Page 10 Portland Observer, April 8, 1982 JOB FINDER JOB DEVELOPER Contact employers to develop job training and placement opppor- tunities for Native Am ericans. H .S . diploma or GED, car and insur ance required. One year experience in Indi an Employment pro grams and knowledge of CETA III reqs. pre ferred Pick-up applica tion from Personnel, Urban Indian Council. 1634 SW Alder. Port land OR 97205 or send self-addressed stamped envelope. Grant re quires preference be given to qualified In dian applicants. Appli cations due 4 /1 6 /8 2 . 5 pm. Salary: $910 to $1,062 DOE. An Equal Opportunity Employer fin d th e right person tor th e right Job A dvertise in Classified PERSONNEL OFFICER Oregon State Hospital Salem Salary $2,177 to $2,649 monthly. Directs an in- s titu tu io n personnel program with responsi bility for supervision, conformance to merit system law. personnel rules, collective bar gaining contract nego tiations and com pli ance, ageing personnel policies and proce dures, EEO classifica tion and supervision. To qualify: Bachelors degree + 5 yrs of pro gressively responsible experience which in cludes management of a personnel program of major scope and com plexity. Preference will be given for personnel m anagem ent exp eri ence at a mental health institution or general hospital. Applications may be obtained from the Personnel Division at 775 Court Street in Salem, any local Ore gon State Employment Division Office, and from most other State offices. Applications must be returned to the Personnel Division, 775 Court Street, Salem, b y4/23/82. An Equal Opportunity Employer W HAT SHARPENING AROUND TOWN? LOOK FOR EVENTS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT SECTION LANDFILL ATTENDANT Regular part-time posi tion $5.35/hr plus ex c e lle n t M e tr o -p a id benefits for employee and dependents. Per forms clerical duties, accepts cost, and is sues recepits. Require ments include ability to use 10-key, perform arithm etical calcu la tions and operate com p u te riz e d w e ig h in g e q u ip m e n t . H ig h school graduate or GED plus 2 years post high school experience using calculator, 10-key and cost register. Ex perienced in public contact. Job located at St. Johns Landfill. Must be able to work Saturday and Sunday graveyard shift, and Tuesday swing shift. Obtain application and supplemental questions from the Personnel Of fice, M etropolitan Service District 527 S.W . Hall St. Portland. OR 97201 before 5 pm Monday, April 19. 1962 An Equal Opportunity Employer M ULTNOM AH COUNTY LEGAL SECRETARY • 1 ,0 1 2 -1 1 ,2 6 1 per month (DOE). This is legal work on a word processor. The opera tor handles all tran scription work for six attorneys. To qualify: applicants must have a minimum of six months legal secretarial experi ence as a word proces sing operator on a one- third to full-page video display terminal. Legal secretarial experience is that of preparing briefs, typing contracts, etc., which has afforded a thorough knowledge of federal and state court p le a d in g p ra c tic e s . Education may not be substituted for experi ence for this position. APPLY for the above position no later than 4:30 pm, Wednesday, April 14. 1982 RISK M ANAGER (Program Manager Specialist) $26,225-$34,097 DOE, with excellent benefit package. New position responsible for admin istration of Multnomah County's risk manage ment program, includ ing identification, eval uation and prevention of potential exposure to all financial loss. Three to five years of risk management or loss control related experi ence is required. Col lege degree in Business or Public A dm inistra tion or related field de sirable. APPLY for the above position by sub mitting resume no later than 4:30 pm, Wednes day, April 21. 1962 WHERETO APPLY: M ultnom ah County Courthouse Room 130 1021 SW 4th Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Phone: (503) 248-5015 A n Equal Opportunity Employer Heve the Naw Porttand Observer deiivered to your homo aach waah — Subscriba! PR O G RA M M ER S $24to$28K Excellent positions for qualified programmers CICS-DLI required with COBOL as main lan guage. Knowledge of assembler useful. DATA BASE ANALYSTS $27 to $33K Database specialists are among the most in demand of data pro cessing professionals. Currently my client companies are looking for four individuals who can assist them both in the new development and systems enhance ment. Good IMS is the prerequisite for any of these positions and c o n sid erab le e x p e r ience with financial ap plications on large- scale IBM systems is required. RELOCATE As a member of the Na tional