Page 10 Portland Observer, April 22, 1982 SPORTSMAN'S AUTO Hair Design Canter J E N K IN S A U TO SERVICE CvmflMbbnfPWOvwbaui .« n u a n t n l«a*a Jahnaon QuMNv aarvaoa guaraniaatf 4 ,1 » O n 3 B M N W illiam s 3M6N W illiam » T h is P a g e A re O f lo c a l B u lin a s te » aim1 B u ild A B e rre i 6 h X e ¿WlfiS A U T O M O T IV E O»*a a* aaamaaas 3900 N Mississippi Ave. Portland Oregon 97227 O m J« //. 4 f.y y s r* i. Gold Eagle Fleh M a rk e t Fresh Seafoods • Meat • Oriental Groceries Wholesale U rn a»"! 1868 N. Lombard Portland. OR 97217 Ph (503)286 9664 1014 N. Killingsworth SAM and OLLIE S R estauran t E» M a rk e t Open 9 00 A M 1144N E Prescott L _ 2 3 r^ A v e n u ^ ATTORNEY AT LAW Gsnarsl Plastics hLI^Union Devlin's Restaurant Ef Lounge .'HI MMlH Make this directory work for you call 283 2486 Restaurant hrs. 5 am 9 pm Lounge hrs. 11 am-1 pm 1332 N S kid m o re J IM S A S S A LO S 2709 NE 7th ROSE C ITY A U TO SALES BO D Y b P A IN T IN G Your doeer buy« more end more Nerei C o« beer end «wne Ooar «a hoaoava • 0 0 10 00 W e B uy & Sell 283 3285 Trader Dave CH U C K 'S CAR STEREO Sales Service Installation 630 N.E. Union A vel Hours 10-6 M f I FR ID A Y S B E A U TY ! 4664 NE Union 287 8256 3612 NE 16th 2430363 714 N. K illin g sw o rth . Portland L«OM40et*ona C orns | D A V E PE L ETT t llt M 1634 N.E. 7th 213-216 N E. Hancock Portland Oregon 282 3379 IITTAN « 8 Of Deb wee Portland, Oregon 97211 r t * _ ELLIS CLEANERS M R S C S W IG S 12701 N.E. 7th • 281-4372 . Let us renew the beauty of your garm ents. Our cleaning methods will do it. Expert Tailoring. Hats-Scarves & Accessories Styling 281-3662 3300 N. Williams Ave. ONE HOUR MARTINIZING 707 NE FR E M O N T “ ■ ■ " ■ T y i D T Y ’s“ M on Fri'8-6 Sat 8-4 '“ “ B E A U TY SUPPLIES Wholesale and Retail "W e carry products that art seen in Jet and Ebony Magazine " Open 9a .m . - 8 p m . 3612 NE 19th « 249-0363 The m ost in dry cleaning I Featuring same day cleaning and laundry service 1419 N.E. Fremont 281-6133 Saautrfui h aa and accaaaonaa «Aar a S ianor a Doeoa TAVERN Naw owner FalstaH Bear Glass 36C Peggy ft Jim M illar Bear Glass 46C W A S H IN G T O N SQ U A R E Phone 639 1622 IH io n a a ) 1 « 1 5 V acu u m C leaner Sewing Machine Sales and service Eureka Electric Co 1804 N E Union Portland, OR 287 9420 5008 N. Interstate Burgers. Shakes, Chicken Video Gamas. Take Out Only Subm arine S a n d w ich . 11-8 M on.-Fri. 12-6 Saturday CALL (206I 254-1233 14th e NE Broadway Phone Orders 282 38*1 Rag 1223-01 uustoDC190RQ SUE W IC K L U N O TR A V EL 1734 N.E Broadway Portland. OR 97232 C M d D eietnpre^ n r YOU ARE WELCOME TO W ORSHIP AT The Honorable Bishop U. V. Petersop, D. D. "The Holiness Preacher. "Pastor I Choir Rehearsal 7 pm Friday: "The Pastor Speaks" 7 30 pm Saturday Morning Prayer 9 am Showers of Blessings" Broadcast 10 am Station KLIQ 1290 A M DIAL Matthew Allen Watley, D.D. Church Phone: 288-5429 Sunday School 9:00 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Manse: 282 0067 2941 h(.E. A insw orth St. (C orner of 30th ir A in o w o rth l Portland, Oregon 97211 Divine W orship: 11:30 12:46 W e have m oved from 4800 N .E. 30th A ven ue. Church of God in Christ United • Louie Osborne 4800 NE 30th Ave., Portland, Oregon 97211 Sunday Service: V. aites« yos • eer4tal Atto fcoot m i b ffluaionarp Saptift Churrfy " T H t T IT tlH O CHURCH • b tU Q H tD TO T H t OLOHY OP OOD" N rtis Osateskels Aasasa. Psrtlss«. O r .m 77127 OMtrs H e . sat-mat • tarai æ P s m m Masai »1 un Weekday Service: ikop b M rs A L W rig ht Consultations Family personal, w eddings, funerals O fflcs hours 9-12. 