Page 6 Section II Portland Observer, April 8,1982 S portsman ? Professional Services JA SP E R L A M B E R S NATURAL FURNITURE ATTORNEY A T LAW General Practice 716 N. Alberta Portland, Oregon 803-264-0604 PATON JEWELERS 1886 N. Lom bard P o rtlan d . OR 87217 Rt. ISQ3I286 966« 1014 N . K illftig sw o rth 500 N W 23rd A ven u e S A M and OLLIE'S atm— 1332 N S kid m o re JIM S AS SA I 0 8 Serving the community with quality work / quality service 6316 N . Vancouver P ortland. Oregon 3804880 Rakeble • By appointment orca*! 3636 N W illia m * Ava SOI 281 «666 PHIL R EY N O LD S M E D IC A L C LIN IC M S k e tM e directory w ork fo r you For All Your Tow in g Needs A TTO R N EY A T LAW OWN«« MISCELLANEOUS Grocer y-Cold Beer and W in e 2 *4 -7 4 *0 Walter C Reynolds M 0 Kalpana H Raptev M D 1 PhysKiens t> Surgeons MSN Complete Cers Center Atlas Products Towmg Service Custom Hitch Installation Fabrication, Wiring, Welding. Towing Supplies M a k e this d irecto ry w o rk fd r you 619 NE B ro adw ay P o rtlan d . OR 97213 Brad Morris Station Manager » 284 5050 Child Development • Kindergartens • Hot breakfast & lunch snacks, 6:30 am-6 pm 12 years fed. lie. CAR STEREO Seta* Service/InsUkation 630 N.E. Union Ave Hours 10-6 M i l SOLE D E S IG N E R S OF P O R T L A N D 6800 NE U nion (503)287-0693 M o v in g M O O V IN G A P E X U P H O L 9T E R Y Free eslim ales-Ouanty W ork Antiques Restored Low P rice*1!! 282 M0* B&R Family Shoe S to re 256-6038 256 3863 I W OODLAW N P H A R M Â C Y | ERPICA N 1 8 N . M o rris * t P o rte n d . Oregon »7227 281 *831 1001 N .E . B R O A D W A Y U N IQ U E LIVIN G CONCEPTS C L O T H IN G SUE W IC K L U N D TR A V EL 1734 N E Broadway Portland, OR 97232 KEN TUTTLE (603) 249 8303 TAVERN New owner Faletaff Beer Giae»36( Peggy ft Jan M iller Beer Giaee48C 838 N Killingeworth 283 2221 V A C C U M E» S E W IN G V a c u u m C leaner S a w in g M a c h in e F R E N C H ’S R E S T A U R A N T Fam ily Atm qeprier* Open 7 a m to 1 0 p m Breakfast Lunch-Dinner 2*5-3400 7331 NE U N IO N Eureka Electric Co 1*04 N E Union | O R A C I C O L L IN * M E M O R IA L CENTER 4927 N.E. 8th Ava P o rtlan d . O regon (803)281 1600 E a s te r S u n d a y a t B e th e l A .M . E . C h u r c h , schedule fo r A p r il 11 (Easter Sunday): 6:30 am, Sunrise serice; 7:30 am. Easier Breakfast: 9:30 am. Sunday School; 11 am. M orning Worship; 1:30 pm, Salad Luncheon; 3:30 pm. Children and Youth Program and Egg Hunt. Bethel Church is located at 3829 N .E . 8th in Portland. 8008 N . In te rs ta te VARIETY Homemade C h * and fnee 1119 N .E. Broad w a y Burgers. Shakes, Chicken Portland Oregon »7232 1803) 282 9483 Video Gamee. Take Out Only ONE H O U R M A R T IN IZ IN G S/XG/XG GOSPEUG//TS, ix c . N e e d t y p a a a 11 i n g d o n a ? C a ll 283 2486 to d ayl I-Wer l e u t Blocket Jr Singing (« « p e l lig h ii In« M im uer will be prtuding every Mt und Sunday night on the Singing Goepd light« itandard program along with other goipel linger«, and will be bringing a dynamic inspirational meatage ai Oethtanabee Church o f God and Christ *01 N .E . Failin* St . Rev X L Menefee, Pallor ( jeneral public and all gntpcl group« and ungen are invited T A S T E TIC KLER The m oat in dry cleaning t Featuring aarne day cleaning and laundry service. 