FOOD SECTION April 8, fd02 Volume Xn, Number 26 Section II Easter brunch features ham by Ethel M oore For a lovely holiday gathering, large or small, nothing beats a buf­ fet. It ’s ideal as a brunch after early (or late) church service, and it can be fitte d in b e a u tifu lly w ith the Easter parading and subsequent fun activities. N o matter what the plans are, you can be a smart hostel» with an elegant b u ffe t bash. A glazed ham is the centerpiece, complement­ ed with a baked corn custard, turnip puffs in green peppers, Spring gar­ den salad surrounded w ith Easter eggs and assorted fru it tartlett* for dessert, now or later. Be happy and gay— it’s Eastertimel Enjoy! BAKED G LA ZED H A M Either “ ready to eat” ham or one that “ required c o o k in g “ can be used. Check label directions. Use meat thermometer. Marmalade Glaze M ix Vt cup each orange m arm a­ lade and prepared mustard, *6 tea­ spoon powdered cloves. Spread on ham for last half-hour o f baking. Madeira Glaze M ix I cup Madeira wine and 1 can ( I0 W o z .) beef gravy; baste ham during last h a lf hour o f baking; serve remainder as sauce. BAKED C O RN CUSTARD 6 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 cup diced celery 3 tablespoons flour 2 cups milk I cup grated Cheddar cheese 1 can (1 lb. 4 oz.) whole kernel corn, drained 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 teaspoon sugar Salt and pepper to taste 1 cup fresh bread crumbs Preheat oven to 35O*F. Orease 2- quart casserole. M elt 3 tablespoons o f the b u tter in saucepan; saute onion and celery over medium heat for 3 minutes. Sprinkle with flour; g radu ally stir in m ilk . C o ok over medium heat, stirring constantly, u n til thickened and sm ooth. R e­ move from heat; stir in cheese, corn, eggs and sugar. Season with salt and pepper; turn into casserole. Sprinkle w ith crumbs; dot w ith rem aining butter. Bake in preheated oven for 33 minutes. Serves 6. T U R N IP P U FFS I N G R E E N PEPPER S 2 cups diced yellow turnips 3 cups diced potatoes 4 large green peppers 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 tablespoon sugar Salt and pepper to taste C ook turnips in bo ilin g salted water for 20 minutes, or until ten­ der; drain. Cook potatoes in boiling salted water for 10 minutes, or until tender; drain. Preheat oven to 375 °F. Grease 10 x 6 x I Vi-inch b aking pan. C u t green peppers in h a lf lengthwise; discard seeds; parboil in boiling salt­ ed water for 5 minutes; turn cut side down to drain for a few minutes. A rrange peppers, cut side up, in pan. Combine turnips and potatoes in mixing bowl. Add eggs and sugar; toss lig h tly . Season w ith salt and pepper. F ill peppers w ith tu rn ip mixture. Bake in preheated oven for 35 to 30 minutes. Serves 8. G L A Z E D F R U IT T A R T L E T T S 24 baked tartlet shells, cooled 3 to 4 cups fruits, such as: whole or sliced strawberries, sliced bananas, fresh or frozen blueberries, mandarin orange sections, drained, fresh or well-drained canned diced pineapples, seedless grapes, sliced peaches, well drained Orange Glaze M cup sugar I tablespoon plus 116 teaspoons cornstarch Dash salt 1 cup orange juice 2 teaspoons grated orange peel I tablespoon orange-flavored liqueur M ix sugar, cornstarch and salt in a small saucepan. Gradually stir in orange juice until smooth. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 2 m inutes. A d d orange peel. Cover and cool. Stir in orange li­ queur. Set aside. F ill ta rtle tt shells w ith desired fruits, one type o f fr u it per tartlett. C a re fu lly spoon cooled O range Glaze over top, covering fruit com­ pletely. M ay be refrigerated up to 8 hours. Makes 24 tartletts. 