2 4 Tuesdays thru Fridays 2*1 3132 O ffice 287 3848 H om e -Youar^cordiaHy Invitad to worahip In thaaa aervlr— I (603) 281 1600 "And I will give him the Morning Star." Early Morning Prayer Sunday Church School Morning Worship Evening Worship Midweek Prayer Wed. —Revelation 2:28 8:30 am 9:30 am ! 1:00 am 6:30 pm 12 noon A 6:30 pm 106 N.E. Ivy 281-4925 C om m unity Church of God 202 N.E. Skidmore 281-6678 Services Sunday School - 9:30 am Morning Worship -1 1 :00 am Evening Worship - 7:00 pm Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study - 7:00 pm The Morning Star Baptist Church invites the public Io the installation ser vices o f its new pastor, Reverend Tony Lloyd Lewi» on A pril 29th and 30th at 7:30 pm and on M ay 2nd at 3:00 pm. Reverend Lewis, who is from Lake Charles, Louisiana, attended Com p ton C om m u nity College. H e graduated from Bishop College in D allas, Texas, with a bachelor's degree in theology and from Pittsburgh Theologi cal Seminary with a m aster’s degree in theology. He also did graduate studies at McNaese State College in Lake Charles. M a s o n s hold P o te n ta te and C o m m a n d re s s Ball S t. A n d re w s C o m m u n ity C h u rch EMMANUEL Tuesdsy Night Bible Study 7 30PM f ndey night Regulsr Service 7 30 P M Prayer Meeting b Seminar Monday Friday 12 00 Portland. Oregon Morning Star installs pastor Sunday School: 10:15 -11:15 Sunday School 10:00 A M Worship Service .1 2 -0 0 Noon YPCE 8 30PM Evsngeitstic Serves 8 00 P M 4927 N.E. 8th Ave. Come to Community Church of God where you can alwaya serve God in the beauty of holiness, where help can be found in tim e* of trouble. 5828 N.E. 8th Ave. Portland, OR 97211 84 N.E. Killingsw orth • 281-0499 "A Warm Spirit o f Fellowship Always” Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 am Morning Worship 11: IS am YPW W 6 : » pm Evangelistic Worhsrp 8 pm Tuesday Friday Noon Day Prayer b U r»a »ed L« 129 NE Russell Portland. Oregon 2*1 « 3 0 Rev. T.L. Lewis B.A.M.A. Pastor Rev. and W ife Luther Banks, Pastor Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Cfturd) THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH QF GOD IN CHRIST Tuesday S e r v in g t h e C o m m u n i t y | M o rn in g S ta r B a p tis t C h u rch A fntbr UbWOon? Grades 1 thru 8 Bible Band/Jr Church 7 :M pm Wednesday: St. A ndrew Legal Clinic Reverend Thomas L. Slrayhand, Minister f Phone 284 1620 Sr K athleen B tupfer, Principal « ■ «rvtorverwie hb« brws»ee« k x x h enetka S X b r» ^ n < O akum Building Sixth Floor 6 1 * 8 W 3rd A ve P ortland. Oregon 227 2802 Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 11 ;00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundays) ST. A N D R EW C O M M U N IT Y SCHOOL 4919 NE 9th Ave 2274 Lloyd Canter GRACE COLLINS M E M O R IA L CENTER KEN TUTTLE (503)249 8303 Corner of 8th and Skidmore 5:00pm Vigil - Saturday 10 OOem Choir — Sunday 12:00pm Folk — Sunday D M D M P H f A M IIY DENTISTRY Consulslioria Insurance accepted Weekend b Evening hours 288 5892 ALLEN TEMPLE C M E C H UR CH 281 4429 E ERNEST GUILE. J O H N REED BOOKSTORE v tanetad m cvnenf book* about TASTE TICKLER W ade d «B W e avar budd dog HouMB< Km h. BenuH Oavara I. A A B A • Pastor Sunday -School ' • 9-30 A M Morning W orihip 10 M) A M . Bible Training Union A 00PM ^Evening Worhiip 7.3^ p M Affilisted with the Nalionsl Baptist Convention o f America and the Southern Baptist Convention fPAere at! peoples o f alt rocts are welcomed to worship. a s s e ir sis.iw .to , 2209 NE Killingsworth P ortland. Oregon 97212 2*2 7643 P o rtla n d , O R 97232 ST. AN DR EW S CATHO LIC CHURCH 806 NE ALBERTA STREET Reverend Bertram Griffin, Pastor 15 N Morris St 287 4632 V