Portland Observer, April 8, 1982 Section II Page 3 OBSERVATIONS FROM THE SIDELINES B Y Kathryn Hall Boule C lu tte r* o f white wedding bells and gold ribbons announced the cel­ ebration o f the fiftieth* wedding an­ niversary o f M r. and M r*. Ulysses O. Plummer last Sunday when their three children entertained at buffet dinner in their honor. A few close friends o f the couple were invited to jo in the fam ily festivities at the home o f Ben and Olga Talley. Berna Plummer assisted the hostess along with her brother Ulysses O . Plum ­ m er, J r., a Los Angeles attorney who came to this city for the occa­ sion. The golden wedding couple were married in Liberty, Missouri during their graduate years o f college and moved to Portland some forty years ago to rear their fam ily. Plummer, during his latter active years as an attorney, was employed by the Bon­ neville Power Adm inistration with responsibilities to the U.S. Dept. of Interior and the U.S. Bureau o f In ­ dian A ffa irs. His wife, Bernadette, a social worker, is following her car­ eer w ith the C a th o lic Services to C hildren. She is presently working with Asian refugees through C .S.C . The golden-weds have 11 grand­ children, most o f them present to honor the grandparents on their spe­ cial day. A n engagement announcement balanced the day into a double fea­ ture when Olga and Ben Talley told o f the betrothal o f their daughter, Benita Lynn Talley, to Michael Gil- liard o f M iam a, Florida, the son of M r. and Mrs. Oliver Gilliard o f that city. Benita and Michael, both pre­ sent to receive best wishes o f P o rt­ landers, will be returning here for a summer wedding. Benita. as may be recalled, was a Portland Rose Festi­ val Princess. The young people met at Gram bling University. Both will be graduated in June from Gram b­ ling (he w ith degrees in M arketing and in Production Management, she with a degree in computer science), and each w ill be commissioned in M ay as o fficers in the U .S . A ir Force*. Benita's long interest in as­ tronom y led her into the study o f space satellite tracking and, in the military, she will be a space systems operations officer. • Recently, a quiet Black Catholic priest first shook up his church, then his c ity — C hicago— and then the very foundation o f the nation's structured in s titu tio n o f fam ily adoption. This revolutionary was in the city this week. He is Father George Clement, who adopted a son last Christmas season. FR. GEORGE CLEMENT “ There was nothing researchers could find speaking against a priest adopting a child. There was nothing to be found in the laws or canons of the church though the search went back several hundred years," Father Clemen, said. "The country’s news­ papers gave the ado p tio n lots o f coverage, it was aired on national T .V . and the Pope heard about it in Rome. The Pope sen, me his com­ m endations— and now, in H o lly ­ w ood, m o tio n picture people are planning a film about it. The film com pletion is expected by C h ris t­ mas, 1982,” he said. Father C lem ent, in P ortland at the request o f the Portland Chapter o f R O O T S (R eclaim ing O ur Own Through Support), spoke to a small but enthusiastic crowd assembled at Westminster Presbyterian Church last Thursday evening. " A home for every c h ild " is Father C lem ent's dream but his particular drive is to­ ward inspiring Black parents to adopt Black infants and children. " F o r the firs t tim e in 45 years there are no Black infants available fo r ado p tio n in the city o f Chicago,” said Father Clement. He attributes this situation to a stepped- up awareness among Black persons who could be p o ten tial adoptive parents. They are more aware o f the anguish and hardship placed on Black children who must grow up without parents or a home o f their own, he said. Father Clem en, noted that there had been a 500 per cent increase in the number o f adoptions o f Black children in 1981 over 1980 ad o p ­ tions in the nation. On a recent trip to Nigeria, Father Clement learned that Nigerians have no orphanages. "Children who need parents and a home for any reason are automatically taken in by some­ one in their village or in their tribe,” he said, and added that " th e con­ cept o f the extended family is tradi­ tional and operates with them.” In Portland, the ROOTS Chapter is under the d irectio n o f Betty Jones, a local high school science teacher who