Computer Asso ciation (NC A ) we can assist you finding a new data processing career throughout the country. For a confidential dis cussion of these and o th e r o p p o rtu n itie s contact: Bob Peggs (206)453 2700 (503) 224-2491 HOUSER. M A R T IN M O R R IS b ASSOC. C 90015 1940 116th NE Bellevue. W A 98009 9015 All fees employer paid. PLANNED TIM E ANALYST Housing A uthority of Portland. Temporary, s h o rt-te rm a p p o in t ment (6 months). Public agency looking for experienced person trained in planned time work order system (based on time and mo tion analysis) for main tenance departm ent. Trades include electri cian, painter, carpen ter, and janitor. Short term appointment to review refine and up date existing planned time system. Training ft Skills: BS degree in management, systems science, business ad ministration or related fields; knowledge of data processing meth- ! ods; knowledge of maintenance methods and materials; ability in analytical methods and techniques; and ability to understand technical and mechanical termi nology. Must have car. S a la ry : $ 1 4 6 4 /m o . Make application to: Housing A uthority of Portland. 1606 NE 46th Avenue or send resume to: P.O. Box 13220, Portland. OR 97213. Applications must be received by 4 pm (and resumes postm arked no later than) April 12, 1962. CLASSIFIED AOS LIST NEW JOBS EACH WEEK EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Voluntary health agen cy seeks exec, director. Position requires non smoking person exper ienced in management, public relations and work with volunteers. College degree or ade quate experience re quired. Send resumes and salary require ments to: President PO Box 115 Portland. OR 97207 by April 17, 1982 An Equal Opportunity Employer W ORD PROCESSING Word processing as sistant - word proces sing center. Qualifica tions: exp in operation of Wang word proces sing equipment, ability to organize work and set priorities; ability to work under pressure and work well with others; 60 wpm typing, willingness to work ov ertim e o ccasio n ally. Starting salary $11,310 to $13,987 depending upon background. Resumes must be re ceived in the personnel office by 5 pm April 15, 1982. In letter of appli cation indicate the po- siton for which you are applying. Additional in formation available from the Personnel Office. Send resume to Per sonnel Office, N o rth west Regional Educa tional Lab, 300 SW 6th, Portland, OR 97204. An Equal Opportunity Employer DOM ESTIC WORKERS W ANTED Cleaning, washing, iron ing, cooking. Call: Velvet Touch 283 0090 KEEP IN STYLE W ITH THE NEW PORTLAND OBSERVER FASHION PAGE JOBS OVERSEAS Big money fast, $20,000 to $50,000 plus per year. Call 1-716 842 6000, ext. 3819 INTERSTATE ACCOUNTING FIREHOUSE CULTURAL CENTER DIRECTOR (Recreation Instructor III) $ 1,7 04 /m o entry rate. This is advanced professional work d i recting the program and activities of the cul tural center. Some re sponsibilities of this po sition include: Develop ing detailed program proposals, budgets and fee recommendations; fund raising; grant writ ing; planning and coor dinating cultural and ethnic programs, acti vities, workshops and special events. Must have knowledge and skill in: program devel opment and manage m ent, fiscal manage ment, fund raising, su pervision, scheduling, facilities management, and c u ltu r a l/e th n ic programming. B-D COLOR AND DESIGN BEAUTIFUL EASTER EGGS... NATURALLY! DRAKE WILLOCK B-D DRAKE WILLOCK. international ly recognized manufacturer of a rtifi cial kidney machine jy jte m j hoi im mediate opening for S E N IO R To m a t » your own *a ftlv colored imprinted Easter decorations. you'll need some make- am ourself dvea. colion, cheesecloth. airing, and a selection ol ierren leave* .nd colorful flower» The moat common foliage available around thia time of year will probably lie I he leaves of roaea. violet*, columbinr. parales. wild carrot», clover, anil fern» but am attractive small frond* work well You can usually find Iratherleaf fern scraps and chrvaanthemum leave* among florist shop discard» Furthermore. »uch flower» as hyacinth*, v iolet», bluebell*, and lilac* w ill-w h en used in the manner dr»crilx-d lie low—often even leave some hint ol their color» on the egg» The natural dies in turn can easily he made from ingredient a found in your kitchen or pantry heel juice, yellow onion skins, coffee, red cabbage juice IwhH'h. surprisinglv. creates a blue lint), IN V E N T O R Y - COST ACCO UNTANT This senior position requires s BS BA degree in Accounting with e minimum ol 3 6 years experience m Accounting with background in budgets, general