A N N S M O R T U A R Y VACCUM b S E W IN G N eed ty p e s e ttin g dona? Call 283 2486 <CaJ£miorder|J28V7472 ,odayl B u * W pour Bpecrbcetione NO JOBS TOO BIG DOWNTOWN T2a 5 W WaaTuneton Poniani 0 . ^ 0 0 »720^ Walter C Reynolds. M D Kalpana H Raidev. M D Physicians ft Surgeons 1535 N.E. 41st Qoftfes -Bwu v . ua*. P HIL R EYN O LD S M E D IC A L C L IN IC Dr Sam uel J B row n Jr Dr Carlos I W eekly. D E N TIS T 838 N. Killingsworth Homemade Chili and fries P ortland. Oregon 97232 (603) 282 9463 k'rroZ Thomas 3636 N Williams Ave 503 281 6566 -22JS£< P b J s T IP P IN IN N K' b P la c e 1119N.E. Broadway Heliiibl« • By apptuntmonl or cb MI C ynthia E. H o d g e, D .M .D 2 N K illingsw orth P ortland. O regon 97217 F R E N C H ’S R E S T A U R A N T Fam ily Atm osphere Opart Z a m to tO p m Breakfast Lunch-Dinner 285-3400 7331 N E U N IO N Cuetom dacM »or hot woe poob homo» A TTO R N EY A T LAW Ph 281-6110 P E Q G V 'S H ID E W A V RESTAURANTS N o K>toa to o em ail Kenneth C. Dixson 6211 N W illiam s Ava Portland. Oregon 97217 291 2*36 C o r a ai ana «Aooi a samo or pool els« <* N « anro> i n -uad NE U N IO N A D E K U M "W e nail to please you VERA S H A T B O U TIQ U E 6316 N Vancouver Portland, Oregon 1440N.E. Broadway Portland, OR 97232 282 7787 There « no B om M W h»r yuu « •* Vann Witts we uurtoey « s beamors 283 2221 U N IQ U E LIVING CONCEPTS C L O T H IN G Walnut Park Dental Canter Serving the community with quality work/quality servies I tophiea • Plaques • emblema Ttophisa • name platea For appointment call 297 1079 W O O DLAW N PHARM ACY Prescriptions W e accept Ali M edical Cards Pels & V eterinary Supplier W E CARE 289-3311 16 N M o rris St P ortlan d. O regon 87227 281 9931 ’ 1493 S E 82nd 6S3 7932 4220 S E H aw th o rn e 238j o / o . | We do quefc t y « o n • Alteration* • Drapes ÒR. CHARLES TONEY Protect your child’s sm ile w ith W e have top name brand shoes Nike. Adidss, Tiger, Puma N.E 29th ft A lberts 281 5819 Shoes ft Apparel W e work W ITH you to save you money) 2861 N E Union 281 0619 STEW ART CLEANERS Oper I 3eve a «uvee l e m I p m We give S b*i Green Stwnpe k«*xJht gnrb M hour« node* 34 N E K illin gsw orth Portland O regon 97211 291 M 1 0 B&R Family Shoe Store 255-6038 256 3863 It 1001 N.E. BROADWAY W O O D L A W N CLEANERS HUNGRY STUDENTS WZ covered moving van. P R M C C LIN IC PHARMACY CLEANERS V P4J Store • LA C N D R Y and OPV C L tA N IN G • 281 9496 ( J e w e lry 20» • TU X E O C rentals a a t B roadw ay 1603)284 9004 cell 283 2486 The Parts A Service People vs ‘ A* ” t , Broadway H airw aavars £r Designers Beauty Salon has the solution. A n ttq u e e A p p ra is a l S e rw c e W w fo r ma haaa « 1 er cara C o r a « «no c--e c .u a ou: W aaaaah’ N e w b D eed AppH ancee C o tfe c tib ie e WHY BE BALD? t T ra d e r D ave I s ta te « Portland. OR 97232 Make this directory work for you W ANT THE JOB I Affordable, experienced A P E X U PHO LS TE R Y Free esnm ates-Quality W ork A ntiques Restored Low P rices)1) 282-4609 FwrfM ture D E A N S BEAUTY S A LO N & BARBER A U N IS E X S A LO N * 6720 N.E. Union Avenue P ortland. Oregon 97211 (503)289-4470 (503)287 0693 2 Young Christians HOME Estates - Liquidations New & Used Furniture - Appliances Antiques - Collectibles Coins - Jew elry BEAUTY KpfwliJ 5600 NE Union M O O V IN G 1460 N E P reeco « P ortlan d. Oregon 2 8 4 TgSi 714 N . K illin g s w o rth , P o rtla n d OR 97217 PROJECT STOP Outpatient alcohol treatment for individuals and families »IM« isl progiam lor woman 182* N ortheast Broadway P ortland. OR *7232 BOOKER T LE W IS . JR DOS 4823 N. Vancouver BAROV T ^ C O Sportshoes our speciality Retailing and resoleing