Portland Observer, March 18, 1982 Section II Page 3 I f you like caramel apples... I f you lik e caram el apples ro lle d in c h op pe d p ea nu ts, th en y o u ’ re going to live C aram eled A p p le Oat Bars. T h e y’ re a d elicio us v a ria tio n on those trie d and tru e fa v o rite s . A n d , th ey’ re so simple to assemble, you’ ll want to make them often. A n easy oatm eal crust fo rm s the base o f these super c o o k ie bars. W h o le g ra in oats n o t o n ly add te x ­ tu re and taste to these te m p tin g tre a ts , th ey also ta k e to p h o n o rs when it comes to g o o d n u tr itio n . B o th q u ic k and o ld fa shio ne d oats boast 7 B -v ita m in s , v ita m in E, 9 minerals and fiber. The w in n in g c o m b in a tio n o f chopped apples, chop pe d peanuts and ca ra m e l ice cream to p p in g comes next. A crum b to p p in g made fro m the same w holesom e in g re ­ dients as the crust com pletes these palate-pleasing treats. C A R A M E LE D A P P LE OA T Base: BAR S 1 'A cups oatmeal (qu ick or old fashioned, uncooked) 1 !6 cups all-purpose flo u r 36 cup firm ly packed brow n sugar 36 cup butter or m argarine, melted 36 teaspoon soda aspoon cinnam on S tra w b erry Sponge Tarts Strawberries are in and fresh The firs t straw berries, p lum p and ju ic y , are com ing in and y o u ’ ll nat­ u ra lly th in k o f some o f the m o u th ­ w ate rin g desserts yo u can m ake to ta k e .a d va n ta g e o f th is fresh f r u it goodness. Strawberries team up well w ith convenience fo o d s fro m the s h e lf o r free zer, lik e n o n -d a iry whipped topping, fru it flavored gel­ atin and prepared pastry shells, and yo u can have a “ lit t le so m e thin g sweet” w ith very little fuss. O ur fea­ tu re , a S tra w b e rry Sponge T o rte , adds a package o f cream cheese to s tra w b e rrie s and fro z e n w h ip p e d to p p in g and is p u t to g e th e r in a sponge cake sh ell. M -m -m -h , Sm- o -o -t-h ! W e’ ve also in clu d e d a Ba­ v a ria n and a S tra w b e rry Banana Pie. E ith e r w ill m ake a h ap py choice. E n joy! !6 cup sugar 1 cup b o ilin g water !6 cup cold water 1 cup strawberries, sliced 1 cup frozen whipped topping, thawed 1 baked 9-inch pie shell, cooled F illin g : 1 cup chopped apple 36 cup chopped peanuts 36 cup caramel ice cream topping 36 cup all-purpose flo u r For base: Heat oven to 350°F. In large b o w l o f e le c tric m ix e r, com bine a ll in g re d ie n ts , m ix in g at m edium speed u n til c ru m b ly . Press 2 cups crum b m ix tu re o n to b o tto m o f ungreased 13 x 9 -in c h b a k in g pan. Bake 10 minutes; remove fro m oven. F or f illin g : S p rin k le p a r tia lly baked base w ith apple and peanuts. C o m b in e ca ra m e l to p p in g and flo u r; drizzle evenly over apple and peanuts. S p rin k le w ith re m a in in g crum b m ixture. C o n tin u e baking 25 to 30 minutes or u n til golden brow n. C h ill 1 to 2 h o u rs ; c u t in to bars. Store securely w rapped in re frig e r­ ator. Makes 13 x 9-inch pan o f bars. So, the next tim e you get the urge to eat caram el a pples, rem em ber Carameled A pple Oat Bars. They’ re every b it as good and sure to be a h it w ith the a fte r-s c h o o l snack set. O f course, th ey go g re at w ith c o ffe e and company, too! C aram eled A pple O a t Bars Register To Win A Hawaiian Vacation! Last Chance To Register Sat., March 27 Fresh Bread Dissolve gelatin and sugar in b o il­ ing w ater. A d d cold water and c h ill u n til th icken ed . A d d straw berries; ch ill u n til very thick. Beat w ith elec­ tric m ixer or rotary beater u n til flu f­ fy and lig h t in c o lo r, a b o u t 3 m in ­ utes. B lend in w h ip p e d to p p in g . P o u r in to pie shell and c h ill u n til fir m , a b o u t 4 h ou rs. G a rn ish w ith a d d itio n a l w h ip p e d to p p in g , i f de­ sired. 