77. ' Safeway Will Be OPEN Easter Sunday, 9 To 9 Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. ; Large PAA Eggs Monday, A p ril 12: H ot ham and cheese sandwich, French fries, cel­ ery chunks, apricot halves, milk. Tuesday, A p r il 2S: B u rrito w / meat sauce, potato triangles, tossed salad greens w/sweet Italian dress­ ing, sliced peaches, milk. Wednesday, A p ril 14: Hot dog on a bun, hashbrowns w/cheese, green Lucerne Limit 2 Dozen beans, chilled pears, milk. Thursday, A p r il IS : Barbecue chicken, whipped potatoes, carrot wheels, gingerbread, banana half, milk. Friday, A p ril 16: M exican taco, shredded lettuce A to m ato , whole kernel corn, apple wedges, brownie, milk. Mellos weet. Whole 9 to 12 Pound kSAVERJ *«• Lb. SI.54) DOZ. 14M A IK IN H I 1 M f IN l I» a .in In 2 p in w n - k it iV H Stil t AM t i l l 1 I tv ««g »I H H iiliiK 'in 1 N il H III.MI. 1 Pint Carton 8-Pack Pepsi IS-Oz. Bottle l ucerrte Goes Great With Your Favorite Bel air Pie Diet Light Regular Or Mt Dew Limit 2 Plus Deposit f i? Fruit Cocktail 17-0z. Cao Navel Sweet Jutrybo Fancy 1 fw & 1 5 Kodak Cheddar Color Film 2-Faart Loot Town House For Tasty Fruit Salads Lucerne Premium Quality Cheese C 1 I0 24 C 126 24 or C 135 2 4 Film 2 $1 Oranges I Avocados i h ir iiw i I JH i r?> Mrs. Wright’s Wheat Bread ’ Lucerne Quart Yogurt Bel-air Frozen Vegetables Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Celebrity Mushrooms Lucerne Cream Cheese Med Size California Fuerte toe-.w- _ _ ■ . A . / Q C 4 e. i m i I O Head & Shoulders Truly Fine Shampoo $2»8 Diapers For Great Han 15 Or Size Z U -G V P IA ÌI4 IN k- © ■ Lb. 4* O r g a n ic G a r d e n S t a r t s H a p p y O r g a n ic G a r d e n in g !! Safeway Qualify Beef Large End Cut (Small End Lb 52 78) r * Dry Pint lis k t l I i o r MS 9e Swift’s Butterball Hens to 14 Lbs Toms 18 22 Lbs WITH *10 PURCHASE Strawberries Locally Grown Bedding Plants Vegetables, Flowers, Herbs Available April 20th Order By April 14th Beef Rib Roast Grade A Turkeys" Whipping Cream School lunch menus Bone ess 4-DAYS ONLY * to 10 minutes longer to get doneness and brow ning sim ilar to that o b ­ tained in pre heated ovens. W ith the longer baking time, differences in energy usage between cold start and preheated ovens were not s ig n ifi­ cant. Volum e o f the loaves was larger and moisture loss was less with the pre-heated than with the cold-start cooking procedure. The findings are based on data from bakings done in a laboratory by 20 different adult participants in the C o lum bus, O h io , area. The study was supported in part by a grant from the O hio In te r-U n iv e r­ sity Energy Council. E OF VALUES I Preheating oven okay Recently, homemakers have often been told not to pre heat their ovens when baking as an energy saving measure, says Margcrct H am ilton, Oregon State University Extension agent in Multnomah County. However, the energy saved by not pre-heating the oven may not be sig­ nificant, according to research done at The Ohio State University. Fern H u n t, O h io State home economist, is studying energy usage in baking w ith and w ith o u t p re­ heating and its effect on the eating quality o f several different foods. She reports that when baking loaves o f quick bread in ovens not pre-heated, baking time has to be 5 Baked ham with marmalade glaze is the center piece for Easter brunch. $g99 Prices Effective W ed., April 7 Thru Tues. April 13 At Safeway in the Portland Area SAFEWAY