Page 8 Section II Portland Observer. April 8, 1982 The Professional Super Conditioning Butch Coors Curl "He's got a new special formulal Leave your hair in super shape —not dry no breakage, and very shiny—call today, and feel the difference." IT Complete Includes: 3 conditioning treatm ents, curl, hair cut, style and advice on home hair care Still Has The Best Curl In Town At The Best Price!! . Love---- Spring weather brings thoughts of love and friendship. (Photo: Richard Brown) I Call Now 284-1897 H a ir D e s ig n f o r M e n Si W o m e n 1405 NE Broadway • 284-1897 Now Open 7 Days A week 9-9 Program aids 'displaced homemakers' by H arris Levon McRae “ I see you’ re married, kept house fo r 26 years and raised fo u r c h il dren, b u t when was the last tim e you really worked?” A cartoon with the above caption hung on Bernadine G ilp in ’ s w a ll and it is a good indication o f how many o f us view housework and the people who do it. Ms. G ilp in is the co o rdinato r o f the D isplaced H om em akers p ro gram at Portland C om m unity C o l lege’ s Cascade campus. She defines displaced homemakers as persons who had been in the home for a num ber o f years depending on a partner fo r th e ir fin a n c ia l base. N ow , be cause o f death, divorce, separation or disablement o f the partner, they must go out and seek work. “ A person who comes out o f the home a fte r a num ber o f years and has not received a paycheck fo r the w ork she’ s done, feels very scared and unsure o f her jo b skills. M any have never had a paying jo b . We here at Displaced Homemakers like to take the things that people lik e doing around the house— whether they are a terrific cook, interior dec o ra to r, whatever— and show them how it transfers to certain jo b s in the jo b m arket.” D isplaced H om em akers is the only hom em aker program in O re gon still in existence. “ This is really a worthw hile pro gram so we have continued w ith no funds. We do what we can. We have a job hunt club, jo b placement, and a C areer C lothes C loset. The Clothes Closet was started to help people who need clothes fo r a jo b interview. Anyone that doesn’t have appropriate attire fo r jo b hunting is welcom e to w hatever is in the Clothes Closet,” Ms. G ilpin said. Displaced Homemakers is having a special w orkshop A p ril 12-16 to deal w ith grief and loss o f a mate, assertiveness training, and transfer ring their life skills to the jo b m ar ket. Ms. G ilpin adds: " I t may be that after July 1st there w on’ t be a pro gram . I hope th a t the people who have been helped w ill be a chain for people who need it. Homemakers for the most part are survivors and I have great faith in their potential.” EXODUS QS&ca&Jt&nt ' ¿ C a n t / fir t/m r n / rn /rr 1639 N.E. Alberta PORTLAND. OREGÙN 9721 1 284 7997 Quadripartite Mental-Fitness There are four basic or fundamental needs rhythms that must be met in order to ward o ff severe frustrations and aggressive behavior among all living beings, and particular human beings. When these needs rhythms arc met individuals immediately fall into a ‘ ‘COMFORT STATE.” These basic needs rhythms are: Professional Preference Curl 35°° (1) WATER AN D FOOD (2) COMPANIONSHIP A N D SOCIAL SETS (BELONGING) French Curl (3) SEX A N D REPRODUCTION (4) MONEY AN D /O R PHYSICAL PROPERTY 35°° Knowing and understanding these four basic needs rhythms or cycles are helpful in controlling “ AGGRESSIVE B E H A V IO R ” and the “ COMFORT ZONE” neither o f which are necessarily good nor bad. Aggressive behavior is simply at the top o f the needs rhythm curve; and the comfort zone is at the bot tom o f the needs rhythm curve. Knowing and understanding needs rhythms or cycles are in part what Q U A DRIPARTITE M E N TA L - FITNESS IS A L L ABOUT. We yesterday. Variety Salon 4554 N.E. Union 284 6017_________ 3516 N.E. 15th ______________________287-5618 f