and standard coat account ing This position reports to the cost accounting manager and IS responsible tor the system ot internel control regarding inventory m ovem ent, es well as providing sufficiant and timely financial analysis thet will aid management to operate in an efficient manner blueberries, and blackberries Once your m atrn al* are together put the dye source into any non aluminum pot and rover it with water I .el the liquid cook until it starts Io color then add a teaspoon or two of vinegar to the water to help the coloring adhere to the rggshrlls (exception do not add vinegar to the onion skinal Clean off the eggs with cotton and cut the cheesecloth into pieces large enough for each to lie wrapped alaiui a single Easter treat, twisted and tied with a string la y one square of the material flat out on a table and arrange (he leaves and or How era on the doth keeping in nund how the decorations will lie positioned when the wrapper is folded about the egg Now. being very careful not to wrinkle the loliage. pull the cheesecloth lightlv Io gather at the top twist the corners a little bit and (hen tie the niulrr-ul securely in place with string iT h r idea is to have the greenery held so lightly ugamsi tbv eggs that the dye solution won t touch the protected portion ol the shell I Next, put the little packets in the dvr bath ihe sure the liquid covers theini and bring the water to a boil for It) to 20 minutes cooking and dyeing ihe eggs in one step lO f course, you can boil your eggs first and then just dip Ihrm into (he live The longer you submerge them in the cokiring. the deeper the hues will In- I When you remove the Easier symbol* from the water, cut the strings so you can re use your cheesecloth and im print* for other eggs Finally, let ihe ornaments ciad till they can be comfortably handled Then enhance the heautv of vour colored spheres hv giving them a glossy finish and protecting the water soluble cokirs from running Just rub a little butter, margarine, lard, or mineral oil on vour hands and coal the f as ter decoration» with it Ovr benefits pion mtlwdai. Medical. Dental. Life Insurant*. Tvitien rentiDvriatnanf Savings Incentive plan, and many ethers. UTILITY WORKER $ 1 ,4 1 3 /m o . startin g salary. Utility Workers do a variety of manual and semi-skilled jobs in the construction, main tenance, repair and operation of City equip ment and facilities. Ap plicants must have knowledge and skill in the use of hand and power tools; basic arithmetic, reading and completing instruction forms; have strength and physical endurance to do heavy work for e x te n d e d p e r io d s which includes lifting and carrying 100 pounds; have skill in driving a medium-size truck; have or be able to get a valid state dri ver's license. To apply, please fo rw ard your resume or call: Human Resources Department I B-D DRAKE WILLOCK 13520 S.E. PHEASANT CT. PORTLAND, OR. 97222 659-3355 I At! Equal Oppo.lvn.ty M.ipioycr I Copyright ’ W 2 TH | M O T m i R f AMT h Don't be sent home from school —get your immunizations and be cooil Same-day ser vice. Call 284-5239 or walk-in. Nurse Practitioner Clinic 15 N. Morris T 18% YIELDS Guaranteed payments by Scott Acceptance Fully serviced real es tate contract or trust d eed p a r tic ip a t io n . M inim um investm ent $10,000. Among current invest ments available: $10.762 investm ent with monthly payments of $149.63 for 35 months plus $11,200 at maturity. $22.000 investm ent with monthly payments of $330 for 19 months plus $22,000 at maturi ty $60.440 investm ent with monthly payments Of $656 46 for 30 months plus $69,829 at maturity Sales by prospectus only to Oregon resi dents. Call S c o tt A c c e p ta n c e C o rp ., a subsidiary of the Rob ert Randall C o., 245- 1224 A 0 G E S D I C E H X S R T 0 0 L E S R A M R D C B G N C S E E S T I 0 U Q T S Z A R I A V M G N N Q I R T P I C K C II C B u X c A V 0 A D V H D S P 2. W ife of Zeus (poss j F U L 1 X T E H D B J I B R F A O H P r, D E L I N C S A 0 D V 0 G I G R W J E J S 0 L I A C R S S Z L Z R Q D H G D I If M H N C B J O T s R M G U H M N M D A B M U G S K R K G A H C Q A I A H T R B I I I S B I. s Z A I B A I, W L J C A M S P I P C K 0 F .7 IJ S M P Q B Z O I G N 0 P G N T P Y 0 K r Z w Y kcu I M< >H| II II H i<$ if il ii 12 »1 W u It 42 45 it 5$ 41 «»4 *k »? A S T R O D E S T IN Y ARIKS M ar. 21 - A p r. IS Loit week's success continue*. TAURUS A p r. 20 - May 20 It’ l lova and ramonee oil this weak tshovugunces con be a pioblem. Cud, thole excesses. G E M IN I May 21 - June 20 Y<*| hove to plodon with lb« chungvt you hovi- b een contemplaliny. Profili