1418 N .E . Frem ont 281-6133 S ubm arine S and w ich . 11-S Mon -Fd 12 5 Saturday W A S H IN G T O N SQUARE Phone 6 3 » 1622 -------------------.------------------------------------------- -— — — ST. A N D R EW S CATHOLIC CHUR CH Phone Order» 282-3991 Reg <223-01 CuetoOC190RQ — \ ALLEN TEMPLE C M E C H UR CH 281-4429 906 NE A LB E R TA STREET Reverend B ertram G riffin , Pastor O akum Building Slatti Floor SIS 8 W 3rd A ve P ortland. Oregon 227 2802 14th ft NE B ro edw ay CALL (206) 254-1233 C om m unity Church of God 202 N.E. Skidmore 281-6678 Services Sunday School - 9:30 am Morning Worship -1 1 :00 am Evening Worship 7:00 pm Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study - 7:00 pm I C orner of 8th and S kid m o re Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 11:00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister 5:00pm Vigil - Saturday 10 00»m Choir — Sunday 12:00pm Folk - Sunday ST. A N D R EW C O M M U N IT Y SCHOOL Phone: 284-1620 Grade* 1 thru 8 4919 NE 9th Ave Otupfw » Prtodpol Bethel African MethoOst Episcopal Church YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH 0 F GOD IN CHRIST Coming Attraction 5828 N.E 8th Ave. Portland, OR 97211 84 N.E. Killingew orth • 281-0499 "A Warm Spirit o f Fellowship A lw ays" Naom i C. W righten M a tth e w A llen W a tle y . D .D . The Honorable Bishop U. V. Peterson, D .D . "The Holiness Preacher," Pastor Tueedey: Bible Band/Jr Church 7:30 pm Wednesday: Friday "The Peetor Speak»" 7 30 pm Saturday Morning Prayer 9 am "Shower* of Bletamge Broadcast 10»m Station XLIQ 1290 A M DIAL Church Phone 288 5429 and The Manse: 282 0067 Sunday School 9:00 am Morning Worship 11:00 am S t. A n d re w s C o m m u n ity C h u rc h 2941 N.E. A insw orth St. — * j O, (Corner o f 30th b AJneworthl ' S in g in g G o s p e lig h ts , Inc. Yearly Concerts Presents Five Gospel Concerts (tw o in the spring - one in the summer - tw o in the fall, Portland. Oregon 97211 ,♦/ Co-hoeted by: The Salvation A rm y - M o o re St - C om m unity C enter Sunday School: 10:15 -11:15 C orrectional Service C am ping Program for In m a te s ’ C hildren April 18. 1982. at 7:30 pm Bethel A M L Church •ATS N F 8th/Jarrell. Portland Ore Peetor Fide» M A Walley Divine W orship: 11:30-12:46 EMMANUEL W b havB m oved from -* « D O N C lOth A ven ue Church of God in Christ United • Louis Osborne Individual H andicapped Person June 20. 1982. at 3 pm Youth Divieton Secretary, Coptain Rudy Hedgtan Salvation Army Moore St Cental bO O N Moore St , Portland, Ore 4800 NE 30th Ave., Portland, Oregon 97211 Sunday Service: *< extee« yea > certsl ’ V V t L O O t n t to Sunday School 10, Worship Service 13 VPCE «»P M Evangelistic Service Hr»» bopf Ai«Sionarp Baptist Churrl) •rag n r» » « car/ecn • Dtuorto to tmi aLorr or Ooo‘ t i n 8. Oeatoakete Areas*. Partita«. Oreeee »JJI7 Oturnb Phone- » 1 Tuesday Night Bible Study 7»P M Friday night Regule» Service 7 » P M Preve» Meeting b Seminar Monday Friday 12 00 «46 • R a r e r and Pastor Phone Itov A Bmari Dever* I A. A . Sunday School ’ Morning Worship Bible Training Union Evenng Worheip W eekday Sarvica: C onsultation* Family personal w edding» funeral* O ffice hours 9 12, 2-4 Tuesday* th ru Friday» 281 3132 O ffice 2*7 3848 - H om e S ervin g th e C o m m u n ity P ortlan d . OR 287 9420 K'a Place V traJ Thomas YPW W Evangelistic Wortisrp Tuesday-Friday Noon Day Prayer St. A ndrew Legal Clinic ■ P & J J * T IP P IN IN N RESTAURANTS STEW ART CLEANERS Sunday: Sunday School Morning Worship 1 B R E U N IO N 4 D E K U M • TUXEDO RENTALS • • IA LIN O «* end DRV C LtA N IN G • WBWT 2274 Lloyd Cantar For appointment ce* 2*7 107» P tO O Y • H lD e W A Y Coma m and a*oo< • o« poor rto tow* WMto. *to 1 2 N KlH Ingew orth Portland Oregon *7317 P R M C C LIN IC PHARM ACY _ ELLIS C LEA NERS . Let us renew the beauty o f your garm ents. Our cleaning methods will do it. Expert Tailoring. 0 M 0 M P H FAMILY DENTISTRY Coneuletron» Insurance accepted Wees end b Everung hours TAVER N Prescription* W e accept All Medical Card* Pets « Veterinary Supplì»- ’ W E CARE 288-3311 281-6930 E ERNEST GUILE. W e Do Q uality W o r k - A lterations W e Do Drapery Open: M on-Fri8-6, Sat 8-4 Shoes b Appare, pharm acy Portland, Oregon m A! c iwios Steward Cleaners W e work W ITH you to save you _______ money!___________ I 128 N.E. Russell M a k e this d ire c to ry w o rk fo r you call 283-2486 2 Young Christian* W A N T THE JO B A ffordable, experienced HUNGRY STUDENTS W /covered moving van. HOME M o rrla S t 287-4632 8311 N W M ta m aA v e Portland Oregon *7317 Sportahoee our spec lekty, Retailing and reeotorng Call 774-1171 4831 S.E. Powell Grace Collins Memorial Center ntiSrs— . K* Kenneth C. Dixaon / D aviln 'a R e s ta u ra n t Er Lounge Restaurant hr*. 5 am-9 pm Lounge hr*. 11 am 1 pm I B R O A D W A Y EXXON Ph 2314108 1440 N E B ro ad w ay Portland. OR 87232 282-7787 B R E A K F A S T S P E C IA L M a k e thia d ire c to ry w o rk fo r you R estaurant Et M a rk e t Open 9 00 A M 114« N E Prescott K N O T T »T G R OCERY M a k e thia directory w o rk for you c e 11283-2486 4623 N Vancouver Traptvee • name plena $2.00 S a x » 1932 Established in 1912 end still providing quality dry cleaning at reaaortebia rates. M eritana. OR 8 7 2 » R O M U T A BUTlER-wen (803)267 1 /4 6 O TOW N SQUARE RESTAURANT O R E G O N RUG ft M A T T R E S S CO ELK C LE A N E R S ft L A U N D R Y Travel Robert» M U N I. Broedw ay 8M BA Peetor 9J0A M 10:30 A M 6:00 P M 7:30 P M Affiliated with the National Bapliti Convention of America and the Southern Baptist Cneivennon R'/iere alt p r o p ln o f at! r a m a rt rrricomrd Io rrvnhlp You are cordially invited to w orship In th — a service*! 1 Special Olym pics September 19, 1982. at 3 pm Hughe* Memorial Methodist Church 111 N E Failing Portland. Ore Pastor Elder W M Reynold« 6478 Sickle Cell A nem ie March 21. 1982 at 3 pm Bethesda Chnttian Church 109 N Emerson, Portend, Ore Peetor Elder R. Lawrence The U n ited Goepel Singers Aeen. Inc October 17, 1982, el 7 30 pm (jetheemene Church ot God In Chnet 801 N.E 8th/Fading Peetor: Elder R L Menifee 1