K Portland Observer, April 8, 1982 Section 11 rage / ENTERTAINMENT HAPPENINGS ENTERTAINMENT International Star of Stars From the outset, Sheena Easton’s career has been earmarked for unquali fied success. Her very first single, "M o rn in g Train (Nine T o F ive)” was number one in the United States for three straight weeks and went gold along with her debut LP. Her second single, “ Modern G irl” (which was re leased February 22, 1980 in the U K ) quickly went top 10. So popular was "M o rn in g T ra in ” that it sparked a resurgence o f "M o d ern G irl” and the summer o f 1980 found Sheena owning the distinction o f being the first Brit ish female singer to have two records in the top 10 simultaneously. Sheena became the featured vocalist singing the title track to the James Bond film " F o r Your Eyes O n ly ,” and suddenly had three records in the American top 50. Sheena Easton is now a major international star with gold records in the U.S. and UK and platinum discs in Canada and Japan. Sheena performed at the Royal Variety Show in November, 1980 and stole the show. She was voted "Best Female Singer” by England’s Daily M irro r/N a tio n w id e Rock and Pop Awards poll and “ Female Personality o f the Year” by T V Times readers. In America, the major trade publications acclaimed her "Best Fe male Newcomer.” New dinner show production N O C K Df SfVKlf Sundays ai 6 p m Apr 4 II. I«. 25 May 2. M Norton House Restaurant 2 2 jj j7 4 j geserydtions ggtgjiested &CAR TELEPHONES Double Tee presents Tine Turner, A pril 25th, at the Euphoria Tavern. 7:00 and 10:00 pm. Tickets on sale now, $8.60 Whirlwind Of Energy Tina Turner is a show business phenomenon, a whirlwind o f energy on stage, a soulful singer, a choreographer whose influence has been felt in all aspects of contemporary music, a physical presence that has become an icon o f the pop life. Tina Turner is an international celebrity. She’s done several European lours since becoming a solo performer, including behind the Iron Curtain, and a whole slew o f live television appearances on both sides o f the A tlan tic. She became an in-demand personality on the T V talk show and variety circuit, became a favorite with audiences from Las Vegas to your nearest raunchy rock club. The woman has range. She’s nothing less than a star. It has, however, been a long road from Nutbush, Tennessee. Tina Turner was born in Nutbush, Tennessee, about 54 miles from Mem phis. As a child, she soon learned, painfully, to be independent, for, owing to rather unsettled family situations, she shuttled from relative to relative, grandmother to grandmother (spending an idyllic time with a beloved wom an named Miss Jo, who wasn't a blood relative at all), eventually moving to St. Louis, to be reunited with her mother. Tina, then Anna Bullock, was 15 years old. Already, however, certain elements were beginning to make themselves evident in her life. An earthy woman, a sensual woman, she was also a strong, resilient woman, yet with a sweet, rather sentimental core (a trait she has to this day), a woman who had "th e hurt put on h er" by people she loved. Tina was, and is, a woman who is continually questing, continually trying to learn more about everything. When she was 18, she was introduced to as trology, which remains (along with various other occult sciences) one of her most forceful passions. Always restless, she notes, "1 always wanted to leave the fields. Tennessee was fine----- I loved sitting under a tree at the end o f the d a y .. .but I knew there was m o re .. .th a t’s why I joined my mother in St. Louis. To me, that was the big city.” It was in St. l.ouis that Tina met Ike Turner, who had a local band called the Kings o f Rhythm and began a period o f her life (she sees her life, as do many people involved with the occult, in seven year cycles) that brought her worldwide fame and hit records ranging from her early, and still classic, " A Fool In L o v e ," to the Phil Spector produced " R