con be rea p e d il you p j t y o r nose to the grin ditone. CANCER June 21 - July 22 Stoy out of orgumanti - you can't w in. Your time w ill came, but for now. retreat to safer ground. I.EO July 23 - Aug. 22 Lao may be regal, but try not to tax the patience ol otberi with your lordly manner VIRGO Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 Take itock of your valuer. Duel It urrpriie you to find that some hove changed? It's part of growing I,IU K A Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 Looking ot thingi through children's eyei con be re vealing in many ways you have forgotten SCORPIO Oct. 22 - Nov. 21 Your tolicitude of lot! week poyl off. gift from a grateful friend pi eale you. •S A G IT TA R IU S Nov. 22 - Dee. 21 Children con caute concern this week. You muif be In control of your emotions. Slow and e o iy . C A P R IC O R N Dee. 22 - Jan 19 We oil hove problem! and, rr-d helpin solving tom e of them. Friend! are in sympathy and give the nec- euary support. to your door Games W F C E V R A U 0 S M 0 P S U T 0 E E B T L E L N D F A Y N K D H P C M T E 0 K A E D L X Z N U W M R M P E 0 N I 20 19 40 ADVERTISE IN CLASSIFIED8I Classified A dvertising brin g* m o re c u sto m e r* 1' V B T C 0 Y B E L A X S M C N B Y G Me.i to in Sal DOW N 1. Sleep sound W O III» S E E K " D 0 L L S T S T L I T S J S T R E Q D new s 33 M ale sheep 3« F ru itin g spike of g rain b 38 F a th e r 39 A shield ie 40 Particles 43 Silent 45 Iro n o r gold }r 46 Doze Z6 47. T ru s t 48 Placea MISCELLANEOUS 18% YIELDS M A N IN PRISON Age thirty, w ithout friends or family who care, would like to cor respond with anyone. I am very lonely. M ichael Hardison P.O. Box 7000 Carson City, Nevada 89702 I ARTM M WH it>«q*. <> mf Neiu* «i | «ele* I qq P w q r x ACROSS 3. C h a rte r -------23. Short 4 John snoozes 1. A store Alden’s love 24. A t home 8. P an t 23. C ry out 9 N e a r 1 poet.I 5. C h a tte r I colloq. J in pain 10 G ra n t 6 M ilk lt a h 26 D r a 12 Volga 7 G irl a m atic riv e r c ity arts nam e 13 P lainer 8 M ake 27 W a te r 14. Epoch god HT» 18 Yes. in believe iB a b y l 9. G rows old Spain 30. Ix jfty 17 Consumed 11. S tylish m ountain 18 Compass (colloq. 1 33 Slice again point 16 G arlic learning 34 Sour (ab b r i nam e 41. — de nier substances 20. Ponders 19 W heel 42. Cunning 15 Unable 21 Reach projections 44 H e w in g to o l 22 Fast by to speak across south 1— r ~ I r - T ~ 5“ r ~ I i abbr I 23 A bowling game If 25 P ilfe r % 28 A fop >i n 29 A clergym an li <s 31 Music note 1# 1* SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS East Side Union High School District, San Jose. CA. Serves as chief executive for the Board of Trustees and educational leader of a high school district with 20,000 ADA; sal ary $55,000 min. Write advisor for brochure: Dr. Hazel Mahone c /o C a lif o r n ia S c h o o l Boards a s s o c ia tio n , 916 23rd S t., Sacra memo. CA 95816. Ap p lic a t io n d e a d lin e 4/15/82 An Equal Opportunity Employer M /F 32 FOR RENT Lrg 3 6 R house nr Jeff Hi. Gas heat, full bsmt, $312/S ec 8. Kids OK (2 -3 ). 2 5 2 -2 0 6 1 /2 8 5 - 5204. 2nd floor redec rtevqn« «mf on TH| you? nrtm« «nd Azktr«»» entl «»h fur R«pnnl N,. l j l l CROSSWORD PR O G RA M M ER ANALYST Look no further for the perfect opportunity — a chance to pursue a career with a stable di versified manufacturing industry. If you have 2 years experience in ap plications programming in COBOL, FORTRAN or other Business Lan guage. send resume to Employment Office by W e d s n e s d a y . A p ril 14th. N W M arine Ironworks P O. Box 3109 Portland. OR 97206 An Equal Opportunity Employer Please apply by 5 pm, April 9, 1982, to: Portland Civil Service Board 510 SW M ontgom ery Portland, OR 97201 OR Urban League 5329 NE Union Portland. OR 97211 _________________ ■nlornsgfton on t i l l » F<X FREE Wltft Lf AS1 p O Bo« 70 Mrnij4M»OnviM« NC 21179’ I'M «n (««•<>* lft<B papa*' M E T S N U F S S 0 T G N I R T G Q G Y-xj -.undo nowiotsg A lurprlio Anjwer»: Acrostic, Anagram , Backgammon, Bockninton, B illiards, Cards, C harade, C h ec k A Q U A R IU M Jan. 20 • Feb. IX Younger member! of the family could be a trying lot this week . I t 'i not a lack of communication, but of too much. ers, Chets, C roquet, P u zzle , Darts, Dominoes, Hopscotch, Jocks, K itin g , M arbles, Q u o its, Rebus, Riddles, S tilts, Tennis, Tog, Top, Dolls, Bridge, Ringtoss, Ping-pong, Rummy, G in , C asino, S o lito ire , Dice P IS C E S a good deal of your time. Feh. 19 - Mar 20 ed on both sides Portnerthipi in butinev. and locial sphere! arc taking • < I t m i .74 G ive and laku it ne.-d-