99 ■s Colby Cheese 1 m edium banana, sliced 1 baked 9-inch graham cracker crum b crust, cooled 1 package (3 oz.) strawberry-banana fla vo r gelatin 36 cup b o ilin g water 2 cups ice cubes 1 container (8 oz.) frozen whipped to pping, thawed 1 cup sliced strawberries 2 pints fresh strawberries, hulled !6 cup sugar 1 package (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened 1 container (8 oz.) frozen whipped topping, thawed 1 baked 10-inch fluted sponge cake shell s3 STRA W BERR Y BA VA R IA N P IE 1 package (3 oz.) straw berry fla vor gelatin 69* Chili W/Beans Town House, Reg. or Hot, 15-oz. Can 58 c jde Detergent Laundry Detergent, 84-oz. Box Agent 643 9300 88 Limit 1 N e w b e r r y 's Lloyd C e n te r C o ffe e S h o p $1.11 SUPER SAVERj 12-4 pm Featuring Turkey - Fried Chicken - Fish Spanish Potatoes - Spaghetti 4 Salads - Dessert and Drink 12-oz. Can Plus Dep 'Slide/Moviei Developing 5 Coupon Must Accompany Film Limit One Per Coupon 20 Exp Slides *1.39 36 Exp Slides *2.39 Lb. _ btfb Vafcrt I»*«*« Navel Oranges 29c Seedless Grapes 98® Newberry’s Lloyd Center Coffee Shop Bel air Florida Frozen, 12oz Disinfectant Cleanser. 28 oz $5 39 Film Developing Good On All Print Film With C 41 Processing Coupon Must Accompany Film Add 25* For 1400 ASA Limit One Per Coupon ll2Exp ‘2.29 24 Exp ‘3.99 g20Exp ‘3.39 3 6 Exp ‘6 .2 9^ WSJ Prices Effective W ed., Mar. 17 Thru Tues, Mar. 23 A t Safeway In The Portland Area. SAFEWAY SALES LIMITED TO RETAIL QUANTITIES ONLY 1420 Lloyd Center • 288-6353 / i 4 $219 | Coupon Redeemable Thru 3/23/82 j S Coupon Redeemable Thru 3/23/82 8MM or Super 8MM Movies ‘ 1.39 ♦22« Assorted Varieties 6 to 6 25 oz. ■SAFEWAY COUPON I SAFEWAY COUPON Medium Size. Number 1 Served Creamed With New Potatoes. Thurs: Scalloped potatoes and ham Fri: Baked macaroni and cheese Sat: Swedish meat balls M o n : Chicken fried steak Tues: Sweet ft sour meat balls W ed: Sauerkraut and franks includes either Tossed Salad or Potatoes and Vegetable 99® 89® 89® 79® 3J1 For Cookies. Cakes Frostings. 12 oz. Blue Ml Natural 14.75 oz. 12-Pack Miller Beer 8 0/ 3?1 Chocolate Flavored 16 oz. Size D aily D inner Specials Sunday B u ffet $158 W ER i SAVER, Ghiradelli Flick-ettes Stove Top Stuffing Bel-air Orange Juice Hershey’s Syrup Dog or Cat Food Pine Power Cleaner Asparagus Open 11 am-5 pm Mon. thru Sat. Manor House. Assorted Varieties Safeway Qualify Beef. Flavorful Chuck FRESH TENDER Open 7 am-3 pm Cafeteria Breakfast Special 2 eggs, Hash Browns, Toast Beef Arm Roast Meat Pot Pies c S A N D R A K. BELL Specializing in Disability Lb. or Elbow Macaroni, Town House The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States 3866 S W Hall Blvd., Beaverton. Oregon 97006 V- 89 Long Spaghetti A rra n g e banana slices in b o tto m o f crust. Dissolve gelatin completely in b o ilin g w ater, s tirrin g 3 m inutes. A d d ice cubes and s tir c o n s ta n tly u n til gelatin is thickened, about 2 to 3 m in u te s . Rem ove any u nm elte d ice. U s in g w ire w h ip , b le n d in in w h ip p e d to p p in g ; th en w h ip u n til sm ooth. F o ld in strabberries. C h ill, i f necessary, u n til m ix tu re w ill m ound. Spoon over bananas in pie c ru s t. C h ill 2 h o u rs . G a rn is h w ith additional strawberries and banana- nas, i f desired. C rush 1 cup o f the straw b errie s. Add sugar to cream cheese, beating u n til sm ooth; stir in crushed berries. Fold in 1 'A cups o f the whipped top­ p in g . Spread evenly in cake shell. C u t re m a in in g straw b errie s in h a lf and place in tw o rin gs in center o f cake, cut side d o w n . G a rn ish w ith rem aining whipped topping. Safeway Quality Beef Small End Cut • ' . SUPER SAVER Lucerne Natural, 2-Lb. Loaf S TRA W BERR Y SP O N G E TOR TE LSI Rib Steak Mrs. Wright’s Super Soft White, Wheat, or Sandwich 24 oz. Loaf STRA W B E R R Y -B A N A N A P IE SAFEWAY •V,