is a single adoptive par­ ent. Others in the ROOTS group in­ clude M y rn a H o lt, W a v erly G o r­ don, and M ax in e W illia m s . R O O TS, according to Betty Jones, works in close touch with the staff o f "G ive Us This D a y ," headed by V irg in ia P h illip s , P h .D , o f N ew ­ berg. A ctual adoption procedures are carried to completion locally by state-licensed agencies, according to Ms. Jones. Inquiries may be direct­ ed to ROOTS, care o f Betty Jones at 6716 N .E . Cleveland in Portland. • OLD TOWN MERCHANTS The Frame Factory “A New Concept in Picture Frames” Bob and Robin purchased the shop in June o f 1981. Bob had managed the shop for 1 Vi years before they bought it, and Robin had worked in the area for about 11 years. They feel that Old Town is a great area. The people and the area can’ t be beat. “ You meet a ll sorts o f people down here. We do all sorts o f framing from large commercial accounts to artists doing their first shows.” RIMPERS1 M rs. Ellen Law was the house guest o f Mrs. Carmen W alker for a spring break in H onolulu. The two educators enjoyed good weather and good sight-seeing during their two weeks o f island sunning. A nice H a ll, fresh from the fashion runways o f N ike shows in Chicago, and from in-store model­ ing o f garments at exclusive shops in Eugene, is mailing invitations to an Easter Sunday tea at her home. Hours are arranged for 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm to allow guests flexibility in the crowded Easter holiday calendar, o f events. • Over three hundred persons, sing­ ing and carrying palm fronds, parti­ cipated in a Palm Sunday walk from St. P h ilip the Deacon Episcopal Church and from Immaculate Heart C ath o lic C hurch to witness the blessing o f the palm s. The w alk ended at a gazebo in Dawson park. The walk and sing-along led by choir members has become a tradi­ tion for the congregation of the two neighboring churches who meet also in ecumenical prayer and praise and fellow ship at various times in the church year. Father M . Ramsey Schadewitz and Deacon Alcena Boozer, both of St. Ph ilip Episcopal C h urch , and Father Charles Lienert o f Immacu­ late Hear, joined in conducting the short, bu, moving open-air services o f Christian faith for the combined congregations. C oupon FRAME FACTORY $5.00 OFF Any Framed Picture in stock at $9.95 and over O ffe r G ood Thru A p ril 30th. 1982 • Specializing* • Designer Curls • California Curls • Relayers • Colour •C u ts old tow n 208 nw couch 211 N.W. Davis P o rtla n d , O regon 97209 (503) 228-1340 appoin tm en ts: 227 4228 Buzz's Couch St. Place 101 N .W . 2nd (& C ouch) Fine beer, wines & light dining Hours: 11:30 am-1 am (except Sunday) Buzz Willits ann o u n ces th e opening o f his ta v e rn /re s ta u ra n t Casual Comfort... In tro d u c to ry Prices Chicken basket with potato wedges & salad, K -chicken $2.65, H-chicken $3.95 a la c a r te with chips, fc-chicken $1.75, H-chicken $2.96 Hot Foot Chili Bowl with chips $2.50 Salad Bar with our spicy house dressing $1.75, refill $1.00 Great Nachol (Feeds 1-3) $3.50 OLD TOWN. 4-H m em bers p rep are fo r ternational culture fair. In­ 4-H schedules culture fair VALUES to *3695 ON SALE FOR *1990 ON ALL PATTERNS SHOWN IN VARIOUS SIZES AND COLORS SHOC MACHtNC ■lantzen Beach Center (across from Pay Leas) 28.1-5188 "S " M u s ic Makes the W o rld Go R o u n d " w ill be the theme o f the Fifth Annual International Culture Fair, sponsored by the members and s ta ff o f the U rb an 4 -H program . The event w ill be held S aturday, A p ril 24, from 5 to 8 pm . at the M att Dishman Center, 77 Northeast Knott Street. T ra d itio n a lly , the fair has high­ lighted the c u ltu ra l heritage o f people from all over the w o rld , through art, music, food, and cloth­ ing exhibits. Ethnic food w ill be served and music will be by various groups from throughout the city. Highlighting the fair will be the So­ journer Truth Theater under the di­ rection o f Nyewusi A s k a ri. M rs. Betty J. Hardy is the Coordinator of this event and Ira D. M u m fo rd is the Extension Agent for U rban 4 H Youth. • Steaks • Sea Food • Prime Rib DENNIS J. IR E T O N ^ '^ r a m ^ DELIBERATELY D E L IC IO U S BILL ALIEN • Late Entertainment DESSERTS IS S W SICOMD A V I PORTLAND OR PHOHI 112 8273 Do your shopping in Old Town Today Register now and vote on May 18th. 120 N .W 3rd Portland. OR 224-328? I r