M S r 7 2 1 2 N E Union Ave P ortland. Oregon 97211 (603)287-1746 SOLE DESIGNERS OF PORTLAND Call 774-1171 4831 S.E. Powell M oving C trl STORE v w » * w a e o e oo Qaarwy « n a uraraaat Cat | k .» M a y ana W a to w n * R O B E R T A BUTLER .jy jjto . SHOES Custom Hitch Installation,« Fabrication. Wiring, Welding, Towing Supplies. Make this directory work for you call 283 2486 jd M o r rs [S ta tic r ^ U a o ^ e ^ ^ 8 4 5 O 6 O ^ Travel Roberts Jackson'* Owl Radio] TV ft Record Co. 3419 N. C. B roadw ay Portland. OR 97232 regular dental check-upsl BROADWAY EXxdkl 519 NE Broadway iPortland, OR 97213 OW talR 1536 N.E. 41st Make this directory work for you call 283 2486 For All Your Tow ing Needs Grocery-Cold Baer and W ine 264-7490 J Protect your child's smite with rsgular ctontsl check uptl ■J M IS C E L L A N E O U S K N O T T ST GR O C ER Y Complete Care Center Atlas Products Towing Service 7,6 N Alberta Portland, Oregon 603 264 0604 BREAKFAST SPECIAL I ) 1.1 111t • fill M Ull»»J .»It b |< »k« lf \ H v | m u S .u u h U niq ue I $2.00 PATON JEWELERS I JASPER I AMBERS TOWN SQUARE RESTAURANT JEWELRY >♦’ «»» \ H U N A N RESTAURANT 516 S W B roadw ay P ortland. O regon 9720* 2 2 4 *0 *3 D ijlU u iid s W .iltH fs (rw tìry GROCERS Established in 1912 end still I providing quality dry cleaning | at reasonable rates I hw re* Serna« w an Mon 10-6. Sun. 12 5 5*26 N E Union 19031 297 2060 ELK CLEANERS & LAUNDRY 3327 N.E Broadw ay Portland. Oregon 97232 1603124» 1940 284 0656 Portland. OR Quality at affordable prices F IS H M A R K E T Make this directory work for you call283-2486 Ph. 231-8108 Professional Services C o m m u n ity C N nw e C u m * w a»ia«i»q « W haa Hom iha Hunan a toodiusn Ready to Finish 1 900 NE Broadw ay Since 1932 *h Venomil 311 N.E Shaver S». Portland. Oregon 97212 297 « 2 9 MnfBout 10% «Í» « * esuges IM I Lloyd Cantor P ortland. Oregon 97232 OREGON RUG Cr MATTRESS CO. Introduces B O N N IE HOW E (Formerly Eastport P lan ) FREE comb-out with purcheee j ol a naw wig and . located m: N ew berry s Lloyd Canter NATURAL F U R N IT U R E Where ih * ta s i n «saffi» Open Bam 6pm Mon-Frt. 1*33 N K illingsw orth P ortland. 9 R 97211 2*7 7273 | Cu\t, uremr CHARLEY* OSBORN* CLEANERS Make this directory work for you ca!l283 2485 Jackson's Automotive 2106 N. Killingsworth Portland. Ora. 97217 286-733d C arlot Ä U y H e lp in g II 24» J AuroMonvi naFAiatMo both a Ih o t A re pro files Portland. OR 97227 Portland. Oregon c om r u * t a ( o n im u m iy D ire c to ry a n d M onae« Janwa Ha James C. Calvin. Illustrious Potentate o f the Shriners of M ina Temple No. 68 and Frances Odom . Illustrious Commandress o f the Daughters o f Isis of M ina Court No. 142, will be honored at a Potentate and Commandress Ball Saturday, M ay 1st at the Coliseum H oliday Inn. Dancing from 9 pm to I am. Under the leadership o f the Potentate and Commandress. the organiza tion is involved in youth programs, adult and family services, and senior ci tizens program. Proceeds from the Ball will assist in the continuation and support to these programs. Tickets may be purchased from members o f the Temple and Court or at the door. Community Calendar D ig A n d Be D u g In R e tu rn ," an oral history program based on the works o f poet Langston Hughes, PCC Cascade Campus auditorium, 705 N. Killingsworth, Saturday, A pril ¿4, 8 pm. Herb Cawthorne will dramatize the life and writings o f black social poet Langston Hughes. The program is free, but because o f seating at tht one-time-only performance, those attend ing will be admitted by reservation only. For reservations, call PCC Busi ness Office, Cascade Campus, 240-5300. I