Parents can pose a problem . N othing serious, but time consuming, and frustrating. The successful candidate will have 1 to 2 years recent safety and health experience in m anu facturing; working knowledge of such areas as ergonomics, hearing conservation and indus trial hygiene; and an appropriate degree. SC O R P IO O ct. 23 N ov. 21 A long standing friendship is in danger. It pays to think before you act— take it slow. S A G IT T A R IU S Nov 22 - D ec. 21 Go all out where your business goals are concerned. Your superiors have their eye on you. W e offer attractive salary, benefits, opportunity and challenge. C A P R IC O R N Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 You can gain tremendously by taking a conservative viewpoint in business. Y our associates will admire your stand. A Q U A R IU S Jan. 2 0 -F e b . 18 You can be surprised by the deceit o f a so-called friend. W ith friends like that, who needs enemies? PISCES Feb. 1 9 -M a r . 20 A short trip is called for unexpectedly. You can meet someone new who may play an important part, not only now but in the future. Please send a complete resume to: Personnel Manager Gilmore Steel Corporation PO Box 2780 Portland, OR 9 7 ^ » You may call Pam at 286-9651 if additional in formation is required. An Equal Opportunity Employer SA FETY C O O R D IN A T O R This local heavy manufacturing organization is seeking a professionally m inded Safety and Health specialist to monitor, guide and support its existing line-oriented safety program. Em phasis will be on technical input and staff sup port, including training, coaching, law and reg ulations interpretation, communication and co ordination. Send complete resume and salary history to: P.O. Box 3137 Portland, OR 97208 An Equal Opportunity Employer Notice The City of Bandon is accepting proposals from engineering firms interest ed in contracting to perform certain engineering and inspection services for public facilities projects in Bandon. The City is a recipient of a H U D Com munity Development Block Grant for the projects. Local, small, and minority owned firms are encouraged to submit propos als. All firms wishing to be considered must include in their proposals a statement demonstrating their commitment to equal opportunity. All proposals are to be submitted by May 7, 1962, and must be in accord ance with a format described in the Request for Proposal which is available from Ben McMakin, City Manager or Steve Heffley, Administrative Assist ant, (503)347-2437, P.O. Box 67, Bandon, OR 97411.