iv e r Deep, M ountain H igh” to "Proud M a ry .” Some performers enjoy a wide range success, others have amassed a " c u lt” following. T in a ’s very own cult is comprised o f a legion o f rock’s most notable Super Stars. Her popularity runs the g a m u t.. .including ap peal and adulation from all ages. What can you say about Tina Turner? You can say that her already illustrious career has gained even greater momentum while you're reading (his biography. • w PRO STYLE SHOP 917 S.W. Alder 224*8401 (across (rom the Galleria) z PRO SHOP—STYLING SALON Specializing in all curly perms, styling & trimming. TCB • Care Free • Classy Curl & California Curl Gerald & Winslow COVO* c tW a *1* o **’ $4*1501 Perm g Reg $60°° Limited me Only J B B ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I 1st & C outh THE BEEPER PEOPLE, 713 S.W. 12th Street Call 224-BEEP for a free demonstration. Double Tee preeenta Sheene Eaaton, May 4th, at 8:00 pm, at the Paramount Theater. Reserved tickets are $9.00, $9.50 and $11.00. Now Sheena Easton’s second a l bum, You C ould H ave Been W ith M e , is quickly garnering the same kind o f plaudits that greeted her de but release. Team in g once again w ith producer C hris N e il, Sheena has made another album that show cases not only a powerful and per fect voice, but a tremendous range o f em o tio n . “ W hen H e Sh in es,” which captivated the audience at the R oyal V a rie ty Show, is a m oving ballad that reveals Sheena as tender and vulnerable, while the title track is a whimsical " D o n ’t say I d id n ’t tell you so" sentiment, captured in a lushly arranged ballad with superb harmonies. When Sheena gets into uptempo numbers like “ A L ittle T e n d e r ness,” " A Letter From Joey,” and " J o h n n y ,” her voice «oars like an eagle. These cuts are idea vehicles for Sheena’s live performances. Her first single release in the U K , "Just Another Broken H eart,” is a classic uptempo pop anthem and is a sure be to jo in her previous hits at the top o f the charts. She had had num ber one singles in six m ajo r te rri tories and has been in the top I0 in another I9countries. Sheena is a gifted entertainer and fine singer and the essence o f this ability is her desire to communicate. Dedication is the best description of Sheena’ s relatio n sh ip w ith her work. M any have called her rise to stardom meteoric— and to a certain extent, it has been— but the events that led her to stardom were not or chestrated for the faint-hearted. Sheena— the youngest o f six chil dren— was born on April 27th, 1959 at Bellshill near G lasgow . A fte r passing 3 A-levels she won a place at the Royal Scottish Academy o f M u sic and Dram a, graduating in June *79 as a teacher o f speech and dram a. H ow ever, she had already decided on a singing career and w hile at college she spent many evenings gaining practical experi ence working the local pub/club cir cuit. D uring her final year Sheena was successfully auditioned and be came the subject o f BBC T e le v i sion's “ The Big T im e " program which traced her struggle to enter the world o f showbusiness. This was followed in May ’79 by a harrowing live audition before some o f E M I’s top executives which resulted in a long term w o rld w id e recording agreement with E M I (U K ). READ THE FOOD SECTION EACH WEEK FOR NEW IDEAS IN THE KITCHEN GERARD PRODUCTIONS P resen ts JIMMY GRIFF AND HIS BAND THURSDAY, APRIL 15 • 00 PM. FRIDAY, APRIL 16 • 00 PM SATURDAY, APRIL 17 »0 0 P M THURSDAY, APRIL 22 8 00 P M FRIDAY, APRIL 23 8 00 P M SATURDAY, APRIL 24 8 00 P M SUNDAY, APRIL 25 Sunday Matinee 6 P.M. Donation: $6.00 Advance $7.00 At Door Royal Esquire Club 1 7 0 8 N .E . A lb e r t a TICKETS O N SALE N O W AT: HOUSE OF SOUND LOVELEE LADY ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB JOE'S PLACE )» )4 N. WILLIAMS 14 N. KILLING SWOKTH 170» N.E. ALIEKTA I N I N.E. ALIEKTA Portland, Or«,on 2171860 Portland. Oregon Portland. Oregon Portland Oregon 214028) 246 8253 288 8748